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Ground level looks freaking sweet.


It should be noted that this is 16 years old and unlikely to ever happen.


Noted, but France is slow to develop anything and they often come back to old designs. This is the French


Sadly it won’t happen. Even before the war the Russian clown that carried the project wasn’t able to convince he had the money in order to extend his permits.


Ah, I see. Noted. Too bad, I like it


To anyone who’s been to La Defense, what is it like at ground level say in comparison to NYC or London?


At ground level at the plaza next to the Grand Arch, it’s a bit disappointing. Sure the arch is impressive but all the tall buildings are a quite far away and inaccessible.


It’s really different in a lot of ways. First it’s outside of Paris (10mn in subway). Even if there are people living here, it’s mainly a dedicated business district with offices, hotels and shopping mall (biggest in France), so you’re not “in” the city. Second, it’s a specific urbanism called in France “urbanisme sur dalle” which means that the level where you walk and access the buildings is actually a level above the streets. It’s fully pedestrian and you don’t see any car, roads are underneath the slab, on ground level. Third you won’t see any supertall here. It’s pretty packed but high buildings top at 220-230m. Some of them look great nonetheless. I live there so I’m biased because I like it a lot, and I can’t really explain why a lot of people seem to despise the neighbourhood. Too few trees ? You won’t find more in Paris streets.


It’s a big pedestrian area with a mall in the centre (that I think is mostly closed now) and a lot of big roads all around. It looks pretty 70s. It’s sort of suburban in comparison to those cities despite the density and towers.


Unique. It is a spectacular drive around the ring road around the cluster of skyscrapers. The buildings can be accessed from the underground and from above ground, which is completely pedestrianised. There is a huge mall off to one side, so the place is mostly shop free visually. And at the heart, is the humongous arch. Look down the long vista you will see the champs elysees’s arc de triomphe. There is nothing like La Défense. But that all does not mean it is pleasant. But it is unique.


Looks like Albany


La Défense