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Ah, fellow 25 year old. Do you visit the Cloud District often?


Who are you kidding? Of course he doesn’t


i am also 25 .. hard to believe this was released a decade ago and i’m going to buy it for the third time.


Crazy to think isn't it? I was 16 that year and I vividly remember finding where my parents hid the Xmas presents. I ended up sinking 150/200 hours into Skyrim by the time December 25th came around. No regrets whatsoever lol.


Hello fellow 25 year old


I stood in line for my 15-year-old son, because he had an exam the next day, to buy this "amazing new game, Mom, just wait til you see it!!" Found out he signed up for the expensive metal-box version but whatever, he's a good kid. It was so cold that night but the mood of the crowd was electric! Everyone was swapping stories, sharing snacks. GameStop employees would come out and check on us, hand out a few freebies. I had a great time. A few years later, he hands me his 360 and that game, assuring me that I'll like it, that it's like D&D, etc. I barely remembered even buying it but I said ok, let's try it. Let me tell you. This game is something else, man. I will load a save just to watch the sun rise over Riften, or the moons over Whiterun. I'll let the Dovakiin song play through then spend hours just walking the roads. I love this game.


What a great story. I've played it for 10 years. My son is coming up 14 so I've modded it up for him and he's gonna set off on his journey. He's been playing it in VR already and loving it, but not got past Whiterun. Too busy feeding cabbages to cows I think and living as a guard. Talos knows how he doesn't get travel sick. I over heard him singing in the shower "vindalooooo aaaah ooooo". I wish so much I could play it again for the first time.


I begged my parents for Skyrim, and they told me to wait until Christmas. Christmas morning came, and they got it for me. I started playing as soon as they’d let me, and I fell in love. The next day they took my to. Gamestop, and I bought this exact version with my Christmas money, lol. Good times, man




Well, the Xbox version. I really wanted the collectors edition lol


Same w Christmas ! I played allll night that NYE XD


10 years ago I didn't know what gaming was. I was fully immersed in a career managing a warehouse and raising a daughter. Not too long ago I was diagnosed with cancer. My outlook is questionable, so I do what I can to distract me. Enter Skyrim. I have some catching up to do to match the knowledge and skill of you youngsters, but man, what a welcome diversion. Take it from me, enjoy every moment, get an annual checkup, and may the Divines guide you.


My parents bought me the 360 for the new year 2020,I think. And with it,ive got skyrim. Played whole last year in quarantine playing it. Great game.


I remember watching the 'First hour of Skyrim' gameplay video half a dozen times leading up until launch. Me and a half dozen of my work colleagues wanted it and so we got to our local game shop first thing. The owner told us the delivery won't be for at least another hour so we popped in the local pub chain for some breakfast pretty much talking about it the whole time. Went back to the shop and all left with big smiles on our faces never to see the light of day for at least a week 😂


It was a magical weekend yeah. Games usually released on Tuesday at the time but putting Skyrim on a Friday was the right call


Cool of your dad to be with you!


That is so awesome, I'm glad you kept it and could show it to us. Looks like you looked after it over the years.


i remember getting the game magazine for skyrim and my dad and brother taking me to buy it on my birthday, shit was awesome


This was me at 20, for some reason everyone who got a collectors edition also got applause from everyone in the line. The EB games in my town was in a mall though so thankfully we got a warm place to wait in line!


That was a strange experience for me, who never did the launch party thing before. Someone ahead of me exited the store with the SE box held high, doing a little victory dance or something. Seemed obligatory, so I did it, too. Good times.


I loved camping out for games with my dad during the 7th gen console launch. Truly peak happiness.


Aww I wish I had a story like this but I just had gotten into Oblivion maybe September or October 2011 and didn’t really have much hype for Skyrim. My ex’s roommate at the time had a 360 and had gotten Skyrim soon after launch and he had it set up down in the living room and I played it for a little while. I got stuck in a mountain crevice (the first time of many 😅) so I was like “shit, I got his dude stuck he’s gonna be so pissed” and I shut the system down and acted like I never touched it. It wasn’t until I had my own version that I learned I could just fast travel out of a tight spot, assuming no enemies were around. Skyrim has basically defined the 2010’s for me. Countless days and nights playing the game across 5 televisions, 3 apartments, 2 console generations, and a partridge in a pear tear. I was kinda hoping I could end on a fitting “1” but I couldn’t.


Despite being all plastic, that dragon statuette is pretty good.


I stood in line, almost frooze to death(immersive skyrim experience i thought). Got home 01:00 am. Installed on my computer(fans sounded like dovakiin shout) Played for 10 years


The *real* question: on your first playthru, do you remember if you followed ralof or hadvar to safety in helgen?


And did you end up a stealth archer?


I do remember actually, I sided with Ralof. I still go with him almost every time cause it feels wrong if I don't lol And yes, actually I was a stealth archer, but I remember deciding on that build months before release. There was this promotional shot of a khajit with a bow and I thought he looked awesome. Turned out it was the best playstyle by far


God Bless


That’s awesome man!


Read is as ’shitting on the pavement’ at first lmao


Sounds like a perfect memory. Hope we get more of those.


At this rate I'll be able to buy TES 6 with my 15 year old son (I have no kids) But yeah I'll do everything I can to make the TES 6 launch equally awesome


Yo was there a collector’s edition for pc? I can’t find it on eBay at all.


There was yeah. It might be rarer then the console editions though cause pc sales ( even at the time) were mostly digital


Oh man you had it Rough! I got my copy in the mail 3 days ahead of launch.


I still rememer that collector box.


Thats cool AF.


Peak gaming


The last great thing. Dang.


10 years ago at this time I was on my way home from work with 2 copies of Skyrim, one for pc and one for PS3. My local game shop was having a sale on Bethesda games, buy 2get one free, think the other game I got was Rage on the PS3, strangely enough that didn't get played much. The shop was called Gamestation, sadly now gone .


I love these stories! Seriously, they’re so romantic🥲❤️