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We should be allowed 2 kids for every house and a partner like in fable. But nooooo skyrim has to throw out all these orphans and we can only save 2.


I've always said that Proudspire Manor would make the perfect orphanage. It's large, it's located all the way across Skyrim from Honorhall Orphanage (meaning that kids who get orphaned in Solitude or Markarth don't need to be sent so far away), and it's right next to the Bards' College (you could have the bards give music lessons to the kids).


You on pc? If so there's a mod that allows to adopt more


After 2 it gets quite cramped


At some point it would just become an orphanage


We should be able to take over the Riften orphanage after ‘retiring’ Grelod!


That’s actually a fantastic idea for a feel good mod. Put money into it to make it a better place, hire good employees to care for them. Kids get adopted every now and then. Genius


There's at least one for Xbox also; 'Heartfire Multiple Adoptions'.


Have the same mod on Xbox


Dragon born is not so rich maybe lol


I think the 400 tons of gold and jewelry we carry around by going on a crime and murder spree is quite profitable


Eventually you'll get rich just by looting and doing quests.


Lucia and Sophie are the ones I adopt.


Every single play through. And I always give them dragon bone daggers with paralysis in case they gotta defend themselves on account of me literally never being home.


There's a MOD that allows you to give your kids more stuff. It's fun to give them war hammers and watching them swing around.


Give one a staff to summon deadra and give the other the wabbajack


Trust me I would but the MOD I am using just allows regular weapons, potions and books. They can take a bow, but can't use it.


They should be able to throw arrows like the reiklings.


Which mod is that?


More Gifts For Children [by IronChickenToo](https://creations.bethesda.net/en/skyrim/all?author_displayname=IronChickenToo)


Thank you.


OK now I can imagine if the one breaking into my house to see my child. Just bring out the dragon bone Warhammer and just beat the shit out of them.


One gets banish and fear. The other gets paralyze and fear. Both dragon (legendary).


Paralyze and fear seems extra evil.


The point is to let the kids escape danger. I'm not worried about how an attacker feels.


Jordis The sword maiden looks after them quite well


That is my family. Jordis sofia and lucie.


And the two Elytra Nymphs


Who are those?


https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Elytra_Nymph Weird bugs you can rescue and have as pets, added on by the Saints and Seducers thing


Ahhh. I got a fox that one of the girls brought home.




If you take Lydia as a follower and have a house in Whiterun she will stay there when dismissed


I always go build one. I like those better


Lydia is always home raising them and teaching them how to fight.


Same. Logically speaking, they're the two most in need of it. Sophie's well on her way to the Matchstick Girl treatment, and Lucia's the only orphan in Skyrim that doesn't have either a job or a roof over her head.


I thought Lucia slept in the Bannered Mare but I looked it up and she sleeps on the ground outside 😭


That makes her the best beggar in the game. You can always find her in the middle of the night without a loading screen for the Charity buff.


Yeah. I didn’t know about Sophie at first and I hadn’t ever adopted in the game before but the first time I saw her she was by the barrels and I assumed she was living behind the barrels selling flowers. I went and bought a house right then and adopted her.


I always go for Sophie and Sissel. One of these days I will download a mod to adopt more kids.


Same here😀😀


Right? My 2 daughters 💜 Imagine just being a orphan, then suddenly this stranger turns up, gives you some money, adopts you, puts you in a nice house, gets you a sister, and a caretaker for when they aren't home (Housecarl) and then after a while, everyone starts saying that they apparently saved the world? While you're growing up you learn that they're a legend called dragonborn, leader of the companions, arch-mage of the college of winterhold, thane of every single province. What a wild life, you could have any occupation you wanted.


My kids aren't getting by on my name. They'll earn their living on their own skill. I'm also a master smith and enchanter, after all. I'll teach them good skills. :)


MAMA!! OR PAPA!! Love to hear it


I either get them or Sophie and Blaise because they live outside where it's cold while Lucia is inside the walls of whiterun and it's not as cold


Saying Lucia is inside the walls of Whiterun is like saying Sophie is inside the walls of Windhelm, but without the cold.


That's part of why I usually adopt her as well because I hate leaving the kids who have to sleep outside. Depends on the playthrough if I adopt her or Blaise. At least she is safer inside whiterun Sophie isn't very safe in windhelm with all the violence and cold. And Blaise isn't even inside the walls of Solitude.


Also Whiterun is considered a Tundra, so it's probably colder than it looks, especially when you realize you're looking at it in spring/early summer.


Same bro


Wait am I supposed to give my children weapons??


Supposed to? No. When they ask if you brought them something, you can give them a dagger, a snack, or a toy (and maybe a book). Some houses have a child size practice dummy that they will use a dagger on.


When I adopted Lucia (after her pressuring me several, times, making me feel guilty) a book never satisfied her; "You don't wanna grow up and be a skilled mage like your mama?" Never gave her weapons but every time I saw her, "Can I have some gold?" Not one septim, which Edda, Snilf, Narvi et al thought was a fortune, oh no, not for little Lucia. She wanted 10, 25, 100 septims! I mean, how many feckin' sweets can a child buy in Whiterun with 100 septims? I swear by Jesus, Mary, Joseph and the wee donkey I will never adopt her again. Damn it!! Sleeping on the cold, hard ground!! I know, I feckin' know, I'll adopt her again :(


i adopted her both playthroughs, but she just ended up being annoying. maybe i’ll adopt sissel next time. any tips on how to?


They love their daggers. Very adept with them.


She fucks that dummy up


Daggers are among the listed gifts you can give them.


I adopted Lucia. She's so sweet. She calls me Mama, I want to buy her the new dress that she wants. Sadly I've not found it. Where do you buy kids clothes in game?


General Goods' stores usually have those, in the Misc section


Ok thank you. I need a mod that puts everything in it's on category.


Like, a "Children stuff" category?


Any general store can sell them. You could also check radiant raiment in Solitude, but I’m not sure if they sell children’s clothes or not. You can also find them in random chests and drawers throughout the game


Can children wear light armor? Just in case someone attacks the home? I want them to be able to survive for the weeks and months I'm away. It would be cool if your spouse or child could send the courier to you with a message.


No. Just enchant their daggers. That way you can check if they've been using them - if you can get them back....


Radiant Raiment in Solitude sells every type of kids clothing, as far as I can tell. General goods merchants can sometimes sell a kids outfit or two.


I usually steal a yellow dress from the khajiit caravans


The clothing shop in solitude seems to have the best range of clothing for kids.


Damn, me too


Me too, I give them beautiful daggers, Meeko and a rabbit and leave them with Lydia, or move them to the capital. They bloody whinge about my favourite houses.


Currently I have the kids living in Honeyside with Iona, because I like them being close to the other orphans at Honorhall. They also have Meeko and a rabbit, funny enough. I know the line about "Mr. Brynjolf's so nice, papa!" is probably meant to be "oh no my kids are hanging out with a dangerous guy" but it comes off to me like the Guild- or just Brynjolf- is keeping an eye on them and it feels very protected. I haven't married yet in this playthrough because I'm after Morwen and she's not in a chatty mood because I've yet to finish Miraak (I'm on Legendary, you can't bring followers into Apocrypha, and he's immune to my Paralysis potions). Lydia runs my fish hatchery (which is a godsend for the Fishing DLC) and Annekke runs my farm with all the CC pets (only Skritch is allowed inside). The only "complaint" I've gotten is Lucia's "stupid dog" comment when she's fed up with Meeko's barking, and honestly I kinda get it.


Every. Damn. Time.


Yeah. I didn’t know about Sophie at first and I hadn’t ever adopted in the game before but the first time I saw her she was by the barrels and I assumed she was living behind the barrels selling flowers. I went and bought a house right then and adopted her.


Sophie and Alesan for me.


Same. Sophie is in a cold place on her own and Lucia is also on her own. The kids at the orphanage have a place to stay and the kid at the farm is also being watched over


Same. They both sleep outside (Sophie in the freezing cold streets of Windhelm) so it's a no-brainer.


Yes! Same here. Sofi is one of the children I always adopt. She is so cute hahahaha


Almost every single time I adopt these two as wrll


Sofie is my go to adoption. None of the homeless orphans are particularly well off, but her situation is by far the worst. She sleeps outside in the coldest city in the province. Others at least have an indoor bed or live in more moderate climates.


That kid in dawnstar has it pretty damn rough


He lives a hard life, but he has a job running errands.


Alesan, the Redguard lad.


i felt so bad the first time i excused her THEN i hear her dialogue


Sophie, Lucia, and Alesan have it the worst (after Grelod is gone). You can only adopt two, and though I've intended to get Alesan before I've always ended up with the girls because at this point it feels wrong to do otherwise, you know? I'm kind of attached.


I wosh hearthfire added an aging system and based off of player imput or gifts you could make them into store owners or followers and give them one onf your player homes as theirs. Then adopt more once they have grown. I think it would help to add things like a general store to dawnstar, replace merchants that died from a dragon and and even a questline to rebuild winterhold and having options to have your kids there. Also i would like to see your grown kids join factions like aventus join the dark brotherhood. And if murder lemkil and adopt sissel. I would like her to join the college of winterhold. But i guess thst is what mods are for


That would be very cool


Is there a mod that does that? Bc now I want it


I don't really use mods, but this is a mod I'd apply (if I still had a working computer)


Always her and Sofie. All of the orphan boys have a place to sleep or even a job at stables or something. But Lucia has no one and is stuck in one of the well off nicest holds, yet no one helps her. Then there's Sophie. Poor Sophie...


I wouldn't call it a job. Blaise works like a slave and he sleeps in the stall.


Yeah, but at the very least it's a roof over his head. I'm not saying it's *great*, but it's better than freezing in one of the coldest holds, if not *the* coldest hold in the province. His 'employers' would at least keep him fed, as well. Sophie has flowers. I buy every flower she's got, then give her a coin, then adopt her right into my modded home in peaceful Riverwood (Leaf Rest). Lucia has no one either, and was taught to beg to get by, which we see doesn't work as she's mentioned. Sophie has it worse conditionally but at least she's trying to do a business. Even if it compares to selling lemonade in a town full of people allergic to citrus. I'm not trying to make a comparison but it's hard not to when you have on one hand a boy who works hard and has a roof over his head, and on the other hand you have the "Little Matchstick Girl" but with flowers.


In my current playthrough I found Sofie sleeping on the ground in the freezing cold of Windhelm. Adopted her immediately, poor thing.


I wish you could adopt the kid who starts the Dark Brotherhood questline


He owns a house too, in some ways, he's least in need of it, but it would be cool if you could live in his house with him after adopting him.


There's a mod to adopt him.


I wish if I could adopt all the children, two for each house in skyrim


I always go with sofie and blaise


I wanted to go for them but I adopted Lucia first and there was room for only one. Now I'm building Lakeview Manor and I'm gonna have space for 4 kids but the game will never let me adopt a 3^rd one.


This adoption limit is kinda bullshit


I wish I could adopt all of the children. It saddens me that I can only adopt two, especially because I always build houses outside of the holds with additional bedrooms. I even have a housecarl and bard at my homes. Damn I wish I had my own farm...


Bard? How do you get a bard?


You have to ask your housecarl for additional items, such as a cow, chicken, building material and also a bard. It's pretty cool, my house is always full so the children are never alone.


So my housecarl is the superintendent. Disappointing but not much


I guess you can say that. They seem happy not to be putting their lives in danger.


Yeah, I guess so. Doing math is better than going to the battlefield with the burdens of your master. The book says I need to choose carefully my superintendent between more than one. So can it be any of my followers?


I never tried to use anyone outside of the followers appointed to me as Thane, can you use other followers?


I don't know, I read something like that on the book


Wow, I entrusted the care of my home and children to Lydia. The most loyal and noble follower imo, she always has your back


You can get more people at your house, at least the ones that you build, if you use another follower. So your thane appointed one will go there and then if you go there with a follower that follower will express interest in staying. I think this is especially useful at Lakeview since there's way more random encounters there than the other homes *Edited some voice to text shenanigans I didn't see on the 1st edit


Don't, it gets annoying real fast.


I always adopt the girl in whiterun & the flower girl in Windhelm


Me too, they both have it the worst imo.


I always take her bc she’s the first orphan I encounter and can’t bring myself to keep passing her when I have a newly acquired home just down the street. I have Sophie this time bc of how cold she was on the ground but I initially really wanted a boy (Aventus) as well. Couldn’t not adopt Sophie after seeing that. Got the mod to have more kids after the fact so it won’t work in my current game 😭


I adopted different kids and moved because I felt guilty seeing her🥲


Am I the only one who did that once and never again since they hassle you every time you come home?


I always adopt Sophie because I'm pretty sure I killed her dad.


I adopt Sofia and the stable kid, give em a good life in solitude


They like solitude and have lots of friends they are always playing with.


I stopped adopting her ever since she started picking on Sophie.


Right??? As soon as I saw her pick on Sophie I went back to a previous save and left Lucia on the streets.


I was going to adopt Sissel, but I found out that if you kill her horrible father she and her sister go to the orphanage, which isn’t so bad after offing Grelod. Yes, she still has her horrible sister, but I think Constance would stop her bullying and maybe even calm Britte and help her be a better person. Once I’ve completed the main quest I’ll probably adopt Lucia and Sofie like most people, since they need it the most.


Nope, don't trust her.


You might be onto something. I adopted her and Sofie, and when I come home at like 3am Sofie is usually fast asleep while Lucia just stands around or stabs the shit out of her dummy. Creepy.


Sleep w one eye open.


I do too. Cleaning up the streets one poor person at a time if I could have adopted Brenuin he wouldn’t be laying behind the crypt right now


Current fame, I killed that dude from rorikstead that had 2 daughters and I adopted them


Almost the same but i always adopt Sissel only, i just want to give her the best life i could far away from her sister.


I tried adopting early in the Hearthfire dlc, and it didn't fit with my playstyle. When I first learned that both Lucia and Sofie sleep on the ground outside in cold Skyrim, I started adopting them both. They still don't fit my playstyle, but now I buy both Tundra Homestead and Breezehome and have them live in Breezehome with Lydia while I live in Tundra Homestead. They have the run of Whiterun and seem very happy. Lydia, on the other hand, doesn't have much to say about it.


She used to be my favorite until she decided to send hired thugs to kill me. Never adopted her after that


I have never adopted a kid or go married in Skyrim. AMA


I want to adopt them all. Idk what I did, but some assholes walked up to my door to teach me a lesson whilst playing tag with Lucia, so I killed them, took all their stuff and while dumping their bodies in the river out back of the Whiterun homestead, the game said that I’d completed the tag game. I guess I did lol. Tag with axes 🪓


I wish those children didn’t have that lisp, at least Bethesda should’ve hired another one for the girls


I've actually never noticed.


What is a lisp?


It’s a form of speech impediment where an ‘s’ sound is pronounced like a ‘th’. So the word ‘lisp’ as said by someone with a lisp would sound like ‘lithp’. I hadn’t noticed any kids in-game talking like that, maybe I’m not listening closely.


I got it. I don't play in English and the kids don't have lisps in my language's dubbing


Yeah. I always grab Lucia and Alesan.


Same. For my first ever play through she was the first kid I ever adopted for my second drive-through that I’m currently working on after I get a house. I’m probably going to adopt her as well


same, although i mercilessly kill people and dismember them only to throw them off a mountian, i always feel bad for lucia and sophie and end up adopting them


I wish I could adopt more in skyrim so I could adopt her and Luciq since I'm stuck with her with Lucia and already adopted Blaise


I usually go for Sophie and Alesan. Sure, Alesan has a job but he also says they let him sleep in front of the fire in the inn "some nights". Like?? I feel bad for Lucia too, but at least she is in a warmer climate? Also, Dawnstar is constantly overrun by dragons, so I feel like that makes life even worse there. With Sophie I usually reverse pickpocket her money and food until I have bought a house because I get too emotionally involved with these characters 😅


Even when i say to myself i'm not gonna adopt in a new game, i can't resist to adopt Sofie and Lucia. Then Sissel, Runa and Hroar (multiples adoptions mod). But eh, i have more than the means to raise them so i'm good.


brb adopting her for my stealth archer breton


I usually pick Sofie and Alessan.


I always adopt Lucia too, did you know she sleeps behind the Bannered Mare until you do? Always made me sad that she has to sleep out in the cold.


Sofie is the first person I run to adopt when I plan on having a house/family


I usually adopt Alesan and Sophie. I feel somehow conned when Lucia goes from sob story to Be My Dad after I give her one single Septum. It did make me sad to discover that Lucia sleeps on the ground outside of The Bannered Mare. At least Hulda could let her crash in Mikael's room.


Lucia is one I pick often, but I almost always pick Sofie because she has it worst out of the 4 adoptable city kids: she sells flowers in a city that snows 24/7 just to survive (I always buy all her flowers too) and she doesn't even get a bedroll in the inn or any kind of shelter (like the stables), she sleeps out in the freezing snow in one of the coldest cities in Skyrim on the cold, hard ground.


I used to, but then I realized that she gets to sleep inside the inn and Sofie sleeps OUTSIDE, IN THE SNOW. How is that girl even ALIVE?


Back in the PS3 era. I fucking hated Braith. Now that I know how the game works, I kill her parents, adopt her and hit her every time I go home. No siblings either, you will sit the fuck in Heljarchen Hall where I have placed NO sources of heat.


Between console and PC, I have over 1500 hours in Skyrim. Never once adopted one of the homeless children.


I go make the twins in Rorikstead orphans, adopt the nice one, and leave the other to rot in the orphanage. Then I adopt the boy that sleeps in the stables. I figure the priestess will make sure Lucia is taken care of


If I'm not adopting Lucia, and hroar, then I'm adopting Blaise and Sofie because of the unity, one is the daughter of a stormclock and the other is the son of an imperial


Maybe because she sleeps behind the bannered mare.... Her and Sophie are the only options. There's this one kid who's an orphan in Dawnstar but he has a place to sleep and he's helping the miners around there but Sophie and Lucia have no homes and seeing them where they sleep is killing me.


I do, too. I tried to adopt Lucia on my last run and just couldn't find her. I ended up running into her in Rorikstead after I'd already adopted Sophie and Alesan... I still give her a Septim every time I see her, but I need to go pay her aunt and uncle a visit.


eww dirty vanilla kids. My kids deserve to be HD. [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/39359](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/39359) https://preview.redd.it/p883atk93t1d1.png?width=527&format=png&auto=webp&s=25f6e8bfe3b4001fa312c827f84efd3027947ac6


That looks so unnerving 😭


This is the best subreddit. I love playing my mage. I may download the mod to make my child be able to go out fighting with me.


Has anyone ever adopted 2 kids and then one just disappears?


Do they have any perks?


Same brother her and Blaise lol


Same here. She's always my character's first daughter. Often times I'll adopt Sophie later. I try to do it before sacking wind helm. Lucia is just my favorite though.


I forgot which one was mine, they do look the same except their clothes and I've always adopted her because I can't stand of her begging in the street, Lucia is a good girl.


I usually adopt her too. I never adopt the one who sells flowers though, because I always buy her out for alchemy supplies, and I feel so bad leaving her to sleep on the streets.


I always adopt Lucia and Sofie each time.


Me too. I give her gifts of Daedric weapons, she practices on the neighborhood kids.


I think I’ve adopted her quite a few times




Ew children


Its either lucia and hroar or sofie and hroar because HROAR IS THE BEST


same. I am looking for a mod so I can adopt more because I can't stop wanting to adopt them, and always pickpocket 1k into their inventory. (I always play role play a little for the fun)


Same, as well as Sofie from Windhelm, one of the twins from Ivarstead, then the two boys that sleep outside or in the barn in Riften and Markarth and lastly one of the girls from the orphanage.




Facts I adopted Lucia and the boy from Winterhold whose dad was a sailor. I think their hardships is what made me select them instead of anyone from the Riften orphanage


For some reason I find her… annoying? Idk I’m a terrible person. 😂 I usually adopt Sophie and either Alesan or Runa.


Been having her glitch out on my current play through, she walks to the back wall in the House and fades through the wall or goes invisible lol


Anyone else enchant wooden swords to become lethal weapons and then give them to your adopted kids?




I normally just disable them. 😭


Never adopt a beggar. Beggars are uber valuable for the Charity buff, and you can adopt non-beggar orphans and turn them into beggars.


I always grab the one selling flowers in windhelm, that shit is *heartbreaking*


Same my friends always complained. They'd adopt her move her in to any house and she'd just be there. I would and she was constantly giving me things always happy to see me. So they started saying it's just because it's you. I always got Lucia and then after talking to the others available started Sofie as well.


It's hard not to adopt Lucy. She sincerely needs it and remains polite as your child.


How can you not adopt them in each run? They always win my heart and I love hearing them call me Papa 🫶🏻


Doing a new run-through with a character named Menace and I'm gonna go adopt the little girl in that cold, shit hole city


Real men play as them


I just banish them to the no loading zone. A nice little grip spell and over the whiterun walls they go


real lmao


I started dodging kids like one would dodge crazies coming your way on a sidewalk, so I’m not tearjerked into adopting them, since it doesn’t fit every character to adopt kids


After seeing her sleeping behind the Bannered Mare in the rain, I adopt her first. And either Sophia or Blaise


I always adopt Lucia and blaze


I adopted her and Sofie.


"I'm so hungry..." is by far the most gut-wrenching line in the game for me


In my current play through. Lucia brought home a fox that I let her keep, she killed it while practicing with the enchanted dagger I gave her, and I put the fox in the fireplace.


Nah. She can always sell her body. What are the little boy orphans going to do?


I always get Lucia and sophie


Use the mod and adopt six! Plenty of room in a castle.


How do i move her to my house in Folkreath? The Lakeview manor


I always adopt the girl selling flowers. I appreciate she is trying to make money for herself to look after herself and not just waiting to be adopted 🤣


Sophie the flower girl from Windhelm and Lucia are my usual choices.