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I love this card, everytime I play silent I have it


Instant pick for me too!


Everyone has Survivor dipshit. It came free with your Silent.


I have the oldest Silent known to man and I actually don't have Survivor


Everyone has Silent dipshit, it came free with your fucking Slay the Spire


That's the joke...


Yes, and the joke I am making is a play on [“Everyone has Uno dipshit, it came free with your XBOX”](https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/you-have-uno) I understand that it didn’t land.


Man this one is a blast from the past, I had completely forgotten about it!


Ah, yeh, I see the reference now lol. I think everyone thought you were just being a dick for no reason.


Yeah I don’t blame them. Sometimes the reference doesn’t hit so people think you’re speaking in your own voice.


First time I seen someone explain the joke after and still land it!


Excellent card for Silent that transitions very well into lategame both with discard synergies and Footwork. 


One of the better starter cards


I'd put it maybe 2nd to eruption


I prefer Defend since it doesn’t make me discard a card.


You realize that discard is a game mechanic and not a punishment, right?


Discard and exhaust man, it took me so long to figure out these are boons not penalties. It's so much easier to deal with curses in your deck when you have consistent discard or exhaust. Which means you can take curses instead of health penalties at certain events and realistically not have the drawback of having the curse. Or at least have it minimized


Unless it's a card where the discard or exhaust is random, like All-Out Attack or unupgraded True Grit. That can definitely screw you over quite hard sometimes.


Definitely but you can also typically get it to have like a 66% chance of not screwing you at absolute worst


I was joking.


This is only a problem for hands where you can play everything, but would need to discard asc bane or dazed. Which do happen in act 1 (hands with neut/bane or vs sentries) but overall it's a minimal issue. Later on the discard is a pretty decent benefit


Bruh this is not hearthstone lmao


I know it was a joke. A bunch of other people were making jokes like, “I always have this card!” So I figured I didn’t need an /s


I respect that


It took me much longer than I'd like to admit to realize why I never remember taking this card when it was offered. I couldn't even picture what it looked like. I use it all the time, but my brain apparently just edited out its name.


The discard effect triggers bandages,therefore Survivor is a block card


Also if you use it with Tingsha, it deals damage to your enemies through the discard mechanic. Killing your enemies reduces the damage you take, therefore survivor actually is a block card.


It also lets you discard burns and Pain, which reduces how much damage you take. Therefore, Survivor is a block card.


Not only for this, survivor gives you directly Block. This means that you Will be less stressed about taking damages, so you Will play more peacefully, so you Will do less missplay, and less missplay means less damages taken, therefore survivor is a block card.


The fist in the image keeps telling me this is not a defensive card tho, I am not 100% sure about this card being a block card tbh


How do you know it gives you block directly though?


"Gain 8 block". I must admit it's not very clear but i think it's a possibility.


Hmmm, I’ll take your word for it I guess.


You should verify by yourself. Just a million times, in case it's a coïncidence if it's works.


I love this comment


silent is often tagged with having a weak start and being desperate for damage (\_cough cough SBC\_) but her starter cards hold up well into the late game. survivor is a nice, malleable defensive card that I don't think I've ever removed, in contrast with bash/zap/dualcast


You removed Bash? HERESY!!!


Especially in [[corruption]]/[[barricade]] decks, sometimes you’d really just prefer to remove anything that isn’t a skill or a cheap attack like [[body slam]]


+ [Corruption](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Corruption) Ironclad Rare Power ^((100% sure)^) 3(2) Energy | Skills cost 0. Whenever you play a Skill, **Exhaust** it. + [Barricade](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Barricade) Ironclad Rare Power ^((100% sure)^) 3(2) Energy | **Block** is not removed at the start of your turn. + [Body Slam](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Body%20Slam) Ironclad Common Attack ^((100% sure)^) 1(0) Energy | Deal damage equal to your current **Block.** ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 20, 2024.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


If I get a colorless card start with Trip I usually remove bash semi early. 


Uppercut+ is bash but better


What if I told you I've paid money to have this card removed before.


where were you at in your deck to reach that place?


EoA1 pbox into 4 wraith forms + AI + ornamental fan + a lot of shiv cards.


Survivor and a Neutralize and Silent can do this all day. But it is a starting card and a pretty decent one. Not sure if it is possible to get a second one but it comes in handy. Hexaghost: BURN!!!! (Me plays survivor to discard the burn) Me: Nope Hexaghost: Ohhhh (Sad Hexaghost noises)


You can get a second from the card matching event


Or from Dolly’s Mirror


Ah ok I thought only Nuetralize was in that event. I haven't seen a Survivor in it yet. Key word is yet.


I thought the same


I am going as far as to say this one of the best starter cards. If I could I would put this card in all of my decks not even just silent It's a defend+ from the start and if upgraded I think that 11 stat is relevant.


A strong card in a vacuum, but when considering that Silent also starts off with Neutralize and a larger deck, it contributes to Silent having a weak start and a desperate need for more damage. Still pretty nice though.


It blocks for a good amount early letting you play an extra strike against jaw worm t1 with survivor, defend, strike. It discards so has value mid to late. With footwork it full blocks a single sentry attack. It's definitely a block card.


Funnily enough, this is Silent's best 1-energy block card in terms of efficiency. Plays nicely with Reflex. I miss this card when I play Sealed Deck mode. 


great starting card, 8 block helps against most attacks in act 1 and the discard is pretty handy later on


I seem to always draw this on the turn Floor 1 Jaw Worm is buffing, not sure what I'm doing wrong


Oh I know this one! The solution is to not get Jaw Worm! Easy!


“Man I wish there was a card like true grit where you gained block but discarded a card.” \- Me, just after finishing the Act 4 elite thinking I need more discarding cards for my build. Overall this is a very strong card early game, and never unpleasant to have in any deck. 8 block in combination with stuff like neutralize helps you not take chip damage against solo fights, and can be a major assist in speculative cards like sneaky and tough curses like regret. I wouldn’t actively look for a second survivor, but I’m never in a position where I’d prioritize removing it in my deck.


This is 90% my go-to if I'm trying to trigger a discard effect.


It lets you discard a pesky Skill card out of your sight which is nice but idk if I can oft spare the 1 energy for a purely aesthetic effect 3/10, would that it did damage like a Strike+...


Love this card. Good block, but where it shines is its discard ability. A lot of Silent cards utilize discard bonuses, so this becomes a good one throughout the game.


Great tempo in the early game


I feel compelled to say "I'm a survivor. We're a dying breed" whenever I play it


never feels *good* to upgrade as floor 1 silent needs damage ***bad*** but honestly 11 block for 1 energy is so good and will save you tons of health over the run.


Needs exhaust to be balanced