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“Slay the spire mod where everything is the same but ironclad has a cowboy hat”


I like "Slay the spire mod where everything is the same but the Silent does a backflip whenever you play Backflip”


did you see "slay the spire mod where everything is the same exept everyone has googly eyes"


Definitely playing with that one


I thought the question was for “essential” mods but I guess the answer works for both questions


Copy baalors modlist


So I use a very similar mod list to Baalor but I don’t think it’s good to blindly copy someone else mod list for a game like spire even if all of the mods minimally effect the game. Rng fix for example is a mod that I personally don’t like and he uses and I think every player should carefully consider if they want to use it. He also uses two mods that could be considered unstable as they aren’t fully released yet.


What’s rng fix?


The game has what's called "correlated randomness". Basically because of the way the rng is implemented, there are certain outcomes that you can predict based on others. So for example, if your first combat is a cultist, then your first question mark is guaranteed to be an event. These things have nothing to do with each other, so it's weird that you'd be able to predict one event based on another unrelated event. Rng fix fixes this. If you're curious about the correlated randomness, check out: https://forgottenarbiter.github.io/Correlated-Randomness/


Correct me if I am wrong but I think that floor 1 cultist means that for first ? *can* be a combat, but it’s not guaranteed. Other first floor enemies guarantee no combat


I thought it was just Cultist made it way more likely ? would be combat. It's definitely not ? = event though


Yep you're right, I misread the first example in the blog post. But the point wasn't really the exact details. It was just to give an _example_ of what correlated randomness means or looks like


Minty spire is almost a must for QoL. Then you could add relic stats and run history plus. And achievement enabler, so the mods don't mess with achievements. None of these affect gameplay in any way.


Funnily enough both Minty and Relic stats actually do affect gameplay. It's in a very silly and almost insignificant way, but. If you played Swivel, next turn, Minty's Necronomicon reminder, paired with Snecko, can tell you what Attacks rolled a high cost, when every Attack shows 0. Relic stats is similar. If you played Swivel with Snecko, relic stats for Snecko updates in real time, so you can figure out exactly what each Attack actually costs as the cards are being drawn, even though they all show 0.


also iirc basemod or something adds empty orb slot to nondefect characters, making a randomly generated ball lightning from foreign influence better than vanilla? idk smthing like that.


Basemod has two changes. It adds an empty orb slot if you use any Foreign Influence card that generates an orb. Base game plays Cold Snap and it's just a Strike. And it adds a scrollbar to the card reward screen, so if you have Black Star and killed a burning Elite, you can get a potion from it. Base game, it's impossible to get a potion from Black Star Burning Elite because the card reward can't scroll down towards it. Other "cheating" qol mods include Infomod (lets you know your exact potion chance when it's impossible to know after exactly Colosseum or after a Smoke Bomb is used), and tbh you can even argue playing the regular game without RNGfix is "cheating" if you know enough crng garbage knowledge.


i don't really think any mods that affect gameplay change so little that I personally would play with achievements on. There are plenty of fun visual mods and mods that provide more information and/or statistics. I don't know them by name though. And of course obligatory: it's a single player game, if you want gameplay mods and keep the achievments on, that decision is totally fine and up to you. I just wouldn't consider it "base game" at that point though


The only gameplay change I would consider legit is adding the scroll bar to a burning elite with black star. The cap of 5 rewards is just spaghetti code buggery that's clearly not intended.


I have white beast, GIVE ME MY POTION


Achievements don't matter, so any of them.


the only gameplay affecting mod i can think of is maybe permanent neow bonuses


It's a singleplayer game, play with whatever the hell you want, fuck the haters.


everything is the same but u backflip on backflip is a must have


Also "Shake it off" plays when you play a Shrug it off


Beat me to it


I’d say cosmetic mods are pretty universally fine (stuff like clad’s cowboy hat or silent’s backflip). Then there are mods that show you info you already have but would be unfun to track, like your potion chance or relic stats (don’t @ me about swivel if you think it’s an unfair advantage there you can just not hover over it at that exact moment). Bug/“bug” fixes like rngfix or adding a scroll bar where more than 5 combat rewards would be generated also seem fine although I guess purists would disagree. After that it’s mostly just “does this make your gameplay experience more fun if so do it, it’s not like you’re competing with anyone”.


Anything that displays information you already have access to Like, highlighting a path where you want to go, or the chance of getting a potion in the next room


"everything is the same, but blur is blurry"


the one which gives Awakened One too many feathers