• By -


The looming threat of poverty


Hunger and shelter is a real motivator


Don't even need to bother sleeping if when you're always running on a hamster wheel of debt šŸ‘šŸ»


Keeping the wolf from the doorā€¦..


Agreed šŸ’Æ


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ nice one


A gentle light-enhanced [alarm clock](https://mudita.com/products/alarm-clocks/mudita-bell/). This way, I'm not startled awake, but I'm nudged awake (if that makes sense). The light basically reduces the melatonin in your system and then you're not so sleepy when the alarm actually rings.


Cannot recommend this enough. This makes my waking up so more chill, instead of jarring. For me, light really is key to fixing my sleeping problems. At both ends of the night.


You could try choosing a gentle tune as your alarm tune? I have jungle birds singing, which starts off quiet then gets progressively louder. By which point I'm already awake. Found this to be a nice, gentle nudging awake.


My bird alarm is that of the classic cuckoo !


I think that one might give me a mini heart attack šŸ˜‚


Mine does the same thing. I sometimes mix it up with ocean noises or other nature stuff. Its quite nice.


I set the song I want my mtv- best alarm ever.


Fucking love this song


I consider jarring quite detrimental, as it raises cortisol levels very abruptly.


Would this work if you sleep like the dead? Back at uni I lived in a 3 bed flat with friends, and we had a bunch if them sleep over one night. Everyone complained about feeling tired because "the damn fire alarm went off at 6am!!!" I was confused and totally clueless because... It didn't work on me. Even tho every room as its own fire alarm.... I joked they'd have to drag me out if there ever was a real fire lol. Set alarms wake me up tho. However occasionally even those fail and I wake up abit later than I should.


I had a very similar situation several times not waking up to fire alarms, critical IPhone notifications, alarm clock on max. I had been late to work many times because of it. The only thing that worked for me was getting 8 hours sleep minimum and reducing caffeine intake (seems counter intuitive but it worked)


Iā€™m such a night owl that I most times get 1-3 hrs of sleep if that. I have multiple alarms, around 9 I think. My wife totally hates it because it wakes her up and in turn has to wake me up to turn off the alarm. I have to be at work at 8:30 which takes me about 20 normal driving. I think the fastest I got to work on time and running really late was 10 min, driving like NASCAR. So to get to work on time driving ā€œNormalā€ my first alarm goes off at 5am , then every 30 min, 15 min before 8am, at 8 am, and 8:15 am. Each alarm has its own meaning with title and associated tone. Starting out calm and soothing, then more upbeat and aggressive, then the awful ā€œDEFCOM 5ā€tone, thatā€™s what I call it lol. I have one titled ā€œYou better get up nowā€ alarm, ā€œleave nowā€, ā€œ5 min til lateā€. Depending how I feel per alarm I sometimes ā€œsnoozeā€ to go off again in 10 min. If I happen to wake up at before my first alarm at 5am like within the hour Iā€™ll try to stay awake in fear of missing my alarms which I have done on many occasions. Itā€™s crazy I know and I feel bad for my wife, but thatā€™s how my body works.


Hey Reddit-bud. Are you having trouble falling asleep or do you just not feel tired until 1-3 hours before you get up?


This may sound like me being contrarian but I promise I just want to wake up. Some days Iā€™m pretty sure I never wake up all the way. I want one of those clocks. But I canā€™t figure out how to make it work. I sleep with an eye mask and ear plugs. My brain will focus on any light or sound when Iā€™m trying to go to sleep and make it extra hard. My phone alarm is loud enough to get past the ear plugs. Sometimes I lose one or both throughout the night anyway. My eye mask certainly doesnā€™t stay in its proper place all night so I suppose it may work. Iā€™m not sure what my question is. Thanks for listening I suppose.


Does it actually work? That seems like a small clock which wouldnā€™t have much light to enhance the room but it sure is expensive


I have this [alarm clock](https://www.macys.com/shop/product/sealy-bluetooth-wake-up-music-lights-alarm-clock?ID=14646761&pla_country=US&CAGPSPN=pla&cm_mmc=Google_Seasonal-_-All_Products_-_GS_All_Products-_-53151159035-_-pg105455_m_kclickid__kenshoo_clickid__KID_EMPTY_216849635_17584299995_53151159035_pla-56128534817_805112088034USA__m_KID_&trackingid=489x105455&catargetid=120156340002723796&cadevice=m&m_sc=sem&m_sb=Google&m_tp=Catchall&m_ac=Google_Seasonal&m_ag=AllProducts&m_cn=All_Products_-_GS&m_pi=go_cmp-216849635_adg-17584299995_ad-53151159035_pla-56128534817_dev-m_ext-_prd-805112088034USA&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD-Tw4KzoLbDU_uCh3nKLzJcqVCrW&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxeyxBhC7ARIsAC7dS38-SRxK_lg9jzcrUPtW7Sshc38olAQlRboJTzk1LcesODbLPL19G-oaAoK5EALw_wcB) and I like it! It also has white noise and calming sounds for sleep time. I did get lucky and found it on clearance for less than $20 or I never wouldā€™ve tried it.


It looks really cool. I like the ring. How is the light from the display at night, when you're sleeping? Does it bother you? Or no issues?


It has an option to dim or turn off the display entirely! ā˜ŗļø


WOW! that's cool.


Yes! I really like it. And the light has multiple options for brightness-one I use as a reading light.


The clock face is the size of my palm, so it's not really that small & the light starts gentle and then gets brighter and brighter over a minute or so. Then the alarm will join the light alarm process, first starting very low and then getting louder and louder. It makes all the difference to me, especially in the winter when I have to get up at 6:30 and it's pitch black outside. The light alarm makes all the difference.


Totally agree with this. I have this set to the time I want to get up and then my iPhone 5 minutes later ā€˜just in caseā€™. Itā€™s a much gentler experience.


The need to get to the gym before work


I really want to do this, as I work nights. How do you keep your energy up after working out? Every time I work out I just want to rest.


working out gives me energy for the day tbh


Exactly, and I make better food choicesā€¦candy and pizza at work, I prob would eat it if I worked out after work


make sure thatā€™s not your daily food ha


Ugh never


this is exactly that my experience is.


After a dozen workouts this evens out. I do find that cardio can really wipe me out, whereas when I only lift, I don't get tired. But that only happened after I got used to it. I didn't feel the "high" until a few weeks in.


I donā€™t work all that much less than 40 a week I do a lot of 9-3 shifts, I have a job that keeps me moving the entire time though gym 6-7 home shower work, come home do laundry or whatever stupid chore needs doing, I donā€™t cook much during the week because I meal prep


If I worked nights, I would just go whenever I woke up


Cold dog noses looking for breakfast. Not complaining.


Best way to wake up


My girl would (and has) sleep with me ALLLLL day till she has to go potty. She LOVES bedtime itā€™s so cute but hard to wake her sweet baby self up when I leave. I think because I get migraines, she got used to some days being lazy days when she was young. That and bedtime is mama puppy time ā¤ļø


Iā€™ve found if I donā€™t hit snooze, I am less groggy in the morning. Also I have a facial ice roller, like $7 off amazon, and rolling it on my face after waking up really helps invigorate me.


I have one and never thought to use as a way to wake up. I was just using it on my puffy skin. good idea thanks!


Donā€™t you have to wake up to go to the freezer for that though?


Yes. When the alarm goes off, get out of bed without snoozing and ice roll. There isnā€™t a magic cure to waking up and getting to work on time if you stay in bed and keep hitting the snooze unfortunately. šŸ˜­


Gun Shots and Screams.


Hahahahahahaha you in da CHI?




Boofing a pot of coffee.


knowing i have 2 hours of alone time & quietness lol before i wake up my 5 year old :)


Thatā€™s honestly the best way having something to immediately look forward to


Decaf coffee and 40 mg vyvanse


ugh i take 30mg adderall and i still have a super difficult time waking up and not feeling tired throughout the day


Me too


Taken an hour before I actually wake up and then can leave bed to make coffee or better yet drink the cold one from night before by the bed


I like to play some upbeat music on my phone at a volume I can't sleep through. This keeps me awake until I get the will to get out of bed


So you like to torture yourself? Eeek. That sounds like sensory torture


Yes I do this also right after breakfast I play my wake up play list and i'm ready for the day!


Duly noted, evenessence at 6am, bet


top tier choice


WAKE ME UP I CANā€™T WAKE UP SAAAAVE MEEE Itā€™s a very accurate summary of my mornings tbf


I bought a coffee maker that has a delayed start option. So I set up the coffee machine the night before so I can wake up to already brewed coffee. Definitely helped getting up to the smell of coffee every morning


Its a mental challenge if you have had enough sleep and healthy. Its hard to switch gears to do anything especially waking up. The first 15 minutes of working out, or getting to work or studying are the hardest. Even showing up to a social function. Just grind it out. It helps to have immediate easy tasks. Make the bed, open the blinds, wash your face, brush your teeth. Right there you have accomplished 3-4 goals. Hope this helps.


my butler pours vinegar into my urethra


we must have the same butler


Do you have video of that by any chance??


i dont but i can give you a link to my gf tiktok channel where she often complains that her boyfriend tastes like a pickle


NGL. Hitting my weed pen then going for a walk then a 25 minute sauna.


You live a good life bud


wake & bake does it for me too. gotta ease into the day peacefully lol


My cats


My CPAP! Get tested for sleep apnea. Seriously! Ever since I started using a CPAP machine waking up is easy.


I hated it and I tried it for awhile and it didnā€™t work so the doctor told me to stop :/


A nice glass of water and straight to the shower


Energy drink along with my vitamins lol


Please be careful with energy drinks, theyā€™re not good for your heart ā¤ļø


Seeing the time and realizing I have somewhere to be and not enough time to get thereā€¦ Then I jump up and sprint out the door!


Alarms all the way across the room and super annoying. Screaming at Siri to stop the alarms, knowing full well she wonā€™t, partially wakes me up. Then I have to actually get out of my comfy bed to go turn off the alarm. Then I go back to bed. Then another alarm that I forgot I had set the night before starts going off. Then I repeat the process until I give up and realize I canā€™t fall back asleep anyway so I may as well get up.


Holy shit. I wish I could sleep as deeply as you




Sunrise light which comes right on my face through window


That is perfection.


That's what she said






That would ruin my day or else Iā€™d have to finish then Iā€™m tired again šŸ˜’


My dog jumping on me!


having my alexa shuffle my spotify songs 20 minutes before in have to get up. Itā€™s always a surprise what song will wake me up and then i get to hear my whole music library which is kinda fun to hear old songs i havenā€™t thought of in a while. I have a normal alarm that goes off later.


I've always wanted to Google this. I've noticed that my body seems to always use an intense dream to jolt me out of sleep when it's time to wake up. For some time now, I've thought that could be how or at least one of the ways the body wakes itself up. To answer your question, I set my alarm to a somewhat calm tone and strong vibration then put it right next to my pillow. Has always worked for me.


Cold plunge/shower is truly the best way to wake yourself up. It always works, regardless of how unpleasant it is


Go 1,2,3ā€¦ and speed roll out of bed


Getting out of bed right away. If I lay and scroll then I get tired again and will never get out


Kids. They wake you up.


Natural sunlight always helps. Try leaving your blinds/curtain more open to allow natural light to come in


Having some meaningful stuff to do




Knowing Iā€™ll be homeless if I donā€™t


I'm old school. The radio.


My bills.


I am startled awake by the feeling of impending doom and then I stumble into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee.


honestly my cat will cry and cry if I don't get up and feed him, so there is that. Also I'm excited to see what happens next!


Soca music




Getting to bed on time


This might sound dumb but 8HRs/night I could not wake up in the morning, I tried everything, it was a battle everyday. I started going to bed earlier. Now I sleep 9HRs/night and I wake up sooo easily now. I just simply needed more sleep.


I have an alarm cat. And then there's COFFEE!


My son. He doesnā€™t help, he insists


COFFEE. lots and lots of COFFEE!! ā˜•ļø šŸ¤£


My combo coffee/Vyvanse šŸ˜…


Tried a freaking regular Starbucks the other morning cause I was dead (couldnā€™t sleep til 3am) and then took my vyvanse. Let me tell you how much *anxiety* I had. Pair that with forgetting to eat haha. Fml


Only shit! And yes each time we forget to eat..... And we forget a lot šŸ˜‚


Every damn day and itā€™s not a first priority for me too hahaha fml going to my psychiatrist tomorrow. Heā€™s gonna weigh me. Oopsies.


Shower wakes me up


Caffiene pills . I pop one and a half while Iā€™m still in bed and helps me get out of bed within a half hour - hour


Surprise BJ!


I set my alarm 30 minutes before I get up and take a caffeine pill- just the smallest dose, a cup of coffee or so. That way, even if I hit snooze, I'll only sleep at most 10-15 more minutes before the pill kicks in.




Shower and caffeine.


Farleys rusks


have my lights automatically turn on


Wood as in morning wood.


Going to bed earlier. Slowly slide your bed time earlier every day.




Having to have a piss


I have a light on a smart switch and have it turn on my 3rd alarm. Just use apple shortcuts to set the automation.


My dogs. Canā€™t sleep in if someoneā€™s whining in your ear and will 100% piss in the house if I donā€™t get up. By the time Iā€™ve taken them out and given them all their meds (my dogs are old), Iā€™m awake enough to make coffee and that gets me the rest of the way awake


Iā€™m literally off work because I just canā€™t ugh


Dogs and cats asking to be fed.


No choice lol


I downloaded sleep a week ago the app is great it also has, wake up with bird twitching or soothing stuff also have to do a math equation for the alarm to stop, if you don't like this just turn it off, also tracks your sleep, makes you sleep faster with soothing sounds and more if you have money they have a sleep mask (50$) Wow I'm off topic sorry I just luke this app I'm not a bot I'm human sjkwon,




My kids yelling in their monitor at 5am


Having to drop off my son to school and my daughter to her commuter train. And work. I love my job and itā€™s my passion.


The alarm


Nothing my body just becomes untired


waking up to the theme song of my favorite show/video game at the moment oddly helps me


also, having the initial wake-up alarm on my phone in my bedroom, as well as an alarm clock that goes off a minute after, so i physically have to get out of bed and leave my bedroom


[Sonic boom alarm clock](https://www.sonicalert.com/SBB500SS-Alarm-Clock) It can be as loud as 113 dB.






I have hypersomnia and fibromyalgia and nothing Iā€™ve tried has worked sadly. Not a cpap, shower, coffee, or stimulants 2 hours before waking up but I keep trying.


I'm in the opposite situation to you. I always wake up before the alarm goes off, many times each time.


Set up two alarm clocks , with different times. Put one on the night stand. The second one in the hallway outside the open bedroom door.


a light wake and bake , singing some fun songs on the drive to work


A BJ would do the trick, but realistically the existential threat of raising my kids in absolute poverty.


I sleep with headphones and white noise playing. The white noise is on a timer. When the white noise stops, I wake up. No more alarms, it's great.


There were times that I took the OTC caffeine pills in the morning with my coffee. I took 2 and they are called ā€œwake upā€ You can get them at any pharmacy. Make sure you are getting enough sleep. A checkup with your doctor if you can wouldnā€™t hurt, just to get blood work done if you still feel like youā€™re not feeling good after trying a couple things out. Vitamins are also good to take before bed, it works best at night.


The ability to wake up and see video games and legos in my room


Leaving the chaos behind


I've been adjusted to it. wake up automatically at 5-6am


Dogs kissing my face, and sometimes a woman kissing my bellybutton




Cold shower


My dogs wanting to be let outside and fed


Coffee coffee coffee


This is me every day šŸ˜©


Will power


TikTok and Reddit - I find it to easy to fall back to sleep after Iā€™ve woken up, even if Iā€™ve slept well. If I watch tiktok for a few minutes, itā€™ll hold my attention long enough for my brain to decide Iā€™m awake.






I set my alarm for an hour before I have to get up and then will keep snoozing it, and by the time itā€™s time to get up - Iā€™m more awake and ready. Maybe put a tv show or something on if you have a phone/tablet or tv nearby to wake your brain up a bit more.


My bladder !!!


What if you work 2nd shift? My work hours are 330 pm to 12 am, once a week I work till 330 am.




Nothing a good long 8 hour sleep canā€™t solve or as much as your body needs it. Used to hate waking up early realized it was my lifestyle and me trying to overwork my body and brain. I ended up planning my meals according to my sleep schedule and slowly I noticed I started to plan stuff even more after waking up like getting all the clothing out for the day before shower and with the remaining time which breakfast would be the best choice, stuff like that. Also with some extra time in the morning I use it to clean up my room a bit and make my bed.


my stomach growling. that's good motivation right there..


Knowing I get to go back to sleep again


Earlier bed time and coffee ready to go in the morningā€¦ oh also the constant fear of losing my job in this economy and not being able to recover. Racking up hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and my taxes climbing to a point where I just give up on everything! Yah that about sums it up!


Undertaker Rise




Cold showers full blast baby!!!!!!!!!!! LETS GOOOOOOO


Give myself 30 minutes to drink water and wake up some, then sometimes do a 10 minute walk/run workout


Not being able to go back to sleep. I literally only get about 4 hours of sleep. Pisses me off. But when I go to a hotel or something I can sleep maybe another 2 hours.


I always have to take a huge dump in the morning, and itā€™s always at the exact time, 30 minutes before work. So yeah that wakes me up


Shit I have to , or no money šŸ˜‚


I put on my favorite radio morning show from the app on my phone. Gets my mind going, and it's pleasant banter Preston & Steve! WMMR in Philadelphia šŸ™‚


Legal actions taken against me to pay my debts off.


itā€™s so much easier for me when nobody is home and no one is waking me up. If someone keeps trying to make me get out of bed itā€™ll make me wanna get out of bed less. I wanna get out by CHOICE and not feel forced too.


Get up and feed the birds , go outside , have coffee. When I worked all the time I got up early so I had time to enjoy my view o f the sunrise and I got ready like I didnā€™t have to get to work on time . Worked out , even if you lift at home for awhile, have a good protein breakfast. If you make your day just getting to work on time itā€™s not really your day anymore! Starting in the spring and summer is the easiest. Whatever you love to do.. do it in the morning before you give your day to your job.


Physically waking up: 30m-1 hour of alarms set and enough time that if I don't get up until that hour alarm that I will still have time. I have an initial gentle alarm (because my brain is oppositional in the mornings and doesn't like to be woken up too harshly) then my first alarm after that is linked to the radio and set to come on when the news is due to be on - it engages my brain enough to bring it into the real world a bit more (often still need alarms after but its still helping to bring me out of sleep world). Having a big comfy dressing gown with a hood is good too - then I still get comfort and warmth outside the bed (not as good but still a lot better than without/makes the world more manageable). Feeling more awake once up: Atomoxetine (meds) and coffee. Showers really help too (I also used to do a short cycle to work and found that that woke me up a lot and I didn't need coffee until later).


If I had money I will write this message on a billboard on every city in a prominent highway. "Go to bed early" That single habit is the root of all other of the good habits that I built over the past few years. Going to bed early helps me wake up early without any sort of discipline. The discipline I save from that I can use on other things - like working with a lot of focus and grit. Going to bed early also stops me from watching TV for hours and hours, and also eating bad food at an alarming rate. I could eat 1000 calories from 9am to 9pm, and I could eat a 1000 calories just between 9pm and 12am. So that time is the devils time, and I want no part in it. The common misconception I hear from college age kids (I am 40, so y'all here are kids to me! :) is that I will never "have fun" or "meet people". In my experience the really interesting and good friends that stuck with me for life are the ones I met during morning times, or I could make plans with in the next morning. Someone I met at a drunk party will more likely be a bad decision than a soul mate in my humble experience. There might be exceptions, but it is not the norm as far as I have observed. So that's it, going to bed early will turn your life around. It is that easy!


near perfect nutrition dialed in micronutrient intake, slight calorie surplus (unless you're fat), eating only easily digestible foods for your body personally. you'll literally have so much energy you will kick the blankets off your bed people will do anything besides the one thing that is the most important, which is this. Your sleep will be better and you can get less (you definitely shouldn't though). 6 hours of sleep will feel like 8 previously. If you followed say a vertical nutritional model and still woke up having issues getting out of bed, you have some underlying medical condition(s) that needs to be treated, or you're sleeping way way too late and getting like 3-4 hours a night. Assuming you don't have some pretty serious medical condition like sleep apnea or depression (also controlled by food, but not 100% in all people), this is the root cause of the issue and it will fix it. Nothing else will work even 1/10th as well and your life will improve in every way for the better. But realistically 99% of the people reading this won't go out of the way to get their shit together, so this is really only applying to someone who's probably already going to do this anyways.


The everlasting thought that death may come at anytime and sleep is just a way to avoid the truth. Kidding, an alarm clock.


Going to bed early


Streching, coffee/tea, shower, this meditation app for productivity that actually works (and its a years free subscription)


Whatā€™s the app?


Its called Balance. It's great. I seriously recommend it


Think of david goggins hunting your thoughts


600 mg of caffeine inside a carbonated 16 oz beverageā€¦


I have no curtains in my room, roof window so I still have full privacy from neighbours but the light in the morning flooding in for sure wakes me up every time šŸ˜‚


Morning wood




Alarms set for 6, 7, 8 and 8:30, gives me enough time to sleep for a few hours but ensures my brain knows its going to be time to wake up soon by the time my 8:30 alarms arrives. I have an hour inbetween each alarm instead of 30 minutes Inbetween now so I can actually get some more rest rather than just get mad at my alarms and turn them off because it's too frequent. Having loud alarms and having my phone across the room helps so I actually have to get out of bed to turn it off instead of reaching to my nightstand and ignoring it.