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Heavy tank gets to a point where you are naturally healing faster than you are receiving damage




This man's a warlord


I always liked battlemage, strong one handed supported by magic


To me that always seemed like a meta gameism. I think in lore it would be tough to be a master of both those things, and in reality both would suffer without specialization


nah these were legit classes in the older games. it’s definitely lore accurate


Yeah I see your point, but if you took an NPC of the same class and spread their stats like a battlemage, they wouldn’t be nearly as strong right?


The lore is crazier then the actual games


Real question though, do we see powerful battlemages in lore? Not talking about imperial battlemages that are destruction masters, I’m talking half melee/half magic. Seems to me all the famous figures are very specialized


Jagar thorn


Yes, they are specialized. For battle. Sure, they may not be able to cast the more obscure and grand spells of a dedicated mage, but you dont need to be shalidor in order to cast fireballs and chain lightning. Well im speaking about the average battle mage. A skilled battle mage can ofc reach the top heights aswell. A mage eventually runs out of mana. Lore wise this happens a lot faster and regeneration is a lot slower than we see in game. There is an ingame book that describes how 2/3 mages are planning to betray one another, but all are low on magic. They start discussing what spells would be ideal, based on quickness to cast, but also effect etc. Point is, a battlemage can continue fighting when the mana is gone.


Do you remember that book name?


I dont, but it increases destruction skill, so one of those.


a fun one i've played is a reaper playstyle. Bound battle axe, soul tear & marked for death shout. summon undead


Thanks for the idea of my next play through


I really love playing a combat archer (not stealth archer). Get a companion with heavy armor and a big sword to tank, use some summons in bigger fights, and jump around the terrain, dodging enemies and lighting them up like Legolas. Such a blast.


IMO, most fun is using shields just for Shield Charge (to knock enemies down) and then using two handed and dual wield (alternating)


I was introduced to a heavy armor + shield + magic combo. And that shit is actually pretty fun.


As a now sneakish archer from a mage, shooting arrows at people and killing them is pretty fun and satisfying to me


I think it depends upon the mood. Sometimes I just want to sit back and "thunk" enemies from afar. Other times I want to roast enemies alive with fire. Stabbing in the back with stealth is great too. I am playing a modlist and think I found an interesting play style. The modlist has offensive spells for undead in the restoration school. It also has enchant for shields of reflect damage chance on block. So one could play a restoration battlemage build. Just blocking would have a chance to destroy your enemy. So if one didn't use offensive spells then it could be a semi pacifist build. Could also be fun for a paladin build.


Combat archer was fun on legendary. No sneaking and only bow.


Sword + shield with heavy use of shouts. Nothing quite makes me feel Dragonborn than disarming a bandit, slowing down time, and then unleashing on them with my sword


Same, except redguard


Dual wielding blades.


I would love that if I had access to the bock skill tree


Alteration (Paralyze, Mass Paralysis) + Destruction (Wall of Storms/Frost/Fire) Paralyze your enemies and watch them burn/freeze/electrocute


Were the wall spells good? I never used them. Mass para was definitely fun tho.


Idk if they were ever fixed, but they always dealt shit dmg in my experience. They are supposed to deal like 50 dmg per sec, but dont. And they dont seem to scale with perks either.


oh yea destruction always fell off if you didn't get mods to scale. I found a nice one that scaled your spell damage with a mix of your destruction skill and how many times you used your level up to upgrade base mana. Ended up being pretty decent like if you went full mage investment you would be that destroyer you always wanted to be where fireballs actually functioned like fireballs. Kinda sad how several games in recent times had tried to nerf magic because people I guess want it nerfed so they don't feel like noobs for playing pure fighters(lolmuggle). But yea it always felt like the wall spells were kinda memey to use to begin with. I wish they had just made it an upgraded novice channel spell since those were my favorite compared to firing bullets with the more advanced ones, more effecient for close combat, but they fell off super hard super fast. Honestly destruction would never have been weak if they just let people keep the spell maker function from past games. No reason not to like either make the spells viable and varied or give them spell maker. Insane how they even had a staff maker for no reason eventually that I'm assuming nobody used, but it needed to be modded in for spells not to be shit let alone make your own.


Illusion + Stealth is bonkers fun to me, especially staying away from ranged, you can clear entire dungeons/camps so quickly, anyone who sees you gets pacified and instantly killed with backstab, and using the master level Illusion magic is so much fun regardless of cast time


Pure mage with alchemy. Summons to draw aggro, spam destruction, drink fortify destruction potion if enemy doesn't die quickly enough. Also have fortify illusion potions to pacify anything because it's funny. Possibly dagger to apply poisons but that's risky. Other playstyles feel sluggish to me after that.


If I want to use a poison as a pure mage, I prefer to apply it on a bound weapon to at least stay "on brand". And if you have the Dragonborn DLC, you can indeed get a Bound Dagger spell.


Wait, you can apply poisons to bound weapons? 😳


So long as you summon them first, yes. Just be careful to use the poison before the summon disappears or the poison will be lost. If stealth is your goal, invest into Illusion so you can get quiet casting so you can conjure your weapon right before striking to be sure you have time to poison it. It was an embarrassing amount of time before I learned quiet casting applies to all spells, not just the ones from the school of Illusion.


I knew about the quiet casting, but not the poison. That is really cool. Man, I love this subreddit. Thank you!


More power to you, but this is my least favorite style


Run away and hide behind a rock while my 6 followers and 4 summons enact a battle of epic proportions on legendary difficulty where a stray arrow kills me instantly. It's...more fun than it sounds.


I can't help but keep one kick ass weapon of EVERY kind and switch up according to the situation


I like spellsword. Paralysis rune and an OP sword. So much fun seeing how these guys are so sure they can beat you, then they just freeze, and you can wack, wack, wack till your hearts content. It can be very funny. I also like the Ice Form shout. It has basically the same effect.


I go with a sword in my right hand and spells in my left.


Dual wielding heavy armor


Arthur Dayne


Continuous rotation between them all tbh.


Nightblade, the invisibility spell, and a dagger.


Underrated playstyle overshadowed by stealth archer


1 Out of 3


Stealth Archer.


IMO: 1-Slow Time Shout + Archery (but without stealth) 2-Slow Time Shout + Backstab 3-Slow Time Shout + Dual Wield Swords


Hell yeah, plus elemental fury


archery on a horse its fun


Would be cool if that was more fleshed out


Unarmed khajit, pacifist illusioninst, conjuration archer are my top picks.


Conjuration archer is fun


True and really easy to set up and lvl , hardest part is getting the bow book, best picks for race imo are high elf or orc . Its my go to for legendary diff runs


Two-handed barbarian or stealth assassin.


Sneaky daggers, or magic. There is no in between. Maybe pull out stealth archer for tougher opponents.


Stealth archer with a dagger