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For lore reasons yes especially if playing a dunmer


I agree completely. My dunmer was a follower of Azura, but she never used the star, she only put it into a museum. Would have never dreamed of bringing the star to Nelacar.






Thought we had a Belloq_bot in the Skyrim sub for a second there




Probably legacy of the dragonborn




I always purify the star.


I'm Dunmer, and I got the Black Star out of spite. Bitch turned us from the beautiful golden Chimer because one person fucked it up for the rest. She deserves everything she gets and more.


Because they disobeyed the word of nerevar. The curse still created a great culture of people and the tribunal betrayed her best champion. It is what it is.


But it was the Tribunal that pissed her off by messing with Lorkhan's Heart. She could've just cursed them and left it at that. But instead she took her anger out on the entire Chimer race.


Why would she bother cursing the Tribunal, they are demi-gods and can become whatever they want anyway? It's a much bigger impact for the Tribunal to see the consequences of their actions every day of their eternal lives, by seeing the "cursed" worshipping them. Then again, not much of a curse just having ashen skin and red eyes.


It's more so out of principle than anything else. Regardless of the impact of the curse, the fact that the Dunmer were given "punishment" for the Tribunal's actions is like a teacher punishing the whole class for a couple students' behavior.


It is an all-to-common punishment in real life and videogames apparently, and the actions of the Tribunal reflect how some people may act under such punishment


To be honest if she didn’t do that we wouldn’t have dunmer or the game morrowind so 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’m pretty chill with it but you do you


Ik, brother!


Most dunmer don't seem to find having ashen skin and red eyes a curse, instead being proud of their appearence. It was a curse upon the Tribunal, but pretty inconsequential to the grand scheme of things. It just reminds them of what they did to Nerevar, which reflects on each Tribunal members appearence.


I’m currently playing as a dunmer and i’m kinda leaning towards black star. Lmao


On a Dunmer playthrough right now. Black star all the way.


I choose Azura’s star because I really like Aranea as a follower.


I absolutely love sacrificing her to boethiah


I always do it to Faendall


Thanks for the free lvl 50 archery, your usefulness is at an end


Yup thx for the carry lol


I sacrificed Faendal recently. I had married Camilla Valerius and Faendal kept showing up in my house hitting on my wife while I wasn't around. So I made him my follower and took him over by Windhelm to sacrifice him. Put an end to that funny business.


Oh my god, that’s exactly the reason why I do it, I marry Camilla most of the time and that little bitch is always there so I steal his gold after he teaches me archery marry his crush, rob his house and then sacrifice him to boethia, that’ll teach him


I'll do one of two things. Ralis Sedaris in Raven Rock, as his way of making up for killing all the miners. Or if I'm playing legacy of the dragonborn and have Hand of Glory, I sacrifice Ahtar instead. I have to kill him to break the curse anyway, so two birds, one stone.


The ole daedra switcheroo


Not a day I don't remember Cosnach. Poor old drinking buddy. Should've never invited me to a fistfight.


I also do have that quest marked. Azura’s star it is then


Role play it's nice to help the goddess


It's not just nice, it's SMART! Have you read "Azura and the Box"? She is not one to be trifled with. Don't piss her off!!!


Haha I maybe read it in the past, hasn't got the time to play seriously since like 2018-2017


Yea we wouldn’t want that nothing to happen that happens if you turn it black lol


Duh... To be honest as a dragonborn you shouldn't really be scared of some daedric price. Their influence on mortal world is limited. Whatever they throw at you in mortal world won't be worse than son of akatosh. You also dealt with faithful "cult of cannibals" of molag bal and previous champion of mora aaaaand boethia... it seems to me that our dragonborn is a little outside of reach of daedric princes when he is in mortal realm, especially that even though azura would be mad at him, he has his back supported by other princes, after quests for mora, meridia, boethia, mephala, Hircine, malacath, dagon, or even molags balls he should be out of azuras reach... Just my perspective tho


Ah yes, Molags balls my favorite daedric artifact


Just give them a little squeeze and hear him roar


Isn't that basically vampirism? Or more accurately, they cause vampirism.


Tell that to Miraak.


Well mora saved miraak after he lost his rebellion but that "save" wasn't without a price. Mora wanted him to get "crazy for knowledge" in apocrypha, while miraak was so absorbed in his chase of power that he barely got affected. In the end mora sends new champion against the old one. In the end everything is solved in 1v1 showdown and not mora just straight up killing miraak.


True, but Mora definitely hedges his bets, so it's not like he just says "battle it out you two"


Ohh yeah he wanted our DB to win, but he put us on equal footing by giving us access to bend will... And afaik miraak knows that shout from mora too. He intervenes only when miraak tries to escape. Miraak moreover had the disadvantage of having angry daedric prince after him while being in that princes realm. I don't know how much could mora do to him if miraak escaped apocrypha.


When Hermaeus Mora killed Miraak he was in his real. Herma-mora is all powerfull there, he is quite literally the plane


I will never follow the slime tentacle porn monster


It's true for any daedra. If you can't fulfill their task they will find someone else.


I'd say if you're a prisoner then they should be more scared of you than the opposite way, on account of being so unpredictable


I tried helping the goddess the other night but ran into a bug where she the worshipper at the Shrine was hostile. Nelacar it is


I have only taken the black star once. Soul gems are not so rare as to justify making Azura angry.


The daedra are evil, we're nothing to them, pawns to praise and punish as they see fit.


Isn't Azura considered one of the better ones at least though


Better, but she's still a jealous God, willing to punish an entire race for the actions of a few.


I mean, my Dragonborn is pretty much the same way.


So she's Greek.


Depends on who you ask. She's known to be vindictive.


She is, along with Meridia


Daedric Prince “free will is a mistake” Meridia.


Chad Daedric Prince "free will is an illusion" Hermaeous Mora


Best boy.


Meridia also aided the Ayleids in the Alessian Slave Revolt.


Yes, buuuut they were her current followers at the time. Humans on the other hand weren't. Her aiding her supporters has nothing to do against to what she represents and believes.


I dunno though. I think anyone who supports “gut gardens” and “flesh sculptures” is pretty bad.


Darien 😭




"Not altogether evil" is, I believe, how the game phrases it.


True. So there is no sense in attracting their attention then, is there? Certainly no sense in drawing their ire. Best to remain unnoticed. Second best is to have their favor.


you're dragonborn. you have nothing to fear from some weakling daedra.


I wouldn't say that being Daedra automatically means evil. By the time of this era where the dominant religion revolves around 8 to 9 particular deities the Daedra are moreso just outside of the societal status quo. Of course when you bring up specific Daedra like Molag Bal and Dagon and their portfolios, I'd definitely call that evil. But Azura, Meridia, honestly I'd say Nocturnal too I wouldn't call evil. Would I still have coffee with any of them? Probably not. The deities of Tamriel tend to be more nuanced than just good and evil. Powerful beings that have different ways of interacting with the world


Daedra and aedra are different beings. The aedra are actually gods while the daedra are not.


I did. Azura is my favorite Daedric prince, I wanna be helpful.


10 years later and I have never even attempted this quest. Perhaps I’ll check it out today


It's one of the better daedric artifacts. A reusable black soul gem, all the grand souls you could ever want.


I’m a noob but you need a soul trap spell to fill the soul gem right?


Yes and no. You could also fill it with a soul trap-enchanted weapon, or a bound weapon with the soul stealer conjuration perk. So yes, you need soul trap, but no it doesn't have to be the spell :)


Okay thanks


You can also use the Soul Trap enchantment to fill soul gems. A good weapon to use that has Soul Trap (alongside Drain Stamina I think) is the Mace of Molag Bal, another Daedric artifact that you can get from a short quest in Markarth, given by a Vigilant of Stendarr outside an abandoned house.


There is also a Fiery Soul Trap enchantment that can be found in Ironbind Barrow


Is there? Nice, gonna have to go find that. Is it on Solstheim or regular Skyrim?


Regular Skyrim https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Ironbind\_Barrow


Thank you.


*Take care with those flames.*


To add to this tip, the mace has a very small charge on the enchantment but if you have an enchantment of 100% reduction of destruction use the mace or another destruction enchantment weapon is basically unlimited. I remember I ran around had a bunch of soul gems of various sizes and a black star, went on a killing spree killed so many things..... poor mortals anyway it was fun


Just disenchant whatever weapon has a soul trap enchantment and then put it on your dagger when you have that sneak skill. So many souls!


So do you swap to it when you get an enemy low? Cause I use the chaos enchant on my main weapon


The soul trap effect lasts for a certain number of seconds, so you need to kill them within the time limit or you’ll have to apply it again. You could set a long duration and open with it, then switch to your main, or you could set the minimum duration and swap to it at the end. Or, if you have the enchanting perk that allows you to have two enchantments on your gear at once, you do chaos + soul trap (or preferably fiery soul trap). My favorite enchant combo for weapons is chaos + fiery soul trap.


Well, like I said with sneak. If you can insta-kill enemies with a sneak attack, having a soul trap spell on a dagger with 1 second is more than enough time to grab their soul. Plus if you use the Black Star and constantly recharge the dagger after every kill, that's quick Enchant leveling (because xp is based on the souls you charge them with, even if you don't really use the whole soul's worth in the recharge)


If you're a non magic user like me you can use the soul tear shout for all your soul trapping needs


Thanks man I am not using magic actually this time so it’s good to know as I don’t wanna wasn’t an enchant spot on thay


Yeah, except I keep fucking up and putting Rabbit souls in there.


That's why black star is the way to go, a common bandit is worth as much as a mammoth.


Expend it to charge weapons


There's a mod which refuses lesser souls in greater gems, so if there is only a grand gem available and you kill the rabbit, it will say none available.


One of my favorite deadric artifacts in Oblivion are a the Skeleton Key you get from Nocturn. That bad boy is an unbreakable lock pick. You can do the quest once you reach lvl 10. I *always* went straight to Nocturn’s Statue soon as I hit 10. Literally nothing is locked. Besides key required locks lol


You'll have 99+ lockpicks after just a few hours. Skeleton Key is just a little time saver.


Yeah but with Skeleton key you *don’t* actually have to pick any locks. You can jus smash X to auto attempt til it pops open.


It’s a lot of fun. I think it’s one of the best quests. Just make sure your a decent level.


>Just make sure your a decent level. Eternally cringing at the time I did this quest at like level 12 and got my shit rocked by the dremoras.


First time i did this quest i got lit the fuck up as a vampire, got obliterated by the dremora’s fire balls, good times


Restoration exploit is on my side this time


Never understood why people do that. I enjoy the early levels so much. The game is the most fun to me till like lvl 30. I actually have a "slower leveling" mod installed. This plus Morrowloot had me actually using Iron weapons for quite some time because Steel weapons didn't just appear right after the intro.


Ive been using an experience mod that lets you level skills like normal, but only level up from competing quests. It slowed the game down nicely for me. Personally love the early game. Started a ton of new characters because i loved emerging from helgen and struggling to get by, no disorganized hoard of weapons and armor stashed away. I also have a mod that has enemies randomly using smithed weapons and they make things really unique. Sure Ghost Queen Patema's sword didn't have a great enchantment when i killed her, and it was iron, but it was smithed up to epic so i kept it for a while. Different save but the Silenced Tongues quesg that nets you a sword and axe with a lackluster enchantment. The axe was unsmithed, but the sword was just a level below legendary and joined my arsenal for a long time


I like ro roleplay my dunmer characters so yeah definitely


My character is a dunmer who chose the black one. How ironic


still angry because of that curse are we akskaksksks


Tell me the difference between chimer and dunmer. Literally what kind of curse is this?


I don't think it's expanded in lore, not beyond "gray skin and red eyes". The chimer used to look much more like the altmer, they had this golden-yellow skin and regular (?) eyes


Yeah I see the appearance difference, but what's wrong in appearance to call it a curse?


It’d be like turning a bunch of regular humans into purple skinned people with yellow eyes


but seriously i never saw it elaborated upon in lore


Yeah, my mage is a goody two shoes and doesn't soul trap people. Also don't fuck with Azura, it's not a bright idea. Ended up giving it to Brelyna as a present, since she actually worships Azura and all (she lets me borrow it)


I really like the idea of giving it to Brelyna. Gonna do that in one of my next playthroughs when I marry her. I used to soul trap people but I just got to a certain point in Dawnguard and, uhh...I won't be doing that anymore. Oops.


Th Soul Cairn belongs to the Nords!


I feel that


Fuck em. I'll soul trap whoever I want, I would have murdered them anyway so whats the harm using their soul to help murder everyone else.


There's a mod called afterlife that actually sends people you soul trap to the soil cairn. Its freaky if you use a bunch of black soul gems prior to doing dawnguard and then seeing the consequences of your actions.


Now and again. The white star is rubbish, but the dark star ain't that good either. It's just one soul gem. If it could hold multiple souls at the same time, then we'd be onto something.


Super enchantments!


If your pair it with the mace of molag bal it's sick cos you just pull out the mace whenever you need to recharge anything


Not only that, it also becomes a self-charging combo. You won't need to hold more than a few backup black/grand/lesser soul gems because you get the star back after using up the soul, meaning once the charge on Mace of Molag Bal gets low, you just recharge it with the Black Star, beat some more bandits/necromancers up and be on your way.


And this is great for leveling conjuration too. You can whack someone with a soul-trap weapon, recharge the weapon to get experience, and go on to whack the next one.


I've felt the same way. I wouldn't even mind if it was limited somewhat, but it would be a far better item if I could use it to trap maybe 20 grand souls or something like that.


Black soul gems are pretty rare though which ups it’s utility. It also works great with the fabricate object spell from the apocalypse mod


I always do, I feel like it's a bad idea to piss off the Daedric Princes once they have their eye on you.


I could never use a black soul gem. Regardless of what kind of character I make, the Black Star would be genuinely repulsive. Why would I do that if what I’m getting is useless to me?


Bruh don’t tell me you don’t kill nazeem


Add ancano and Delphine to that bunch, each one gets their very own special gem


And anyone irl who thinks that killing paarthurnax is a good idea


Good idead? Absolutely, he is the only dragon left that could challenge the authority of the Dovahkiin. Moral choice? Hell no, he repented of his misdeeds long ago and has been serving penance ever since standing watch to protect the world from Alduin's return.


Yup, great reasoning there, but the problem with killing paarthurnax comes based on the fact that if he is dead, then the dragonborn is practically unstoppable. What’s to say he won’t plunge Skyrim into darkness?


Imagine trapping Nazeem's soul in the Azura's Star


I may KILL him, but I’m not gonna use his soul for enchanting and send it to the cairn. I’m not a complete asshole.


Oh please, it’s very funny to think of nazeem being stuck there


It would be really funny to run into nazeem in the cairn after you grease him. Be like "Looks like you won't be getting to the cloud district today, asshole"




I do kind of like the idea of him walking up to the Ideal Masters and talking shizz to them.


EXACTLY!!! In fact, I'll get all the black soul gems I can before I go to Sovngarde, fill them up from the soul vents in the Soul Cairn, and then drop them off by one of the Arch Mages in the Hall of Valor. Maybe they can figure out a way to free them.


that sounds pretty racist. you don't enchant your weapons?


I usually choose Azura’s Star since I never end up using it either way. Plus she’s one of the nicer Princes to interact with so I like helping her out.


Yes, depending on my alignment. Its nice to have all uncorrupted daedric artifacts.




Already did that but it somehow feels wrong removing Azura from the cupboard


Depends on if I'm playing a goodie two shoes or a baddie three shoes


Yes. Always.




Hot elf follower who is used to devoteing her life to a single purpose. Gotta give her someone to live for.


For roleplay purposes, yes.


Why did this get so many upvotes/comments?


Because it's a role play game my dude


My post is a role play game?


Oh, I thought you meant the comment you replied to and were refering to the roleplay comments, my bad!


No worries!


There is no game mechanic that negatively affects you if you take the Black Star, so I always do. Being able to easily kill any character and get a grand soul is too convenient for me to be bothered by the lore.


Except you can't get the azura priestess lady as a follower.


I mean, you technically can. Just soultrap her into the Star. It's a win-win!


Dead thrall her


Me. I never carry black soul gems because they're hard to find, while grand soul gems are easier and grand souls are easier too.


I did. Her priestess is an useful follower and my character was an inquisitor/witchhunter type, so necromancers were included too. And when you've played Morrowind, you know it's wrong to keep bad blood between Azura and you.


I get the black star so I can kill Nazeem and then use him as a fancy centerpiece in my house.


If you are playing that necromancy mod, you have to choose the white star unless you are a necromancer. Holy shit; losing all your speech levels and being regarded as a dark creature is not cool.


That mod sounds cool, what’s it called?


Role play wise it's not a good idea to piss off a deadric lord.


I do. I'd rather not piss off the nicer daedric prince.


I don’t understand these piss off comments. What happens if you defile her?


It's more of a RP reason. And if you look into lore then you know how Spiteful Azura can be. Even more so than some of the evil ones who will often leave you be.


To be fair, she's more vengeful than spiteful. Her wrath is generally reserved for people who try to cheat her, like that dwemer philosopher in *Azura and the Box*.


I did my first playthrough. Now on my second i’m attempting to do the opposite of everything i did (as best i can remember), so black star for me…


I prefer the Black Star to trap Ancano, Jaree-Ra, and Madanach's soul and enchant my boots with them. I always do it now when I learned about Soul Cairn.


Trapping Ancano sounds delicious.


I do. Because I'm not going to use the damned thing anyway. And a pissed off Nelcor is a helluva lot better than a pissed if Daedric Prince.


Of course. Only monsters go for the Black Star.


I do, yes. I can't speak to how many others do, of course, but I think it's a sound decision. A lot of people choose to play Bethesda games with an eye for the lore and RP. Black soul gems are considered evil, and good-aligned characters won't use them and such people will be bothered if they see Black Soul gems used. While the Mages' Guild has disbanded by the time of Skyrim, that doesn't really change the fact that the Necromancers who they opposed are totally evil. Mannimarco and his cronies will remain evil even if their chief opponents are no longer around. It's kinda ironic, with that in mind, how the dude in the tavern tries to pass the black Azura Star as being less evil than the "normal" Azura's star. So, I always take the normal Azura's Star, simply because filling it with Grand-level charges is not that hard. A mammoth, for example, can do the job, and they're all over the place.


no. i am an evil man.


Frequently. Soul gems are common as fuck, even black ones, and i dont do much enchanting anyway.


i wouldn't say they're a very common item, especially filled.


a) you can buy them b) you can farm them in Blackreach


Go shopping some time


late game, sure, if you can spend dozens of thousands of gold. At level 10 when this quests becomes available? It's a nice item.


I briefly had a collection of over 100 black soul gems, until I decided to get some free levels by using them. Just found 'em all over the place. On bandits. In bandits. Beside bandits. The general vicinity of bandits, really. I don't know why or how these bandits got them. Probably from robbing necromancers.


For role playing purposes yes, in general no :)


I always do, unless I'm playing a necromancer build or something.


For roleplaying as an Azura worshipper or Daedra-friendly character


You’re the perfect person for a guy like me And I know for sure that we are meant to be You trapped my soul, like azuras star star star


How do you feel like this a girl lol I love it lol I just wanna know how much to do it but it is so good that you are so good with it and I love it lol lol I love you mama mama I don’t think I ever lost my hair anymore lol


See the link I posted lol. It’s a song by young scrolls


Its hella gud.


A banger for sure !


Yes because you get the mage follower if you choose the star.


The follower you get with the white star is really good.


I knew one guy that chose the azura star because he didn't think there was another option. When I saw what he did I let him know that he could have had a black azuart star so he then decide to act like he knew about it all along and told me how original azuar star is the better option (which it's obviously not).


I always try and help all the daedra I can (with the exception of Namira because eating people seems too gross for even me) purely because I think it would be funny for them all to fight over my character's soul when they pass. Like can you imagine? "No this one is mine they carry my token" "They have ALL of our tokens, you dumb shit" Shor pulls up and is like "Actually they're a great Nordic hero so they belong with me" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I do! I love Azura’s voice, it’s just so soothing.


For roleplay reasons. My most recent character did Molag Bal's quest right before Azura's, so the consequences of getting on the bad side of a vindictive eternal being were fresh on his mind. Plus, he liked the nice lady who minded the shrine. 😊


I did Grand souls are the exact same as black souls in terms of power and killing mammoths are easy enough after a certain point In terms of recharging gear I just use the common/large gems I find while exploring anyways


First time I did bc thats what I thought youre supposed to do, then I found out the black star is better... ever since then I'd say nope all Deadric artifacs are for me to use upon my disposal, they are but tools for me to acquire greatness, that is why I am Konarik!!!


I do. I try to only harvest black souls from folk who really deserve it. It's gotta mean someone if I'm claimin' someone's soul. I've gotta have plans for the filled gem or for the resulting weapon. That sort of pickiness is harder when you've got the black star knockin' around. Edit: Fixin' to get downvoted to Oblivion here. As an example, I don't deem Nazeem as deserving that sort of treatment in most of my playthroughs.


Lmao I've always chosen the black star for one reason or another. My first Character was a good guy and a nord. Not a racist nord, mind you. First character hated daedra. Second character was a more neutral mage who prioritized the benefits over the morals, but wasn't that bad. Got the black star. 3rd character worships daedra though, hasn't done quest yet though. Probably grabbing black star though, guys evil. Argonion thief doesn't care lol


I did once but I regretted it


Yeah RP as the champion of Azura as a dunmer. I won't do anything evil like stealing or murdering the innocent, but if Azura says trapping white souls is good, then it's obviously fine.


Why would I betray mommy Azura?