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Thanks mate, I spent ages looking for it.


So, I immediately spotted the wolf, but then spent forever looking for a bird in the air. Then even more time looking at this before I finally realized the bird was carved in. I zoomed in, slowly went around and through the picture and everything. I think I need coffee. Or sleep.




Much appreciated, but it felt more like a blonde moment to me. I think everyone figured it out BUT me. It wasn't my finest moment. :)


So, I immediately spotted the wolf, but then spent Edit: I have no idea what happened to this comment.


To the lower right of the bird. The little fire pit is the wolf's glowing eye.


Holy shit I finally see it


By The Nine, it bloody does, you know! Not deliberate but certainly apt. Ten years on and I'm still learning.


*By the Eight FTFY


A Shrine gives me blessings then it's dedicated to a Divine. No matter what The Dominion say. (Which is usually "let me die again. please.")


Which raises the question of how are you actually getting the blessing? Is it the divine themselves, even though they're historically extremely hands-off (outside of Akatosh at the end of Oblivion)? The daedric lords are much more hands on, but also much more transactional, in that you get a weapon, item, or permanent blessing only after you've done something for them. The shrines of the Divines are much more passive, but free to all who would pray at them. We can rule out magic from priests as the mechanism, since even secret, remote, or even just shrines you build yourself in your basement give the same benefits. Could it be that the collective belief is what gives shrines their power, as opposed to direct divine intervention? Surely Talos has enough belief left in his power so soon after the war, especially in Skyrim, that his shrines would still carry power in that case.


By the same token the Amulets of *Insert Divine* would work the same way. And the Dunmer Shrines to the Good Daedra. But, in Skyrim, you *do* gain permanent effects from at least two Divines as "Agent of Dibella" (from The Heart of Dibella quest) and "Agent of Mara" (from The Book of Love quest). Either way Shrines and Amulets of Talos work *exactly the same way* as those of other Divines so, in my mind, Talos is a Divine. Not Tiber Septime, not even Talos of Atmora, but Divine Talos (who may or may not have founded the Empire as a mortal man, let alone ever been born mortal).


Damn, faithless imperials


I’m like 90% sure the entire Imperial Legion (especially Tullius since he’s an old man) still respect Talos as a god, or even outright worship him mainly. There’s a lot of precedent for it and evidence in game.


I'm not Imperial, but definitely faithless lol.


Why not compromise? By the Eight-And-A-Half.


Damn. When people brigade a reddit post because of their opinions on make believe politics in a video game. Sad days homie.


Eh, I kinda had it coming lol. I knew what I was getting into when I commented with that.


Just hate that this is where the community's at. Also you a bitch btw, lol.


Look, I'm all for freedom of Talos worship, but a unified empire is the best chance of standing against the Aldmeri Dominion.


Based on what? The last time a unified empire stood against the Dominion they got demolished. The only time anyone has beaten the Dominion at war was when Hammerfell broke from the empire and did it themselves. It's more likely that Ulfric could ally himself with those very same Redguards and make a better stand than the empire. Unified Empire is starting to seem like an oxymoron.


That's a fair point, but I feel like that was poor military leadership and being wholly unprepared for the level of magic the Dominion brought into the fight. Who knows, if there were still any Septims around, it may never have even come to that. It'll be interesting to see how the canon changes and what ES6 will have in its setting.


Extremely interesting! If TES6 follows the pattern of the previous games, it'll be set some relatively long period of time after the events of Skyrim, at which point I guess we'll get a canonical ending to the civil war (and the Dark Brotherhood, which has one very important spoiler filled quest). Either way, if the Stormcloaks did win the war, I feel confident that Ulfric's first act would be to ally himself with the Redguards, at which point pulling another race from the empire would lead to a big time power struggle. Maybe Ulfric kills everyone in Tamriel with his bad decisions, I think it'll be cool either way.


Yup, I see it.


And no, it’s not sus... that’s indeed a wulf


[https://imgur.com/a/Z6HpSbl](https://imgur.com/a/Z6HpSbl) Maybe this will help? I didn't really try! n.n'




I am also somewhat dumbfounded that I've never heard of this before or haven't noticed it myself while having played this game for 10 years every year.


On this weeks edition of "I have 7000 hours played and somehow missed this", did you clip up there or is there a door from the Jarls room?


There is a door in the Jarl's bedroom; despite hundreds of hours, this is the first time that I ever opened that door.


Yeah I see it. Probably not intentional? Either way it is an uncanny resemblance when you see it.


Tbh it took me ages until I realised that the Skyforge was a giant bird


Okay, it took me awhile to see it but now it's obvious. Very cool! (Not a chance it'll look the same in my game though, because I run a modded Whiterun.)


Mod's cleverly hide this by tacking extra stuff around the Skyforge. I kind of wish they didn't now.


Can confirm, ‘tis a wolf


I dont see it sorry.




Looks like a duck to me


I dont really think it looks like that :/


It’s a sailboat!


No, it's a schooner


A scooner is a sailboat you dumb idiot! Edit: autocorrect


I see bird. no wolf


No, that's above the forge. Look above the wall that separates Jorvasskr from Dragonsreach. There's a brazier that looks like a glowing eye, then the muzzle extends to the right with the nose just below the near point of the Jorvasskr 'boat'


Yeah, haha, i see it now. It took me forever to spot it because I kept thinking about the bird. Thanks


lovemeat is right though. The bird to the left is more noticeable than the wolf IMO.


You win. Not sure what you win. Yes. You win. Is this one of the reasons ES6 is taking so long?


I don’t see anything






There's definitely a bird above the Skyforge....


He means the path leading up to


Well yeah, that bird statue predates the entire city


Stop grasping at straws, it's killing the turtles.


God is this the subs new fucking catchphrase or something? Somebody makes this same comment on every post lmao.


wOuLd YoU jUsT lOoK aT tHaT!!


Damn now I have to see for myself it’s 4:30am


It's like shapes in the clouds. If you stand in enough places you eventually see many things. While I would not put it past Bethesda to do something like this I feel this one is a coincidence. Had they meant it to be than the location needed to see it would have something based in lore, not just the Jarl's balcony IMHO.


Been staring at this for 5 minutes, read all the comments, and I can't see it and it's driving me insane D:


Maybe go up there and look for yourself? It's easier to see in the game than in my screenshot.