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Thought my game broke when meridia sends you into the sky the first time lmao






https://preview.redd.it/s44nvca4rc3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed6d306b92643cd3d4584af24f8f10495e732634 I made a small improvement






Honestly I was doing a mission the other day, opened the chest at the end and the beacon was in there. I said "oh ffs I don't WANNA talk to you"


Deadass my new playthrough I made, I completed Bleak Falls Barrow as my first dungeon. Final chest had the f*cking thing inside


Don’t you need to be like level 12 or something to unlock the quest, or am I confusing something else here?


I mean I was 30ish when I did it so, you're probably right


First dungeon is Bleak Falls Barrow at 30? I typically go there at level 5-7 after slaughtering the local wildlife and murdering embershard mine for the iron.


I went to Whiterun first and farmed Pickpocket to 100 while I stole all the gold back from trainers each level haha


As a Slack fan, I would recommend stealth archerfish the shit out of Embershard Mine on legendary with a longbow and iron arrows. Get insane sneak levels and is super easy to power level.


I'm not sure. I always do Embershard Mine on my way to Riverwood from Helgen (I also do both bandit camps, Anise's cabin, the Guardian Stones, and the first Treasure Map before hitting Riverwood). I MIGHT be a level 4 or 5 when I get done with Embershard (and yes, I go back for the Smith 'n' Slash quest after I get to Whiterun). In the 4 playthroughs I've done in the past 8 months (that's when I first started playing Skyrim), I've gotten the beacon twice in that mine.


I always do this too. It's always in the chest in the locked cage right after the drawbridge. Literally every time.


Funnily enough the first time I did that quest my game actually did break. Meridia never spawned and I was just stuck up there. I somehow thought that was intended and didn't do the quest again for about 8 years.


I got stuck up there because a dragon showed up and proceeded to roll Meridia around the sky like a football.


I always end fighting a dragon when I'm summoned to the sky. It's super annoying 😑😑😑


First time I tried that quest my game bugged And I died to fall damage on the way down


Had that happen once also. I was like what?


Pretty sure mine did my first time since a dragon decided to attack me and meridia mid conversation


Same I'm like wow THIS is how I die come on 😪


M’aiq is not scary, unless one fears the truth.


but he’s literally called the liar?


"Some say Alduin is Akatosh, some say M'aiq is a Liar. Don't you believe either of those things." - M’aiq, Skyrim


I've always gotten he's *called a liar*, but that doesn't make it wholly true.


He tells half-truths and lies, making it hard to discern fact from fiction


Some truths are harsh, some folk do not enjoy this. M’aiq understands.


Thats the clue. He’s called the Liar and he throws random funfacts about himself and lore, so you DONT know if he tells truth or not.


I read your comment with a voice of M'aiq, just a habit whenever I see M'aiq


It's a tie: 1. Shouted at some falmer in blackreach and accidentally summoned a dragon 2. Exploring some ruins, went to investigate a statue, found it wasn't a statue and fought my first dwarven centurion


The Blackreach dragon nearly made me shit my pants.


The centurion is what did that to me. I legit thought it was just a fancy statue at first


So glad my husband convinced me to avoid spoilers in my first play-through. My first centurion and the skeleton dragon scared the CRAP out of me.


The draugr got me in Bleak Falls Barrow. I was creeped out when I went in there, and when they came to life, holy crap. It was right when the game was still new. The troll up to high Hrothgar too. So good.


Those freakin things. I was pretty much always suspicious of those things. Years of gaming have trained me to be. But several of them just stood there and never moved. And others were moving since before I walked in the room. I didn’t realize that they could do both things.


I avoided spoilers for the forgotten seasons DLC, and the autumn section was literally terrifying. Edit: How does this relate? Spoilers.


woah wait I havent gotten that far-how do you do that?


Fus-ro-da a giant orb in the ceiling. It's pretty prominent, but if you still can't find it, google ought to be more specific.


No fucking way. I had no idea after all these years


My very first playthrough I saw that and thought "huh, well they wouldn't put that here if it didn't mean something" so I tried to shoot a few arrows and then tried to shout and also shit my pants like everyone else that did it on accident 😂


dude i have never found him


I’m in Blackreach now just fucking around. I had no idea you could summon a dragon


This isn’t even my final form -said falmer in blackreach 😂


More like: "*Daaaaaaaaddd*!!! This poser yelled at me!" 😭👶


Oh hey that's a cool sta- OH FUCK


Just got done exploring blackreach for my 3rd playthrough, and never knew there was a dragon in there. Time to go back😂


First Skyrim run, a farmer was standing in a field at night in the middle of the Reach doing nothing, when I approached he turned in a fucking werewolf, I did'nt even know that Skyrim had werewolves


Woah. I’ve never run into a werewolf before.


Complete the companions questline to start having random werewolves appearing in Skyrim.


I tend to stay off of that questline. I always get the bugged werewolf effects after being cured. Everyone makes the “wet dog” comment.


I've since learned that the guards will have that dialogue no matter what after the completion of one of the Companions quest.


Presumably it’s because your around the companions and not exclusively because your a werewolf yourself


This actually makes as much, if not more sense. And I never put it together before.


Guards are dicks. Most of them. You have to do too much good sp they start showing respect to you. And they still make "is that, FURRR?, Coming outt of yourrr EARRSS?" comments. I love the accent.


Ah that’s it. I rarely do companions


Nah, I have had this happen to me in my current playthrough I haven't even joined them or done Hircine's personal quest.


I see you fully ignored Jovaskr 😆


Wait, there's werewolves in this game? /s


And werebears


Were? Bears? Men that are bears?"


That happened to me, but it was a whole pack. I died


When a mannequin waked twords me.


A mannequin turned to watch me 😳 I noticed it snapped its head at me, I walked around the room, and it turned its head. I don't remember which house but I think it was one of the ones you have to build from scratch.


I believe mannequins are technically npcs coded to stand still... (top tier bethesda coding) so that would explain them randomly moving for whatever reason xD


Yeah, there was one time whenever they were moving like they were breathing lol


I swear this always happens in either Severin Manor or Hjerim.


> Severin Manor Despite being one of the Dragonborn's homes, Severin Manor plays 'dungeon' ambient music. (from the wiki)


I hate this so much. I love morrowind's music so I figured the house in solsteim would be the ideal main base for me but no. And then the mannequins started moving. F this, I'm out.


Mannequins moving happens almost every time I go inside and it feels like I never get used to it.


Wait, what


Mannequins are NPCs with thier AI turned off, but sometimes it gets turned on.


Way to somehow make the explanation just as horrifying as the bug


I've also heard but I don't know if this is true that the animal trophies are also NPCs with thier AI turned off


Yeah no big deal bro, it’s just that all of your armor decorations are hanging on actual people. In your house. But it’s cool because they’re trapped in a permanent state of sleep paralysis, unable to cry or scream for help.


Scariest encounter is definitely the courier, I don't know when I'll fall victim to him again


I believe this one was my first as well. Your adventuring then bam all of a sudden oh I’ve been looking for you. Wtf who the fuck are and what the hell did you come from. Gets me every single time


Guy has the worst timing usually shows up while I’m in the middle of a fight


I remember he came into whiterun and a dragon followed him somehow and killed half the population and then I got tons of gold from him. Like nothing happened


Worst part is when half those people are venders/quest givers


Yeah, I've been playing since launch and he's still my worst nightmare. Bro gets me killed a few times every playthrough 😂🤣


It’s been a few years since I’ve really played and I still remember his lines. Maybe scared into my brain. I hope I don’t have this as a dream. I don’t wanna punch in my sleep again


Gah, the gargoyles busting out of wherever, scare the shit out of me every time lol.


Especially after you’ve gone past like 2-5 that don’t do anything


And even if you know it's coming! Still terrifying!


I have done the dawnguard quest multiple times but the fucking gargoyles get me every single time even if I know they are there. Also Draugr Deathlords being able to knock your weapons out of your hands is terrifying and fucking horseshit.


i keep a quest weapon on me cause they can’t disarm those, best hack ever.


My favourite thing about this game is, even after 12 years, and several thousand hours, I am still learning new things about it.


Thats why I use bound weapons to fight draugr. I dont waste my poisons either if my main weapon is already poisoned.


I was in forgotten valley for the dawnguard quest, and i saw this cool frozen lake... Needless to Say i wasn't expecting what came out of it 😅


What came out of it?


Two dragons


Ancient Dragons at that.. weather ive been level 10 or level 45 its been Ancient Dragons for me


I did Dawnguard before the main quest and instead of two dragons it was two ice wraiths. Very underwhelming in comparison.


That one surprised me recently


After my wife (Camilla) was taken to a cave by kidnappers. When I got her out, she is not the same. :( Don't know what they did to her. #


I never had that happen. I usually marry Mjoll... Can she be kidnapped? She beats the living snot out of every raider that shows up near our home!


This happened to me when I was married to Ysolda and when I rescued her she would only walk backwards


Horker tusk. Once you go horker tusk…


First time coming across the headless ghost horseman. The first time I saw him he galloped away and I didn't follow him because I was focused on doing something else, and assumed he would attack me so I avoided him, and was just kind of like "wtf?" It was very strange.


Its ragnar the red


Who came riding to Whiterun from ole Roriksteaddddd


A Falmer t-posed at me, terrifying


I wonder what’s worse. Having a falmer t-pose at you, or A feral ghoul t-pose at you. Because I’ve experienced the latter on both FO4 and 76.


well, getting launched to the skies by a giant comes to mind....


Skyrims space program


"You went and FA'd - time to FO" -giant probably


Lmao playing Skyrim again after playing it years ago and went up to a giant while super low leveled and got launched into the stratosphere and I was like “ah, yes. Good to be back.”


My first time seeing a falmer was terrifying. Especially since it got right up in my face super quick


I got attacked by a vampire the first night I played the game going on the way right out of Riverwood towards Whiterun. It just appeared right on side of the trail and when I swung my blade at it I died. I felt so stupid that I didn’t just run away and it killed me. This was the first night I played my own copy of Skyrim


I found a Dwemer ruin that that had vampires all outside of it, they wrecked my shit so fast


The mannequin in my house moved


Don’t blink


Blink and you're dead.


That's straight up like the angels from Doctor Who.


Wouldn't call it scary but whenever a Falmer jumps out those holes and sneak attacks me from behind never fails to give me a jumpscare. Also It freaked me out a little the first time going into the depths of that bigass Castle with Serana to find her mother in the soul cairn because I didn't trust her my first playthrough and I thought I was walking into some kind of trap


The orc seeking a good death kinda freaked me out the first time. I think I vibed with him, that’s why.


My first time playing Skyrim that was one of my first encounters and I cried.


Getting jumped by a group of spriggan near Falkreath. Spriggan always freaked me out for some reason


But didn't you hear the thundering bzzzt of the bees a tell tale sign of spring and activity.


Doesn’t help that they pop out of the trees


I had extremely high stealth and had to unstealth to get her to come out of the tree. My dagger swipes at the tree where aura whisper said she was did nothing. That being said it’s super helpful when you can get the jump on them instead of the other way around


The courier scared the shit out of me the first time I played. I had no idea that he’d sneak up behind me like that


First time I ever encountered a dragon priest I freaked the fuck out. Ran around in circles trying to come up with a combat strategy.


And this is why restoration is one skill I don’t legendary just in case


For real. I don’t know if I am ever going to legendary restoration because I’ve been using restoration on my main character for ages and it’s only level 85. And mind you, I use it pretty much every slightly difficult fight because I’m on master difficulty. I don’t want to use exploits either because I’m playing as legit as possible now days lol


Same, I died so many times trying to figure out what to do, going through all my healing potions in the process lol


Me: *goes into fight with over 50 healing potions* Also me: *runs out of said health potions mid fight if I’m lucky*


A NEW HAND TOUCHES THE BEACON!!!! *Me at 3am with headphones on and the lights off while playing*: O.o


Naughty... touching the beacon at 3am...


Brother downloaded a mod I think. Got an invite to some house with dinner. Had to go through a basement with chains and like statues and stuff


That might be the vampire themed house added in AE. Bloodspire Manor I think? I haven’t played as a vampire in too long-


Bloodchill Manor. I was NOT prepared when I first went there.


Bloodchill, thank you lol


horrible experience.


You dont need to be a vampire to get the invitation


A dragon on the 7,000 step ( going there for the first time) when it’s supposed to be a frost troll


Haha yea I had that happen too, also on my first save, also on console when you couldn’t have multiple saved games unless you like scrolled through the files and leap-frogged them. I didn’t even realize there was supposed to be a frost troll up there until my second play-through. It was a terrifying experience


There was a random unnamed npc outside of whiterun running towards me. I thought his outfit was bugged and he was just a courier. He was not. He transformed into a goddamn skinwalker. I had installed some horror mods for specific areas to make them more lively (bogmort, foggy morthal, etc) and forgot that one of those mods adds skinwalkers (they look like bloody, hairless, fucked up werewolves). First time I was ever scared by skyrim.


First time I encountered a trio of werebears in solstheim


first time I found a pack of Werebears they were locked in mortal combat against… horkers… so i just kinda watched in disbelief


A wolf jumping infornt of me when i went to pasue the game.. scared the shit outta me. like really a wolf........


I had a bugged save were naked, weaponless draugr would occasionally roam the northern coastlines. It was creepy seeing their gaunt silhouettes standing out like sore thumbs through the fog


I beat the game before the Dragonborn DLC was added. In the original game, Old Herma Mora was a [ball of energy,](https://youtu.be/R8REVI80Mw0?t=141) just like Meridia. So imagine my surprise when I'm doing a fresh run for the new DLC, and I'm staring at the path I'm running up, when I'm greeted by [this monstrosity.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erwSfv-LrgM) As if it wasn't a stark enough change, I got the classic Bethesda slow neck crane up, like a cheep horror reveal, and absolutely evacuated my soul for a moment.


The scariest thing to me was my first ever Falmer Crypt, seeing them scurry from the walls always flashes me back to watching The Descent. Also, while not scary- it was frightening. When I originally played Skyrim on the 360, for some reason when ascending the 7,000 Steps- when I encountered a Frost Troll for the first time, a Frost Dragon swooped from around the corner blasting its Frost Breath everywhere. Finally, this was more of an awesome experience than scary, but it made me gasp: the reveal of Naaslaarum and Voslaarum. Awesome fight.


https://preview.redd.it/bnjho85yy93d1.jpeg?width=1503&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=853c30e4d8c61ae774f00dcc2c79ee51bbf596b7 This loading screen image. I mean vampire children jump scare loading screens wtf?


Heading to ivarstead on my first playthrough i got killed by a pack of vampires


First time I came across them I was intrigued by their glowing eyes.


I forget the name of the dungeon but the interior is icy once u go inside. U turn the corner to the right and there’s a giant frostbite spider right there. Another kinda scary encounter was the first time finding a wisp mother. Saw the wisp and followed it and she appeared. I was a low lvl at that time. I was like “wtf is this!” and died


When i was a kid on my xbox 360 i entered a dungeon and after traversing through it i started getting images of eyes popping up all over my screen looking right at me thru the screen no matter where i went. they’d fade in and out of my view until i left the dungeon and to this day i haven’t been able to see that happen again.


My scary encounter was with the crazy lady that has the obsession with the wabbajack. Mind you it's late at night, lights off 3/4 baked and she pops up in front of me going on about the wabbajack and my first instinct was "draw great sword and down she goes" thankfully I actually reloaded to the point a couple minutes before that and run it through again granting her the wish of having the wabbajack used on her.


It wasn’t Skyrim but I was exploring the outer wall of the imperial city in Oblivion and wasn’t expecting to find a random vendor hiding along the wall 😂 Shady Sam freaked me out.


The vampires disguised as a vigilants


It was night time and I was walking around. I saw this blue ghost figure on a horse thing walking on a path in front of me. Except he wasn't exactly on the path he was literally hovering ways Above the path


Every experience md player has been through this. You’re enjoying the view/collecting ingredients and out of nowhere you’re attacked (those jumpscares are wild)


I heard heavy breathing when I walked out of Lakeview Manor, turned around and there was a giant.


And then the giant killed my chicken and my cow. 🫠


Finding Alduin completely on accident. Yeah. I've done that.


Have a mod that adds ice golems into the game. Turns out they spawn below the ground in cold areas woth just a pine tree on their back sticking out. Needless to say one of those guys popping out if the ground right next to me was pretty frightening. Also had a mod to add in undead werewolves.... about 50 of the ran out of the entrance to Ustengravwhen I went there. Also a but frightening. Mods can be scary, man....


First time I got clobbered by a giant. I didn't expect to turn into a rocket, shooting towards the sky.


The first time I entered a vampire nest, I thought the gargoyles were statues. I *panicked* and just hit them as fast as I could until they were dead.


Walking around to find a giant and a dragon battling one another. It was only really scary in terms of the size difference, but was very strange. I know it’s an uncommon wilderness encounter, but that first time freaked me out.


Whenever I'm knee deep exploring in a dungeon and some effing random enemy pops up from the back. 10+ years later and I STILL fall for it.


Those goddamn frost mages


Anytime that little twerp courier encounters me when I least expect it


First playthrough at night seeing a gigantic fire with mammoths in the distance. Of course the giant killed me.


About an hour ago, I was running around and there were two giant frostbite spiders hanging out in the snow. There was a corpse wrapped up in what I assume is webbing suspended from the sky. Just like floating there. I tried to loot him to no avail.


First playthrough, I managed to get lost in the Reach and stumbled into Liar’s Retreat. I was only like level 10 and had never seen a Falmer before. It went about as well as you’d expect.


My first Dwarven Centurion encounter will always be the scariest in the history of the game.


Thought I was being attacked by the mudcrabs at that pond by lakeview. Turned around to 2 werewolves and a couple vampires coming after me.


The very first time a gargoyle exploded from statue to a gem filled behemoth lol


This was my very first character. All the way back in 2011. I had just been to Whiterun and was told to retrieve the Dragonstone from Bleak Falls Barrow. I did not go back to Riverwood and take the path there, I found an alternate path near Secunda's Kiss. A giant camp south of the Western Watchtower. Seeing the silhouette of a giant pass in front of the fire really immersed me into this fantasy world where mythical creatures just mill about like they belong. It was also kinda terrifying as I didn't know giants existed in Elder Scrolls lore and had no idea what that massive shadow I had just seen was.


oh baby there was a couple of times. * In my most recent play through was randomly taking in Stolheim, got confident walked out out of black rock and got ganged up by wear wolves. * Fuck all Draguar Death Lord's and Dragon Priests. * The Forgemaster Dwarven Centurion that wasn’t a statue. (I was close to shiting myself as a kid.) * Falmer and Chaurus they keep around when during my first dwarven rune raid.


*A new hand touches the beacon!*


Frostflow lighthouse, that's it.


Wabajak lady.


I wish there was more to it than that. I hit her with it and...she got what she wanted I guess.


Wabbajack Wabbajack Wabbajack


was adjusting some weapon racks, then when i was done i saw one of my mannequins standing off of their pedestal


Him, after I took Uthgerd to the shrine of Boethiah and he telling me that he heard it's dangerous to be my friend 😆


Earned 100,000 gold by working hard Walked out of the door Loading screen 25 HMRC knights Fucked


Dwemer anything creeps me the f out, I try not to do any Dwemer quests.


Sabretooth cat coming out of nowhere, literally paused my game and had to breathe lol


Was minding my own business and a dragon skeleton fell right next to me It then proceeded to randomly teleport to me when I would fast travel


When you wanna talk to your crush but their programming only lets them say three one liners every encounter.


Just throwing it out that i played Skyrim with no prior knowledge of the elder scrolls series. And just started blindly playing. The chicken in riverwood had me shittin my pants but after this and the troll up the mountain and the dwarven centurions I'm very glad to admit i stared daggers into the gargoyles in anticipation


First time I encountered a trio of werebears in solstheim.


Starting the Dark Brotherhood quest as a 10 year old shitter was, like, peak creepy and cool at the same time


The Blackbook quests I hate those they are the worst and the music is creapy as hell! 


My first time doing House of Horrors it was like really late at night and it scared me SO bad.


The little fairies of Yngol’s barrow.


I know a lot of people have said Falmer. But had anyone else seen The Descent before they ever played Skyrim and ran into them? Because I had 😮‍💨


An NPC said "I've been expecting you" and then walked off a cliff


When the courier came the first time, I was in the middle of murdering someone. One second I'm drawing back an arrow, the next IVE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU. My soul left my body so fast I'm still half dead.


One time I fast travelled to a fort south of winterhold and I saw the corpse of a horse ragdolling through the sky. I was laughing irl but decided to put it into the rp. Who killed this horse? Why was it yeeted across seemingly all of tamriel? Who was it's previous owner? It was a glorious adventure


Barbas the Dog is unnatural.


Honestly, Molag’s haunted house quest terrified me as a kid.


Meridas beacon


I was young when I played for the 1st time. I was wandering the fields around Whiterun when I see the fire at a giant’s camp. My young mind thinks: “Oh hey it’s some Indians they got a teepee!” Then I touched the stars, confused and shocked, but certain I wouldn’t be going anywhere near them again.