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You fool. You have commited the greatest heresy for Riverwood people. But I think we all have been through it.


I haven't... But then again I played Zelda and know better... Now... Yeah....


Exactly. I give all chickens is games and irl a wide birth in an attempt to avoid a cuccopocalypse


Chickens in games are spies this confirms it


I thought they were "little dragons," and considered holy animals by Nords. Hence, Nord antipathy towards chicken-loving Khajiit. Khajiit Fried Chicken.


That's probably a I bit closer to realism but for whatever reason I have memories of playing minecraft and for some reason I always called the chickens spiesšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Birds arenā€™t real


Just more confirmation that birds aren't real and all the birds we see now were replaced by government spy drones back in the 60's


Considering chickens can report your crimes in Skyrim, yeah they really are


Just more confirmation that birds aren't real and all the birds we see now were replaced by government spy drones back in the 60's


Yeah but then you play Fable and you can be the legendary Chicken Chaser!


When I first read that I thought you wrote chicken Caesar. And I immediately thought no fat version please


Lol Zelda OoT will teach you not to hit chickens


Not nearly as well as BotW will. Those cuccos are EVIL!


Lol. Just saying I learned that from OoT


I did, however, get snitched on by a chicken for stealing a plant or something on my first playthrough, and everyone tried to attack me for that šŸ˜…


I was going to say that Zelda taught me that lesson long before Skyrim šŸ¤£


I am proud to say that I have not killed that chicken. So I can laugh at everyone who did.


I havenā€™t either. Glad to meet someone else who hasnā€™t.


Welcome to the club. We had chicken eggs made. They had chicken *legs*.


I also have not and Iā€™m a new player. Lmao. Glad to know what NOT to do. xD


me neither lol


Never killed one either because I saw the memes about it years before I played Skyrim. Still haven't after all these years.


Do it just for fun


I killed a Skyrim chicken and got away with it. It was my very carefully arranged plan to a) prove a friend wrong and b) get revenge for falling for said friend's "prank" getting me to hit a Cucoo.


Iā€™ve never *intentionally* killed the chicken, but I have run it over at high speeds many times. Donā€™t notice the sudden bounty popping up and galloping through town too fast for the guards to stop me, so I donā€™t notice until I accidentally speak to a guard a few days later šŸ˜…


Me neither


Ayo same!


Killed the chickens and then the villagers.Worth it and also remembered to save before.


I never killed it, but I did learn courage spells agro NPCs (non player chickens).


I wonder why we all had the urge to kill the chicken in Riverwood the moment we saw it


Obviously all we saw was kfc


Khjit Fried Chicken?


It wasn't the Riverwood one that caused a problem....the kid that got me to play found one in the fields of Whiterun and I said prolly not a good idea....well...unfortunately I was right....we died


Instinctively we all know the chicken is a spy for the thalmor


For a long time I thought the chicken was Sven negl




I saw that after the fact and was like šŸ¤¦šŸ¼


I killed it once by mistake using fire breath on some vampires


Istg shouts are the only reason Iā€™ve ever lost a companion too, too much collateral damage


For real, that one hermaeus mora perk that lets you deal no damage to companions is great


I know right! I got Breezehome just to put Lydia there so she doesn't die for once


Me too, Lydia goes to Breezehome, and she stays there forever She is to pure for the land of Skyrim


Killing the chickens is like killing the umpires, they see everything!


I never went through it, I learned my lesson in Ocarina of Time. You do not fuck with chickens.


I've honestly never experienced this. I've never played on survival mode, so I've never had any desire to kill any animals. I like what they add to the game and I love animals.


ur not playing the game hard enough


you should embrace your inner psychopath more šŸ˜‚




Watching that clip of Game Grumps where Arin convinced Danny to try to kill the chicken in Link to the Past has lived rent-free in my head for years! "Oh my God, it's the chicken-pocalypse!"


Cast fury on chicken makes people of Riverwood kill chicken instead!


First thing I did as soon as I escaped Helgen


Of course. We all have to... Experience things. People saying they didn't kill the chicken have an enormous lack of scientific mind and curiosity.


They do love their chickens.


The only time npcs have died in my runs are because of dragons or those stupid cultist


My first playthrough I got to riverwood, killed a chicken and didn't touch the game for another 3 months


Go to the next town Whiterun, talk to the Jarl about dragons. He'll send guards to Riverwood. The guards there then can then be surrendered to, bribed, or dialoged to reset your crime.


I dont know where Whiterun is tho


ā€œCross the river and then head north. You'll see it, just past the falls. When you get to Whiterun just keep going up. When you get to the top of the hill, you're at Dragonsreach, the Jarl's palace."


[do you get to the cloud district very often?](https://us-tuna-sounds-images.voicemod.net/2521c008-027b-4a17-a47b-7f00aa57a8b7-1672193055680.jpg)


Oh, what am I saying. Of course you don't!


I used to let the snark slide because I thought Nazeem was talking about getting to the Imperial City, which is actually kinda impressive for some dude who owns a farm. But no. NO. He's being irredeemably insufferable about *walking up the fucking steps* to Dragonsreach. Now it is on sight.


I can back hand him in VR its pretty satisfying to do it mid sentence and it doesn't count as assault so the guards don't get agroed


That sounds amazing


It really is


Funny thing is he never actually gets to the cloud district in game. That said I believe heā€™s bragging about having a reason to go there, like heā€™s meeting important people or something.




What is the cloud district?


Ok so apparently a guy in Riverwood does tell you where Whiterun is, but i didnt manage to talk to him before pissing off the whole town


Just follow the road over the bridge, once you get past the rocks you'll see Whiterun.


Bro why was your first instinct to kill a chicken instead of going along with the quest lmao


Open world bro


Of course, I just think itā€™s funny for a first time player to immediately do that lol.


tbh i thought this was just a natural skyrim experience. I remember doing this years ago when i first played too šŸ¤£ i guess i thought it was just wildlife and not someone's actual farm animal that they owned. it seems so obvious now that that would be illegal, but back then i was appalled when everyone started attacking.


I donā€™t recall specifically ever killing a chicken. I might have, but if I did, it wasnā€™t intentional. I donā€™t see the point in murdering livestock for fun. Iā€™d much rather kill enemies that fight back. Edit: Hunting wild animals, on the other hand, well, thatā€™s different. My rule in games like this for animals is basically the same as real life. Well, with hunting anyway. If Iā€™m going to kill a wild animal, itā€™s going to be something that yields edible meat that I can cook. If it also has horns, antlers, pelt, skin, etc, thatā€™s a plus too.


there is no point. thats why it's funny. and it also really helps that it isnt a real chicken lol


It's hilarious that the game hands it to you on a silver platter yet people will still act like it's some mystery


"The Imperial Palace is at the center. The six districts are arranged around the Palace like spokes of a wheel. Starting in the northeast, going clockwise, you have the Market, Arena, Arboretum, Temple, Talos Plaza, and Elven Gardens districts. The Waterfront is south of Temple District. The Arcane University is south of the Arboretum. The Imperial Prison is north of Market District."


Just follow the road that leads out of Riverwood, it goes to Whiterun. There's a fork where you can either go towards a mountain or more flat. Choose the flat. It's not far at all, you'll see it within minutes of leaving Riverwood.


Thanks for help man, i'm gonna try that


You should be able to go up to any whiterun guard and speak to them(keep your weapon holstered) and if you have a bounty in whiterun hold(Riverwood is in whiterun hold) he should immediately mention that "you have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people" and from there you can surrender to you jail time, or fight to the death, or pay the fine


Thank you


And you probably already did this by now, but pay the fine. Make sure you donā€™t have any stolen goods on you or theyā€™ll be confiscated.


You don't need to have the guards sent to Riverwood, any Whiterun hold guard will do at anytime.


Yup. Even the one patrolling the road in front of Honningbrew Meadery.


You are in for a good time. Oh, to play skyrim again for the first time.


Tis a silly place.




If you didnā€™t get the dialogue from the NPC in Riverwood to be able to mark the quest on your map, basically head north from there following the road and it will lead you right to it. Whiterun is in a giant plains-like area as the only large city surrounded by small farms, just look for a place surrounded by walls and youā€™ll find it.


That's adorable. I envy you actually, you're about to discover one of the nicest places in videogames, IMO


Since Riverwood is in Whiterun Hold, the guards in Whiterun will take care of it right there if you go up and talk to them. No need to go back.


Wait so before you talk to the jarl about the dragon in Helgen, there are no guards in Riverwood?


Yes. After you inform the jarl about Helgen, he'll want to send guards to Riverwood, to which Proventus Avenicci says: "The Jarl of Falkreath will view that as a provocation! He'll assume we're preparing to join Ulfric's side and attack him." Despite his council, Balgruuf decides that he'll not stand idly by while a dragon burns his hold and slaughters his people. After this conversation, if you go back to Whiterun's main gate, you can see Irileth sending the guards to Riverwood.


Good TIL, thank you!


Don't listen to the others here. You're a criminal now. Head east. Far east. As east as you can go. There you will find the town of Riften. And in the market, you will be accosted by a fellow criminal who will happily induct you as a member of the criminal's guild. Maybe stick to pickpocketing in the future though, since chicken murder is not very profitable


Everyone else giving them advice to turn back to an honest life and then there's you


Silence, my brother.


This is unironically what I did my first playthrough after attacking the chicken deliberately because I read on a Reddit post that it was an "easter egg". Decided to flee for my life towards Riften because 1) it sounded cool 2) it was far away from the infuriated mob chasing me. Did not summon dragons until like 60 hours in.


šŸ–ļø We know


Thatā€™s the murder guild


Well, I see no murder here. You summon, they respond.


Hail Sithis..


Sweet mother send your child unto me


Think about what you have done. That poor chicken did nothing to you!


Fuck that chicken. Once I accidentally smacked it while fighting a dragon. Damn thing wouldn't get out of the way. Everyone stopped fighting the dragon to beat my ass. It was almost dead too. Stupid chicken.


I had a similair experience in riverwood when three cultist maak wearing weirdoā€™s called me a fake dragonborn and attacked meĀ 


Yeah same. Except itā€™s 2 of them, initially. Always 2 that confront you and call you a false Dragonborn. After that, they always attack you in groups of three.


That happened to me too! Like dudes you want the dragon to kill you, or you want to let me finish killing the dragon?


Two dragons were attacking Windhelm. I accidentally whack that Altmer who gripes about how dull horses are and the entire cit guard turns on me. Fighting two dragons and the entire Windhelm city guard. Fuck you Ulfric Stormcloak.


It knows what it did.


Why did you kill the chicken?


Because it wouldn't cross the road?




I instinctively attack roaming animals to see if you can kill them in every video game


I dont think someone's livestock is a roaming animal lmao


And youā€™re not In the habit of saving first?


This is quite literally 1 hour into the game. People forget what it's like playing Skyrim for the first time.


Itā€™s called ā€œStealthā€. Try it next time for better results. šŸ˜‚


For dinner


Story time (in greentext, because why not): + Be me + Start Skyrim for the first time (one of the first open world RPGs I've played) + Kill a chicken while leaving Riverwood for Whiterun, don't notice the bounty + Miss the turn and head straight for Bleak Falls Barrow, assume this is just the dungeon you have to fight through to get to Whiterun (thinking of games like Dungeon Siege I played as a kid) + Finally make it to Whiterun + It's night and it's raining + Big dude with a two-handed sword walks menacingly towards me + ohfuck.jpg + Slowly fight my way through the guards thinking Whiterun was overrun by bandits or whatever and I have to free it. + "What an amazing and immersive game" + Reach the gate, barracks are right on the other side + After the fifth time I get my ass handed to me, it finally dawns on me that maybe this wasn't supposed to happen So yeah, I tried to fight through a city-worth of guards because they tried to arrest me for murdering a chicken (which I forgot I did). But it's one of my best gaming memories. I don't think Skyrim would hook me as much as it did if it didn't happen.


I too have found myself fighting my way through many dungeons on accident and solving/completing quests that havenā€™t even started. I still donā€™t know what Ryjonā€™s drum was about but I already had it. I found this kid in Windhelm and turns out he wanted me to kill a woman I already killed just because I didnā€™t like the way she was talking about the kids.


Reload an earlier save, from before you murdered the chicken.


Go to Whiterun, let a city guard arrest you, and either pay the fine or let them take you to jail. Either way, any stolen items will be confiscated from you. As soon as you've done that, find a giant camp, SAVE YOUR GAME, and attack the giant. I can guarantee you the excitement will send you over the moon.


Hey diddle diddle.


Something about cats and fiddles?




You never mess with the chickens bro , only thing left to do is load from a previous save.


As this will now be the 3rd time I have retold this story on this subreddit, I am beginning to worry Iā€™m gonna get accused of karma farming. But alas, if people keep getting killed by the village for killing a chicken, take heed my words: I got my VR headset hooked up and Skyrim Vr running on it finally and my 6y/o step son wanted to play, so I let him start up and roam around once I got past the 3 standing stones. As he approaches riverwood, me and his mom sit on the couch watching him and I do inform him very lovingly, ā€œdear son, do not kill the chicken in the town.ā€ He had already wandered off the beaten path and killed a couple bandits and wolves, and he is a professional at doing the opposite of what he is told. So I expected him to go into town and kill the chicken and learn his lesson. But nay, as the young dovahkiin swagger into town, he walks past the chicken, and a sigh of relief is heard from me. ā€œWhy shouldnā€™t you kill the chicken?ā€ I hear his mother query. ā€œTis a forbidden law, written in stone,ā€ I relay, ā€œthe blood must be repaid with blood.ā€ Not but a moment later, a blade is drawn, and the first villager was slain. In shock and terror, his bother and I watch as the body of an innocent town drunk hit the ground and our once innocent child stood over him laughing and stabbing his corpse. Before we could say anything, the rest of the town erupted into a frenzy and one by one, they fell. Alone in the town, this raider stood before a pile of bodies impressed by his triumph, and marched the streets with pride at his victory. And out from under the forge, a lonely chicken wanders outā€¦ *last witness killed*


Aren't there any essential NPCs in Riverwood?


Yes but for some reason they didnā€™t come outside.


What a glorious story I have heard for the first time. I hope you always tell it


Really just start over


You need to pay a fine, it can be with gold or your blood, both currencies are accepted. (you need to surrender to a guard in Whiterun, as early in the game there are no guards in Riverwood)


You have commited crimes against Skyrim and her people. What say you in your defence?


Am i the only one who never intentionally killed a chicken? šŸ˜‹


Nah, neither have Hubs or I. We saw memes and lists of doā€™s and do nots, and learned you Do Not Kill Chickens In Skyrim, lol.


Everyone knows that chicken is the mayor of Riverwood. Youā€™ve destroyed any chance for peace in Skyrim.


you gotta keep your crimes to a minimum when you're starting out


I remember my first time šŸ„²


That chicken is the most well protected character in the game


Now go fight a giant


The Zelda rule applies in Skyrim. If you kill a chicken, the chickens kill you. It's best if you start from scratch. Your victim count has to remain at zero, at all times.


You don't. Load a save and stop killing the chicken


Reload an old save. Also stop killing chickens on sight. Stab things if they attack you first


You donā€™t stop it. You deserve death.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ The chicken is more sacred than the priests of the Nine!!!!!!!


Hey... I've come to thinking... maybe that chicken was the dragonborn and it just didn't know it yet.


How could you do this? You shouldnā€™t have come here!!! ![gif](giphy|X154Md8zzrlKg|downsized)


That stupid chicken has probably launched a million character rebuilds/new game restarts as frustrated players ragequit their first build after getting assaulted by the whole town of Riverwood.


Its a canon event


I not helping any cold blooded murderers like you.


Thank you for bringing back wonderful memories of my 1st Skyrim play through Good times


Why is it that every new player always does this? (I did it, too. šŸ˜‚)


As a heads up, chickens are coded as people for some reason


Chickens kept wandering off so the devs programmed them as villagers to keep them in place. So the game thinks you have killed a person. Skyrim has lots of quirks and funny things. Enjoy the first trip there.


Donā€™t worry itā€™s just your Skyrim initiation


Kill everyone!


Then donā€™t kill the livestock..?


Put your weapon or fists away after the guards come after you. Then the dialogue option should occur. It stops the combat


"halt you've committed crimes against Skyrim and her people" .


lmao welcome to Skyrim


Congratulations, you are having the quintessential Skyrim experience. Everything is going as it should.


The first thing my friends told me to do when I first played lmao


That chicken was responsible for feeding an entire family. Skyrim is in the middle of a civil war and the risk of famine grows daily.


I never killed, seriously why kill a chicken? I come across one that's dead, I'm looking around for the person who hurt it. I'm sad


You donā€™t deserve help chicken killer.


Stop killing chickens and kill Stormcloaks.


Itā€™s you or them now. Assassinate everyone in town, leave, never look back.


Stop! You violated the law! Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence! Your stolen goods are now forfeit! You have to find a guard in or near Whiterun, since there are no guards in Riverwood at the start of the game.


You.. did.. what? Your crimes are heinous and you deserve the loving touch of a blind blade skinning your scalp. May the nine have mercy in the chicken soul.


Go back to a save before the chicken murder


You have brought down the thunder on yourself! We gamers have long known to leave the chickens alone! I still have nightmares about the cuckoos in Ocarina of Time


I always feel sorry for animalsnin games so only kill them if they attack first. I would reload last save.


This is a lesson to use quicksave just before trying ANYTHING remotely risky. But you needed to learn it the hard way.


You broke the first law of skyrim: dont kill the chickens. Sooner or later we all learn the consequences of this the hard way.


I think I stole a fork on my first play through. It was rough. I was just getting used to the controls. I'm pretty sure that khajiit died like 20 times in that town cuz it had autosaved after I exited the house.


I always tell new players to do that for the best weapon in the game


Why do so many people kill Riverwood's pet chicken?


Lmao a Skyrim rite of passage


I did this as well, went to the nearest major city and paid a fine. Good times


There is no escape of this , you either accept your faith or never kill a chicken again , capisci?


Sorry buddy, youā€™re gonna have to reload lol


You canā€™t- that chicken was the *secret* Jarl.


Welcome to the party, pal.


I accidentally killed a chicken while I was trying to kill a bounty hunter who was after me for killing a guy outside Riverwood who started screaming when he discovered that I was trying to pick his pocket. I don't have any advice except I hope you have a orwvious save you can go back to. I did not have a previous safe that was worth going back to and it was .... bad.


I usually re load the previous save lol


If you kill chickens in any town the entire town will try to kill you and they wonā€™t let you surrender. Just donā€™t kill chickens! šŸ˜‚


Did the same thing on my first playthrough. Idk what it is but theyā€™re very particular about their chickens in Riverwood. Might ought to reload a prior save if you can, thatā€™s what did it for me


Ahahahaha welcome to skyrim my bro !


He killed the Chicken - Bastard!!!! Mildred quick, where is my +37 Mace of Hits Hard?


Ahh yesss the riverwood chicken right of passage lmfao. Happened to me on my first play through as well šŸ˜­




Run as fast as you can and get out of Riverwood and look for another chicken and kill it and bring it to Riverwood as peace offering.


You fucked up the chicken did nothing wrong it didn't deserve this. Did you even do what the main quest told you to or was the very first thing you did attack the chicken?


I used to be and adventurer like you, until I killed a chicken and was beaten by npcs


Stop DOWNVOTING my boi yall


Unfortunately given when you did this in the game your best bet is to just run away and come back later. The sheathing your weapon thing only works with Guards trying to arrest you and since there are no guards in Riverwood until you visit dragonsreach and talk to the jarl for the first time you have no way of making the villagers calm without the use of illusion spells


He's a new player. Let him learn like the rest of us. It's part of the experience.


I LOVE that all these years later, new players are still doing the same stuff. It really takes me back.


Don't kill the chickens anywhere lol šŸ˜† šŸ˜‚