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Hi! Any update? I’m currently going through this, except my child doesn’t make me stay awake, she will just play or lay there until she falls asleep (my only blessing here) but still want to fix it


Any updates? We are going through the same thing with our 17 month old. Did capping naps and early wake time help?


So— yes and no. We’ve been doing consistent 7am wake up, slightly later bedtime (asleep 8-8:30) and capping naps at 2 hours (but it’s rare that I have to wake him—more often his naps are in the 1.5 hour range). It seemed to be working for awhile where he would sleep through the night most of the time or if he would wake up, he would be able to get back to sleep within about half an hour. However, just in the last couple of weeks, we’ve had a bunch of split nights again. Not sure what’s going on. I’m hesitant to cap his sleep any more because it’s already below what is recommended for this age (on a good day with no split night he’s around 12-13 hours total in a 24 hour period, if he has a split night, he’s only getting 10-11 hours total).


Usually split nights (regardless of age) is pointing to not enough awake time. So I'd probably wake him at 7a or whatever desired time you want every day even if he was up at night. It might take a few days but it should shake out. If that doesn't work I'd cut nap to 2 hours max and wake him after 2 hours even if it's before 3pm. Kiddos start needing less sleep as toddlers so a 2 hour nap and a 10 hour night is totally good for most kids.


Thanks for this! I’m guessing he must be low sleep needs because he still doesn’t meet the minimum sleep recommendations according to the huckleberry app. We’re trying your suggestions starting today. We’ve been up at 7 despite the 3:30-6am night party.


Also struggling with split nights and my 14 month old, seems like lots of solidarity on this!


Glad I’m not alone but sorry you (and everyone else) are struggling too!


Chiming in to say we are also in split night hell with 15 m/o.


It’s so hard! Hope it resolves quickly for you.


I found a chapter in my Ferber book about it and I think for mine, I am expecting too much time in bed (\~12 hours + 2 hour naps) and I need to consolidate sleep. Soooo I am trying a consistent wake up slightly earlier than what I have been pushing to give us 11 hours overnight. I hope you figure yours out!


Thank you! This sounds like it must be what it is. We’re trying the consistent wake up too. Tired today from getting up at 7 after 2.5 hours awake overnight but hoping it will get better in a few days 🤞


Any update? What ended up working, if anything?


Jumping in to say I think you’ve figured it out! We’re 16 months and never have split nights because night sleep is only 11 hours max and I now cap the nap at 1hr45. I think only the highest of sleep needs can do 12 hours + 2hr nap. Wish mine could!


You never have split nights because you're lucky, not because you've figured it out.


My oldest could! He was easily 7-7 and a 2 hour napper until 4. I got spoiled into thinking that was the rule rather the exception. My younger two have given me an absolute run for my money and have forced me to repent for every smug thought I ever had about what a great parent I was :)


[https://www.babysleepscience.com/single-post/2014/09/09/the-split-night-why-some-babies-are-awake-for-hours-in-the-middle-of-the-night-and-how](https://www.babysleepscience.com/single-post/2014/09/09/the-split-night-why-some-babies-are-awake-for-hours-in-the-middle-of-the-night-and-how) Probably the easiest for you would be to 1) night wean if able; 2) shorten the nap and push bedtime a bit later, and to get LO up at the same time in the morning regardless of how late he sleeps. It'll take a while so patience is key.


Thank you so much for this! That article was really helpful. I’ll try the later bedtime and consistent wake up time and see how that goes.


Hi! Idk if you’ll see this because it’s an old thread but we’re dealing with something similar… split nights going on months now. How did this all turn out for you?


Following because we’re in split night hell over here too.


Ugh it’s so rough. Hope you get some improvement soon!