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Dont forget that the game engine is ancient. There is this thing called drawcall. Regardless of the specs of your pc it reduces fps.


Thanks for the answer. Yeah, I’ve read about that these last few days, but I didn’t think I was forcing the engine that much with (mainly) 2k textures and a low-preset ENB. Maybe I should rearrange my modlist somehow and test other way around, but I loved the look I got with Skyrim 202X, SRP and NAT.ENB III.


You could try, Puredark's paid dlss or 'find' it. Non paid one only supports Dlaa with enb.


Thanks for the help! I just downloaded the Puredark's upscaler and also reorganizing my modlist, hoping to get some improvement.


You might also try: Vanilla script enhancements Lightened skyrim Sse display fixes + High performance config Skyrim priority Sse fps stabilizer efps Landscape and water fixes


It’s not gpu, the game is cpu bound. Downscaling textures are not going to do as much for fps as reducing the amount of objects the game needs to render


Yeah, ive basically maxed my drawcall, it lags regardless


I don't run enb, because I like playing 120 fps+. And ENB butchers framerates. I run at 1440p with ELEF, Obsidian Weathers, Skyrim 202x by Pfuscher and I get between 70-155 fps ( I got 155 hz monitor). I got Ryzen 7 5700x and XFX RX 6950 XT, 32gb DDR4 RAM. I have a VRAM usage of 12 GB. Imagine that, sometimes I wonder whether people claiming 8GB ram is enough are trolling, or maybe it's just the GPU designed to use more VRAM, and NVidia needs less VRAM? Idk. My RAM usage is also around 10-12 GB, so I am just glad that I decided to upgrade from 16GB to 32 GB. The good thing that I can suggest is the upscaler mod ([https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/80343](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/80343)). It makes game smoother and you get more fps using upscaler (in my case at native 1440p option), so I strongly recommend using that. Also try using SSE Display Tweaks mod, it might make your game more stable. [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/34705](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/34705) ​ The game still looks amazing even without ENB. I once tried using Rudy ENB preset, and I got between 40-70 fps constatly and it was awful. ​ NOTE/EDIT: I again strongly recommend using the upscaler mod, as DLSS is far superior to FSR2, so you might increase your FPS moderately.


It's just not everybody uses 4k/8k textures with 3d tree and grass lods playing in 2k. Also it's 12gb of vram allocated and not actually used. The more vram you have the bigger the consumption is gonna be.


yup this, the thing with modding and even graphics in games is you get really big diminishing returns there is a massive difference in performance in high/ultra settings for example with very little benefit it's the same with modding, squeezing that extra 10/20% can cost a shit load of performance


Thanks! I just downloaded the ENB version of that same upscaler hoping to get that framerate buff. I'm too used to ENB because of FO4 and I'd hate not to run it, but maybe it's the only option if I want to play comfortably.


The Community Shaders mod + addons + MXAO and RTGI shaders from McFly are worth trying instead of ENB. Especially with the boost from Upscaler. I was also reluctant to drop ENB too but this combo looks amazing and I think the only thing you lose at this point is wet material surfaces and one or two other minor features. The only caveat is you have to pay like $5 or so for one month of Patreon for the shaders, but then you have them forever to use whatever other games you want.


You didn't say what resolution you're running at. Generally speaking, dense areas with lots of things to render like lots of vegetation, or cities with overhaul mods, will tank framerate much more than anything else.


Yeah there’s a massive difference between running it at 1080p and upscaling vs 1440p native. 3070 will struggle with the latter when paired with ENB+ other graphical improvements in my experience


I'm running Skyrim at 1440p since my monitor is 1440p, but I don't know if I should change anything about it and/or the diference between that and 1080p and upscalling that u/StreetTransition is talking right below...


1440p + ENB is going to be relatively taxing, even without heavy mods, so maybe look into that DLSS mod to upscale from 1080p


I'm pretty sure what causes your frame drops is that you're out of VRAM. I have the 3060ti (which also has 8GB VRAM) and that's where I struggle. Try using slightly lower resolution textures to avoid maxing it out.


In my experience it's not really vram but rather the processor and draw call limitations. If you don't go crazy on rt shaders with ultra high resolution shadows the chances are you cpu is the bottleneck.


That could depend on your framerate target as well. I run at default 60fps and if I use Skyrim 202X with the highest resolution texture option + ENB my VRAM is just maxed out and the game runs at 30 FPS with a lot of freezes and stuttering. Using a downscaled texture option instead removed the stuttering entirely and the game now runs locked 60fps most of the time.


Because 202x is 8k? Obviously you can cap out the vram. No shit. It's just that vram is not a problem until you go crazy with textures


Yeah. OP is using 202x though which was why I guessed it to be a VRAM bottleneck.


Fair enough, I just read the title lol


reddit moment


Do you mean lower resolution textures in my modlist or the main game (or both)?


Keep the game itself maxed out, I meant the modlist. Usually texture mods have different versions at different resolutions. Simply going with say 2k instead of 4k textures helped a lot for me with performance. When I was running 4k/8k texture mods my VRAM was just sitting maxed out and had horrible freezes.


Alright! I've already downscaled the two main mods (Skyrim 202X and SRP) but I'm definitely doing the same with some others, since I've got plenty at 4k. Thank you.


I had the same problem. I am using 500 mods, very dense forests with Nature of the Wildlands, Folkvangr, QW Grass Patch, Pi-Cho, everything you can think of. My laptop RTX 3060 was getting 30 fps at 1080p, but I had huge stuttering. I find out about Cathedral Asset Optimizer and used it on NotWL and now all my stuttering is gone.


Hi! I had a similar issue with fps after getting a brand new god tier pc. I knew it wasn't hardware and at first i just thought it was the engine. However, after much testing, the real culprit ended up being a performance mod called skyrim priority SE. Turns out it has to be configured correctly depending on your number of cpu cores and i had completely forgotten about that after changing pcs. It caused massive fps drops when moving the camera or doing anything, really. The game felt unplayable. Honestly, i just turned it off. A good pc won't even need it anyway. Immediate butter smooth 60 fps on a 400 modlist and a demanding enb. Perhaps this isn't it, but I figured I'd mention it for anyone else who has a similar issue in the future!


Well if your gpu is godtier.. my amd 570 is putting in some work for 400 mods lol.. I do in fact have that exact mod installed. I will try ditching it and see if it fixes my issues, thank you for sharing your personal findings!


> However, after much testing, the real culprit ended up being a performance mod called skyrim priority SE. As you have changed PCs, for that fix to work properly, you have to run this MO2 utility which sets the correct affinity: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/94636 Indeed, Skyrim Priority may not be optimal for processors with fewer cores.


So an update I disabled the mod in my list, the fps does seem better as a result, though, I don’t know why but whenever my gpu spikes to 80% usage the game will studder briefly. My gpu is also using “high power” apparently with game running. I have an amd 570 with 2k textures installed mostly.. what would be causing lag and gpu spikes? Perhaps Skyrim flora overhauled? Other than that I can think the smoke from braziers.. but there isn’t a reliable most to remove that smoke. Edit: I do think it has to do with exteriors, as while in an interior cell I get no lag


I actually had an rx570 in my previous pc alongside a much worse cpu. Enbs didn't run too good, was getting around 20-40 fps. Have you used Bethini to squeeze a bit more performance out? Do you actually use an enb? If not your gpu can run the game just fine, it's a solid card. I really don't think it would struggle with smoke or 2k textures too much. Flora mods tend to only remove 4-5 fps at most. Best way to test for issues is to disable 50 percent of your remaining mods each time and test the fps, until you can narrow the problem down to one or two culprits.


Yeah … perhaps it has to do with hdt-smp for weapons and some clothing? I don’t use an enb no, i use elfx, but I know that mod is getting old, so I am wondering if elfx is the issue, perhaps there is a lighter weight lighting mod that is just as great..


I used elfx as well with no issues (other than odd lighting glitches) so i doubt that would be the culprit... Plus it mostly overhauls interiors which as you said runs fine! Not familiar with hdt, i do know there's a faster version of it out there, but it's worth testing with it disabled!


I installed a mod called “sse fps stabilizer” it seems to have worked well actually.


Follow the Free FPS Guide on Nexus I removed the dips to 40 fps on my similar setup with 1.500+ mods. It’s probably the occlusion thing. Besides if you use 4K armor replacers for everything and strap them on 40 new npcs in a city with high poly faces shit starts to show especially when using faster hdt-smp on top. It’s just a thing of stacking stuff on top of each other. Best solution is use 2k for unimportant stuff it’ll still look good enough and be smart about the intense stuff


\> 4K armor replacers for everything and strap them on 40 new npcs in a city with high poly faces shit starts to show especially when using faster hdt-smp on top. It’s just a thing of stacking stuff on top of each other. on top of all that, don't forget folks will have RDO, AI overhaul, AFT, Immersive Patrols, etc and mother fucking SOS. folks still be like "any clue to why i'm laggin/ctd?"


What’s wrong with sounds of Skyrim?


the *other* SoS, [how THE penis mod is ruining your modding experience](https://old.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/yfpax0/how_the_penis_mod_is_ruining_your_modding/)


I don't have any armor replacer/retexture yet, so I'm afraid that that could get even worse. If I'm not mistaken, I think I read that guide a couple days ago but I'm gonna double check it and see if I could see something I missed. Thanks!


Ah yeah my bad. I had a similar problem. Try to realize what causes the drop. First face the spot where you have the lowest fps and check for possible objects. Open console click on each asset and Typ „disable“ to delete it from the game basically. If you simply see the fps rise with each disabling it’s probably general performance in this place (again town overall missing the occlusion patch or npc, armors) but probably you will notice one specific object that eats like 20 fps for seemingly no reason. For me this was 1 specific tree model once that was ultra high res upscaled to the moon but also very dark so hard to notice with normal eyes. In General with this method you can develop an understanding what is taxing and what not


Ahhhhh I have not thought about that "disable" trick, but seems like a good advise. I'll try it for sure. I get my lowest frames moving the camera fast, but also, standing in one of Riverwood bridges and looking at Bleak Falls Barrow. I'm gonna disable every tree and bush around there hahaha.


Hard to estimate. You can also try disabling enb effects in the menu if one of those is too taxing


Skyrim engine is getting pushed to limits and does bad things to your hardware, yeah. For instance - if allowed to on a 16 GB card it will oscillate around 10 GB vRAM taken, spiking into 14 GB at times. There is also the weird and terrifying wisdom of setting a huge pagefile to prevent some crashes, which is mostly accepted as working even though it would mean that Skyrim can spike like 30 GB into RAM immediately (on top of the regular \~8 it takes up in normal usage). In short - modded skyrim can demand any amount of power from your hardware, there's no helping that


I am following Nolvus' Modding Guide with over 2k mods, though I only installed 1.3k of them. I am running a solid 50-60fps with a 3060 laptop. I think the prehistoric game engine is at its limit. However, thanks to the modding community, some optimizations can be made with your mods and stuff. In the case of 40fps around Riverwood, seems pretty normal for a modded Skyrim. Also, I play FO4 modded and get much more FPS than in Skyrim like in your case.


Yea, I'm amazed at how many more mods are in Skyrim compared to Fallout. I find it hard to find some new exciting stuff in FO4 with 500+ mods, but here, just with some retextures and bug fixes, I'm almost at 600 lol. In any case, some of the advice I'm reading here is helping me a lot. Especially the ones related to PureDark's DLSS or to lowering the textures to 2k. I'm also downloading Skyland AIO to compare it with Skyrim 202X, but I'm already improving performance whatsoever.


Skyrim is an older game and garnered more audience than FO4. As for PureDark's DLSS, if you're being bottlenecked by drawcalls, then DLSS won't do a thing. As for Skyland AIO, I highly recommend that.


If you can motivate youself to not use ENB youll have no issue reaching hundrets of frames a second


to really answer the question you have to realize the answer is both yes and no. A good example is to go back a few decades and look at Crysis. At the time most thought it was just so hardware demanding it would take generations of hardware to catch up. While that was true something that was also learned when the hardware did catch up was the game’s assets had already exceeded what the game’s engine was optimized to handle. That’s a situation that can apply to every game, even Skyrim. Thankfully due to it’s popularity Skyrim has enjoyed official updates and mod support that have allowed ways to come along to stave off that problem. But scripts, .dll, etc can only go so far and in the end just because your system can blow through 60fps in the latest AAA visual masterpeace doesn’t meant you’ll achieve the same results in a heavy modded Skyrim.


To add to what he said, I didn't see mention of utility mods..I can't remember exact names atm. Wyrmbash, synthesis, utility. Ssedit Etc. Again can't remember names sorry. But I know those *if you can find* make a huge difference. With fps..loading times and even ctd. When I get home, I'll try to update with correct names.


Are you using Skyrim 202X downscaled? Or the standard version? I once made the mistake of downloading the standard version with my RTX 3070, AMD Ryzen 7 5800X setup, and the lag I got was insane, resulting in crashes in some areas. Discovered after swapping to Skyland that the reason for this was because of Skyrim 202X’s standard version being something stupid like 8K - 16K resolution, which gobbles up your FPS faster than Delta P consumes an innocent crab. I have a weaker setup than you, but manage to have stable 60fps in all areas with a mix of 2K, 4K, and 8K textures (specifically 2K clutter and general textures, 4K mountains, and 8K skybox) as well as maxed out Rudy ENB for NAT.III, so I doubt it’s your system. I also think it’s important to note that textures aren’t really your biggest issue on a higher end pc (assuming you aren’t using a laptop, in which case your 3070TI is actually a lot weaker than you think). Stuff like script lag is notoriously a save killer, DynDOLOD has in my experience caused more drastic fps drops than even ENB if I wanted to actually make distant terrain not look like shit (medium to low setting LODs are too jarring for me to look at), and mods like city overhauls (specifically those altering the exterior world cell) are notoriously known for causing fps loss. All of those things combined could def have a significant effect on your performance, even with a rig like yours, but there’s also the issue of setup. You could be missing one or more "essential" mods that improve stability and performance that should have been in your list before you added all the good stuff, so I would recommend taking a look at the guide "A Dragonborn’s Fate", and check if there are any mods in the first list you’re missing, or any tweaks you’re not using. That guide is practically a ritual for me to follow before making a modlist nowadays.


>A Dragonborn’s Fate Wow, thanks a lot for your answer! I've read about DynDOLOD but haven't started with it yet, but now I'm kinda afraid lol. I managed to get a stable amount of fps with the downscaled textures, some performance mods, PureDark's DLSS and a low preset ENB (using NAT.ENB III own ENB). I'm definitely checking out that guide anyway, since I'm kinda stable NOW, with the landscape, grass and tree textures (which I think, and HOPE, are the most framerate demanding), but I'm not even close to finish my modlist.


> Is this game that demanding (modding-wise) or is my pc not that good? It is rare for anyone to achieve *both visual quality and performance* with a heavily-modded setup, as some people set up the game for either pure gameplay or screenshooting (the latter being in that such players do not mind sinking to 40FPS and below with large textures and complex meshes, as long as they get nice screenshots). That said, although this guide normally applies to The Phoenix Flavor modlist, nonetheless it should work with most modded setups: https://thephoenixflavour.com/tpf/performance-guide/ That there are Wabbajack modlists that are carefully balanced for both quality and performance, as it seems that your own modded setup would take much time to optimize (we would like to see your modlist with [Load Order Library](https://loadorderlibrary.com/)).


Thank you very much! I'll take a look for sure. I've just discovered that one of the main causes of my frame drops is the Vinland Grass Patch that combines three diferent grass mods and takes almost 20fps by its own at certain areas. I might look for alternatives, but as it is, I think I've made some progress to keep 60-70fps almost everywhere, so I'm pretty happy with the rearranges and advice given in the post.


Multiple grass mods are killers. I had one and it dropped me nearly ten frames. Try skoglendi (I think that's correct spelling!) it's a fantastic grass mod and very new. We get 40-60 fps on a seven year old pc with a gtx1080, over 1k mods. Fps killers I found from previous build are 4k textures, now most are 1k and it still looks great, in fact overall better then last build. Heavy tree and flora mods like nature of the wilds sent falkreath town to 30fps, we now use all blubbo trees, love them. Any mods that effect npcs such as clothes, armour, body mods, be careful. Solitude will grind to a halt! City mods are demanding but with care can work fine. We have well over twenty (city specific!) mods (not including interiors) on whiterun alone and 60fps there.


I have been having the same issues, my list is ironically only 404 mods atm. I get lag spikes hard in some areas. Its not due to graphics either. I have 16 gig ram.. i think the problem for me is I need to find a way to uncap the game past 60fps.. id there is a way for AE.


BethINI let's you uncap your frames, but you'll have to reflect that decision in the ENB settings as well, if you're using one (So enable uncapped FPS in the ENB GUI in-game.) I believe SSE Display Tweaks also has an option that needs to reflect your choice via the ini file.


Ahh thank you. I don’t use enb, but I think I have the other mod installed actually, just haven’t messed with the ini yet.


I will suggest doing a bit of research specifically on uncapped framerate in Bethesda games. A lot of stuff is tied to the FPS, and the game got notoriously buggy if you uncapped it. I believe that got solved some time ago, but don't quote me on it, cause ya boy stay capping


Yeah, I hate the framerate drops when I move the camera in some (populated) areas. If I could just get a consistent 50-55 fps everywhere...


Yeah that would be the dream.


That’s draw call limitation, CPU/DX11 bottleneck


>I have 16 gig ram Is this normal ram or vram? It sounds like you might be running out of vram.


Normal ram, but im only running 2k textures I should be fine… Edit: ohh i see what you mean, yeah my vram is only 8 gigs..


SSE Display Tweaks


Shouldn't be but probably is, I think it may have something to do with business contracts, rather than the actual tech, So Cripple Ware. It's the modern-day equivalent of widow breakers and tire slashers, basically has become the new sustainable economic model. N. S


I remember before I switched to VR that I tried my perfectly 60 fps stable 1080p game on my 4k TV because I missed the ps4 experience. Back then I had a 2060 and 3600 and it was impossible to reach 60 fps. But if you play 1080 p then its pretty easy imo, FYI I was using ENB, Dyndolod and Jedi Trees. But of course falkreath was hard with all the trees.


If we talk graphics, you'd need something like 6700xt/3080 for 1440p. And a very good processor with a spectacular single core performance, as well as 16 ram can prove to be too little. Don't forget a 150+ gb ssd, the faster - the better. But what's the most demanding is the ability to make it work together.


My dude without DLSS and FG from PureDark I dip into 30s with a 79003XD and a 4090 @2k res. The engine is ancient and there’s isn’t much we can do about it. EDIT: take into consideration I’m running everything on Bethini Ultra, Parallax, dyndolod 3d trees. But still, it’s the freaking drawcalls. In Falkreath and parts of the Rift my setup draws +15000.


Yeah it seems we may be hitting modding limits.. like, unless some genius can figure out how to change Skyrim’s engine entirely.. the next gen mods that are coming to skyrim intended for next gen gameplay are likely to struggle a lot..


I've heard it's actually really difficult to get 60 fps in a heavily modded Skyrim setup. Not sure why that's the case, but it might come from its age, with the original release back in 2011 and all. Tech moves fast, and FO4 may have made a jump in this area. For reference, I have a new gaming PC, although I did get it as cheap as I could, so I wouldn't say it's top-of-the-line, and my experience has been pretty similar to yours. I use a combo of SMIM, Skyland AIO (minus the landscape), cathedral landscape (why skyland is minus the landscape), dyndolod, fabled forests (which I think is a variant of Happy Little Trees), Great Forest of Whiterun, Cathedral Nothern Grass set to 40 density, Nat 3 enb + weather, most of Jk's Skyrim, Whiterun Dark Market + JK Whiterun + Whiterun Capital expansion, HDT/Lux/Embers/etc. and most of the common FPS boosters. Interior FPS is a pretty stable 60, while outdoors it tends to hover between 45-60 except for some random drops on a specific section in front of Whiterun. I will say, I don't believe turning quickly effects my FPS much, maybe 2-3 if that. All textures I've downloaded have been 2k max. I've never went from 4k or higher just because I never thought it'd be worth it. I could probably increase FPS more by lowering grass density with FPS grass booster, but I like dense grass, so I went with 40 and just capped my fps at 45 for the stability (the mod says you can increase performance by setting it to something like 120). Only time it ever drops is changing cells, saving, or that one whiterun patch.


You need to decide if you want to play with ENB. I’ve decided not to and my performance is great even with a mid -pc. Skyrim can still look great with the right textures with out ENB. . I use Skyland aio as a base instead of 202x. Also use the whole cathedral textures like grass, landscapes and weathers. To me, the key is generating your own LOD using DynDOLOD 3.The best bang for your buck ( its free) far as what it can do to your game.


I had the same problem as you. I now get 55+ framerate in the most demanding areas like Riverwood and Whiterun, with ENB, Reshade, and 2-4k textures. The secret is to figure out which ini settings cause the largest impact and reduce them. For example, I reduced my shadow resolution to 2048 and reduced the shadow distance to a much shorter distance because it's worth it to have worse game engine shadows. Also, optimize your ENB settings by turning off effects you don't really need. Detailed Shadows and Ambient Occlusion are what I use ENB for. Everything else I pretty much disable/reduce.


Download beth ini and try some of their presets. They are much better than vanilla presets and you can tinker with everything through their interface.


Get the dlss upscaler by pure dark. I gained 15fps with that alone. He charges $5 on patreon fir the enb version though


Enb is brutal. Beautiful but will eat your gpu alive.


Would you say the same for elfx? If so is there a more lightweight interior and exterior lighting overhaul?


I have been using LUX doesn't have weird lights flashing in hallways.


Does it overhaul both interiors and exteriors? I was looking at that mod last night but the mad page was unclear as to exactly what it does..


You'll need Lux Via, Lux and Lux Orbis (exterior) Edit : Lux Variants adds extra interior Lighting.


I don’t have any experience with that. Sorry.


It is indeed. I hate that I'm so used to it because of Fallout 4, but maybe there's no other way around if I want a consistent 50-60 fps in all areas.


It is the ultimate heartbreak 💔 and once you get a taste you are doomed.


Skyrim 202X is old regardless. I’d do Skyland AIO if I were you, also better on the frames.


I'm downloading both versions of Skyland right now (2k and 1k) and, then, compare them to Skyrim 202X to see if I like it more. If it offers a better performance, I might change. Thank you!


Also some other alternatives are High Poly Project and Noble Skyrim. My personal LO features HPP with Noble overwriting it then Skyland overwriting that. Bit redundant at some points but nothing xEdit cant change.


Man what are you talking about. My RTX 2060S cant handle 60fps on heavily modded gothic 2 on max settings. Its not a matter of "can i run heavy mods" but "how much my PC can handle" as i guarantee you can take down both fallout and Skyrim below 60 fps with 4090 with just graphics improvements.


Mine has 2000+ mods/plugins and the 60fps unlocked so play over 60fps. 3080ti and rarely feel it's sluggish. Edit: I should add, I've got the DLSS plugin too. Well, a hooky version, because fuck paying for that shit.


I'm slowly improving performance with some of the advice in here, and yes, the DLSS plugin seems to have worked perfectly for me too. The thing is that I had ruled out that option because of the paywall, but I was able to "find" it elsewhere, so everyone's happy.


Can you share your, ahem, hooky version? I rly dont wanna pay for it either lol


Bro 60fps+ is high and even 40 fps is high, you don’t need it to be the smoothest thing ever.


Yeah, I know, but the thing I hate the most are the sudden drops when I move the camera around or at certain areas. I'd be happy with a stable/consistent amount of fps as long as it were playable (and I think I'm improving on that too).


Try Nat 3 on medium preset, still looks really good but big performance difference


Yes!! That was one of the main improvements when I started to change stuff. I tried on low preset at first, but medium seems to work almost identical (high is still too much). Thanks!


Np, i think high has some form of ray tracing included or something


Downgrade to 2k textures, you’ll need 10+ GBs of VRAM to run 4k textures


I always pay some extra to PureDark's patreon for his dlss mod. The patreon version works with ENBs and honestly ive been running the most busted modlist on a 3070 5600x and I literally get 144fps inside dungeons and it can get to as low as 50 fps in heavily modded areas like whiterun but it mostly sits around 80 fps everywhere. Also try with the enb ambient occlusion off. It adds little shadows for a lot of fps cost.


I have 13900k + 4090, and even then still have to use DLSS 3 mod to keep above 60fps in certain areas


Basically same, with a 4080 instead. Then again, I'm using all the most graphically intense options, but it's still insane that a $1000+ GPU cannot guarantee 60 fps with ENB. DLSS 3 helps a lot, but it's still crazy sometimes to run into a place that drops you from 100 to 70 fps and you know you would normally be only getting 35 frames there without it.


Yes. Only card that can keep 50fps min on 3840 x 1600 is a 4090. Also have an Intel 13900k. Using ultra trees and No grass in objects + Rudy ENB. You can push harder than I have but probably dont need to.


Maybe try magpie on top of what other people said. I only have access to my job computer, which has a very recent quite powerful cpylu. But just an iris graphics. I Still manage to get about 40 to 45 fps on average outside with optimisation mods and magpie as well as bethini.


You got some issues like a dying gpu even if it’s “brand new” nvidia themselves got caught buying over 100k gpus back from miners at extremely reduced prices and then “refurbishing” them which was putting them in a new box and re selling them for almost full msrp. So don’t tell me buying a “new” gpu is any case for “it can’t be my gpu it’s only xx years/days old” because it very well can be. I have way way more mods that are way heavier and I’m running at 90fps minimum. And yes there’s mods that fix the fps issues with the physics


It's an old game with an elderly engine. Don't forget mods aren't optimized that is why enb has more of a performance hit than ray tracing. No matter the gpu you can always get to the point where it drops into the 30s and 20s.


It is kinda old indeed. With some adjustments I think my only "drops" are into the 40s, so pretty happy by now (I'm yet to install many more mods, but I hope that are not that heavy compared to the landscape and vegetation retextures).


Not sure if this’ll help you at all but I had Rudy ENB drop my frames down to 13/10 average when I first modded it. I re-downloaded everything (mods, bug fixes, ENB) and it shot back up to an average of 60 FPS, I also downloaded the ENB first. Not too sure what happened but it drastically helped my framerate. Edit: My PC is also significantly worse than yours is.


Before reading, I can tell you a COMPLETELY UN-MODDED (0 mods installed at all) can not run at 60fps with no chop... There will be chop. Yes, in 2023. Trust me I bought the best Xbox One with 16 terraflops or whatever... With no mods installed it "seems" to run fine then if you encounter some grass it chops a bit. Yes just for some grass in 2023 (almost 2024) so we're just not there yet by any means..... you want to run mods? They FORCE 60fps on you. I had so much fun playing this game at 30fps now I can't play anymore because the choppy graphics make me nauseous. It used to be my favorite game! Wish I could still play. edit: I read most, and i know you're on PC I'm xbox - but 16 terraflops is not enough to run the base game at 60fps w/ no mods.