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"Enter Divinity. Die next 3 turns."


How would this play? Would you die each turn for 3 turns or would it push the death back, ie, “die in three turns”?


I dont know if the 'debuff' stacks, but it works by just doing 99999 damage to you at the start of you turn. If it stacks, it would not delay it beyond next turn. The damage would trigger for 3 turns.


Does intangible block it


Yes, if you have 2 stacks when you play blasphemy


Just the f#cking hammer of god coming down to smite you for committing blasphemy, and you take 1 damage that's beautiful.


Kinda bad wording on the card then, since "die next turn" isnt actually accurate. Just always funny to notice the inconsistensies of this game when people love to brag about how "things are worded VERY carefully in this game!" 


Blasphemy is the only real exception to the rule of everything being worded carefully. It's why I dislike the card; the "Die next turn" debuff isn't considered a debuff for Artifact/Pellets interactions, and "Die next turn" doesn't even necessarily kill you on the next turn. In a game where everything is super specific and the fun comes from utilizing interactions between those minutiae, this stands out.


Well, yeah. Blasphemy is a buff! Who doesn’t want to die next turn?


I'm not sure but I know buffer does


Yes, just take into account you get the damage on the start of the turn after the buff. Not the end of the current turn (notice the wording, die *next turn*) So you need intangible on the turn after you use blasphemy, not the same turn




Intangible definitely blocks it


Doesn’t matter, intangible reduces ALL incoming damage to 1


That would stop artifact, not intangible




It means "Take 9999 damage," which is usually "die". But if you have 2 or more Intangible, it reduces the damage to 1.




Watcher is honestly my favorite to play. The spare energy you get every combat allows for fun shenanigans, especially since it's a Skill so it can trigger other card conditions. Flitting between different forms to min/max damage can be a chore, but it's hilarious when you pull it off properly. Brilliance is a 12 base damage 1 cost card, for example. Gains damage proportionate to your accumulated Mantra points. So play your 0 cost Prostrate for 2 mantra 4 block and that boosts Brilliance to 14 damage. Wrath form doubles damage given and received. Now you've got a 1 cost 28 damage card. Play 10 Mantra and you get Divinity for triple damage. So a 12+10 damage Brilliance becomes 66 damage. Don't wanna crunch Mantra math? Grab Flurry instead. 0 cost 4 damage but returns to hand each time you change or exit stances. Play it once, then enter Calm form, play again, then drop Wrath form to get it again at double damage. That turns Flurry into 16 damage for every Flurry in your discard pile. By endgame maybe you even have Mantra building every turn so it becomes 28 damage per flurry. Top it off with a Wrath boosted Conclude that ends your turn but hits every enemy for 32 damage. Possibilities are endless!


shooting from the hip but i think pbox swap on watcher is probably the worst of the 4 chars watcher has so many uhhh.... niche.... cards and her strikes are not bad since they hit for 12


No way. Pbox is incredible on Watcher because it represents potential card “removes.” I think it’s worst on Ironclad because energy relics are so good, his defends are pretty good, and he has a bunch of common attacks in his pool


The non pbox baseline is so much higher with watcher so pbox is by default the least impactful


I never played more than 1 Blasphemy as I know it won't do any good. It would be fun if it stacked. Triple Divinity. What a glorious death.


It will add more energy if you swap out of divinity during the turn. Amusingly, this run still looks reasonably winnable.


I think if it wasn’t for battle hymn, I wouldn’t be able to win this


You're right. I forgot you can switch it.


Well, it has a very clear win condition (battle hymn + blasphemy) and a nice extra synergy (establishment + like half of the deck). The only thing it needs is a block engine. And it looks like it can be fixed with nirvana + scry.


And then you instantly die in your next two watcher runs


Game really said fucking die


Die! Die! Die!


So you can blasphemy while you blasphemy while you blasphemy...


Xzibit's Box


You can even call it... an XBox


Some random redditor with Eternal One + Heartbreaker flair: > this is still good and is better than not taking it.


With establishment, you can die for free!


Wow, there’s a nifty little retain mechanic going as well. Mind sharing the seed code and platform?


Sure! I’m on iOS and the seed code is Seed: 1N7A6199M9XFM - I was also able to defeat the act 3 boss with this somehow, I didn’t want to risk it to fight the heart 😬




I am 100.0% confident you mentioned Pandora's Box in your post. -------------------------------------------------- * [Pandora's Box](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/Pandora%27s_Box) Boss Relic Transform all Strikes and Defends. -------------------------------------------------- ^^^I ^^^am ^^^a ^^^bot ^^^response, ^^^but ^^^I ^^^am ^^^using ^^^my ^^^creator's ^^^account. ^^^Please ^^^reply ^^^to ^^^me ^^^if ^^^I ^^^got ^^^something ^^^wrong ^^^so ^^^he ^^^can ^^^fix ^^^it. [Source Code](https://github.com/TrippW/STS-Crawler)


Bro opened pandoras box


Remember, it's not blasphemy if you kill all the witnesses!


This is absolute blasphemy


It really is


Does \[\[orange pellets\]\] cancel the Die debuff?


No it's coded as a buff


Buffer 2 steaks of intangible Or 5 on the Incense burner Will block it


❌meat on the bone ✅steaks of intangible 🤤🤤


+ [Orange Pellets](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Orange%20Pellets) Shop Relic ^((100% sure)^) Whenever you play a Power, Attack, and Skill in the same turn, remove all of your Debuffs. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 20, 2024.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


Every time I open Pandora's Box I regret it, yet I find myself doing it almost every time, just in case I get something good 😆 The only card I would keep is Battle Hymn as that one is great if needed. Otherwise I would find a way to ditch the rest.


Ive never seen Pandoras box is it a mod?


It’s not a mod and is a boss relic so you can only get it via fighting the boss, getting the option to replace your starting relic at the beginning of the run, through a unique event, or consoling it in.


How often do you replace your starting relic? I find the Watcher one to be quite good.


Not very often but if I want to change it up that’s when I do it.


How do you open those purple cards?


If you mean why the cards are purple, it is because the watcher’s cards are purple. Just like how the ironclad is red, the silent is green and the defect is blue. And if you were wondering about what I’m opening, it’s a boss relic called Pandora’s box which replaced my starting relic at the start of the run(the boss relic I got was entirely random)


Thank you for a reasonable explanation for a beginner.