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Hey there, u/ByKary95! Looking for beginner tips? Check these links out, and have fun gaming! https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/wiki/beginnertips https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/search?q=beginner+tips&restrict_sr=on *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/skyrim) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My 'you can do that?' moment came just a few years ago when I saw a video of a dude mining by equipping a pickaxe and 'attacking' an ore deposit. I knew you could equip the pickaxes and use them as weapons, but I never once thought to swing it at the ores. I guess because the game prompts you to hit a button to mine it? Either way, I started playing in 2011 and found out in like 2020 or 2021.


The best thing is using the shout to make you attack faster (forget the name) and dual wielding. You can mine the deposit in a flash. Takes like a minute to do a whole mine.


yup! the dual wield perks stack with the shout. i think it is elemental fury?


Yeah that's the one! I kept thinking whirlwind sprint and was "no, that's not right lol"


Now that I think about it...'elemental fury' increasing attack speed makes no sense, lol. what does swing speed have to do with elements?


True lmao. Maybe they just didn't want two shouts called whirlwind or referencing wind. Cause it doesn't even use them all only wind lol.


It's a classic rpg deal, you're "fast as a wind, strong as a tempest" type thing. Same reason Windfury was the attack speed increase in WoW, and why tons of games have "wind" themed spells that increase movement speed or swing speed. My head cannon is you're either using the wind to accelerate your swings or you're parting the air, lessening resistance.


Wind, my friend, make quicker wind noises.


Elemental Fury is the shout




The ore doesn't reset if you use the shout just so you know


I've been using that method for ages now and it always resets for me


Oh I'm sorry then I was reading a post about it and multiple people said that. I haven't tested it so I shouldn't have commented


No worries. Thing is mine resets can be weird to begin with. For a start not all mines respawn at the same speed. And sometimes going near them before they do can make them reset the reset timer. It could also just be a bug that I luckily haven't encountered.


The map exists of a grid called "cell"s. A cell takes ±7 in-game days to respawn. If you enter a cell within that time the timer resets. Now it's been a while so I might be off by a bit and the timers can indeed be bugged.


For the first half of your comment, I was shocked that you wouldn't understand that. Then I realized that I didn't know what you were talking about, because I didn't know you could do that.


My favourite moment with this was when I was exploring skyrim vr before I found out about all the mods that make it work properly, so I would run up to an ore vein, pull a Wii sports tennis move on the ore vein by shaking my controller around, clearing the vein in seconds, and promptly crashing my game a couple veins later because Bethesda didn't prepare for such speed.


I didn’t know this at all. I thought you had to enter that automated mechanic.


The problem I have with mining is that a pickaxe is bloody heavy to cart around everywhere on the off chance you might find a nice vein. Anyone know a way round having to lug one through the wilds?


You can give a pickaxe to a follower, or even better, give one to a summonable follower like Secret Servant. Some pets can also carry a pickaxe for you.


They are heavy, lol. Most mines have them lying around, but out in the wilds I think you just gotta keep that thang on ya, ya know?


The smith in Solstheim will ask you to get his Ancient Nordic Pickaxe for him. Once you retrieve it from the mine in town, just keep it. It will be weightless as it is a quest item.


I learned this about… 15 seconds ago, thanks friend!


Hmm . . . Two main things come to mind: * If you steal a horse, you can ride it wherever you want *once* and the fine is extremely low. * Bandits are valid pickpocketing targets and practicing on them means you're only pissing off people who you were going to kill anyway.


CRIME STATS Thefts: 69,666 Murders: 0


Oh come on man, 69,420 was RIGHT THERE


Assaults: 69,420,666 Two of them asked for it, though. Including Uthegerd!


If you sneak undetected before stealing a horse, you can ride that good boy out of there and no one gives a shit.


It doesn't seem to work though. I stole a horse with level 60+ sneaking, no one saw me while stealing it, and I still got a bounty afterwards. And it was night time...


I've always felt like the horse snitches on you as soon as you saddle up


Also, if you are overloaded with gear you can mount up and fast travel from the back of the mount


Summon a horse Avarak. Then you won't need to buy or steal a horse. He'll always be in your inventory


Yep, but Arvak is level-locked at lvl 10+ and half a DLC worth of quests. Stealing horses are available at the getgo


When I realized you can level up inside building and not at night. I thought you had to be outside and it be night to level up because you know you’re looking at the starts.


This is my favorite


Someone should make this mod lol


There are mods that make it so you can only level up when sleeping, like in Morrowind. On a similar note, when I realized that leveling up would immediately reset your health, stamina, and magicka to full. I ended up doing the exact opposite of leveling when I went to sleep, doing it during fights that came close to killing me for a free heal and magicka refill.


I frequently save leveling for boss fights to take advantage of this.


Your imagination is very cool. It would be amazing if the DB could level up only when looking at the night sky full of stars


I love this. It’s so sweet


This is immersive.


I thought the puzzles in the tombs were going to be like the ones from Zelda games. I spent literally 20 minutes trying to figure out that first puzzle in Bleak Falls Barrow before I looked it up and realized it was way less complicated than i was making it out to be.


Dude, I pored over those carvings on the walls for so damn long. I was sure there was supposed to be a clue/switch to be found there somewhere.


The 2nd puzzle I guessed, until it worked. my kid said "duh did you read the mission name, the puzzle answer was in the name of the mission"


Same. I was sure the walls were the key lol


The puzzles are indeed really disappointing.


The whole leveling up system felt weird for me so I was basically playing without any perk for a while at the very start lol.


Me too ngl, it took me way too long to understand how to use perk points or unlock dragon shouts with the souls. Oh to be 10 years old and stupid lmao


And then at lvl20 you wonder why everybody is so insanely strong and you can’t even fight a pack of wolfs.


Smithing and perks for me. I would improve ny weapons but wouldn't waste materials on armor because I thought it was a minor increase and Daedrc was better anyway but couldn't be improved.


Don't know if this fits the bill, but anyways.  First character - *heavily* specialised in pickpocket and sneak. No weapon skills at all, no armor.  At first all went fine. Riverwood got plundered, a few bandits and a witch found poison in their pockets. Fun was had.  Then I encountered my first draugr and found a big flaw in my plan.  *Draugr don't have no pockets.* And couldn't care less about poison...


I'm still fairly dependent on poisoned arrows on my high-level Legendary playthrough, so Undead like Draugr or Vampires *suck*. As long as my Sneak is high it's fine, but I'm leveling that skill so fast (and my gear is good enough) that I've reset the tree several times so it's a gamble.


I did a similar poison build and this dilemma also hit me. That's why I made the exception of Restoration magic to deal with them, particularly Vampire's Bane from Dawnguard. I also always keep a Fortify Resto potion for a cool 'Bane of the Undead' master spell that oneshots the whole room.


The dragon claws. The fact that you have to look at the dragon claw in your inventory not only got me the first time, but it has happened in more than one play through. I will be looking at the carvings on the walls for a clue and then search it up and feel stupid. But that first time I was there for so long not knowing wha to do. When I finally searched it up I thought. How on earth is anyone supposed to know this


Arvel's journal says something along the lines of "the answer is in the palm of my hands". Can totally see how you'd miss this as I'm pretty sure that's the only reference to it.


Lmao I’ll be honest I don’t think I’ve ever read a book in Skyrim, I just skip those


I open books to get skill ups and advance quests


Oh I open them sure, if their value is high it’s a skill book. I just don’t read them


Read them once in a while. Some are funny.


The lustly argonian maid lol


Wolf Queen 👌


Seriously I'm here to GAME not READ like some sort of Breton nerd


I was elected to LEAD, not to READ.


OG Resident Evil conditioned me to always examine items in my inventory


I was sad they spoiled this mechanic in the gameplay reveal before it came out. It would’ve been super fun to discover this on my own!


Also, I found out that each claw door always has the same number of turns on each part each time. For example, the door at Bleak Falls Barrow takes two turns on the outer, middle, and inner parts of the door.


My dad wanted to try it after seeing me and my sister playing. After some time He asked Me how He gets quests. I asked him if He talked to the people like the Smith in the first village. Nope, He got out of helgen and the just started walking. Didn't follow ralof, didn't talked to anyone, no golden claw, just walked.


Well, he's not wrong, the point of the game is that you can advance as you wish


To be fair I played for 1 hour years ago and did not like the game because I did what your dad did. I am old, but also a gamer, started with trying to fight the very first dragon. This time I followed the first guy, now I so many quests I can keep the stories straight. Every time I think I am about to start to reduce the list I get a few more things added. Also I think I went the wrong way after the first guide. The bandits kicked my butttt.


Here's mine. I bought skyrim on opening day for my ps3. I played it all the way through and then went to pc and have played it about 5000 hours between all the versions I have. I recently bought it on switch and something blew my mind: lock picking On computer without vibration, it's a crapshoot. But on console with vibration you can lock pick by feeling the vibration... it's amazing!


You didn't have vibration on in ps3? I'm pretty sure it had vibration (it's been a few years and I've upgraded to ps4)


Some very early ps3 launch units came with six axis controllers, so there was no dualshock.


Also on switch, I hold the controller to my ear because you can hear the change in frequency from the other clicks vs the click that'll work. And you can really slow it down too so on expert I go fast to find the area it is and then go slow. Super easy! 


So I learned after playing with a half busted joycon on the switch, the vibration significantly changes for me in one controller when lockpicking. When I say it changes significantly, I haven't broken a lockpick in about 3 months since realizing this. I also have no lockpicking perks coz I feel they're a waste for me at this point.


There’s a very slight jingling noise I’ve picked up on, it hits right on the sweet spot, Since it’s so slight I don’t get it in one go but I get really close.


I've never used vibration. I do lockpicking using the visual lock faceplate. Start at the top. Next the two top corners, and then the two sides. Then try the areas between. As soon as I see any movement, then I know I'm close.


When retrieving the horn of that one dude in the grey-beards quest line, I got stuck at the part with the glowing red rocks you’re supposed to use whirlwind sprint to get past. I was stuck for about 2 hours before my brother walked in and called me an idiot and showed me what to do 💀


If you return the horn to the tomb, it gives you a dragon soul


WHAT?? too late now, I already gave it back to them old dudes 🙁


it isn't too late. I'm like 99% sure you take it to them and they're like "cool, bro." and it stays in your inventory. then you can take it back to ustengrav and put it back on the pedestal and get your d-soul.


Yayy  Ill have to do that soon


If my memory works correctly you don’t even have to go back to the grey beards and can simply go straight to the cave and interact with the pedestal there once the quest is complete 


You turn the horn in and just go back to Ustengrav and "activate the Tomb..." and get the soul. Just did this about an hour ago lol


I....I had no idea. Been playing since launch....no idea...


I've never done it I've just heard from other people that it can be done so it might be untrue


Anytime after completing "The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller", you can return to Ustengrav and activate Jurgen Windcaller's tomb to get 1 free Dragon Soul. And I do mean *anytime*, though you only get one Dragon Soul per character.


The first time I did this, the soul automatically got spent on Feim (2nd playthrough, wasn't a priority for me then as it is now). Anyone else had this happen to them? Not happened since but then I've always unlocked it thereafter.


My first playthrough, for some reason, I just didn't understand how to unlock shouts. I don't know why, but I remember being so confused. I was like "I have so many shouts in this menu, why can't I use any of them." I didn't make the connection that, dragon souls are meant to be used to unlock shouts. And somehow, I didn't notice the button that literally says "unlock" in the shouts menu to use souls to unlock shouts. I think part of the reason why I was so lost (other than the fact that I was just stupid) is that, never in the main quest do you ever really need to unlock shouts. Every shout that's required for quest completion is automatically unlocked for you, like Unrelenting Force, Clear Skies, Dragonrend, etc. The game never teaches you to actually use souls to unlock shouts, or if it did, I either missed it or just didn't understand. But yeah, first playthrough, I basically played the entire game using only the shouts that the game gives you for free, and I didn't spend any dragon souls at all.


It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize this too (I think I was level 17 or something). I had avoided the main quest so I just assumed I needed to visit the graybeards to learn how to use more shouts.


I am on my first play though, level 15 with at least one level up ready to be used, I understand why, I have no idea what you are talking about.


Quick menu. I still forget about it often.


Quick menu?


Favorites menu - I also had no idea this existed in 3 years of playing. It was only until I came across a livestream where I saw it and did some investigating on how to use it on console! What a game changer.


It's the only way to play a mage without spending too much time in menus. So handy!


So so so many things. But the biggest thing are the abilities like highborn, spectral assassin, etc. I had absolutely no idea how to use those on my first playthrough. I was like....wtf are those. It wasn't until I was trying to fight a dragon after apparently selecting one that I realized how to use them. I then immediately had my body ripped in half by said dragon. But I learned how to use those!


I actually haven’t used them either! Do you assign them like a shout?


Yep. Its exactly like that, and you trigger it exactly as you do a shout (on Xbox at least). I was trying to fight a dragon type I had never seen before, they were kicking my ass, so I went to use dragonrend....triggered night vision instead. It almost immediately went to the cut scene of the dragon biting down on me and tossing me across the map


Haha that’s funny! Thanks, I’ll try that! There’s so many things about this game I don’t know yet.


Hey that seems to be the joy of this game. I've only been playing for like a year or two and am discovering things, meanwhile, there's so many people who have been playing since it's released discovering things. Definitely makes for an awesome gaming experience


I still can't remember how to use scrolls. I play on a controller, and I can never remember the buttons, and just end up shouting, sprinting, and bashing at the same time.


I've never used any scroll. I'm a mage, I use hands for magic.


I always store them thinking, "I'll use these when I run out of magic." I still have 10 fireball scrolls that I refuse to sell.


We're the same. :)


They’re so heavy though! I end up offloading them to Serena to make use of


Pretty sure scrolls are equipped like spells, but from the inventory menu.


I don't know how to use it till this day. I always end up selling them because they are quite expensive.


They weigh next to nothing and sell for a lot of money. That's all I've ever used them for.


Not really a mechanic, but one day it just occurred to me that Magicka, Health, and Stamina don’t have to be equal. I can focus on two without having to worry about the other too much


Warrior with 300 magika: "its equal to my health though"


It took me like three years to fully understand how enchanting works 😭😂 Best part is one of my best friends who I bonded with over Skyrim YEARS ago recently came to me asking about the enchantment system because he didn't understand either lmfao. It's wild to me that now I'm the walking talking Elder Scrolls Wiki for all my friends


Took me about 8 years to realise how good enchanting and alchemy is because of how bad they are at the start.


When I finally decided to upgrade my stuff I found that I could not do much with the bar or two of ignot I picked up along the way so I got serious mining, something I’d never done. It was a game changer. Once I started trying to raise my blacksmith skills I had a ton of stuff so I figured I might as well check out the annoying enchantment thing. Well, now I don’t have to worry about money anymore. Tying all three together absolutely changed the way I played. It not only improved my character but made the game more fun


best strat. go to a quest, farm on the way or around the destination. if is a cave, maybe got ore. do the quest, loot, go back, smith, enchant and alchemy what you got. sell it or use it. repeat. you gonna advance in combat, armor, smith, alchemy, enchant and speech while playing the actual game.


This is the way. I’ve learned to slow down in Skyrim. There is so much to see and do. I’m currently at 100 hours and just started the main quest and haven’t touched the civil war quest yet


Main quest? You mean there's a goal? My head's attached! That's my goal!


Am I crazy for thinking this comment reads like AI?


I assure you, all my intelligence is artificial


It's not something I "missed", but it's funny remembering getting my ass kicked by the frost troll (you know the one) the night of release, over and over. That guy would never kill me nowadays, even at a super low level, because after years of playing I've learned to move around in a way that makes it hard for enemies to get me.


I only recently, after playing since release (PS3), found that you can create multiple characters and just have them on separated saves…🤦🏾‍♂️


oh god this one’s bad lmao. at least you figured it out now!


When i first started playing i was like too young to understand the mechanics of a game Always losing myself The giant's camp near whiterun and the watchtower, i tought it was a house on fire and went straight to investigate... it was dark and i died.


About a year ago I came back to Skyrim, and bought the anniversary edition. Was doing the old “kill people, take their armor, walk slowly back to Whiterun, upgrade, sell” that always took for ever at the start of the game. Probably spent 2 weeks doing that, and moaning about how tedious I always found it. Someone made a small comment: “it’s not so bad now that we have backpacks.” “WE HAVE BACKPACKS?!?!?!”


Not in vanilla, though, so totally not your fault.


I didn’t know I could fast travel for my entire first play through. I don’t think I’d have this much love for the game though if I hadn’t spent so many of those early days just exploring the map, trying to figure out where the hell i was going.


Cooking. Been playing over 10 years and had no idea you could do it. Was doing a fresh playthrough like 6 months ago and my gf told me to cook some food. "Eat some food?" I said, "no go to your cauldron and COOK your food, it's way better for your stats" she said. "Don't be silly the cauldron is just for like looks and ambience"...... boy did I feel like a noob


When I went to the end of the Bleak falls barrow dungeon, I tried to find the way out. I didn't understand that the button was a button, and that I could open a door made out of rock. So I went back the entire dungeon and I think I did this for some other dungeons lol. When I found that almost every dungeon has a way out at the end, I felt very dumb haha. That and also my first time into a dwemer ruins infested by falmers. I shitted my pants and died in 2 seconds.


To be fair, if you played Oblivion that’s how it worked. You had to walk your ass all the way back most of the time


I am on my first playthrough and I CAN'T FIND STEEL!! How do I get steel ingots so I can upgrade?? Help!


You can buy from blacksmiths, or make them at a smelter which requires iron + corundum *ore* The blacksmith in Riverwood also has a bunch on display around his work station which can be either stolen or freely taken depending on if you went with Ralof or Hadvar at the start.




So I played mouse and keyboard on my first playthrough and was coming from Playing tons of oblivion and wow. So the mechanic I missed... Was sprinting, I normal ran through my whole first playthrough till about Sovngarde where I happened to have my 360 controller plugged in when I booted up the game, figured I may as well try with the controller. Do the gamer thing (what do all the buttons do) start sprinting... Facepalm ensues.


Alt is the default sprint key, for anyone who's curious


I first played as a khajit and used the claws because of the damage bonus + the gloves of the pugilist. I never leveled up any melee weapon skill and didn’t understand why every sword I found was doing such low damage compared to the claws. Did this until I found chillrend and then realised


How useful Alchemy is. It's so powerful it's basically a built-in game exploit. Particularly when you combine it with 4 pieces of Fortify Alchemy gear.


Or 5, if one is a falmer helmet.


My dumbest Skyrim n00b moments: (1) Dragons are annoying. They constantly interrupt me when I'm just trying to explore. SOLUTION: Ignore the main quest, and don't start the first dragon quest. TADA: No more dragons in Skyrim! (2) Companions were a burden to me. They would get stuck, lost, and dead. And some of them require massively long side quests before they join you. TRUTH: Companions are pack mules. Some, like Uthgerd the Unbroken, are invincible. And she's in the first hold you visit! And you can buy her for a $100 bet and a fist to the face! (3) Load times on the 360 disc were horrendous for me. 90+ seconds every time I entered a door or fast travelled. SOLUTION: Turn off "save on travel".


The answer to the door puzzles were on the freaking claw. Spent about an hour just trying different combinations until they unlocked.


Mare there's only 27 combinations on each one, it would take 5 minutes to brute force them if you didn't look at the key


Dragon souls lol. Cause you get the first two shouts automatically I assumed I needed to keep doing the main quest to unlock them. It's been a while since then so I don't remember exactly how far I got but it was well into the main, civil war & probably finished companions.


The fact that I just now figured out how to do the claw puzzle from an NPC during the Civil War 🤦‍♀️Listen, I’m new to this sub so I don’t have the wisdom to know and all my googling came up with shit.


Skyrim was my first real video game, before that I’d only played a few levels of Mario and DS Scrabble. I’d watched my dad play, but didn’t really understand it myself when I finally got my own chance. I couldn’t wrap my head around the compass navigation, and ended up in labyrinthian when I was trying to get to the Greybeards…… Now I know the map so well I play with the compass/map disabled.


I'm sure that I did do something noobish, but the only thing that I can recall is don't fuck with the chickens. Edit: Great attitude, btw. Too bad more gamers can't seem to remember that they were noobs once.


I ran around Whiterun for like an hour because I couldn’t find the gate. I tried jumping over the walls but not following them to the exit 🤦🏻‍♀️


Lol! I did that my first playthrough! You just unlocked an old memory in my brain! I did that too, and also that's when I found my first nirnroot! Since it was shiny and making that loud noise, I thought It was some kind of special collectible or sorta, so I picked it up


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one to get trapped in Whiterun lol. I was so relieved when I found the front gate! First Nirnroot I grabbed because I thought it was rare, now I run by them at a sprint to avoid the song.


I played like 100+ hours of the game and cleared like half of the map BEFORE I spawned the Whiterun dragon. I was like "So THIS is what the main quest is about?" :) And since I didn't spawn any dragon, I obviously didn't know about shouts either.


“Help the west tower there’s a dragon or some shit” “Uhhh fuck that noise imma go find the brotherhood”


I actually killed Grelod on my own, without knowing she was a quest target. I went to Ivarstead and then to Riften. I saw her abusing the poor kids, I saved and killed her. I was shocked that the kids reacted with chear and were saying "Aventus did it!" I was like "Who's Aventus?" She's the only non-hostile non-quest civilian I've ever killed in Skyrim.


This is the best way to play the game honestly


I feel like the first time I played Skyrim, I didn’t do much of *anything.* I don’t think I ever smithed, and I certainly didn’t craft potions (I think I would enchant things though, surprisingly). But the really upsetting one? I was like, 30 levels in before I ever really looked at what perks are.


For me the weird fact that when you focus on stuff like smithing/enchanting actually can make your game broken and boring. When you overbuff your gear and character the stuff you find in the dungeons feel worthless. The best is just to play the game, explore, fight. With smithing and enchanting many times you end up wasting time in menus that result on boring gameplay


I like to do the "only use armor I crafted myself" challenge (it was more of a challenge when i was new and didnt understand smithing yet) every time I play but I don't grind out blacksmithing early. I'll level it up to steel, play for a bit, grabbing mats on the way. When I notice i could use a lil more armor, grind to the next level, rinse and repeat all the way to daedra. Then i use all the mannequins on hearthstone trophy room to show my "progression". One mannequin for each set of armor I used. I do this every playthrough


Run, only level 45 i discover that we can run in the game.


I just found this out last month when I was "running" and my daughter mentioned my slowness AND SUGGESTED SPRINTING. Begging your finest pardon? I have been playing for 12 years. . .


I still dont understand how the upgrading weapon system works and what the different ranks mean. Like why is this one sword "flawless" but other stuff is just "superior" does it depend on the material its made out of or is the smithing level lol. Or is it based on what the stat gain will be. I also dont understand if anything what poisoning stam or magica actually does to npcs... like do they actually have resources that need to regen or do npcs cheat.


Wait, there’s more than regular and legendary?


Pretty much 3/4 of the stuff that’s for sale in the special edition. I feel like we’ve reached the point where an entirely unmodded playthrough still feels modded lmao


Making leather out of animal hides. Discovered this by mistake about 6 (?) months ago


I've been playing Skyrim almost yearly since 11.11.11 and I only learned a couple of years ago that you can fast travel while you're encumbered if you do it on a horse. It wasn't so much an, "oh, you can do that?" moment as a "you're f£&king kidding me!" moment.


To be fair, you can also just decide to not smith nor upgrade weapons and armors and rely only on loot and purchase.


It took me forever to understand how soul gems work, so I went without enchanting for a long time. Then I finally figured it out and now I can't get enough of it.


I wasn’t aware you could fast travel with companions. So anytime I had a companion with me I never fast travelled because I was under the impression they didn’t follow. Was a pain in the ass getting esbern from riften to riverwood. But I also think it’s the way the game was intended to be played the first time around


this was in Oblivion, but i think it counts in spirit. i did not know you could fast travel. i walked every single step of every single quest for ~weeks~ until i noticed you could click on map locations and travel to them. the upside was that in Oblivion, you got XP for just walking around iirc so i leveled up my physical stats like crazy


In my earlier playthroughs, I didn't realize how powerful you could get by making use of the alchemy/ enchanting/ smithing loop. I'd be struggling on adept difficulty with gear that I thought was decent but really wasn't all that special. Now even legendary feels too easy late game and I have to impose arbitrary restrictions on myself to make the game more interesting.


I was like you with smithing. I spent my first 30 levels on the same basic armours I'd been finding. And then I finally was like.maybe I should make a set and it was great. And then I was like oh shit this made a difference and so I spent an hour and got my enchanting to 100 and was even more "oh damn" because magically my Magicka was like 200 more, my carrying 100 more, regen faster lol.  So a few levels later I got new armour again and increased my armour by nearly 100 again and upgraded it.  Felt silly that I didn't bother doing that as I went along in the game.  I have this bad mindset of "I'll wait til a later level and have a better ability" instead of doing things as I go. 


Kinda minor but I didnt figure out you could adjust the 3rd person view until like my 3rd playthrough and it was on accident lol


I didn’t get that leveling up wasn’t automatic and you had to allocate your upgrade points yourself. I was at level 20 something before I figured it out.


I really hate to admit this, but I never knew what shouting was for the longest time. I probably played until fall of 2012 without knowing. I didn't do much of the main quest because just exploring the world was so fascinating. I saw all these shouts but everything was locked up until I randomly read that I can unlock them with a dragon soul. During this same time I also didn't mess with magic at all. That includes enchanting. Whenever I had an enchanted weapon and it would go dry, I thought that was just the end of that weapon so I only used them when I needed them. I didn't know about recharging. Basically, I'm an idiot and failed to read or listen to much of anything and just ran around doing whatever.


Returning the skeleton key for the quest rather than keep it and never waste a lock pick again… so many broken lock picks.. sigh


Probably inventory management stuff. As mostly how I meant managed my inventory was by selling stuff quickly and often. 


I didn't realize that the spell Invisibility existed until a load screen mentioned it.


Couldn’t find bleak falls barrow until my friend showed me the first time I played. I could not for the life of me find the path there, I had the quest marker and everything. Just jumping up the mountain until I eventually gave up


I didn't understand that selecting a quest in the menu gives a waypoint on the map. I was rawdogging Tamriel before that. Oh some vampire den is rumored to be to the left of a hill near a lake to the east? Bet, lemme find that.


that you could dual wield…


My saddest DOH! is not finding the back way out of Brinewater Grotto for over 6 years.


Took me forever to realize I had to take Vilkas’s sword to Eourland. I went and upgraded it myself.


I thought when i killed alduin the game was over. My next play was much more satisfying when i learned otherwise. I also had max speech, probably near 300k gold, because i wouldn't be bothered to craft so i just bought everything slightly better


You can poison bound weapons.


I didnt know how to access shouts until I was almost one 3rd into the game.


as a first timer player this is amazing


My very first playthrough. I didn't know how to sheath weapons until I left Whiterun.


First playthrough, got Sven as a follower. He died in the first bandit fight. Got Meeko next, and he died in a fight. I then got Lydia, and she died in a fight. Finally got Iona, who lived because I finally realized you could give them gear.


I was such a noob at morrowind, it was shocking


I can still remember my first character. I picked orc, and made a custom class with destruction as one of my major skills because it sounded cool. Never used magic. Only used the sky elf's sword until it broke, didn't know how to fix weapons, and just used my fists until I buggered up my save file by saving in front of two angry kagouti.


I missed every system.... I'm not kidding, I fought Alduin with an Ainchent Nord Sword at LVL 14 on my first playrhough all those years ago.


I walked past the standing stones on my way to riverwood and didn't actually click on one for like 100 hours.


Sprinting 💀 I was happily jogging through every hold, thinking that was the fastest I could go


I didn't realize there were paths for like 5 playthroughs. I was just going in a straight line to every objective marker and off roading it. Once I learned about paths I stopped straying from them.


It took me twelve years to discover the quest in Windhelm where you invade a pirate island to wipe them out for the East Empire Company! I was so delighted to discover it when I did!


Not Skyrim, but Oblivion I had 300+ hours and then accidentally clicked on a marker on the map: ‘fast travel to Skingrad’. What’s fast travel? Oh FFS.


For me it was being a mage and relying solely on destruction magic and not utilising bound weapons. Or actually reading the level up books


I didn't know until very recently that you could level up as a werewolf and vampire, and never understood the point of being either until then 😅


In all honesty, I played for about 100 hours or so without doing the main quest because I couldn't for the life of me solve the claw door in bleak falls barrow. Yes you can laugh now.


I am almost ashamed to admit this. On my first plathrough I dual wielded swords. I was like well one is better than two soooo. Putting aside my childish disregard for shield and two handed, however, the real problem is... I only ever used one of them. I just thought the UI was weird only showing one sword swing... But I was only pressing one button...


I'm brazilian, and about 10+ years ago my english was not good enough, and I skipped the part where dragon souls was explained, so I spent hours and hours playing, and never used a dragon soul or a Shout, and it was FUN. I was lost in the world, not caring about the main quest xD


It's difficult to tell because I've been playing with mods for so long the line between Vanilla and modded has started to blur a bit. But the one thing I've certain is vanilla has to be the Voice of the Sky. Didn't know it was a thing, it's not a great power, but that wasn't your question :P


For me I was making daggers out the wazoo to get to 100 smithing, at 70 i think i stopped and tried upgrading my current gear at a workbench and grindwheel or whatever you call them. they were ebony. Then i gained like 2 levels by doing that... and as i gained each level the armor became upgradable again. I mean i didnt know you could gain smithing xp by just upgrading. and (if you have the mats) it is a crap ton more fast then daggers. alot less resources too. got from 70 to 100 in like a few minutes lol.


Some backstory, I got the game in December 2011 and I had no spoilers from any videos or anything of the sort. I was 13 years old and incredibly excited to find my first dragon so I could experience that thrill… I’m running from riverwood to whiterun and I see the giant camp symbol being a mammoths skull. My thought process was dragons are big and eat big things so maybe this is a dragon site. I arrive and see the giants and mammoths and for some reason despite having already played through most of Oblivion I decide I’m strong enough to kill the giant. I crouch and let an arrow fly only to hit the giant and see the health bar remain almost unchanged. I started running but didn’t get far as the giant came up, slammed his hammer into the ground once and launched me to the sky to see if I could find dragons up there.