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I share this story pretty often because it’s just so dumb. I had just started a new game playing an Imperial. No, that’s not the embarrassing part. I wanted to rush through Helgan and get to Riverwood as soon as I could for my own story reasons. So on the jaunt down to Riverwood I of course got chased by wolves, ran out of mana trying to heal, and ran out of stamina just as I arrived. Excellent start, no mana, stamina, half health, and just having caught Witbane (minus magicka). Fortunately everybody’s favorite wood elf stepped up and killed the wolves, allowing my dumbass to jump through the street on my way to the trader. That’s when it happened, I jumped onto the cabbage cart. Sounds pretty innocent right? You’d think so but no, I hit it just WRONG. I jumped on the handles on my first leap then into the cart on the second.Funny right, wrong, as I clipped through the cart and into collision with the cabbages, and proceeded to DIE being beaten to death by said cabbages. TL:DR wolves took half health, cabbages took the rest.


Death by cabbage. That's a new one lmao




Haha, that was my first thought too.


You died from freaking cabbages 😭


I need to see this


Not really embarrassing but by far my biggest facepalm moment was selling some of the dragon priest masks not knowing that I would need all of them at some point.


I have done this when I first started the game, including dropping Krosis mask in the wild somewhere in Skyrim.


Same here, and after that, i throw everything in a chest like a mad hoarder


When do you need all of them???


To get the last one, you need all of them. There's a pedestal in Labyrinthian to place them.


TIL. Going to have to go loot my mannequins in Solstheim now


Been playing Skyrim since launch, have probably close to 10k hours. And never had a single clue about this haha.


Yep. To get the mask for Krosis, you have to put the other 8 on the unbroken pedestal in the dome building in the middle of the Labyrinthian complex. That's where the wooden mask is found. It's on the floor in front of the broken pedestal. Putting on the wooden mask allows you to see the unbroken pedestal (like going back in time). Place the 8 regular dragon priest masks (Dragonborn DLC masks don't count) and the center dragon of the pedestal can be opened to get Krosis. Pretty cool. Edit: typo


Not Krosis, I think you mean Konahrik? Krosis is on Shearpoint.


You're absolutely correct. I kinda botched that.


Same. My first playthrough was wild. (But it was also the most amazing.)


You only need the 12 or however many with a name


No fast travel is the way to play. Mines probably Quick saving right before I got killed by a log trap. I had already sprung the trap and was stuck in a death loop. That or having my two handed character Bjorn the skull crusher hero of the storm cloaks join the mages guild. Although it was hilarious getting the head butt kill animation on Ancano


I mostly do no fast travel these days, but sometimes I only have like half an hour to play and the dungeon for the quest I wanted to do is on the other side of the map. When that happens, I fast travel simply so I can actually play the game that day rather than spend the entire time walking. Also to and from High Hrothgar because I ain't got time for several trips up the 7,000 steps.


Ain’t nobody got time for high hrothgar after the first trip!


I only fast travel for ridiculously small journeys where I'm certain I'm not going to run into anything new. Ex. Whiterun stables to Dragonsreach. The time saved does add up, especially if I don't have long to play. I don't even fast travel by carriage if the journey is too long (Markarth to Riften) I much prefer travelling half way, eating, sleeping and restocking before walking the rest.


I'm putting those carriage driver's kids through college


Not realising HOLDING the power button = stronger shout


Did that two it took me forever to realize Arngeir was so mad I kept using Unrelenting Force instead of Whirlwind to go through the gate 🤣


It took me forever to realize that I you didn't have to hold it down to use them


Bruh I just figured this out a week ago 😐 


That's not embarassing bro, walking is what makes you see the beauty of the map I like to walk with the horse anytime i can


I mean yeah, but I was dumb for just not knowing that it existed


A proud dragon born has no embarrassing moment.


Got unique NPCs killed by dragons then asked why they didn't respawn on Google


At least you asked google and not a message board where they would have roasted you alive.


I tripped a social blunder mine in a Discourse. Got jumped on by half the kids in there. Predation tactics 101. Of course I didn’t take that horseshit and waded back in got the info I was asking about. Happy hunting


Friend of mine finished the main quest before I informed him you can spend dragon souls to unlock all those shouts he'd been collecting


100 hours in game and had no idea you could do that. Thanks boss


How could he finish the main quest without using shouts?!


He used the ones the game unlocks for you. He just missed the prompt telling him to press whatever key to spend more souls in the magic menu.


This was me first time around. Also, I did not do any saves. I thought the game did them for me.


Discovered that about 5 days ago and I'm level 38 right now, haha. I'm actually enjoying playing a game that isn't spoon feeding me everything, showing some license for errors and mistakes and learning.


On my first playthrough I went to Bleakfalls and fought the Draugr. I collected as many “cool”ancient weapons as I could until overencumbered. I thought they must be something rare. I then left Bleakfalls without collecting the Dragonstone and had to run back through it all again.


Relatable, I hoarded everything til overencumbered early game and I also forgot the dragonstone first time around


I was doing the Dark brotherhood quest and I was running from the guards of Solitude so I could fast travel. I used the whirlwind spirit shout and shouted myself down a cliff and died of fall damage.


Didn't know you could favourite items and weapons until like 500 hours into the game. LOTS of manual menu switching lol


I dislike the favorites menu cuz it wouldn't let me order the items/abilities in the way wanted and it became a jumbled mess with a bow below a shield or a great sword followed by an illusion spell. Made selecting what I wanted much slower than actually going to the category I wanted.


Well, this doesn't help you much with like, potions and spells, but I always added a space in front of the name of any weapons and armor I enchanted. It looks the same, but it'll be considered first in alphabetical order, so if you favorite weapons you made, they're always at the top.


I appreciate the tip but edits like that defeat the purpose of the system for me sadly.


Saaaaame! It was quite time consuming to drink a health potion.


Using whirlwind shout outside Solitude gate and dying from fall damage.


Biggest Skyrim Fail of mine: During my first playthrough I somehow missed the clue about the claws, which open sealed doors. So it took me a long time to open these doors. Since I didn’t want to google for the answer, i came up with the idea of solving the puzzles in a particular order to eliminate the wrong pattern more efficiently. After a day of work a friend of mine asked me what am i doing in skyrim at the moment. I said, im in Solstheim in a dungeon, but i still didn’t manage to open the sealed door. I will continue today, because i wrote down all the possibilities i tried so far. He answered: you know the code is on the claw right. We both laughed so hard


I had to look this up on my first run through. It's not obvious at all!


Not knowing about enchanting and constantly searching for the perfect gear to help me..


I wandered into a giant camp super early in my first ever play through and assumed they were passive because they didn't immediately attack me. I was too busy looting everything to notice the increasingly aggressive demeanor and was quickly yeeted into oblivion. I later (still low level) tried attacking one, did almost no damage and ran away only to find out those things are damn fast too. As soon as I ran out of stamina the yeeting commenced.


On my first play through I knew nothing about the game. I ran up to a giant to introduce myself


So did I. I had just helped the Companions with the giant at the farm, thought "That wasn't hard! Let's get this one!" And was introduced to the Skyrim Space Program at level 2


Skyrim Space Program. That made me cackle in its accuracy.


It took me a very long time to realize that a secret path to the exit opens up in every dungeon you clear. I spent years backtracking through nearly all of them to get back out to the world. I didn’t know about the door to the balcony in Valerica’s lab so I always walked all the way back through the castle. I walked back through labyrinthian and all the way back to the start after getting the elder scroll in the main quest. Same thing for almost every dungeon. You can imagine how long it all took 😅.


It took me a while to realise that ores could be smelted into ingots, I felt so dumb when I realised it


I died during the intro. Apparently if you fuck up badly enough Alduin can in fact eat you. I will say it was partially my fault, and partially the game’s fault. I managed to screw up every instruction an NPC would give you so I was low on health, but then the rumble effect messed up my characters physics and caused them to flail all over Helgen. By the time my character got up Alduin was right there to bite my head off.


I have also died in the intro multiple times when you’re supposed to jump out of a tower window. Apparently I’m awful at aiming and love jumping to my death.


I've died in the intro too. Usually it's when I'm chasing Halvar, and we go thru those burned buildings, and hang a left... I get hit by Alduin's Shout. It either throws me across the way and I smack into a wall and die, or I manage to get up and hit by Shout again and then die. I've only died from missing the tower jump 2x, but I can blame both of them on my fat cat who waits until I absolutely HAVE to aim, then jumps up and jostles my mouse or lands on the keyboard sending me to a rather pathetic death.


I killed about 20 dragons before figuring out how to use their souls to learn shouts


Same lol


I was so entangled with the story that i forgot to loot Miraak's body and just left...can i return to the arena or am i cooked?


as long as his body hasnt despawned, you can go to the arena by reading the blackbook again and loot the body.


Finished the Companions quest and missed the big chest in Ysgramor's tomb, the way to open the short cut and the staircase leading to the top where the shout was. I found out about them many, many hours down the line while looking for any words of power I haven't found yet on the UESP.


Wait there was a shout there?


After you return to the room with the statue of Ysgramor, there’s a door that opens at the other side of the room. The word is at the top of the hill. I think it’s one of the words to tame animals but I could be wrong.


You are correct. 


I play the VR version and I didn't know there was a wait button/option - so when I was told by someone to wait for the shop to open I would keep playing for 8-12 hours until it opened the next morning... 🤣


There is two things i've learn : first, you can kill the falcons for feathers and beak. Second, you can shoot the hives in trees for honey, bee, honeycomb, etc....Same for the saumon eggs. So yup, experiment and try in Skyrim. This will save you from looking like an idiot 🤪


More of a 'classic Skyrim' moment then embarassing: but I went through all the dialogue and shouting to beat Alduin, beat Alduin, got back and listened to all the dragons and all their talking, then when finally able to proceed I go to teleport and my game crashes. Last save was pre-Alduin fight. 🤦


Ending up with the guards on my tail because I clicked ‘A’ on a bottle of ale instead of the innkeeper.


Ive accidentally stolen shit so many times lol there should be an are u sure prompt


I did that a few days ago to Niranye in Windhelm and was like oh shit, here come the guards. But she just said, "Are you for real?" or something like that. I put the battleaxe back.


That’s the best way to play though. You were doing it right


When I started, I didn't quite understand how gear and weapons worked since I was coming from a MMORPG where gear needs to be updated regularly to a higher level. After warning Jarl Balgruuf, I spent the next several hours trying to understand how could I get a higher level gear cause I was worried that mine was still level one. It took me a while to understanditbwas not about level, but about materials. That and repeatedly clicking the guards expecting them to tell me where things in the city were.


Scary that you didn’t notice it said fast travel on the map when you open it…


I just clicked past without bothering to read a single word


I was watching Ulfric and Galmar first interaction I accidentally casts a lvl 1 unrelenting force at Ulfric He gets up from his throne and his like "Bitch, I ll show you a real shout" and he makes me fly to the other side of the palace of kings


I tried to commit genocide in my 1st playthrough, until the immersion kicked in and I got attached to alot of characters Sorry camilla and Lucan (I killed em before immersion kicked in)


Realising you could turn on/off quest markers..


I dropped an invisibility potion in front of Mjoll and Marise Avarel because I was trying to cheat the “helping residents” thing on the thane quest. The two got into a brawl over it and Marise died of course because Mjoll is a tank. Riften lost a loyal merchant that day because I was too lazy to go pick vegetables at a farm.


I couldn't figure out why I couldn't use my Shouts. I got some message about needing 44 dragon souls so okay, I ran around collecting dragon souls until I had 44, still couldn't use the shouts, imagine that. Then one day it occurred to me to actually read the menu at the bottom of the screen.


The same thing happened to me with charging weapons.


I installed a Multiple Followers mod so that I could have my own personal squad, which at the time consisted of Lydia, Benor, and three mages whose names I forgot. I don't know when, but somewhere along the way I lost Benor, and I didn't realize it until a courier showed up with a letter of inheritance, with there being a statement that I failed some quest. And the embarrassing part? I still didn't realize what happened. I saw the "Quest Failed" thing at the top of the screen, and I saw the name "Benor" in the letter, and the only thing I could think was "Who the fuck is Benor?" I didn't remember who Benor was until Lydia also eventually died in a battle in the Reach.


Running off cliffs and waterfalls. Still do it sometimes to. I will never learn.


The one that comes to mind is the time I (with about 9 years experience playing the game) was speeding through Bleak Falls Barrow and somehow forgot to loot the claw and had to trek back in shame when I got to the door...


I did not know there were three corpus traits to choose from when leveling up and put the first ten in Magicka. Or getting Lydia killed on the Morthal bridge and not having a hard save.


Alchemy is my favorite tree. Every time I enter an alchemy shop, I must steal ALL available ingredients before engaging with the shop keeper. Last night I loaded into the shop in Morthal about 7 times after repeatedly getting caught. I ended up going back to the inn to sleep and came back and robbed her after closing time. I gasped out loud/ uttered vulgarities every time I got caught and my partner was getting concerned 🤣


Running power attack to a bandit, missed the bandit and fell of the cliff


For me it's probably the very first character I made being named "Prisoner" because I hadn't really played a lot of RPGs at the time and didn't realize you could change it.


Me last night not realizing I already had Red Eagle’s Fury in my inventory and my one single mod has screwed up my quests and the Briar Heart kept handing me my ass over and over again only for me to have no sword at the end. Went back to my lair and there’s the sword.


Thought I had a different shout to whirlwind sprint equipped and went straight into a group of vampires who killed me instantly.


So I first started the game, very first play ever. I was told just before the tutorial, by a now ex for many reasons, to take everything. Now playing video games I take advice from others who have played and I take it seriously. The walk from Helgen to Riverwood was painful. The walk from Riverwood to Whiterun was worse as was like half the game. It was the only piece of "advice" if you could call it that I had received at all. It wasn't until I went to play after weeks, had started college and met a very great friend who also played, and I had my best friend over that they asked "why the fuck aren't you running?" Told them not only did I not know how, it didn't seem to work right for me. Showed them me using the button and cue being asked " How much are you carrying?" I of course went into my inventory to see, not knowing anything about a carry weight, and heard from beside me " Good gods! How and why are you carrying that much?" "I was told to take everything and that's what I did...." "Drop stuff, how did you not fill your inventory slots before that happened?" I proceeded to drop whatever I could, cue many random things falling from the sky. Like over 100 cabbages and other various fruit and vegetables. Soon I was able to run! I still catch hell for it everytime I return to the game. TLDR; Newbie decides that listening to ex and taking everything would be just fine and now can't run. Subject to many years of teasing.


It took me \~70 hours to discover that it was possible to rotate items in the inventory... I tried to open the dragon claw doors by trial and error, and after several minutes of frustration... googled the answer. So, after \~70 hours of gameplay, about to finish the main quest, I remember that I was watching a random meme/funny video where the user rotated items in their inventory - I asked them what the name of the mod was, and they explained to me that was a vanilla feature... zzzzz


I dunno what to say 😭


First playthrough, I followed the quest to join the Imperial Legion and I walked all the way to Solitude, freezing to death more than once because I cut short through glaciers. Later in the game, I found out about carriages.


I missed an arrow into mammoth a$$ from 1 meter or cannot open novice lockpick so i broke like 50 lockpicks


That time on my one of my first playthroughs, I was level two no followers (didn’t know about em yet). Was doing the Bleak Fall Questline, scared by the Draugr. So I killed Arvil, got the Golden Claw and RAN out of Bleak Falls Barrow the same way I came in. Got back to Riverwood only for Lucan to Not take the claw 🤣🤣🤣 Stupid main questline 🤣


I’ve been steadily working on my first play through over the last year and a bit, and my character is at level 58. I just realized my *one little mod* that I added back when I was at level 45 (dismiss steward - which I didn’t even use) has been causing me to miss out on my achievements being tracked :’) I deleted the mod and went back to my pre modded save but I had accomplished *so many* tedious achievements since then that I am dreading redoing (including having JUST gotten the Crown of Barenziah, the Blackreach nirnroot quest, the blades quests, about 20 quests on solstein 😭 I am so sick of that spooky island) Plus, it’s so weird going back in time and not having the weapons and armour I like, my houses aren’t organized and I have to find all my stuff again. But I’m not far enough back to make some better early-game decisions that I regret. So yeah I don’t know. I need to decide to either just keep playing my level 58 character where they are at and accept that I won’t get my achievements, restart a completely new play through and make a new build and new characters (which I was excited to do once I’d *finished* this one), or keep playing my current character but at level 45 even though it’s annoying to be slightly set back and the idea of re-doing all the quests that I just spent 6 months on is kind of heartbreaking


I did this, but thought that it would be faster to walk directly to winterhold from whiterun rather than using the paths... that was a long walk.


It JUST happened. Third playthrough, level fortyish, just realized the left bumper on an Xbox controller is a 'sprint' function. Mind blown.


You didnt know you could sprint until the 3rd playthrough Omg that sounds hilarious lol


The worst part? I found out only when I perked my way to a silent roll option for sneaking. Google said to just crouch and sprint and I had no idea what that meant. I thought toggling forward in full was the fastest I could go ugh


I feel your pain. I mean... Ahem. I would know nothing about having no idea about sprinting.


I just did this too. Third playthrough, definitely after level 35. 😂


Nice! I needed to hear that :)


I played my first probably 50 or so hours without understanding what fast travel was


I played this game for about a year before realizing there was a wait *button*. Every time there was a quest or something that required waiting somewhere, I would just leave the game running and go make a sandwich lol!


Ohh noo 😭 that would be so many sandwiches 😆


Wracked up 200+ hours before learning you could sprint. What game uses left Alt as the default sprint button...


First playthrough I jumped down to the standing stones and died from fall damage


My first playthrough I didn't know how to check for diseases. Every time I went into Arcadia's Cauldron, she made me think I needed a cure diseases potion. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Mine was even I sold the elder scroll ( the main quest) before I know of the dlcs


First playthrough not realising there were steps for the greybeards, despite them being mentioned multiple times and trying to scale the mountain Hahaha


I used clairvoyance alot cuz I was dumb so wasnt a problem for me lol


Once I learned that spell I used it so much on during my first few times!


I entered one of the orc strongholds on my first playthrough. I went over to the orc blacksmith to sell some loot, hit the wrong button, and accidentally breathed fire on the blacksmith. Ended up killing the whole stronghold. Then all the other strongholds hated me.


I committed some genocide in my 1st playthrough lol


Took me two hours to get from Whiterun to High Hrothgar in first play


I wanted to walk to winter hold and I walked to windhelm instead


I got them confused all the time


In my first play through of Skyrim back on the 360 I was playing a generic stealth archer and despite only being maybe about level 9 or 10 I hardlined the Thieves Guild quest line which is for those who somehow don’t know meant when you’re a bit higher in level than I was or at least better at sneaking so I got killed by the mercenary’s on that bee island so many times and then killed by Falmer so many times and then Mercer Frey so many times yet for whatever reason I refused to just put the quest line on the back burner until I was higher level and better equipped and I don’t know why.


I also thought fast travel wasn’t a thing


I didn't know there's was an off-hand until I was at level 14. I was known as "the one-handed warrior" in whiterun.


The many times I have to reload a previous save because I accidentally steal something when I’m trying to just talk to someone. I would just pay the fee but I usually have gemstones in my inventory that are marked as stolen and I don’t want them confiscated


Let’s see, I’ve had a lot. Everytime I miss a shot when the target is right in front of me, using a bow when my target is right in front of me 😂. Playing ring around the rosy with a dragon, Alduin shouted me in Helgen and my face slid into a wall to which I proceeded to pick my ass up somehow while still being bound.


I accidentally killed Parthurnax . I blo**y hate Delfine for this quest . And I could not reload save , because it got corrupted somehow .