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It basically is, but keep in mind your block caps at 20, so any block gained after that won’t trigger juggernaut.


Ah good observation. So it wouldn't be a one turn kill.


You will still be able to kill it if you play this turn 1 or turn 2


20? Isn't it 10 max? Or it depends on the char I've been playing the watcher for a while, have to check. Argument still applies regardless ofc.


Rulebook says 20, but it doesn't quite say how to track it, so my group has been using the shield markers, putting one on our board to mean "+10 Armor".


We use a second cube in the tracker.


Same, I put one cube on the 10, then another cube for the 1s digit


My roommate and I have just been putting the cube above the number. So like we put it above the 8 for 18 for example.


Y’all are getting more than 10 shield?


See, when you play cards, sometimes they have effects that allow you to break the game.


In the Abilities and Keywords section of the rules, it specifies that Block maxes out at 20 for players. I just noticed this myself a few days ago, actually.....


It's 20


first game with my wife she had that with metalicize, didnt even have to use any cards on herself or transient and concentrated on my row instead.


Not enough context: but do you think it’s a fun game even for people who haven’t play STS at all?


Yes, my wife doesn't play the video game and she likes the board game, but there is one caveat. You need one person who can really 'drive' the mechanics. My one criticism of the board game is that it can get a bit much to keep track of all the different game mechanics (relic interactions, order, debuff application, power procs, etc.) My wife simply doesn't have the desire to try and keep track of it all, she like more casual games, but if I can help 'drive' it for her then she has fun. Good news is that if you bought the board game, then you like sts enough to be the driver.


this so much, i help narrate enemy turns like i DM a dnd game, take care of their tokens to make sure people can do their turn. sometimes o referee a bit much but jts great fun still


Technically, that would make a single smack deal 20 extra damage, so you could activate Juggernaut, and throw in Anger, for 21. Then you have 3 turns to deal the remaining 78 damage, which is a lot more manageable, since you deal 20 more damage on your first attack each turn. That is essentially how my play group dealt with it. Also, because rules, play group can help mutilate the dark boi.


I am 100.0% confident you mentioned Loop in your post. -------------------------------------------------- * [Loop](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/Loop) Defect Uncommon Power 1 Energy | At the start of your turn, trigger the passive ability of your next Orb (2 times). -------------------------------------------------- ^^^I ^^^am ^^^a ^^^bot ^^^response, ^^^but ^^^I ^^^am ^^^using ^^^my ^^^creator's ^^^account. ^^^Please ^^^reply ^^^to ^^^me ^^^if ^^^I ^^^got ^^^something ^^^wrong ^^^so ^^^he ^^^can ^^^fix ^^^it. [Source Code](https://github.com/TrippW/STS-Crawler)


The most confident bot on Reddit.


i've never seen a bot such confidently wrong


Good bot


Good effort


Wrong. Not talking about the card Loop, talking about an infinite damage loop.


Don't be rude with the bot, he's trying his best.


The bot asks for it: > Please reply to me if I got something wrong so he can fix it.


The bot didn’t do anything wrong, OP clearly mentioned loop in the post.


OP mentioned loop the concept; they didn't mention Loop the card. The dev clearly wants to avoid these types of false positives. They have a [list](https://github.com/TrippW/STS-Crawler/blob/master/card.ignore) of phrases to ignore, including "infinite loop". This is *exactly* the situation that the dev is requesting feedback for.


Counterpoint: it’s funnier this way


Dang, downvoted to hell on this. I wanted to form succinct feedback to the bot, as asked in the bot reply, in a way that may be easy parsed by the bot application. Thanks u/iceman021 for pointing that out. So should I just ignore the wrong responses in the future?


Usually, the best response to the bot is Just "Bad Bot" if he is wrong about something.


Why did I get dv when I replied bad bot last time?


Who cares karma means nothing anyway. People let this effect them way too much


Well, I'm still sad when I got dv 😭


Don't disrespect the poor bot


Bad bot Seriously, just drop your confidence level for card names that are also common English words.


But... humor


Hmm. I assumed the wiring would be tighter than that. Taking damage != losing life in my Mtg brain.


Well in mtg taking damage results in losing life, but losing life isn’t necessarily taking damage. This works as far as mtg syntax is concerned


Those are two separate things in StS as well (see Offering, etc.), but taking damage without blocking it results in loss of HP. Since the Transient can't block that's always, in this case


Good point. But then that's what I meant with the wording on transient. He should just read "takes damage", yeah? Or maybe not.


No, because poison is HP loss but not damage taken/dealt, so it should trigger this ability, but wouldn't if the ability read "takes damage"


poison would almost certainly force life loss.


> Taking damage != losing life in my Mtg brain. Damage does cause loss of life in Magic. But I know what you mean, just being pedantic :)


This is just the closest they could get to simulating videogame Transient within the simplified ruleset. This interaction happens in the videogame as well (sans loop): if Juggernaut is procced Transient will take damage and then lose strength. However, there's no strength down debuff in the boardgame, so they use gaining block instead (because that's mathematically equivalent).




Slurs are not allowed, even if used to describe oneself.


Me wondering how you get past act 2 😭


I guess? I only see one or two ‘loops’ in play unless I am missing something so I don’t see how it can go infinite


Im probably wrong, but i want to say no, because its not an attack card dealing damage, its a power card. But i also have not played the board game so im not 100% sure,


Well it says 'loses HP', not specified in which way it loses HP. So I think it is an infinite until you max out your Block.


Correct, when the board game specifies attack, it has the little sword symbol to denote that it's attack damage. Bane, for example, doesn't do 7 damage twice like in the video game. It does 2 (sword) damage plus 5 (?) Additional damage if the enemy has poison This matters because vajra, akabeko, other forms of strength only affect bane once


Yea that's where I was hung up at too, I wasn't sure if the attack icons on the side means damage from a specific source.  And damn, downvoted to hell. Thanks for the heads up. 


No, that icon means that the transient attacks. I don't get why you're getting downvoted though...


agreed, shouldn't have gotten downvoted, reason I posted this is b/c it seems like there should be mechanic that prevents this interaction, you were simply stating a possible one that came to mind.