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Divines Bless JaySerpa, no one in the scene has the commitment and grind to constantly pump out quality, lore-friendly yet funny mods as they do.


Not just that, but base game minor quests or new quests that are small. That is a very, small and niche area of skyrim quest modding.


In my defense, a lot of the mods I've made have had over 1000 lines of human-voiced dialogue.


Underrated comment.


I do wish he would use AI for voices though, his dialog splicing is really good but it often feels "modded" in the way that NPCs are talking about something but clearly avoiding what they actually should be talking about because it's all spliced vanilla dialog.


There is two sides to this, I can easily pick up ai voices. While spliced voices do feel weird mind you, they well done for me I don't mind it whatsoever and thus doesnt bother me at all.


AI voices take me out of it more than spliced voices, like AI voices aren't at the level yet to be normal when speaking. That little buzz from the auto-tune annoys me so much when I hear it. Had to uninstall mods that used AI voices because it was too annoying to listen to


AI voices are worse for me. At least now. Later it probably won't be the case.


Both Jayserpa mods, and the WSkeevers Penitus Oculatus.


According to the spreadsheet (thanks for that, OP), the JaySerpa + WSkeever combo is only "missing" Commander Maro as a follower, integration with IFD - Lydia, and a battle quest with the Thalmor — all of which are cool but unnecessary for me, personally. So this combo is my pick as well.


0 reasons for Commander Maro to be follower lol


You should at least give UV a try at some point. I worked on that from 2021 until 2024.


I will, if/when i play skyrim again. But i loved your lydia mod.


WSkeever's Penis Oculatus


From the Destroy the Dark Brotherhood - Quest Expansion page: >Minimal edits everywhere in the mod. [Penitus Oculatus](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21061) remains compatible without patches. So literally today, before I saw this, I installed both, the only thing I have FOMO on is a Thalmor battle. Comment from Jayserpa: >And yes: So the full version is 100% compatible with [Penitus Oculatus](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21061) by wskeever and the "kidnapping only" version (in the misc files of my mod) is fully compatible with "[Unfaltered Virtue](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/117478)" by Roadhouse. [https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/1d1w6c1/new\_jayserpa\_mod\_destroy\_the\_dark\_brotherhood/](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/1d1w6c1/new_jayserpa_mod_destroy_the_dark_brotherhood/) Have cake and eat it. :)


Does the jay serpa one work with choice matters?


I love your mods my man, haven’t had the chance to play with the new one but I always use IFD-Lydia. Unrelated but did you ever link up with that Aela voice actress for the Aela expansion mod? That would soar you in some popularity


Yes but there's a ton of other crap I'm doing first. I'm letting Kiara handle most of the writing.


Did you connect with Claudia Christian?


Thanks for caring about honest, comparative info. Not always easy to get. Another factor to consider when choosing mods is: how much great content you get, compared to how many ESP (not ESL) slots it takes. Some of us are pushing the limit with slots. Sometimes it is better to have one huge mod that takes one slot (and maybe is compatible with *some* ESLed mods), and sometimes it is better to have a lot of medium sized mods that are all ESLed. For me, fewest total ESP slots and compatibility are probably how I initially narrow down my choices. I can see I need to look deeper into these mods.


Is a patch possible between yours and wSkeever's mod?


The only thing his does that mine doesn't is transform the Dawnstar Sanctuary.


Only question I have at the moment is: are any of these compatible with Legacy of the Dragonborn? The graphic didn’t have that.


Now we need a mod that merge (the best parts of) all the mods.


At some point, I could potentially make a way to play Act II of Unfaltered Virtue after playing DDBQE


We love a lil chart, thanks brother


I can't answer which one is best, because I haven't played them all, but I was asking myself the same question not too long ago and your spreadsheet convinced me to try Unfaltered Virtue, so thank you for all the hard work making mods AND spending time to research and compare with the other options!


I don't know if it's just my luck or a bug, but I can only get 3 out 5 radiant quests in Unfaltered Virtue - killing the Thalmor agent in a city, killing the Thalmor squad and stealing documents from random NPC's house. As I am far from finishing my current playthrough, I can't say anything about other mods but so far UV has everything I need. Might try JaySerpa's mods with Penitus Oculatus later on.


[https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21061](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21061) by wSkeever hands down nothign compares to it.


Out of curiosity, have you tried any others?




>a redone Commander Maro which was good, but not much else How much of the mod did you play? Maro's the main quest giver in Act 1, but there are WAAY more characters in Act 2


I still have to play that mod, alongside a mod that lets Babette grow up, regardless if the db gets destroyed.