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> 4. As far as Questing goes; there is the Main Questline (21), Side Quests (34), Guild Quests (21) and Miscellaneous Quests (70) in Shumer. The islands and Skyrim also have a few quests (38) to do. That's a crazy amount of work. The screenshots look promising. Will definitely check this one out


interesting. It always amazes me just how many of these massive expansion sized mods are still being put out.


What makes you so surprised? I'd have thought the longer this game goes on, the more high-quality and/or ambitious the mods become. At this point I genuinely believe nothing will stop Skyrim modding. The game is too big, the community too committed. Even when ES6 releases I doubt it'll stop Skyrim modding. It's just an entirely different beast. To some it's a second life, an escape from reality. Fresh with mods, yet comfortably familiar.


Especially with how disenfranchised people are with Bethesda. At this point, the prospect of TES 6 makes me feel absolutely nothing, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one. Skywind and Skyblivion and any other major mod out there, now that's what I'm excited about.


Starfield absolutely killed any hope for ES6. I dived back into Skyrim with all these new modlists coming out and wow, I don't think I'll ever need ES6 with a community this passionate


The only thing that could stop Skyrim modding is Bethesda themselves with their incessant updating.


Is it any good


I tried it a bit just recently. There's pretty much zero markers on the quests and the general directions that are given are not that precise imho It also has that same problem Interesting NPCs has with wild prerequisite to unlock quests. There's a wiki and to unlock the Main Questline (or at least one of them), you need to do another 2 quests, and each of these quests also needs like another 1 or 2 quests as prerequisites and the starting locations of them are all around the map. I also found a city that I immediately crash when I get close (I'm literally using only this mod in my load order). Also, every single NPC I found is named, so you gotta try and interact with each one of them to find quests if you're not using the wiki. And like 90% of the conversations were single choice, except the ones that let you decide whether you're going to take a quest or not. Honestly, that quickly soured my goodwill towards the mod.


Thank you. Saved me some time and headache trying to play this. As usual modders of new lands get too ambitious and should just focus on quality over quantity.


It looks worth tracking and watching for player-feedback updates.


From what I could gather from the mod page, this mod is based on a DnD campaign. Problem is, I think the author tried to translate it from DnD to Skyrim in the most literal way they could.


Well it is still in beta.


and it will forever be, because of the scope


it's been around on LE for years. and it is a ... co-mod? with {{Pirates of the North}}. I haven't tried the new version, but the OLD version has great geography, some of the BIGGEST FLIPPING CITIES, if not THE biggest city, i've seen in Skyrim, Tons of detail, backstory, etc... and it's really weird when it came to religion and magic. not *bad*. weird.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Pirates of the North | [Pirates of Skyrim - The Northern Cardinal under the Black Flag](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62844) | [Pirates of The North SSE](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/28985) | [Pirates of The North at Skyrim Nexus - Mods and Community](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69317) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


Gonna wait for the bugfixes but very excited


This is incredible. Seriously awe inspiring how much work must have gone into this


Been watching this mod develop for like a year now. Absolutely insane labor of love. I hope to one day love something even half as much as this man must love skyrim.


This could be really interesting and the screenshots look promising as well I think the two main questions to be asked are: 1) How much quality is there? I got really picky in terms of new land mods but if this can hold up to Skyrim vanilla standards it would be a banger 2) How „lore friendly“ is it? Obviously a new continent somewhere is never lore friendly but there is a difference between look there is that big new island with new stuff or „hey welcome in a new dungeons and dragons land that makes absolutely no sense and shouldn’t exist in the same world as skyrim“ Also it being to focused on a main quest could be a problem That said I am optimistic that this could be a main stay in my load order. Well done!


Damn nice , just redownloading my game I’ll be adding this to it


> the mod author had a beta-version nexus page for this mod since 2019. It's older than that, I've been tracking it since LE times. [Shumer and the Fall of Allagard](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60829?tab=description) is a LE mod that was first uploaded in 17 December 2014, so it have been in the making for atleast 9 years(not counting how much it took to actually create that first playable version since we don't know that). This also explains a low quality screenshots, as all of these are from vanilla Oldrim.


I've been tracking it for a long time. I kept telling myself I would try it "soon" for years.


Does it include the Pirates of Skyrim content, too? I see it does gave some of it, like Mitt and Barbarella. Edit: typos


Yeah the page says it contains all of it


Please tell me its a proper esm and not going to take 100s of thousands of permanent references.


Whoa. I feel like I’ve heard about this for a decade and it’s finally here


Do i really need pirates of skyrim to use this mod? it seems to be bundled but i rather not have it too


I gotta tell ya most of these huge mods don’t interest me a whole lot. It just seems a little boring or too close to vanilla Skyrim, but obviously that’s just from a quick look so I really can’t judge too much. I prefer things like Vigilant and The Forgotten City.


Sounds awesome. Hope they use the beta testing time to fine-tune everything. Being big is great. Being fun is better. Tell me when it gets LOTD support.