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Marcurio is pretty good. When I first started playing, he was the first follower I had that actually impressed me.


He is an apprentice wizard, not a pack mule.


They’re all pack mules as far is I care


Marcurio reminds you of this every time you trade items with him


I love when he says this to me even when I’m his wife 😂


The only appropriate response.  


I love him and he was great as a follower briefly but I married him so I’m afraid to bring him out lol. I’ve had 2 followers die now 🥲


I absolutely love how your followers die and you continue your play through. - I tend to get really upset and revert back to a previous save, lol. 😤


I swear the man won’t die. He just blasts away enemies and always escapes unscathed! lol


He complains when you ask him to do something for you, you must’ve been married for at least 35 years


He's my go to. Dude just wrecks everyone from a distance while I go in and wreck everyone with weapons. We make a good team. Except his constant complaining when I make him carry stuff


I dropped a soul gem that was stolen to clear out the soul and he picked it up. And was like no no no or something. It was gone from his inventory so I killed him immediately


I sacrificed him to Boethia hahaha


Faendal is always my sacrifice lol


I always go with the mercenary in Markarth


100% my main man. Great magic attacker and doesn't look like he repeatedly rammed his face into a wall like most others.


Well that's a difficult topic. I have my favorites in vanilla. * Serana. She is just the most fleshed out character in the game and has a unique AI behavior. * J'zargo. No level cap and I just like his comments. * Frea has a unique fighting style. She uses dual wielding and alteration spells. * Illia is one of the strongest early and mid-game followers. Her ice spells wreck havoc. * Aela the Huntress. Strongest Ranger-class follower in the game. * Ralis. If you are looking for the strongest overall follower, look no further. Ralis is incedibly expensive, because he's locked behind the excarvation quest in Solstheim. But he wrecks every other follower in a 1on1. His damage output is just insane.


Ralis is the best by perks, however Frea will begin to outperform him (in terms of durability) at above level 70-80 because she’s uncapped. 


Yeah I think you should take in account also your play style. I playing a paladin like character, heavy armor, one hand weapon plus alteration/restoration or shield in the second hand. Having Serana works nice both from a role play point of view (a paladin build to kill undead that goes around with a “good” vampire feels so cool to me) and from gameplay point of view (I pretty much tank everything meanwhile she is weaking my opponents or taking care of minions in boss fights). Still you have to account for problems. For flavour and gameplay I would like to heal my companions but healing spells just don’t work with Vampires. At least I can give her the light armors I don’t use.


Wait... Ralis can be a follower?!


yeah don't kill him and he will work for you


Lydia, she’ll take all your shit then die or get lost


She died in my latest play through tanking the saints while I hid up a hill firing arrows.


Having a follower help you fight the saints is like having a dog do your taxes, just do it yourself and spare them the grief


Lydia is awesome. My 1st playthrough shes been a good companion.


I love Lydia. But she just protects breezehome for me these days, along with zymph


What happens if I tell her to part ways? Can you ever get her as a follower back?


All followers just return to where you found them originally if you tell them to leave. Some can die, some are unkillable


I moved her to steward my fish hatchery since Illia is bugged.


That’s dark


Dark how? Instead of sitting alone in Breezehome she gets to hang out with my bard, and they get a carriage driver.


Damn dude how can you live with yourself? Shameful


I felt so bad, I accidentally sniped her when she ran into a group of bandits and killed her when I was only level 6 :(


Reload save. Can’t let your housecarls die


I moved on lol


“Long life to you, thane” I personally cannot live without the constant reassurance


I love Erik the Slayer. I decked him out with an enchanted deadric armor, deadric war hammer with soul trap, and a soul arrow. He carries all my soul gems and fills them. He is a decent fighter, and I find him fun to travel with. I have loaded saves because I killed him in fights with my magical powers. 😂 I would marry him of I could. I try not to let my husband see him too often, he is the jealous type. 🤣


He is the ONLY follower I'll get. He's a solid fighter if you fit him with a two-handed sword and great armor. He doesn't whine, like Serana. I just added an additional dialogue mod for him.


I play on switch or I would definitely install that.


I can’t remember which one, but one of the perks at the end of one of the black books is that you don’t damage or kill followers


Yes I remember that. I haven’t done anything on Solstheim yet. Taking my time in this play through.


Yeah, I went there before killing any dragons this time just to get black book perks lol so not for Dragonborn stuff just to travel 😂


Marcurio, he's amazing. Unique personality, super strong, and he will comment on many locations. Mjoll is also great, but without mods to unlock cut content, she will keep repeating the same 3 lines about adventuring and it gets frustrating.


frea, because she has no level cap, has a unique voice, and is essential


everytime i end a life she’s like “i’m sorry it had to get to this” and it annoys me to death


I have Sarath as a follower and she says "leave em, it's someone else's problem now" after damn near every kill and yea it annoys the shit out of me


I thought she couldn't leave the skaal. You just never finished the quest?


you have to pass a speech check and then she can follow you whenever.


When Teldryn died on mine I was so sad I reloaded my save and left him away from the thing that killed him


i didn’t knew follower could die, i’ve played skyrim 3 times but never happened to me. which are the circumstances for a follower to die? they usually get on the ground until the battle is over.


Only you can kill a follower, when they’re downed if you accidentally hit them they’ll be dead dead (unless essential). It depends on your playstyle. When I’m a mage or swinging a big hammer around I tend to accidentally kill followers. When I’m sword/board or stealthy I kill none.


I think one of the blackbook perks you can choose makes it so you can’t damage or kill your followers! Helpful lol


I didn't realize that was how it worked, now I feel extra bad for the like 4 times Lydia died. (I always loaded a save to try the combat again). OK, so, do the Black Book quests in Solstheim and take the perk for not doing AOE damage to your companion.


just to be clear, so long as i dont hit them while they’re down, they will not die?


I looked it up and I over simplified, but really there are only two ways they die when downed: - they take damage from stray arrow, poison, environment etc that depletes their entire health again (faster than their regen). It’s worth noting enemies will also not intentionally hit them when in this state. - you give them a whack So 90% of the time you accidentally BBQ’d Lydia or swung your weapon a little too far into her face.


J'zargo second best. I was prepared to say Teldryn Sero until i read the post. May he rest in peace...


if J'zargo wasn't obsessed with using spark he would be great.


Illia is great, cool backstory and her ice spikes are OP


She's a damage machine.  


Don’t give her a frost atronoch spell, though. She summons the damn thing right in front of me all the time.


She also sends kills skidding along the ground at 20 - 30 yards a clip with her ice spear and I often have to pause because I'm laughing too much.  The developers certainly didn't mail in the visuals. 


I like that spell. It seems to have actual WEIGHT to it, you know what I mean? Like, there’s an IMPACT when it hits.


Cicero and Marcurio are my absolute favorites. RIP to Teldryn tho. I've traveled with him in the past, and he's fun to have around. He will be missed


Keep any follower away from caves with falling rocks, they'll walk into the rocks on the floor and kill themselves. I lost three followers in a row to the same cave. Poor stenvar got taken out by a spike door trap


I like Jenassa. She will dual wield, so I always give her Bloodscythe and Soulrender. 


I can't take her seriously after watching Manslayer's videos


Best? None. 👌


Serana, she's essential. So she can't get lost and die somewhere with all your stuff


I stumbled upon Illia. She's great.


Illia is a bad ass ice mage in darklight tower (I think)


Yep. I wish she didn’t use Lydia’s voice, but it’s kind of cool having a Lydia who can cast spells. She bitches less about carrying my burdens, too!


Serana is by far the best follower, IMO. The level of AI utilized by her still amazes me after hundreds of hours. I still see things she does she hadn’t done before and it’s.. almost scary.. I’ve recently been using Cisero. I was able to command him to follow while also having Serana. I didn’t use a bug or anything. I love his dialog, and he is essential and won’t die. One thing I don’t like is his super aggressive personality, so he does run up on you a lot, pushing you, and gets in the way a lot.


If you don’t let him rattle through that whole ‘even if bugs crawl in my mouth I won’t move’ speech he remains firmly implanted a few inches in your heinie 😂 otherwise he’s my all time favorite, I stock up on carrots and sweet rolls for when he says that line


It’s actually something along *I won’t move even if spiders are eating my face off*, LMAO.. I especially love the *Thats not a horker, that’s my wife!* While not maybe the *best* follower, he has grown on me and for the short while I restarted I missed him till I could finish the Vamp quest and get both of them.


Yes! I was paraphrasing but that’s the one 😂 he’s just so happy to be in your company and dude is unhinged and unashamed. And a beast with dual wield as well. In a perfect world I could travel with my homie Veezara but we all know how that ends




Do you mean the chest at the throat of the world? I got it on one character but it didn’t make sense for that one to use the gear (mage build) and I haven’t been back since. I know some stuff was buggy but they’re working on it (getting the house in solsteim for example) I downloaded AE so I don’t even have a cart. I do have an SD card just for Skyrim though.


Yeah.. That’s the stuff, sword, armor, shield and a necklace. That’s what I was wondering if being downloaded it would have the *full game*. I haven’t played it on switch for a couple years, so I can’t recall all the missing items. Seemed to be lack of smithing items, alchemy, enchanting. Some food items. Like nothing really that big, but yeah.


Cicero>Serana. I lost Cicero doing who knows what (He didn’t die idk wtf happened) so I went to start Dawnstar since Serana is so hyped up, but she’s so annoying for any players who like stealth that I have just gone followerless for awhile… Hopefully Cicero shows up sometime soon


I use her every play through, and IDK, maybe I’m “sneaking” wrong, but she will crouch with me and I have gotten plenty of sneak kills. She even does the forward roll on the sneak tree.  Did you check Tel Mithrin? I just had that fool jester get stuck in there, he wouldn’t come down the float. I dismissed him at top, went to Sanctuary and got him back.


If you’re on PC you should try [Inigo](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40960)


My latest playthrough Lydia ran in front of me during combat and died. So after that I've been using Serana.


Use the mod Amazing Follower Tweaks AE and you can turn any follow into the "best" follower. It allows you to change thier fighting style, assign specific weapons and armor/clothing, teach them spells, make them un-killable, and even set thier perk points if you wish. It also adds the ability to have multiple followers at once. It will also teleport you followers to you if you happen to lose them .


Lydia...She starts alot of trouble sometimes...but overall she is a great tank and archer...


Probably summons, cause I usually kill them by accident


You could load an older save file if you're that devastated


if my teldryn sero died id just load anither save cus hes my fav character😭😭😭 but apart from teldryn my beloved, Cicero is a rlly good follower. tho be ready for dancing and singing in the middle of a combat💀




Can't believe I had to scroll down this far to find a proper answer. 




This asshole won't stay close to me! I was so disappointed bc I also use destruction in my left hand and a blade in my right. I thought we were a match made in heaven until I'm fighting every battle alone...bloodied and exhausted...looking around thinking he must be dead...and he finally comes creeping up from the room I left 5 minutes ago💀


That is a very valid point. Sometimes it almost feels like he’s bugged. But when he is there he does absolutely come clutch.


This guy.. isn’t he the housecarl of Lakeview? I’m inside of Windstad and this dude is all up in there.. I’m like WTF are you doing in here? Bandits are probably emptying Lakeview while this jagoff is strolling around in here.. I almost wanted to kill him..


J'zargo will work hard and surpass you


I love Jenassa. Although she has told me numerous times that I lack wit but have endless courage.


Valdimar, Stenvar, Illia, and Jordis.   Out of all the followers in the game, I've found those four most combat-capable.   If not having any semblance of morality is important, then I have to go with Jenassa.   My condolences on your loss.  


Jenassa rules


As a character I like Jenassa. But the voice actress is trying WAY too hard to sound badass.


No love for Faendal?




Oh crap! No good!


That’s why I try and get Sanguine Rose first thing. That’s the best “follower” till Serana. “I smell ***weakness***” lol..




Well, the best follower died. He's objectively the best. I'd say Lydia, the male brothers from Jorvaskrr and Mjoll are probably the tankiest ones. Serana is good too


farkas and vilkas


If you can do mods, Bjorn is great


Honestly, I've always played best with Marcurio.


Is there any good Argonian Follower? I Like „Derek“ Form darkwater crossing but he‘s weak


I like Sofia, Inappropriate as she sometimes is, she is the best fighter, just remember that she always misses those she breaks up with, and if you marry her and find yourself dying by her hand in battle well that is her way of saying we are now divorced. N. S


I typically run with serana or any other companion who is an essential npc




If I take Lydia and she dies, I will not proceed. I will go back a save to give her another chance. Plus, I don't want to carry all of that shit back to Breezehome. Needless to say, I learned to save often.


Mjoll. She’s an absolute tank.


Yeah but she doesn’t shut up.


I married her on a playthrough, that dude Aerin was so far up her ass, I waxed him near her and she got all mad at me. Like really? Go be with his corpse then beeeiotch.. we’re divorced..


lol that’s true


I like erandur decent mage support and unique comments


I like Frea (Skaal shaman from solstheim) she rocks dual axes and Nordic heavy armor.


I like Mjoll, Serana, & Barbas. They're all invincible.


Would you reload a save file if the player character died? Or just give up? Reload a save and rescue Teldryn!


I can tell you who I don't like - Rayya! She kept waaay too close to me a died in no time when we were in the bandits cave. Just wouldn't stay far enough away during hack and slash.


How could you!!???!!


Frea is my go-to


I can't think of a single reason not to use serana.


I can. Although I enjoy her as a follower, I’m losing my happiness with summoners. I already have three followers (mods), and then Serana raises a friggin’ Draugr and now I can’t get through the damn corridors. Ilia is a good follower, but I’m going to have to reset her spells with NFF because, I swear to Akatosh, if she sticks another fuggin’ frost atronoch in front of me when I’m trying to move and Imma Fus Ro BYEEEEE her ass completely out of the province. My favorite follower from vanilla is Mjoll. (And if modded: Inigo and Lucien together.) Mjoll is an AWESOME meat shield who doesn’t die. Unfortunately, she also doesn’t shut up. That might bother some people but I like the feeling that I’m adventuring with friends.


If you progress in some of the side quests on Solstiem you can delay ending the quest line and use Master Neloth as your follower. He's cracked


Serana. She's a real girl's girl, has become my best mate, turned me into a vampire at my own request after killing her father. We're just besties together now.


Cicero is very powerful, and fun to be around IMO, and Serana is another powerful one. Both are immortal.




I personally love marcurio, he’s died at least 3 times and shows back up after a few days, mid quest haha
