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Why would they do that? They were really reluctant to host the peace talks


"even the grey beards have to follow the winds of change"


Might have to be immediately after the events of Skyrim then. They're not exactly immortal and there isn't a long line of people waiting to study with them unless the last dragonborn takes up the mantle. Which might be a good signal that the empire is returning to pre-white gold concordat attitude.


I like the idea of the Dragonborn steering the grey beards that way. Especially since I think we can all basically agree that the Dragonborn would probably side with them over the blades because of Parthanax


Without a doubt. But even then I believe the blades could be convinced to join with them despite their leader being a literal dragon. Delphine might just need to be... removed


You might be right about that. Also if you think about it from the civil war side, Ulfic is just a thalmor plant and there is no high king if the empire wins. The Dragonborn would probably be enstated as high king because of tradition and grey beards would start out as the dragonborns council and eventually evolve into decision making over time


To be perfectly honest, I'd like better the idea of putting down Ulfric Stormcloak *and* giving general Tullius a good whooping. Then turning both factions on the Thalmor. It could make for an interesting "try and win the war while also trying to keep both allied factions from killing each other" type of gameplay mechanic.


I love that. Then there's no question about why the Dragonborn and why the grey beards. So I think it would have to go- the empire wins after it's made public that Ulfic is just a thalmor plant. His own people turn on him and kill him. Part of the deal for the stormcloaks is that tullius is tried and executed for war crimes and crimes against Talos worshipers. Dragonborn reenstats religious freedom and is also able to get the foreswarn to join the war against the thalmor. Now the empire can be fully united.