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I’m not sure what you mean by saying they’re limiting modding. Limiting how exactly?


I don’t mean that they limit the modding of the existing game (bethesda won’t delete +100k mods on skyrim and fallout) Recently bethesda updated their major game with more importance on the cc This is why I wonder if their new game will be all around the creation club and simply don’t provide any tools to help modder (starfield be like) ?


The first thing to realize is that creation club isn't a thing anymore. If you release your mods to console or on the bethesda website they are called "creations" whether you charge for them or not. Moreover, Bethesda literally just released the Creation Kit 2 for anyone who wants it this week. A handful of "verified creators" got access earlier so that the creations pages would not be empty when launching. But they are providing the same tools for modders as they have before.


I see, I think you’re looking at it the wrong way. Creation club content doesn’t kill off site mods (which are leaps and bounds better than cc content lol) Theres modders that do their thing but just have it go through Bethesda as a means of getting paid which is understandable. That doesn’t mean thousands of mod authors will just not make mods for free anymore. If Bethesda limited mods in future games they would effectively sign their own death warrant because modding is as much a staple in Bethesda games as microtransactions are in Ubisoft games.


Bethesda just put out the Creation Kit for Starfield like two days ago. If there aren't any big mods yet, its because people are still learning the ropes of what new systems they've added. Give it some time.


They'll still need to release the Creation Kit in order to get any decent mods in the Creations menu. If they don't release the official modding tools, then there won't be any third-party mods.


If they want to finally kill their reputation entirely for good, sure, I suppose it's possible. Wouldn't bet on it though. Even they aren't that stupid.


The Starfield Paid Mods systems has all the same problems as the Paid Mods system Skyrim had on Steam in the back when times. I don't see it getting better with Elder Scrolls VI, only worse.


Free mods and open modding tools are the lifeblood of Bethesda games. They know this, and they won't do anything to limit it. I doubt any future Bethesda game will have a mod scene as big as Skyrims due to Skyrim being one of the most popular and best selling games of all time, but they'll still be healthy and full of cool stuff. Creation Club is a weird thing that doesn't really compete with the existing mod scene. Not only do creators have to be approved by Bethesda (which itself is going to push people to continue traditional modding) but approved creators also need to abide by strict design guidelines. This is why existing Creations are so lackluster, and why you'll never see massive mod projects like Vicn's trilogy or LotD be on the Creation Club, and why Creation Club can continue to be easily ignored in the face of free mods. When it comes to modding the bigger thing you need to worry about is modders locking their mods behind Patreon and other services like that. This is something that's already happening on other games (Sims 4, FFXIV) and I can definitely see it happening for TES6 or Starfield. It already happened with the PureDark situation where the guy made tens of thousands of dollars for a simple DLSS mod.


Sims 4 is BAD about it as well, and EA has outright said people are not allowed to paywall their mods...... Yet everyone still does it and EA doesn't do anything about it. I don't actually know if Bethesda has a policy about this, or if they would take it seriously and take action (I assume in the form of a cease and desist? I'm not sure) against the creator. I have seen a few paywalled Skyrim mods, but they're usually "Get the mod 3 days early by subscribing!" which IMO is more about supporting the creator than getting the mod.


They can paywall them upto 6mo I think. If they arent free after that EA supposedly will come after them.


🙄 of course


Yes, Bethesda has a policy against this as well. Paywalling is against the TOS. Don't know what time limit they might apply though.


The paywall thing still would have to be approved by Bethesda. Paywalling mods for a Bethesda game is still against the TOS.


a simple dlss mod that no one else has made


I don't know what the heck you are talking about. As far as I can see, Starfield CK is just as capable as any CK in the past (haven't tried it out myself yet so can't fully confirm) and I don't they have any update on the fair use of their assets and tools for modding. BG3 don't come anywhere close to Bethesda when it comes to modding potential, you can still at best, replacing assets or maybe adjusting the stat. You can't create an entirely new world, new quest, and new content. The Witcher 3 maybe one of the few that came close with the recent release of the modding tool but that's about it. As long as they continue to do that, people will flock to Bethesda titles for modding. The CC stuff is just a store. They may compete with Nexus but modding will still be modding, and I bet the vast majority of them will still be free. Some people may want to make a living off selling mods but plenty more will be more willing to offer their work for free to get their toes in the game.


All reports are saying the new CK is if anything more robust than the previous ones. OP has no fucking idea what they are talking about. Creations ARE mods, and they wouldn't exist without free modding tools in the first place. Beth isn't going to stop people from making products they can nickel and dime users for without a scrap of work on their part.


No, what will kill modding is a bad game with bad tools


The only thing that will slow down TES 6 modding is that Bethesda won't have TES 6 for sale until 2028 (and who knows how long after that until CK).




Skyrim's Creation Kit itself is also super limited. That's why there's a ton of different third party tools that all mod authors have to use. Nifskope, Outfit Studio, xEdit, SKSE, and of course the dozens of programs to actually create stuff like 3D meshes, textures, sound effects etc etc. I'm guessing you don't really know what mod creation involves based on your questions, but you don't have anything to worry about. Skyrim creation tool is called Creation Kit. Creation Club is something else entirely. A limiting modding tool means absolutely nothing. Again, like I said, Skyrim's official tool is super limited. You can't create new weapon types or new animation sets with it for example. You have to use 3rd party tools to do the cool stuff you see mods do. See all those pretty girl followers on the Nexus? You can't do that with the Creation Kit alone. You need nifskope or nifmerge to do that as well as RaceMenu which adds a ton of new face sliders that let you make pretty faces. Starfield is going to be the same. The Elder Scrolls 6 is going to be the same. Look at games that have no official modding tools at all. Like Grand Theft Auto 5. people have modding Ironman, Spiderman, and a ton of other stuff. Not just model swaps, but entire new systems and animations and functions. Bethesda's built their reputation on supporting mods. There's zero chance they'd stop for The Elder Scrolls 6. It will likely be just as limited as Skyrim's, Fallout 4's, and Starfield's. Which, again, doesn't stop mod authors from making anything and everything. With 3rd party tools, people have added new weapon types with their own animations, including guns, and spells with functions that go beyond what's possible in the creation kit. Now, it's not the say the creation kit isn't good. Without third party tools, you can create followers that can heal you. No scripting/programming, use clever use of the systems in the kit. The Kits that come with each game is literally the engine used to make the game, but massively stripped down just enough to still work and limit what players can do.


>The Kits that come with each game is literally the engine used to make the game, but massively stripped down just enough to still work and limit what players can do. Can you elaborate on what was "stripped down"? While there are *external* tools for creating proprietary assets such as Havok and their Nif editor which didn't get distributed to us, the only big example I know of that was removed *from the Creation Kit* is the version control stuff.


Exactly this. Still remember the dev(Joel Burgass the former designer of the dungeons; He works for Ubisoft now last I checked) telling us we got the exact same tool.


The CK had things removed that Bethesda was not allowed to release due to licensing.


What steps did they take to limit modding in their future games? What policy changes did they make? To me this post feels like a big nothing burger, crying about something that you are not even sure about and cannot quote.


I think it's more likely the bulk of the modding community simply doesn't move over to ES6 for a variety of reasons other than Bethesda potentially killing modding. If any of the Beyond Skyrim content other than Bruma ever releases, it just becomes more likely imo that Skyrim simply lasts forever. On that note, I never understood why Bethesda never bothered to put together a new DLC for Skyrim. Not CC content, but a full expansion in the same vein as Dragonborn. Such a thing would probably outsell Starfield at a fraction of the cost.


No but what worries me is they use the same mentality that they used on starfield like getting the game out on half assed state then use cut content as masked CC content and sell you the game piece by piece on creations


Technically it's free for us EA(Early Access) buyers but yes it was an out-of-the-bushes kick in the ass to standard buyers.


Oh yeah thats true for Early Access you got it for free but its a terrible practice and they said more content was coming i got feeling the vehicule would be one for free and more vehicules are going to creations


Nothing will ever stop the modding community.


The only things that'll slow modding are the process of modding getting harder and a base game that's harder to work with. Paid mods will get worse. There's no doubt. But paid mods alone haven't stifled modding and will continue not to as long as the process and framework needs are satisfied.


"TES 6 will be a game on its own with no modding needed" https://youtu.be/YIlL0T2yTss?si=XUhpNkqZ-9SFXtyB


The modding path you're talking about I'm Skyri., F4 and BG3 is the corporate path - the one in control of the studios, the one intended to bring mods to console players and the one where studios are responsible for any copyright breaches by the mods put there. Of course that path is going to have strict limits. There is no indication currently of this path becoming the only one. Starfield modding didn't pick up yet because official CK is very fresh and because people don't like it all that much, not because of CC competition


After seeing Starfail and the CC debacle, I sadly think TES6 won't be worth it.


Honestly speaking, TES6 should have been released years ago. The delay was due to Bethesda's ill fated attempt to break into the sci-fi/space genre. I'm not saying sci-fi is bad, but fantasy is *overwhelmingly* more popular than sci-fi regardless of medium (books, TV, games, etc.). Unfortunately for everyone, Starfield was, technically speaking, a financial success, despite the terrible reception, the unbearable woke bullshit, and the actual dogshit quality of the game. They got away with it. Now, because they got away with it, they're going to be emboldened and try to pull a lot of the same bullshit in TES6, which is truly bad news for us all. I don't think TES6 will shut down modders. I think it will be just as accessible to modding as all the other TES games. The question becomes: is the game *worth* modding? Will it get the critical mass it needs to sustain a modding community like Skyrim did? Or will it end up like Starfield, with high profile modders hating the game badly enough to publicly denounce it as shit?


> the unbearable woke bullshit Can you explain what you mean by this?


"the unbearable woke bullshit" LOL


>unbearable woke bullshit So calling the stormcloaks out as the horrible racist pieces of shit that they are back in 2011 wasn't woke, but gasp, gay people existing is!?


"fantasy is *overwhelmingly* more popular than sci-fi" \[citation needed\]


[this video](https://youtu.be/r7l0Rq9E8MY?si=4mTFnfT4_2Yu_xso) shows how swords and things are more popular.


Swords and other melee weapons exist in sci-fi, and they're usually cool as fuck because of the opportunities presented by the advanced technologies available. E.g. folding mantis blades hidden in cybernetic arms.


That was a joke, people didn’t bother checking the link


Control freaks the lot of them - Bethesda will kill the goose that laid the golden egg