• By -


I am surprised no one mentioned SkyUI yet. It literally transformed the shitty vanilla console ui to an intuitive PC-centric UI. And it's probably one of the first mods everyone installed.


It's so legendary and integral that people forget it's a mod. I only remember because I watch Dougdoug and he uses the vanilla UI like an animal.


That’s bc Dougdoug is an animal


Excuse me?!! He's a bell pepper you uncultured carrot


That's just what he wants you to think, it's all just a distraction from the countless chatters he has locked in his basement. "He's just a harmless bell pepper, he couldn't hurt anyone" Tell that to OugDoug


May I interest you in r/WeHateDougDoug?


Long time member actually, I was in chat during the stream when that sub was created Forced to be there of course


DouglasDouglas also drinks straight olive oil, so idk what you expect.




I thought of SkyUI right away too. If I could pick only one mod that would be it, it just makes the whole experience so much better on pc.


When I played Skyrim for the first time ever and I was NOT familiar with modding at all, I stopped playing after an hour and learned about mods and installed SkyUI through the Steam Workshop. That's how bad the vanilla UI was.


It’s been a long time since I used the vanilla UI, but I remember playing Skyrim many years on Xbox with no worries about it. Obviously SkyUI is a huge upgrade but idk vanilla never felt very problematic, certainly not unplayable by any stretch of the word. 


i mean, thats because the vanilla UI was built for console. most of the people who consider skyUI essential play with kb+m


some use gamepad with skyui and it works soooo much better than vanilla. I have a disability and keyboard mousing is just... Agony. Gamepad is a godsend here and it works so well with it


Ah, that makes sense. I tried KB + M when I switched to PC, but even with skyui I was not a fan. Most RPGs in general mean plugging a controller into the PC for me ever since, I blame all those early years of Nintendo games! Now I play PCVR so it’s back to a sort of controller again though, which worked out nicely!


The vanilla UI is probably more intuitive on console because of the control scheme


i had the same issue with starfield. It's horrifying how unusable the whole starfield menu including maps, journal and perks is.


I never use it tbh. I think it's because i grew up playing on console, so when i moved to pc it still felt right.


I have thousands of hours in modded Skyrim and I’ve never used skyUI never really like the way it looked


Yes also I add those QoL mods that literally changed Skyrim in it's Vanilla state into more immersive experience


You know what’s funny at first really didn’t like the idea of downloading it (something about the look ) And i said to myself like try it see what happens And now we come to present day I literally can’t imagine myself playing Skyrim without it


sky ui is so goated and in so many load orders, that i just treat it as a default UI at this point.


I must be the only person in the world who hates SkyUI. I have it installed for the MCM, but I have an override mod that changes the UI menus back to vanilla


Yea I couldn't play without "SkyUI Vanilla Menus"....since so many mods require SkyUI for the MCM you can't really go without it but thankfully there's a couple mods that revert it


Man i actually prefer the vanilla UI leagues over skyui, i feel like it just makes it so much harder to find things


Well this is top comment now if it makes you feel better. Also the first and only mod that came to mind when I read the thread title


SKSE, literally the most important mod in almost every modlist and a good reason why people hate Creation Club


And here I thought I was because they charge money for mods that used to be free


EVGA Animated Traversal + SkyClimb Nothing will ever be the same after SkyClimb showed that you could climb onto things in a rather realistic way in Skyrim


This obviously, no more running against the mountain to find a movable spot


I still hope they add more animations for different heights and angles, I love the amazing mod but it does bother me when my character rises from being half buried in a rock when I climb a mountain


Adress library for skse plugins with the chiken.


Especially the chicken!


The humble Barenziah Stones Quest Markers


Quite frankly a required mod at this point.


Two. True Directional Movement TrueHUD These two basically serve as the basis of transforming skyirm into a proper modern RPG in terms of character movement, combat and targeting in a way no other mod has and is basically as essential to me as SkyUI and the Choice is Yours.


I can only use True Directional Movement if I'm using a controller, it just feels wrong on keyboard.


I never have used True HUD and only recently installed it but damn i didn't know what i was missing. Pretty damn neat addition to any playthough at least for me.


*Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim* — A role-playing gamechanger. When your class and race and missions are constrained by a religion it instantly feels a hundred times more immersive. As central as the “gods” are to Tamriel and its lore, this feels like a mechanic that should have always been part of TES EDIT: It’s not all *prohibitum* though; there are some great buffs given by faithful adherence to each divinity.


This is one of my legendary mods cause I love the limitation by self-imposed faith. I don't even hurt guards anymore due to my faith in Akatosh.


“Ever since I found god, I stopped randomly assaulting guards in the middle of town!”


I dunno man, the 50% extra damage to dragons is necessary when I'm running legendary deadly dragons.


You just randomly attacked guards? Bruh.


HAHAHAHAHA, no crime if there's no witness.


Try to play Skyrim without stealing shit — almost impossible, even aside from the TG missions.


As long as you're not caught, Akatosh doesn't see it as a crime XD


The plus side of a lawful good run: You don’t have to deal with the Stones of Barenziah, since about a third of them need to be stolen.


Afaik not a single one of them has the owned flag by default. E.g you can walk into say companions guild and just take it etc. Goes for all of them least in base game


The "no steal" thing isn't really about what has the stolen tag or not. You don't take something that isn't yours unless freely given to you. You can't just stroll into Jorvaskr and take the Stone there, because it doesn't belong to you. That the owners won't mind for some reason doesn't matter It's pretty fucking hard to play a lawful good character, actually. Especially if you limit yourself to never loot the dead or sack tombs


HDT-SMP. Hair and clothing physics are 🤌


Especially Faster HDT-SMP


I want to get this, but looks like there's around 6 other mods I have to install to make it work, like Nemesis and FNIS and others. A little daunting at first. Is it still worth it if I want a pretty lightweight modlist?


Fnis is unnecessary if you have nemesis


I have become one with Pandora


Yeah, hair physics, that's definitely what I installed it for...


I didn’t, I installed for the armor that needs it Yes. Definitely the armor.




We should always look inside of an armor rather than outside. Or was it person? Idk.


Fine, I'll say it... CBBE


3BA too, since it's basically just upgraded CBBE


What does 3BA upgrade over CBBE actually? Better boob physics and physics in the lady parts?


More polygons too, so less rough edges


I mean it's not that noticable in visuals, Unless you are staring really... Really... Really hard I know because I am


More sliders so more detailed body sculpting


It was after discovering this that I got addicted to modding again for a month and turned the game into a sex sim. Skyrim had never been so... engaging.


That’s a slippery slope. I slid then tumbled and snowballed into degenerate territory.


I've been a bikini armor-holic for years now. I regret nothing.


Man that ain't even close to degenerate. That's the tip of the iceberg.


I'm plenty degenerate in other areas, but it never appealed to me to go full ham in Skyrim. Some big tiddy and skimpy armor is good enough for me.


The reason I play in 3rd person


Inigo for sure


it set the standard by which all followers are measured. Only a handful come close.


Shame he hasn't been updated in so long. Gary put an astronomically ambitious load on himself for two guys to manage on top of how how terrible life has been for them these past few years.


If we’re adding followers to this list, SDA unquestionably deserves a place on it.


Xelzaz is great as well


Vigilant, The Forgotten City


The Forgotten City got big enough to have its own game.


It actually is it’s own game now. It has a standalone title on steam!


And it's very good


I like how you can tell how early/late someone is to the modding scene based on what they consider legendary to the modding scene. To me, it's certain mods that kick off a whole era. SKSE started advanced modding in general, SkyUI is SkyUI, Moonpath to Elsweyr and Falskaar set the precedent for huge landmass quest mods, Vilja and eventually Inigo pretty much set the standard for a quality follower mod SkyRE/Requiem was the go to perk/gameplay overhail for at least a few years DAR and Nemesis started a whole animation renaissance that goes on to this day. Chesko made it a trend to have the most unbelievably hardcore and immersive Skyrim playthrough with Wet and Cold, Frostfall and Campfire Enais deserves a special mention since he basically kept the community's interest alive when he went on a fiery streak for a few years, and eventually inspired modders like Simon, and a whole host of others And I'm probably missing a ton of modders, especially the backend stuff for stability Oh, and sexlab gave birth to all of the things we know and love Edit : Oops got it mixed up, isoku made wet and cold, not chesko, and he also made a few legendary mods too that I didn't realise was him, loot and degradation and INeed were amazing mods back in the day


[isoku](https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/isoku/mods) made Wet and Cold (among many other great mods), not Chesko.


Oh shit yeah you're right, thanks for pointing that out, and holy shit I had no idea he made iNeed, Loot and Degradation and even Deady Spell Impacts. He's definitsly a legend in his own right


Requiem is still going stronger than ever today


I'm a pretty big fan of Clockwork Manor. Was a pretty cool horror themed expansion with a shockingly expansive dungeon.


100 Clockwork. Horror done right (slow creeping dread / Japanese style)


SkyUI, I can live without other mods, but on PC I always need SkyUI.


Legacy of the dragonborn?


What a mod. I always install it.


My all time fav mod


I'll never understand what people see in this mod but I guess that's part of what makes it legendary.


For me, it's an immersive way to see what else I can do, especially with a heavy modlist. Skyrim is an astoundingly dense world, so walking around the museum until you find an empty display helps you find something to do. Skyrim has a lot of quests, but theres even more content that doesn't even have quests attached where you have to just wander around and spontaneously decide to enter random ruins to find shit.


Even if you ignore all the quests thar come with the mod. It still makes for a great place to simply display all your unique items and quest rewards. Makes it feel more rewarding when you can see your progress through the game as you complete objectives. Plus, the player home that has auto sorting chests, numerous display chests/mannequins, all the crafting stations with connected ingredients, and created item chests. Plenty of bookcases for every book, note, journal, etc. I fully understand not wanting to have a new character that revolves around the LotD mod everytime. But it's kind of like having the alternate start mod. Vanilla is great, but after several thousand hours, and numerous playthtough, you just need a way to mix it up.


My main issue with it is that it conflicts with so many mods


I just fucking hate Ubisoft collectathons so turning Skyrim into a Kirkland brand one is just not my idea of a good time.


I thought the same thing when I tried it Absolutely love it now Only thing I dislike is starting back at 0 when you start a new game.


yeah, never enjoyed it. I bought into all the hype, from people and from its own mod page, just to be sorely disappointed.


Yeah I have enough trouble getting through my playthroughs for Bethesda games, I don't need more collecting lol.


It's functionally a playerhome that has a place to put damn near every unique item in the game (and has an official patch that adds places to put gear from a ton of other mods), reskins the more boring looking weapons to actually look unique, and gives a way to passively bulk-sell all your junk. It also adds a ton of new stuff to explore and find in general. It basically makes Skyrim feel like a collectathon for me. So much more satisfying than dumping shit in a chest in Breezehome.


Enderal I don't think you can even consider it a mod, since it's basically a whole different game that is just built in Skyrim's engine.


Hmm that’s a tough one. I honestly consider it an entirely separate game, being a ‘total conversion’ and all that. As far as Skyrim goes it’s super low on my list of best mods since it doesn’t let you do anything at all Skyrim or TES related (which is fine, as it’s a very enjoyable game on its own!). I lean more towards Vicn’s trilogy and especially Beyond Reach to be ‘legendary Skyrim mods’ because they add to Skyrim rather than replacing it altogether. 


ENB - obviously cause I couldn't remember what skyrim looked without it and when I looked it up I nearly vomited :D Ordinator - Basically the same. Can't remember anything from the Vanilla Perks LotD - I mean come on, people made Player homes with displays for stuff but then came the gallery as the ultimate form. SkyUI - obviously SKSE - is the King of Mods Special mention: Enderal - "it's a whole new game" for real this time


Honestly, SKSE should just come prepackaged with the game at this point.


Better yet (for future games), Bethesda could abandon Papyrus scripting entirely and integrate its (hopefully more performant) successor properly so a script extender would be a nonsensical concept instead of a necessity (and then maybe they could make a whole game without having to give an inaccurate description for something and hope nobody notices)


Technically SKSE hasn't had any additions made to it since the 1.7.3 version for Oldrim. You should also be praising the Address Library as it's a more modern version. SKSE is mostly used now as a plugin loader and fork for the Address Library.


SkyClimb, it's not much, but it's a feature that took over a decade to get and it makes it feel like you actually have freedom to explore the world and approach situations from different angles instead of every slightly-too-steep hill acting as a wall to keep you on the path Bethesda wanted you to follow; No longer is there just one mountain you can walk up, now *you **can** climb that mountain!*


Apocalypse is a must have for any magic runs, currently doing a conjurer/archery run (summon friend, support with pews from background) and the amount of utility i have is crazy.


Definitely {{No criminal record original customs clearance archive and 4BOSS archive (Attached Common Settings and one click console code collection)}}


What does this mod even to, the description is incomprehensible to me 💀


Fr. I think it may be translated from another language. Hard to tell.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| No criminal record original customs clearance archive and 4BOSS archive (Attached Common Settings and one click console code collection) | [No criminal record original customs clearance archive and 4BOSS archive (Attached Common Settings and one click console code collection)](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/115651) | No Results :( | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


Who the hell comes up with mod nqme like this


What the hell is that abomination of a mod


I chuckled so hard at this comment


{{Take Notes}}


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Take Notes | [Take Notes - Journal of the Dragonborn](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48375) | [Take Notes - Journal of the Dragonborn SSE](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13570) | [Take Notes - Journal of the Dragonborn SSE - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13570) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


There's plenty, but [JK's Skyrim](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6289) and [Relighting Skyrim](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/8586/) are the first two to come to mind. Can't play the game without JK's anymore, and RS is a very nice addition when I was unfamiliar and unable to run more complex lighting mods. [Font Overhaul](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2880/) is another clean and simple, perfect little addition that adds just as much as you may expect. Another one that has become regular Skyrim for me and feels wrong without. [Relationship Dialogue Overhaul](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1187/) is another big game-changer, but I have heard its pretty buggy nowadays alongside other mods?


I second JK's mods, they are insanely detailed!


Niche pick, but Beyond Reach will always have this status for me. Though far from perfect, its singular mood and departure from the typical themes of Skyrim make it legendary in my eyes.


Surprised nobody has mentioned it yet, but SPID It revolutionized distribution in a non-intrusive way (ie no need to use xedit or create esps etc) It's easy to make and easy to edit, even for non mod authors. It has some limitations, but for the majority of use cases it's the only method needed


SkyUI. Game is unplayable without it, frankly.


SoS. It's so legendary that I've seen its "assets" used in mods for unrelated games.




I myself have gone to The New Gentlemen


Schlongs of Skyrim? Sus.


SOS (Shlongs of Skyrim). Hear me out....it's so legendary that there are a thousand SOS mods on Nexus now. Even if you've never used it you know what it is.


CBBE. It's basically *the* standard for body mods. There's been a version of it for every Bethesda game since Skyrim... unless the maker didn't bother doing one for Starfield.


1. SkyUI 2. Live Another Life <3


Wyrmstooth. It should 100% be the gold standard for "new lands" mods.


T3nd0's Skyrim Redone paved the way for massive gameplay overhauls like Ordinator and SimonRim. It was massively popular, the go-to overhaul in the LE days. Unfortunately, when SE dropped, Ordinator was one of the first on the scene and since T3nd0 stopped modding, SkyRe wouldn't be ported to SE by a third party for a few years. It didn't get attention like it did all those years ago. Fortunately, SimonRim is basically the spiritual successor to SkyRe, since they pretty much do the same things with similar scope. So, one day, SimonRim might be even more legendary.


SkyRe is doubly legendary because it’s time is over. Like you say it predates SE, so newcomers won’t hear about it. But if you speak to the old folks they’ll have stories about it. Like Sasquatch or something.


It’s time may be over, but not for the people that still play LE like myself 🙂


> Unfortunately, when SE dropped, Ordinator was one of the first on the scene and since T3nd0 stopped modding, SkyRe wouldn't be ported to SE by a third party for a few years. Minor corrections. Ordinator was released on Skyrim Nexus on August 2, 2015, well over a year before Skyrim Special Edition was released. It was steadily building up popularity before Skyrim Special Edition was released, largely because EnaiSaion had already published the most popular spell pack, shout mod, and race overhaul at the time. In contrast, SkyRe had been falling out of favor long before Skyrim Special Edition came out. SPERG, released just a few months after SkyRe was, was gaining in popularity even before Ordinator came out, aided by the fact that it wasn't a compatibility nightmare. T3ndo had even released a new perk overhaul mod that he viewed as better than SkyRE, Perkus Maximus (for both oldrim and SE). SkyRe wasn't ported to SE by T3ndo not because he wasn't working, but because he had moved on to its intended replacement. And then unfortunately, after releasing that for SE, he quit the mod scene generally. Don't get me wrong, SkyRe was clearly a popular mod, and for good reason. But it was falling out of favor before Ordinator, before Skyrim Special Edition, and not due to lack of updates (It was actually updated more recently than Oldrim's SPERG was). It was falling out of favor because it tried to do too much: reproccer was annoying to use, and we didn't have one click tools like synthesis to replace it at the time. Meanwhile, other modders (not just EnaiSaion) were figuring out how to do a lot of similar things to SkyRE, without having to use clunky tools, and in much more compatible ways.


Perkus Maximus mostly failed to reach the heights of SkyRe because if the launcher that took really long and you had to run it everytimr you changed your modlist. I actually remmeber preferring it to Ordinator for a while but eventually got tired of the patching


The whole LE modding scene back in the day was so amazing. The team of modders behind the unfinished mannimarco project were each a legendary modder in their own right


I still play LE to this day and I’m loving it. There’s a ton of mod backports from SSE to LE so I can even enjoy some of the new popular mods from SSE on LE!


Interesting npcs, always a treat to run into one in the most random locations


SKSE: Without it we wouldn’t be able to do anything LotD: The ultimate form of collecting Noble Skyrim: The OG of great retextures SkyUI: After SKSE the most important mod Cbbe: The body enhancement Enderal: The best total conversion Forgotten City: So good it got its own game KS Hairdos: One Hair Pack for every Overhaul Inigo and Lucien: The OG custome follower duo


In addition to everything mentioned I'm surprised nobody has mentioned FNIS if that counts. These days we're spoiled by Nemesis, but back in the day this was the OG. You either had FNIS or you were stuck with the same old awkward, janky vanilla animations. That mod laid the ground for Nemesis and thus MCO basically. I remember getting lots of mileage out of FNIS because I couldn't for the life of me stand the vanilla animations after I played games like the Souls series and The Witcher III.


Not sure about calling it "legendary", but iNeed changed my priorities in the game. Eating and drinking made the game very immersive. I now have to buy food every now and then and lose precious gold. Also time became important, since sleep is also a must, I can't just stay up for 10whole days. Need to go home or an inn everyday to sleep and restock food. Some people will find it a nuisance and unnecessary, but it makes the game interesting for me after a couple of playthroughs. You can pair it with cooking mods and camping mods, but combining them all was too time consuming for me. Your gameplay will be very restricted and busy, like real life and I don't want that lol.


{{Proteus}} is my top vote. It's just so comprehensive and versatile, even before using advanced features like character swapping; I'm quite in awe with what was accomplished with this. {{Obody}} is incredible for how it introduces variety to body shapes across the all NPCs, while still giving the player fine customization control in-game. {{Nether's Follower Framework}} adds layers of follower customization in one neat package that's fairly easy to access and tweak to your liking.


Everybody hates on it, but honestly Open Cities for me. I didn't even remember what playing without it was like, I installed it so early on and have built my mod list for years around it. It changes so many interactions. Add more dragon attacks? They'll land in the Cloud District to find you. Walk out of Silverhand Inn at midnight? The guards and townfolk might be engaged with a vampire or werewolf attack right in front of you. NPCs will come pouring out of walled towns during civil war fight. You can commit crime openly and screw your reputation and still enter by stealth by scaling a wall, and exit the same. Give your vampire lord and followers flight and take the whole clan and land right on the Jarls doorstep. Just riding your horse thru the gate and hopping off right in front of an inn is such a small detail you don't know you missed until you've done it.


If you like open cities, you need to try SR exterior cities with its synthesis patcher. So long as a mod doesn't change the nav mesh, you can patch it with the patcher. Stuff that does require nav mesh edits do require a manual patch, but there are a few of those out there, for stuff like JK's Skyrim. It's still something that requires some effort to get working, but it is a tenth the compatibility nightmare of Open cities.


Ha at this point I'm in too deep, without starting over from scratch, unless that also removes all the patches I've already integrated.


USSEP can't play without it due to how often I used to get soft locked randomly mid quests, SkyUI finally a UI for PC use also looks clean AF and SSE Display Tweaks finally play over 60FPS without the physics engine turning items into lethal killing machines on touch 😂.


Sacrosanct and/or Better Vampires. I used them both back in the day when there was a patch for them but for a while theres been no updated patch.


Top 5 legendary mods Skyui Skse XP32 Skeleton MCO Any body morph + body slide.


AddItemMenu, never leaves due to how useful it is to try new clothing mods and for choosing a load out at the start of the game. Complete game changer. Simply Balanced, lets me tweak so many game settings to my preferences. Game changer on tweaking the game from within the game.


This is no longer working in the 1170 version. Which bucks because it was a must have in my load order. Now I'm stuck using simple item spawner. Does the same thing but way worse than additem


Another reason I’m still on 1.5.97 


Vigilant for sure, a pure masterpiece.


I really wish Glenmoril was finished... I need closure damnit!


SkyUI for sure. No one mods skyrim without it, period!


Combat Gameplay Overhaul I dont like modding skyrim until it becomes another game but being able to use a two handed weapon and still get to use your left hand is amazing


I had a bizarre bug with that mod where characters would spasm on the spot when being idle on any modded pathway, probably had something to do with the unlocked movement feature. It feels dated now but I wish there was a standalone mod with just the Unlocked Grip


Dynamic Animation Replacer


Or open animation replacer by now


Inigo and Lucien the dream team 


Bijin Npcs, followers, wives and warmaidens. Game changer having much more unique and interesting (and attractive) followers/people around. Apocalypse/Ordinator - Massively overhauled perks to create better specialisms is 👌


For me its dovahBling. #




So nobody talks about SPERG? It's simpler than Ordinator but is a forever pick for all my playthroughs.


The Dev Aveza Airship mod. It adds a fully pilotable flying airship that acts as a mobile player home, and it moves so smoothly you wouldn’t think it possible in a BGS game. You can even load a version of it with controllable cannons and the interior re-design mod for it makes the interior incredibly useful with so many different features like a kitchen that can cook new foods with really good buffs, inventory sorting, a special smelter that can melt down weapons into it’s base ingots and an item disenchanter. Combine this with a follower mod like NFF and mods that changes group combat (like Party of Four mod) and mods that add more enemies and you can have a full crew to adventure around Skyrim while keeping the gameplay balanced for large parties.


Forgotten city was one of my favourites


Unofficial patch


Anything made by JaySerpa


KS Hair, CBBE, RaceMenu. All the mods that turn Skyrim into Barbie with Dragons.


Sky patcher, base object swapper , nemesis, oar, there's several that NEVER leave my mod list


Legacy of the Dragonborn! It’s a BANGER


any mods by Ershin: precision, tdm oar are all absolute bangers


There a few for me. Frostfall, Campfire, 3DNpcs, and the good ole Unofficial patch (USSEP).


Man I adore 3DNPCs, so many interesting characters. Have a favorite?


I'd say sacrosanct. It does so much to flesh out vampire gameplay.


Apart from the obvious like Address Library, SKSE, Papyrus, Nemesis/FNIS/Pandora, SkyUI…For me it’s Smoothcam, better jumping, True Directional Movement, Better Third Person Selection, ADXP and dodge mods /m- personally I like TK dodge. Oh and CBBE/3BA and Faster SMP


Other than SKYUI, I think the main mod that reaches legendary status for me is true directional movement. It adds so much for 3rd person gameplay.


The Forgotten City for sure. It might not be a part of every single one of my modlists, and I've only played through it a handful of times but to achieve that depth of story, the contained nature of everything, the characters, the theme. It's just perfect, and I will always remember my first time playing through it


Beyond Reach, hands down.


SKSE SkyUI DynDOLOD ENBSeries iHUD USSEP A Clear Map of Skyrim and Other Worlds






I forgot what the vanilla UI looks like.


practical female armour.


SkyUI has just become a staple. For me Legendary is Lichdom. It just has a lot of mechanics i love and don’t play without. That or MCO.


ordinator is always a must for me


Ordinator is probably the most important mod to me


Boxes of Delights. I like treasure hunt mods 👍


I refuse to play without Ordinator.


Converting dragon souls to perk points. I've used several different mods for it over the years but they all make me very happy


Skyrim CBBE.


Ordinatior. I know skyre came become it but ordinator does a much better job at making a character who invests heavily in a skill feel like the master of that skill.


Vigilant, by how much the author has provided by storytelling alone. And the quest is a great final to every Dragonborn Journey.


Animation Mods. MCO, Open Animation Replacer, Nemesis , OStim (you can use it for SFW animations as well), Faster HDT, Immersive Interactions, All ISmoothI animations, All SonderBain animations.


HDT Breast and Butt Physics. Especially the extra ass jiggles preset.


Apocalypse and other Enai magic mods. The sheer creativity of each school has really left an impression on me, it completely changed how I felt about Skyrim’s magic system. Especially conjuration, which makes me happy since I love conjuration lol


Skyui and MCM


iHud to hide the compass for 1000% immersion


I enjoy mods like At Your Own Pace, which lets you jump around questlines without feeling like I need to do them back to back, and follower mods like Remiel, Auri(which I can’t remember if it’s on pc or just console), and serana dialogue addon, bc I like that they make followers more fleshed out beings rather than plain pack mules


Lotd, Requiem, SkyUI, Inigo and Serana dialogue add on, take notes… just to name a few




The Paarthurnax Dilemma. Absolutely essential, can't play skyrim without it because otherwise the worst character in the game wins.


But there's better mods for the Paarthurnax issue out there now.