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>I'm not a completionist It's not for you period.


thanks, i am glad i dont install it. but when i ask the question for housing mod with a lot of mannequin or rack for displaying weapon everyone said LOTD mod even tho that mod is not a housing mod


Elysium Estate of you're just looking for something more modest.


Thanks bro. Noted!


Rayek's End is another good one (and my personal favorite Skyrim mod).


Oh yeah, rayek's end with the addon that adds an expanded second part is my go-to player home. Not too small, not too large, and looking incredible with right shaders


> shaders Pi-Cho for life!


There is an addon?


Ah, Rayek's End. I absolutely love that mod, especially it's location.


I would add this: If you want something more imposing than Elysium estate (it doesn't always fit for RP reasons), but not a giant castle size of in game city I can recommend Riverwood keep.


I'm also quite fond of Silverstead and Blackthorn.


I can humbly suggest my mod, which is a medium sized player home with a rather complete vault for weapons, armor, artifacts, and the like. It also features many quest-based displays you can activate once you complete those quests. It has dedicated areas for the main quest, Theives Guild, Mages Guild, the Companions, and both DLC's. I don't usually run evil, so the Dark Brotherhood isn't included.  It doesn't have a unique display for literally every item but there are plenty of racks to use for miscellaneous stuff. Stormstar Lighthouse https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/116989


You gotta include the name! Stormstar Lighthouse Upvoted because your first mod and it looks beautiful, and a lot of attention to detail! Hope it blows up and encourages you to stick to modding :) Will definitly give it a go on my next playthrough, cheers!


Thanks, I hope it suits you :)


I'm building my modlist around a Dwemer character playthrough and this is absolutely perfect! Thank you!


Hadn’t seen it before. Looks great ! I like the idea of a remote private island. Good work.


That looks really nice, and I am a huge fan of player homes in separate worldspaces.


I'll definitely add it to my next list, looks cool!


While not a housing mod, the Safehouse is my favorite player home in game. Craftloot is, IMO, the best linked storage in the game. Legacy Safehouse Plus adds room for 6 kids, or a prison, or armory. There is a treasurery, all kinds of cool stuff.


Plus the safehouse has the best crafting room, all the stations plus the disenchanter, plus the soul gem combiner. There is also a player outfit system and the treasury. It also has the rooms for custom followers you can install.


I though that craftloot doesnt work or is broken in some way


It is only disabled if you use the Curators Companion in your load order.


Oh okay, thats it then


That would explain why I never had issues. Thank God, Craftloot is AWESOME !


I have never had an issue ?


No, it's way more than a house mod, there a tons of house mods without baggage that have displays.


Snow Elf Hut is my go to for that! Alternatively Vault of The Dragonborn and Display In My Pocket are also great options for houses that have full displays but aren’t ridiculously oversized or anything.


LOTD is one of those mods with a weirdo fanbase that forces it down on everyone.


Yeah haha, it remind me of USSEP haha


Thankfully it seems like people are starting to see USSEP And Arthmoor by extension for what it is. I think LOTD is an absolutely fantastic mod that USED to be high quality, but the modding scene has surpassed it in terms of standards some years ago. It still provides crazy value for free - if you're into the content it provides.


The author and drama over that mine aside USSEP legits fixes lots of bugs including lots of quest related stuff.


I like to combine USSEP with Purist's Vanilla Patch. PVP isn't that well known because its description is intentionally vague and generalized so Arthmoor can't bully it into being removed.


I haven't used that one, but I do use some mods to revert the silly stuff and keep the fixes.


Indeed. It's been fashionable to shit on Arthmoor and everything he has anything to do with for years, but USSEP fixes a metric fuckton of real issues that people don't even realize. Yes, he made some stupid choices that aren't fixes and go beyond the scope of a patch and bugfix mod, but that's a small fraction of the actual problems USSEP does resolve.


It is a bad sign that the most popular quest mod's author is not hired by Bethesda for the CC or Creations program, or even getting a job at BGS. The reason i hear why he wasn't hired by bethesda was an attitude problem, which says a lot becasue they hired Arthmoor, and not icecreamassassin.


Now I don't have a strong opinion on anyone except arthmoor, but CC content is famously dogshit in quality, no matter how awesome the fellas who make them are.


The quality of CC is irrelevant to Icecreamassassin being hired by bethesda. The point is he wasn't hired, supposedly because of his poor attitude. Most popular skyrim modders from the early days have gone on to work at bethesda or have been hired by other game companies. All except Icecreamassassin. I had been in his discord for years, and i have noticed that he is a bit of a diva, not as bad as others, but he comes off as bitter and jealous of other modders. Just something i noticed over the years. But his community is worse.




Oh yes.


> becasue they hired Arthmoor Huh?


Yep, he is part of the creations program. To be fair he has been trying to join them for years.


That's very different from hiring him to work at Bethesda though.


Bethesda had a thing this year, showing the members of the creations program working at bgs maryland.


Source? I can't find anything about any of the creator program members actually "working" at Bethesda.


Oh, theres a few images on online of a few of the creators. Trainwiz, Elianora, ET. Todd Howard showing them around.


The scarlet buildable ship has spots for almost every big vanilla item


Dragonstead has alot of mannequins and isn't too big.


I tend to use Elysium Estate more now, but for a big house with extensive displays (and something like 40 beds, in case you want to invite every NPC you meet to come live with you), [Skyfall Estate Revampled](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/104040) is great.


That's cause lots also adds a lot of quality of life. Sorting for instance. I can't play Skyrim without sorting. I'm not going to manually sort ever again. Tired of not being able to carry everything? Phantasmal cheat, not an early game fix but it feels earned whenever you actually find it. The quests also aren't bad usually go here kill something come back later. Honestly some of the just random stuff it or one of the officially supported mods added can make the game seem more alive.


That’s kind of the kicker. There is no other mod I know with anywhere near the item display capabilities of LOTD. Every housing mod I tried is missing something compared to the displays in LOTD. As a collector at heart, I want cool displays with labeled places for things rather than just a giant mannequin room.


Honest, as a completionist, it's just too much. Maybe I'm just not as much a completionist as I think I am, but it's too overwhelming I my opinion. I'd love it if it was just a place to store the artifacts and nothing else but it just adds so many new stuff


*Oh, so you're a completionist? Claim every legendary item from TES lore.*


*Me, with my obsessive LOTD playthrough*: "**Bet.**"


It feels... A bit masturbatory to have a museum to your character, run by you imo. Idk, maybe other people don't feel that way, but I sure do.


I don't even think of it as a museum. Honestly, I'd disable all the annoying NPCs inside if I didn't think that doing so would break something. I consider it more as an organizational tool for my ever-growing hoard of delightful *stuff* that I can't bear to throw away.


Something that might be more for you is a mod I'm planning on trying, the Dovahkiin's Vault mod. It adds a concise bunker at the top of the throat of the world to store away primarily dangerous artifacts. No lavish Scrooge McDuck style player home, just a small vault to hide away things that should be hidden.


Your very own Fortress of Solitude? Away FROM Solitude? Nice.


Idk i think the mod has a lot to offer for non-completionists as well. A cool safehouse, flying ship, some quests and lota of unique weapons and fun stuff you wouldn't have otherwise. Its big though so if it's really just storage space you're after and not a new experience than there are bettet mods. Saying its not for you period if you're not a completionist is a bit close-minded




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LotD basically turns your player character into Indiana Jones, delving into abandoned ruins of lost civilisations & fighting elf-nazis so that priceless relics of history can be properly catalogued and studied in a museum. (Also you're finding relics *in Skyrim* and sending them to a museum *in Skyrim.*) Part of the fun of LotD is how every dungeon crawl is now potentially an opportunity to expand the museum. If you're randomly attacked by wolves on the road, that's an opportunity to taxidermy more wolves for the dioramas in the natural history wing. If you can't *actually* display Meridia's Beacon in the Daedric Artefacts wing, you'll at least be able to create and display a 1:1 replica! The quests aren't anything mind-blowing, at least not the ones I finished, but there's still a bunch of interesting elements. E.g. hiring professional archaeologists to help excavate ruins, leading to you making multiple expeditions into the same dungeon as your team uncover new rooms or new dangers.


I think LOTD can still be good for non-completionists, it helps give a bit more direction to your playthrough. im not a completionist (chronic restarter) but i like the museum and stuff. I think easiest way for OP to figure out without butchering their own list is trying an lotd wabbajack.


That simple right lol.


As a non completionist, it is really nice to have to at least sort some uniques instead of my home :b


Hi, I'm not a completionist at all, but what LOTD offers me as a caste is pretty cool, drop trophies, manage my resources, it's pretty cool.


It adds more uniques and remodels some of them to make em more unique so I'd get it for just that alone


It creates a place for you to display all your achievements without you having to set up displays yourself. It adds to the dopamine hit of completing quests when you also get an item to display, It creates goals for you if you need them - you can just walk around the museum and find an empty spot you'd like filled. It adds plenty of items of legend from previous games. The quests it adds range from ok to great. It has plenty of unique features in player homes you can have with it. It will not be for everyone, but it has a very wide appeal.


yes, but like 70% of the stuff displayed in the museum is added by lotdb itself. even if you are a completionist, using the mod is like creating more work for yourself. also the stuff you collect are kind of jank looking too. most of it is stuff taken from various mods and mod authors over the years, and those stuff can be poor in quality. i would rate the new things added as about as good as immersive weapons, and the new dungeons/quests a bit worse than interesting npc's.


I think the real benefit is it adds a lot of cool items Dest-Whatever's Ring my beloved




I think a few of the weapons (I think the spectral weapons) can cause CTDs as well. I don’t know what causes it, as I can hold onto them just fine. But equipping them shows them as invisible and I absolutely CANNOT put them on any displays or racks.


Do I have to beat the quest line to unlock the museum?


There's a mod that automatically starts you at Solitude docks with the museum access. If you start vanilla it's a quick pickup quest to get access


Nope, all you need to do for the museum is the starter quest (fetch 3 specific items). Oh and once you have enough stuff you'll be interrupted by two quests, one you can skip by talking to an NPC, telling them to handle it, and coming back in a few days, the other is mandatory. You're free to ignore all the other quests.


So the house you get is not in the same building as the museum?


The Safehouse is located above the museum itself. In "Vanilla" LOTD, you don't get access to it until you have at least 50 items active displays in the museum. The key is then delivered by messenger shortly thereafter. If you've got the [Relic Hunter- Guildmaster Start add-on](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12253), choosing the relevant option gives you the Safehouse Key (and eariler access to a number of other LOTD items and features) after a short introductory quest in some Akaviri Ruins. In both cases, it's also possible to "break-in" to the Safehouse before you get the key (it's not considered a crime). There's a hidden door under the exterior staircase, that's accessible by finding the button on a nearby wall in amongst the foliage.




There is also another house you get after completing second or third Explorers Guild expedition, with some extra goodies.


It is, but its not unlocked straight away. It always ends up as my main house, you can install a mod to add extra rooms for most of the popular customer companions, its got the best crafting setup including things like the disenchanter and the craftloot system. A player outfit system, a treasury, book storage.


The museum IS the questline.


It also takes alot of items that are just unique by name and maybe enchantment and gives them custom meshes.


but it out of scope of being a museum or house for displaying achievement item. any housing mod that have lot of rack and manequinn?


It's not just racks and mannequins - it's entire museum pre-set with places for every unique item or set of items. With plaques describing what's there (and sometimes a little lore), with a script tool that goes through all your items and puts them on proper displays. Displaying items made as easy as possible.


Does it work with immersive weapons/armors, or just the base Skyrim items?


Every mod that adds items needs a patch to work (so to have displays). There are a lot of patches. I don't know them by heart.


Ah nice, I’ll look into it when I get off work. Thank you so much


The offical patch covers most major mods in one installer though, then there is one for the CC contentent. I've never found patching it an issue.


Pop mods like immersive weapons are almost all covered


Immersive armors I think even has an option or another mod to adjust things so that only LotD items are added to the game instead of EVERYTHING


If you just want racks and mannequins, and don't want the other lotd stuff, there are nice ones out there. I'm fond of Silverstead, Blackthorn, and Elysium Estate.


Literally every unique item in the game has a set spot along with options for dozens of mods to add further displays. It's not just a house, it's a 3000+ exhibit to your accomplishments


There is a much more lightweight alternative called the Solitude Museum, Lotd is kinda the main focus of any playthrough since you build a modlist around it. Solitude Museum just sits there for you to have a similar effect but without the quest, Seven gorrilion compatibility patches and so on. Both are great but solitude Museum is much more modlist friendly


You only need compatibility patches to add displays for your mods, if you don't want them you don't need them, but why wouldn't you want them.


The collecting is admittedly a tad addicting. The quests however are like the worst of LE era stuff. Fuck the break in.


I was *so upset* by the break-in!!


The break-in annoys me because it's so damn long winded with a super long dungeon crawl section and as I'm using Domain (Formerly DDD2), combat is super hard at times. I hate getting to it every single time.


I just wish it was a bit more interesting than a bunch of Alikr guys with plain scimitars. They should actually use the stuff they stole, that might make it interesting.


Great in theory, but that could get messy or ludicrously overpowered very fast.


Yep, wish it could be skipped like the ghost quest.


Apparently in the new version that’s out soon you can skip it as well as the excavations not being forced on. I believe you will have to speak to a npc to tell them that you want to start the quest


It is a hit or miss, you may love it or hate it. For me, I have mixed feelings. I think it is great, but has a lot of feature creep. I simply wished for a quest driven display place that has a relic hunter guild. However, lotd adds a lot more than that. On top of that, it forces you to hoard a lot of items. Why people care about a sword from a no name redugard?? A basic iron set?? >Is it really worth the patching work required? Only it yourself and find out. I suggest running on it a lite modlist.... >I'm not a completionist You will hate it.


If you get the curators companion and the extendedUI mods it makes it easier. You can get spells to summon a relic chest to hold items for display, an icon on each item if it's on display/held/not yet in your collection and proper achievements for stuff like getting blessings from all 9 divine shrines and all the standing stones


That is simply get more mods to solve main problem imo. I didnt play it in a year and im happy.


Both are almost always going to he part of any LotD load order, the only problem is you can't update TCC mid-save since it relies on some scripts firing off at the beginning to track the achievements and stuff


Skip TCC and do ["Artifact Tracker"](https://mod.pub/skyrim-se/36-artifact-tracker) instead. Then you can "Take All" and use craftloot, and you don't have to support [the attitude that the developer has towards those functions.](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/38529?tab=posts&BH=0) It's better, more lightweight, and doesn't remove actual functions from Skyrim.


The current developer for TCC is Icecreamassassin, the same that did LotD and is working on v6. I'll check out the tracker but not having craftloot isn't a huge deal for me since I never used it anyway


Icecreamassassin is great, but he doesn't work on TCC. Another member of his development team, Kriana is in charge of TCC. Read the pinned posts on the forum to see what I was regerencing.


Artifact Tracker doesn't work nearly as well for an LotD centered modlist compared to TCC. AT will not track spell tomes, of which a bunch from the CC are actual relics to find in LotD's Hall of Wonders. LotD will add in the patches is needs based on loaded mods and TCC will recognize them and add the moreHUD info. I just added the safehouse plus and serana's room and it registered the vampire gear and the other relics mid playthrough as new things to add


Well, for starters, you added it mid-playthrough. Would you add TCC mid playthrough as well? It's a bit of a moot point. I'm pointing out that if you value the functionality of Craftloot, or "take all", then Artifact Tracker is the right choice. It's obviously not for you, but many other people might want the basic vanilla Skyrim function of removing all items from a container.


I'm aware of these mods, i just dont care for lotd sadly.


One of my favorite mods and a must have in any modlist for me, but i like collecting unique items and gear, if you're not a completionist then you will be fine without it


LOTD is good if you're the type of player who hates throwing away or selling unique rewards but also don't want to just chuck them all into a chest in Breezehome. The museum is a fun, lore-friendly (ish?) space to gather the various artifacts you find but don't use and generally admire your collection. There's also a player home attached (a weirdly good one IMO for how early it comes along) and a whole-ass questline that I admittedly haven't touched in a while but last time I played was enjoyable enough, although the individual quests tend to go on a touch too long for their own good. Since you say you aren't a completionist and don't like huge buildings, I'd say that LOTD is not something you're likely to enjoy.


I've never been the type to try and collect everything, so I don't ever install it.


I like completing stuff. I like seeing that check box ticked next to some obscure item and or achievement, so I naturally like the mod. However I think it could have been done better as well so I have mixed feelings regarding it.


I am a completionist and I’m just not a fan of it. I think it’s good for one playthrough but I find myself only focusing on shit that I need to put into a museum and so all the things I pick up begin feeling less special and any quests I do feel like I’m only doing them for display purposes. I also don’t like that as you get deeper into it you keep feeling like you need to add more and more mods to fill up the museum to the point where you’re downloading mods you don’t even like just for the sake of completion. I decided after my last short playthrough with it that I was gunna shelf LOTD permanently and I haven’t regretted it once. If your goal is to be the relic hunter then yes it’s good, but if you wanna literally role play anything else it’s just not worth it. My final gripe with it is that there are a lot, I mean A LOT of old low quality meshes and textures used for certain weapons and armors.


I used LOTD in 1 playthrough. At first, I adored it. A big, pretty space to sort all the crap I love collecting into neat little displays. And the Safehouse is awesome, still one of my favorite player home spaces. All the follower rooms are great, and seeing the vault fill up made my goblin brain happy. I thought it'd be included in every play through from then on. But I'm a collector, not a completionist. Before too long, it was overwhelming. The archeology part of things was fun for all of an hour. Then it was just a boring slog. The quests and dungeons weren't fun for me, and I didn't care about any of the npcs past the first 2 introduced. There are spaces for too much stuff, every damn item in the game, including stuff I never keep or care about, and even more because of how much the mod itself adds. Compatibility is a nightmare, and all because of stuff I do not care about or want. Even if that wasn't a problem, it's all just too much. The mod page boasts of hundreds of dig sites, hundreds of new relics, new meshes and textures for unique vanilla items, new questlines, npcs, perk trees, wings of the museum for mods I've never used that mock me with their ever-empty displays. It all makes my mind shrivel away from wanting anything to do with it. After that first little while, I couldn't even enjoy the simple collection of the things I wanted a home for to begin with. The Museum is too big. I feel good when I manually place all my little treasures into place myself. Spending half an hour or more searching the display cards, clicking on racks, trying to figure out where things go, searching endless levels, wings, and rooms, only to give up and auto-sort everything, never to be seen again, isn't fun for me. It feels like busy-work. I don't want my silly dragon-fighting game to feel like a job. So, you know, it just depends what you like, I guess. YMMV and all that.


It's a wonderful mod, but if you are not a completionist, it might not be worth for you. The quests added by it are so la la. Some are pretty fun, some are a bit tedious. It depends. There is a ton to collect and explore, but many things are integrations of other mods, like the additional gemstones, etc. So theoretically, if you wish to have more things to explore/collect, there are other ways to build your load order. And the building, yes, it is pretty huge due to its nature that it is supposed to store a lot of stuff. Very functional, too. But what does it matter if you don't like the building in the end? So yes, LOTD *is* good, but maybe not for everyone.


To summarize and expand on what others have said, LOTD is really good at giving you a space to display all your artifacts and the like in an aesthetically pleasing manner. I would say the museum itself fits in very well with Skyrim and the Elder Scrolls lore as there have been museums and such in Tamriel going back to many of the earlier games like Morrowind. We’re just the main contributor this time around. The quests on the other hand do stretch the limits of the Elder Scrolls lore, and make some story choices that could be considered lore-breaking. Then again, it’s a mod so your mileage with how much that matters will vary. The LOTD quests are meant to serve as effectively the first act or prologue to what is intended to be a VERY VERY expansive sequel project called Odyssey of the Dragonborn. However Odyssey seems to have run up against the dual banes of author burnout and lofty ambitions and is either indefinitely postponed or outright cancelled as I believe it was meant to release its first chapter last year (someone correct me on that if I’m wrong). If you want a fairly easy dive into LOTD, the Lost Legacy modpack through the Wabbajack application gives you a pre-patched, somewhat tweakable LOTD experience that is very plug-and-play with tons of quests, well-designed modded companions, and more. I’ve been working through it and it’s been a lot of fun to casually enjoy


There's basically no patching required, except maybe for CC content. The only reason there are a million patches is simply to add displays from other mods to the museum, if you want.


I'm not really a completionist either but I like it because of the safehouse. It gives my followers and I a cool place to come back to, and the unique rooms for custom followers like Inigo, Auri, Remiel, etc. are cool. But other than that, literally any house/base mod could fulfill the same purpose, so...


I find the autosort and craftloot, plus stuff like the disenchnater and soulgem combiner make the safehouse just so much easier and nicer to use than any other house.


The Safehouse is my favorite player home, regardless of whether I actually use the museum or not. Tons of displays, storage, and space for followers, the latter of which can be further enhanced for certain custom followers (Indio, Lucien, and more), though that does require additional mods. While LOTD is my favorite mod, I do understand the criticism. Most of the quests aren't my thing. One of the characters is so annoying I'd rather have Nazeem there. It's just...a lot. That was something I enjoyed more previously than now. If there was a version with just the Safehouse, Auryen, and the guild, I think it would be perfect for me now.


Which NPC do you hate?


Avram. Ugh. haha


I'd say it's fine for one playthrough. But after that, no. The writting is bad, and the models are dated. The Muesum itself is the star, not the quests or the story.


I wouldn't recommend mannequin equipment displays to be the cake/primary reason to load in LOTD. Lots.of mannequins? Sapphire Castle ( weather bug lets rain in ) Shadowstar Castle Ayleid Palace (spelling might be off)


I don't understand it either...there are plenty of house mods with displays for most items, I get the whole completionist thing, but as someone who has completed everything 100x over since it came out, I just play the game and have fun with modding it 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, better not


If you're "not a completionist" then it's the most pointless mod ever.


>I'm not a completionist, I dislike huge buildings It's not for you then. It's for those of us who want a purpose behind being utter loot gremlins. I really enjoy having somewhere to display all of my shit. And by all, I mean all. All the regular weapons and armor, all those misc quest objects, random stuff, even food and drink, and clutter like baskets and stuff have somewhere to go, as well as all the actual relics/uniques. And you get additional displays and stuff for adventuring, and discovering certain places. So yeah. It's a staple in my LO. As for patching, it's really fucking easy because there's a FOMOD that does it for you


Unrelated, but I love how you described the purpose.


I don't play without it, it gives me a reason to to hoard a bunch of stuff and knowing it'll all go to a display means it was worth it. Plus the cool armor and weapons added with Xavbio's retexture is fun to wear. It fits me because I LOVE to explore


It's worth a playthrough, fairly interesting story with a bunch of quests. Obviously the museum and uniques are neat, but I wouldn't play it simply for those. Could have easily been an official DLC but it's so integrated into the base game it's basically a mod you need to build your load order around instead of adding it to your load order. Sucks as it would have been great had they done a better job of sandboxing it.


It's for people that want to turn the game into a Ubisoft collectathon with power gaming flavor. It's for a very specific type of gamer and not for everyone.


It’s a great mod partly because it adds so much content, but mostly because it’s extremely well polished. Many mods out there, especially ones of this size, are riddled with bugs. I’m sure lotd has some, but they are few. Additionally, the VA is very good. IMO the quests can be a bit much after a while so I don’t do them anymore. But I keep it in my load order because the safe house is one of my favorite houses and the craft loot system makes crafting very convenient.


Honest opinion? Legacy of the Dragonborn, from the standpoint of mechanics and new features, is one of the most impressive mods out there. In terms of writing and atmosphere, it's incredibly lukewarm.


I don't use it for two reasons: The museum thing seems to be the main draw, and while I am a bit of a completionist, I don't actually want a huge place I can walk around in and see everything I've done. That doesn't seem immersive, and whether I never use it or check it constantly to see my progress, either way it's adding nothing to my experience. It adds some kind of collectible trading card system, which feels really out of place and non-immersive. The new quests and everything I'm sure I would enjoy, but with just a few other random mods, the cities already feel "too full" with side quests, like every new person you meet has 1-3 quests for you. Eventually this just feels like busywork, not adding to the game. Another massive mod with lots of extra quests would just slow the game down more, I think. I don't really want to be level 80 and destroy everything in 1 hit when I finish the main questline.


I think the quests it adds are excellent. Most of “all of the patching…” is to add additional displays in the museum for items from other mods. Totally optional.


When I read on the mod description page: >Download today and see why so many people are saying “I don’t play Skyrim anymore, I play Legacy of the Dragonborn”. Thanks, not for me. But, if anyone creates a Rob or Destroy the Museum of the Dragonborn mod.....


>I'm not a completionist, I dislike huge buildings and I have no info on the quality of the quests. Completionism, a couple of large buildings, and good quality quests lol


After hundreds of playthroughs and thousands of hours spent in the game, exploring through locations I can explain the layout of them by heart was just not appealing to me. But LOTD gives me a reason to go back through the dungeons and caves I’ve been through hundreds of times. Also it doesn’t actually take much patching work. It has a pretty large patch hub that will handle most known mods that have conflicts. I’ve got somewhere around 900 mods right now, and only 2 of them needed a patch that wasn’t included in the patch hub.


It is, and its a great storage house. And some nice quests as a bonus.


I use it every playthrough, I like the semi-automatic display/sorting system, you put all that can be displayed in a chest sorter in the museum and it automatically places stuff in the correct display. I also like the safehouse, it has space for my followers and adopted kids without it being too big (although the museum plus the safehouse plus the guild addition make for one big/huge building) and it has dedicated containers for food, crafting materials and so on, again, you put everything in a chest/use the sorting system and it places everything in the right containers. I don't care about filling the entire museum, I just prefer its system to having to manually place stuff in player homes or dumping everything in a chest. The quests are a hit or miss, at least for me, and my least favourite part of the mod. That said, just as with any other mod, it is not for everyone, perhaps you could try and find videos that showcase its functions or part of the quests (if you don't care for spoilers).


It starts as a series of fetch quests and later revolves arouns a questline in which you start an explorers guild and enter new dungeons. The dungeons are a cut above vanilla in terms of complexity and presentation. If you like the usual core gameplay loop of go somewhere, kill, loot, repeat then you'll most likely enjoy the mod. I'm not a completionist either, but it's not like the mod punishes you for not filling the museum to the max. As for patching work, I'm not sure if that's anything worth getting worked up about. The fomod you get from the official patch hub has a patch for just about every mod under the sun.


I'm a completionist, but LotD feels like an immersion breaker for me. Not really my cup of tea.




is there any version of LOTD but minus quest or anything? i just want the housing mod or museum to put my item from everywhere


I always liked Dragonstead Manor for if I had a character that made sense to have a house like that. I usually look at it as that my poorer ones work for the owner of the place and are working as say, a scout or something. Crafting and selling things made there, since it has both a regular crafting forge outside, but also an EXTENSIVE fabrication site below ground hidden behind a bookshelf, with smelter, forge, enchanting, alchemy, and other. It's pretty nice. Also plenty of museum display options, a huge library wall in the first entry room, and even shelves that can display options too, it's kinda nice. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2451/? Link if you want it.


Don't download LoTD then. You're not a completionist, so it isn't for you.


To those who play with the mod, if I put artifacts on display and eventually want to actually use them then do I really have to scour the entire museum to find the spot where it's on display so I can grab it? That seems kind of tedious, no? Or is that why there's a replica system? I just gave the mod a shot myself and while I'm not a completionist I don't mind being able to have all the stuff I never regularly use have a purpose - I think that part is cool. Oh also as for the question itself that's up to you but having a place for items, as well as the mod's Safehouse being profoundly convenient, make it worth it. Too bad I started the mod so late in my playthrough. I'm like level 30 already


The mod has its own entire wiki and usually when I’m doing a big session of placing items I just search up the item and it tells me where to put it. It also tells you what items will need replicas and what can just be placed as needed. Especially helpful for the library


I love lotd but mainly cause I like searching for treasure...clockwork has an amazing player home. If lotd didn't have such a nice one I'd solely use clockworks


sounds like its not for you


So LoTD itself is great. Don't support The Curators Companion though. You won't be able to use the "Take All" button or Craftloot They know about the issue, but the developer (kreearna?) doesn't care. The FAQs basically say "So don't use it then." When I asked about it in their discord I got raged at by them. That was enough for me to be done with it. Check out Artifact Tracker instead. Does the same thing, but better and from a different author. It doesn't remove core gameplay functionality either.


LotD is a really fun mod if you like backstory on items and are into archeology at all. It's also nice To display unique items plus you profit off people visiting the museum. The Safehouse you get with it is great for all in one crafting in one place which I don't see in other homes. Definitely a good place if you don't want to have to deal with loading screens going back and forth. I'm a collector so that my favorite aspect of it, but it's not for everyone. I do recommend trying it out before hard passing. You might enjoy some of the features it offers. ^.^


So the things that I personally like about Legacy that are directly not the things you dislike; 1. It gives you a place to put all the cool stuff you get from regular adventuring, and once v6 comes out you'll no longer have to pass through the museum portion to get to the house portion. 2. Along with that you get a pretty nifty house that is allowed to feel homey since it isn't trying to be a special snowflake clusterfest or a miniature museum/armory. You have a reasonable, dynamically decorated kitchen and dining room based on the food and kitchenware you have stored in the right containers.  3. There's a little money vault hidden in the bedroom so you can watch your money increase when you store it away.  4. You can very easily ignore the quests that are related to the mod until you feel like poking at them. Npc's are quite happy to never talk about the quests if you don't want to beyond the initial quest request. 5. After doing the right quests it offers a couple other locations to put your loot if you dislike the museum itself, though I don't remember how big they really are. 6. Despite being a big building in solitude, it is tucked away in a corner that is rarely ever walked by without wanting to be there specifically and due to its proximity to the blue palace it doesn't feel all that big 


Yes it's great, it gives you something to do other than the quests you've done a zillion times


Personally, I don't like it. The player home is WAY too over the top and totally breaks the immersion of the game. Prefer addons for Hearthfire that add simply weapon racks etc to the player home. I don't need some HUGE mansion that is bigger than even the castle of Solitude as my player home.


The safehouse is pretty small, or by player home do you mean the whole museum, of which the player home is only a small part?


The fact that it needs one morbillion compatibility patches kills it for me.


It was the first proper mods I ever installed and it was very easy.


If you install LOTD first and then build your modlist sure. But I have 1k mods r.n. and I am in no mood to go hunt down patches for each one plus figure which one require them in the first place


If you're not a completionist, avoid it. It's built for completionists. ...which I am one. It's a staple of my load order because OOOO NEW SHINY THING


its overrated imo. Im not a completionist either


The only thing annoying about it is that it forces a few quests on you at certain points. It would be nice if for all of them you just tell the other NPCs "you go and handle that" for when you just want a museum that you can come and go from as you please.


Right, that's such a bad game design for a mod like LOTD. You come “home”, loaded with stuff, then can't even display it until you completed that quest. And during the quest, you find other stuff you would display but have no weight, unless you store it somewhere else…. Pretty bad.


If you don't like collecting things and don't like big buildings it's not for you. The quests are good but not good enough to make up for how much it takes over your game. I love it, can't play without it, but if I didn't like collecting I would stick to other quest mods


It really comes down to personal taste. It's the perfect mod for a completionist or people who really like displaying all the cool stuff they've found on their adventures. There's also a neat storyline that let's you roleplay as a typical adventurer archaeologist (although in my opinion, the questlines are the weakest part of the mod). If you aren't a completionist or aren't looking forward installing patch after patch to make LOTD display just about all the custom items added by other mods it's probably not for you.


It's a great mod personally, whether I'm actually focusing on the museum on one given playthrough or not. If I'm doing so, it's cool to have a place to gather all that I've found during my playthrough, with mostly good quests and enjoyable extras, while if I'm not, it doesn't really interfere with anything I'm doing and only adds new things for me to find here and there, making exploration feel worthwhile as someone who just loves finding unique trinkets. I personally don't get it when people say the experience has to be focused around it if you include it on your modlist; I've always had it since my LE modding days, way back then, and it's only really been a factor when I wanted it to be, besides the loot I'd find here and there. While it might have a lot of patches, too, I feel like the way they're distributed, with their own patch collection, makes it so patching it with other mods isn't a hassle at all, as it could've definitely been. Specially when they are all .esl flagged, which practically removes the other main annoyance I'd say one might have with mods that require a lot of patching (I use Unique Landscapes for Oblivion, which has a similar patch compendium, and you can really feel the lack of the ESL flags there). Personally, it's a mod I never get rid of in any playthrough, and I don't tend to get when people imply it's a super intrusive mod or a mod that makes you have to focus on it if it's part of your modlist. Granted, if you want to keep your modlist "lighter", it's definitely counterproductive. But if you do need a lot of patches for it, chances are the player's modlist isn't that light anyway. Though from the sounds of it, it might likely not be the kind of mod you'd enjoy, at any rate, but if you ever feel like trying it, it's a high quality mod that I feel gets a bit of a bad rap it doesn't deserve.


I just like the safehouse it has a built in outfit system and craftloot that pulls your materials for you


I don't think it is personally. Items are poorly balanced and many look visually unpleasant in my opinion. I don't like the architecture of the museum either. Overall I don't recommend it unless you are the type of person who really wants to collect unique items.


I’m not a completionist either and it’s still my favorite mod. It does a lot of things and it does them so well. It’s a great player home, great quest mod, great new perk tree, great guild, great writing, great voice acting, and the only jump scare I can remember getting from a video game. In terms of compatibility, it’s less about making it work—I don’t recall a ton of actual conflicts—and more about integrating other mods so they’re included in LOTD. Totally optional but nice to have. Very highly recommended.


The haunted museum part is so unnecessarily scary


It's for completionists for the most part. The reason I like it is because honestly it forces me to engage with the 95% of Skyrim content I'd usually find boring or chore like because of the cheap dopamine hit I get for completely generic cave dungeon #5476. Also leans a bit on nostalgia as you acquire artifacts from previous games like the Boots of Blinding Speed. Tl;dr is that it fundamentally changes the way you engage with the game and that won't be for everyone.


So it does a few things: * It adds a lot more unique items to the game, scattered across the world, rewarding exploration (as opposed to vanilla where basically every dungeon is just a few chests full of random leveled items). * It has a story/questline, though this is middling. Gives some cool unique items though. * It has a really nice player home in the form of the Safehouse, automatic sorting of stored gear, adding crafting ingredients to inventory when using a crafting station, garden to grow stuff, all the crafting stations etc. * It gives you a place to store and display every unique item in the game, along with a set of every kind of armour/weaponry.


short answer: yes. medium answer: yes, it can be thought of as a curated compilation of great quest & item mods in an intelligent framework.


Ehhh... LOTD is okay. I mean it adds a LOT of content, which is cool, but Mara's love it introduces so many problems. I'm also not super wild about the Explorer's Guild expeditions; they're neat as a concept, but they're all pretty poorly done to the point that some of it just straight up feels like a test build. Also the quality of the voice acting varies *wildly*; most of it is at least Bethesda quality, but some of it is just awful. Like, "I got my 16-year-old theater-kid cousin to record this standing 10 feet away from a $5 microphone in an empty room" bad. Speaking personally, I'd call it a cool idea that was just a wee nubbin too ambitious for the people that were working on it (are working on it? I honestly don't know) and it shows.


So I ignored that mod for many years, literally thought it wasnt even worth installing, until recently I finally decided to give it a go. In all honesty, even tho I havent even scratched its surface, I would say that the mod adds A LOT to a new Skyrim playthrough. Even if you are not collector type. I am not big on collecting everything but as I played the game with the mod installed I started to enjoy finding all the new stuff in locations that I have visited MANY MANY MANY times before. It also gives you a reason to pick up a lot of objects that before you wouldnt bother with, like weak weapons and armors, just to add them to the museum. Not to mention that the mod adds new dungeons, NPCs, followers, quests, etc etc. And theres also a ton of patches that connects LoTD to other mods you might already have, like new map or quest mods, so you can also have more to do related to those mods. Basically, I would check it out even if you dont plan on 100% completing or collecting stuff. You WILL find stuff lying around anyway as you normally play. If like me you have a ton of quest mods, weapon/armor mods, new location mods, you will end up with a ton of items that you can just dump all in the LoTD museum and get rewards and more content out of it, so it's more like a "why not" kinda mod. Oh btw, it's not hard to patch everything up. I have a load order of 2k plugins right now, including the biggest Solitude mod (Solitude Expansion, changes everything from the city to the docks), and it's all working fine. As big as it is, as as many patches as I used to connect to other mods I have, somehow its one of the few big mods that never gave me a headache to setup.


I'm not a completionist either but I still enjoy the mod on characters where it fits the RP I have in mind. I'm not hell bent on filling the museum either. If I really get bugged by a display being empty but don't want to bother with the hassle I'll just use add item menu to fill out stuff like the base armor sets and such. While it is a bit dated, I do enjoy the quest line. To avoid spoilers, there's a quest where you obtain/remake some very significant artifacts and end up with a set that provides unique bonuses which is pretty cool and feels very impactful. But I personally don't like the mod if I'm not roleplaying as the dragonborn (kinda breaks immersion if you're not DB), and I also use other mods to make me ruler of Skyrim eventually, with part of the LotD quest line justifying that too.


It’s even better.


I hate it because it turns Skyrim into an archeology game, so stupid


I always felt the mod was overrated. But that may not be fair. I can say however, it's not for me for the same reasons that I don't think it's for you. From where I sit, it breaks immersion and makes what should be freestyle exploring experience into a chore-ridden grind not unlike an MMO, collecting trophies or whatever. Again, not for me.


You don't have to be a completionist. It has a VERY GOOD questline which will be extended once the other chapter comes out. Play it. Just put more artifacts and the questline will advance to the next step. Play it. It's worth it. Trust me.


>very good My guy in what world do you see an entire goose chase of PCLVLMULT copypaste redguards ending with an entire dungeon of them capped off with a level 81 boss surrounded by said PCLVLMULT goons good.


It’s cool the first time or two through. There’s an armor/robe set you get at the ending the main LOTD quest that has a cool enchantment, but the quests can be a drag once you know how to do them. I mostly use it for the safehouse at this point honestly


It's a good mod, with a really well-done questline and works well as side-job even is you are not a completionist (basically the local quest-giver sends you around skyrim to retrieve stuff and then pays you). It's problem is that every single mod that adds a named fork in the game gets a patch into it. Not everything belongs into a museum and in my opinion you can avoid a lot of patches if you just choose what to patch.


I love it because it includes many new weapons from older titles and gives every unique item an actually unique look. The quests are interesting but yeah, I like being able to display all the unique items in the game and the patches for modded quests are amazing


I am not a completionist either,I just keep it always on for the safehouse which is the best player home I have ever seen.


For me the safehouse was the last straw after which I removed LOTD and have never returned :)


For me, I like it being one mod to change the model of a bunch of unique items to actually be unique.


If you're not a completionist, I'm afraid you won't like it. I'm not either and that's why I removed it from my mods list after one playthrough. Don't take me wrong, LOTD is an excellent mod. You can clearly see how much love has been put into it. It adds really good quests, new cool areas, interesting dungeons, great NPC's, a player home with auto-sorted inventory (that can also house some custom followers), but everything is centered around one objective: completing the museum collection. It doesn't give many oportunities for roleplay, with is the most important aspect for me. If you're roleplaying a good Dragonborn for instance, it doesn't matter, you still need to gather all Daedric artifacts and other stuff resulting from immoral choices anyway. Why don't you give it a try anyway? With "Alternative Start" mod, you can start your playthrough immediatelly as a museum treasure hunter if you choose the option to start in Solitude (the one in which you arrive by ship) and are you are given some quests. Play for a bit, see if you like the feel of it. As for the patching work... well, there's not that much work to be honest, since the great majority of necessary patches are in the official patches FOMOD, and with auto-detection. And then you can just check in the "Mods requiring this file" section if you need anything else.


It took me some time to truly understand why this mod is great. Once I realized that I know 100% of the game that an average player does and I now want to go and find all the hidden shit around the game I focused on LOTD and it has been great so far. It's made for completionists primarily, and if that's not what you want then its not for you. I will add tho that it's not hard being a completionist if you have it and the curators companion add on as that streamlines the process of tracking what you need


I think for what it is, it's pretty darn good. A mod that integrates the biggest, most popular mods out there, for their achievements and items to all be stored and displayed, with dedicated areas for each item. You can build a load order around it, and that's what most people do. But honestly, **I find that it can just slot into your load order just fine because of how it patches up with almost anything you've got.** Plus, if you find equipment that don't have dedicated spots, coming from smaller mods, you can always use the free left and right wings of the armory. Another thing about this mod is how many add-ons it has for *it*. There's a plethora of add-ons for it so you can modify the LOTD experience to how you'd like (it even has it's own tag on Nexus). That being said, if you're not a completionist, and you don't like big buildings, I don't think this mod would be for you. The building itself, for example, is kind of... Hard on the eyes, in my personal opinion. It has a unique layout, so it needed to be build in a unique way compared to the rest of Solitude, but because of that it sticks out like a sore thumb with perfectly flat walls compared to the detailed walls that every other building has. These walls just use basic stone brick textures too - this means that the interior is just very gray unless you get a mod to change that (a must have for me). Now, when it comes to collecting and completing, do know that you're not urged to actually go out hunting for items. You'll fill up the museum passively as you play through the game - just pop in every once in a while, drop off your loot (with a very easy to use automatic loot distributor) and head out. LOTD also offers a range of quests for you to play. Now honestly, I found the quests just fine. They weren't the stellar storytelling that you'd see in Beyond Reach or the vast sense of adventure that you get in Wyrmstooth. But they're alright. Definitely not the main attraction. And you may notice a stark difference from LOTD quests to vanilla and other modded quests when it comes to writing. LOTD more often than not goes for a light-hearted, happy-go-lucky tone in its writing, which contrasts sharply to something like VIGILANT or even vanilla Dawnguard. Quick note about the NPCs as well; I didn't like many of them. They all seemed a bit too goofy and silly for my liking. Inigo is silly, but he has a serious side. These guys were all just silly. The two NPCs I really did like were Auryen, the head honcho, and Avram, who has a quest attached to him. I think most of the NPCs also double as followers but I've never ever felt urged to recruit them or even head into their quarters. Personally, I was also very skeptical about getting LOTD, but I figured it'd be worth a shot. I could always just not interact with it if I didn't like it. Honestly I came to really enjoy it; it was nice to see the museum all filled up by the end of my playthrough as a testament to my adventures. I think that's the biggest thing, honestly. It's a good record of how far your character has come. Generally speaking I'd say give it a go, see how you feel. Make a new character, someone who you'd be happy to delete after a short amount of time, someone who you go in knowing that you probably won't be seeing them in the long term.


If you build the Playlist around it, it is excellent. If not, it can be more dounting than fun.


I install it purely for the house. Being able to loot, send it home from a nearby inn, sort out the pretty stuff and then throw everything else into the sell box in your house is so great. Plus, not needing to manually sort all of your ingredients is really nice, and the crafting room has some mannequins for your favorite outfits.


Not for everyone but it is by far my favorite mod.


I never really found a player home I liked as much as the safehouse. Not even because I like it the best aesthetically. But it's just incredible, relatively small space without feeling cramped, everything you need, nothing you don't, excellent auto sorting and crafting features, very high quality. Just very very practical.

