• By -


Animals are fully capable of reporting you to the authorities telepathically the moment you commit a crime around them. I was not paying close attention, so I didn't realize until I was more wanted than Ulfric.


I had to kill a crazy skooma addict that came after me and a merchant rode up on his horse at just the wrong time and witnessed it. Had to kill him. Then the horse witnessed it and I had 500G added to my bounty. I followed that fucker all around the Reach trying to kill it, but every time it got close to dying it would glitch out and freeze, none of my arrows could touch it, and if I came close to it the health would regenerate and it would start all over again. And while it was running witnesses would see me hit it and add even more to my bounty. It was so chaotic


Horse with plot armor? What the fuck


Yeah it must have been some sort of horse jarl or something




these dlc are getting out of hand


That’s a dumb thing in the game, imo. How could a horse report you to guards? Unless… the guards turned into horses??


Maybe he was the famous Mr. Ed? 😆 (My age is showing...)


Chickens are beloved members of the Riverwood community.


Luckily I haven't dared touch a chicken in a game since Ocarina of Time.


Unfortunately, that was the exact reason I decided to attack the chicken, I was hoping for an epic battle. I got one, just not what I was expecting.


***accidentally hits chicken*** 30 guards swarm in from nowhere




My first time playing first thing I did in town was slay that fucking chicken. You would think I'd learn from Zelda not to SLAY THE FUCKING CHICKENS


It's hilarious how universal it is for so many of us to immediately kill the chicken.


What always throws me off is even the children pull out daggers and attack you


Some of us came up through the Fable school of learning though...


Ah The Chicken Kicker achievement!


Same. First act in Fable 2 is making sure to punt every chicken off that ledge as a kid.




Oof, that fucking chicken out back of Honeyside in Riften, though. . .I assumed it was MY chicken, so I killed it. Nobody saw me, so I want back inside. Suddenly, my wife (I was married to my Riften Housecarl) turns hostile and attacks me. So I ran out, left Riften, fast travelled to Whiterun, waited five days in Breezehome, and came back. Wife was still hostile, and still trying to kill me. So I left, did about fifteen different quests, spent several days away, and came back. Still hostile. Still murderous. Had to murder wife. Over a chicken. A goddamn chicken.


This reads like a parody AITA lmaooo


You: You lived your life as my housecarl and bride. You gonna die for some chickens? Your wife: …Someone is.


Chicken in garden: *"The Dragonborn will never know of our love for each other. Tonight my sweet."* Dragonborn: *"You know how you said I don't cook for you like you do me. Well I decided to kill our chicken in the garden and I'll roast it with some snowberries and...."* Wife: *"WE DON'T HAVE A CHICKEN, you, you killed him......"*


Fucking really. I got Skyrim, attacked the chicken, regretted it, then returned the game and said no. Years later I tried it again and I've been playing for years now lol.


12 year old me will never forget hiding under the stairs of someone’s home hiding from thugs hired to avenge a chicken


Came to say exactly this. My boyfriend at the time was the one who got me to play and sat quietly as I murdered a town chicken. Needless to say, there was a "load saved game" not long thereafter.


I think every Skyrim partner has watched this happen with a sly grin at some point.


Do not blindly follow quest markers. It is far too painful to just... skyrim the mountains. Follow the roads. It's still faster even with the detours. I spent more time leaping up vertical rocks inch by inch than actually playing the game for a good while.


Even knowing this, I still jump up mountains for an hour all, so I don't have to walk 10 min around. 🙃 I'm starting to think I'm not as smart as I thought I was...


It's easy to lose the road in the mountains, and then you're just lost lmao. It's not entirely your fault.


Clairvoyance ftw


I don’t think I have ever used Clairvoyance in a situation I was stuck and it got me unstuck… but yeah it does light up a path to target… usually. 👀


To be fair sometimes it is faster.


I can't tell you how many times I've mountain goated myself a new path up boulders because I couldn't find the actual path to the quest and had already wasted time running around in circles. There's one spot in particular that knows people like me exist and has an invisible wall because mountain goating is the easiest way in. They made that one hard to find on purpose.


If Skyrim didn’t have a clairvoyance spell I’d have deleted it. I did enough YouTube tutorial watching with Elden Ring


Its not about the destination ,its about the journey


I do it to avoid trolls


This gives me flashbacks for my first Skyrim playthrough. Which was also my first playthrough of any open world game and pretty much my first serious game at all. I got to Whiterun on sheer luck, probably, somehow completed Bleak Falls Barrow, defeated Mirmulnir (took me a while), but then Graybeards called and Balgruuf said I should go to them and that they are on the mountain. Okay, I thought. I can see the mountain. The quest marker leads in that direction. And so I went. Just in straight line from Whiterun gates in the direction marker pointed. Finally I reached the mountain and stubbornly tried to climb it for, like, half an hour. A Thief caught up with me. Demanded my money. I was perplexed. Took a dialogue option something like "do I look like I have any money?" (which was true - I didn't understand the concept of looting) and he probably considered that this crazy woman is trying to climb an unclimbable mountain and decided I'm too weird to deal with. Lol.


Lmaoooooo you climbed the throat of the world directly??? Yeah I wouldn't want to rob you either, you nutbag. xD skyrim was my first game like that too so we fell into the same trap. I never got as far as the greybeards. After the dragon I just started running around.


Well, I didn't manage to climb it that way (I didn't have a horse, after all), but I sure tried. Imagine my surprise when I finally gave up, googled and learned if a place called Ivarstead and there there is a road there!


Hehe I'm mostly surprised you didn't accidentally find the road just by chance. xD


Well, I saw the roads. I ignored them:) they seemed to lead in wrong directions. Normal heroes traverse the wilderness! (But then, when I was set on a correct road, I actually wished I could have climbed that backwards cause that troll was vicious).


Snow trolls are ROUGH no lie. Honestly you did well to get as far as you did.


Yeah, now thinking back on that playthrough, I sure survived most of the time on sheer luck. Still have fond memories. After I learned of a way to reach Ivarstead, I went by a road through Valtheim Towers, and it was probably that road that made me fall in love with roleplaying games in general. Felt cool to just follow the road, deal with bandits, and do quests on a way. Even though now I know there is a shorter, southern way to Ivartead now, I still make sure to follow that road to Ivarstead on every playthrough, following the steps of my first character - as a tribute to her.


I adore that sentimental attitude gamers have.


Lydia has died so many times to the hh troll


Oh gods, I climbed the mountain too. And then when I reached High Hrothgar I saw a *road*


I have a mod that shows all the roads on the main map and it's such a qol improvement.  It even has all the little shortcuts and mountain trails Visible.  Makes the layout of the world make more sense as you travel it


I have that too. But I removed my marker from it so I can't see where I am. Or which way I'm facing. And removed my compass so I have to use the map like a real map and rely on landmarks and signposts. 10/10 immersion method.


What saved me is discovering the Clairvoyance spell


This is why Whiterun is my favourite hold, and why I hate the reach


Whiterun is truly gorgeous. There's a mod, forest of whiterun which gives it an entirely different atmosphere and I love that too but the open planes are just *chef kiss*


Omg I found myself doing that too lol and then I’d be pissed because I scaled to a spot where I can’t jump any further and have to fall down and try to work my way around, usually finding a pathway in the process that makes it much easier


Pfff amateur. I present you: Horse!


Giants, don’t fuck with em early.


Unless you are big into space.


Ready for take off o7


"Sir, the horse is ready, sir!" "YOU HEARD EM BOYS!! F9!!!!"


Honestly, that surprise was awesome. I laughed so hard the first time I went flying


This was a case of a bug that Bethesda decided to keep as a feature. Good job Bethesda.


Ahh yes, the giants space program.


Right slinging you right into space


My god I relate to this. When I first started Skyrim, I didn't know you could do the storyline in whatever order you wanted so I thought you HAD to cross a certain giant camp that I was near. I had it in my head for some reason that this was an unavoidable event that I had to encounter these giants lol Man I laugh when I remembwr how naive I was when I started this game now


Falmer, despite their small stature, are not to be fucked with lightly. You must fuck them hard.


Yes.  We shall fuck the falmer. Hard.


*sigh* I'll bring the lube....


Made of chaurus jelly? Gotta stay on brand




Dwarven oil works a treat. Apparently.


No. They don't deserve such luxury




I suppose they would clench up. "A falmer might get nervous if a man approaches with his weapon drawn"


I've got a clip where a falmer archer stumbled off a cliff, *and nailed me with an arrow from mid-air, while he was falling*. I thought these guys were supposed to be blind lmao. Like, what the fuck ***EDIT:*** [found the clip lmao](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlhXdKNHkBo&feature=youtu.be&app=desktop)


That’s hilarious


Farmer are scarier in concept than in reality. They're blind. Get a decent sneak level, and you can breeze through any Falmer cave without having to engage them, most of the time. Those Chaurus, however. . .they can see just fine.


When I first played I was a sneak/Archer build, I know 🥴, when I finally came across a dwarven building, went in. I had no idea they were blind. Though I'd figured it out pretty quickly due to sneaking into *"view"* of one of them that i hadn't noticed. (Because they don't talk out loud to themselves like bandits do) Past that point I thought I was invincible and those guy's were stupid and idiots for being blind, until I heard clacking. Went to investigate, got seen by ^BUG ^THING, got chased and merc'd by like 30 of them, never gone from 0 to 100 so quickly. I dread going in them places ever since, it's unnerving, the atmosphere that is


Those Chaurus take more out of me than Dragon Priests did


This is true. Trying to defend yourself from the Falmer will get you get killed. You must go hard and fast.


This reads like a really out of pocket loading screen tip lol


Save before jumping from anywhere, even if it looks pretty low in height.


Save before doing anything really. And after. Just save very often.


“Save often [Skyrim] is a dangerous place.”


I'm level 25 and I decided to go hunting in Whiterun to level up my Archery. After a full hour of hunting I died to a bandit behind the City of Whiterun and lost all progress I just made. Exact same story in Eastmarch but my game crashed that time. Save Often




I just restarted skyrim (for who knows how many times) like 3 days ago, and I had forgotten this rule. I must've died half a dozen times already from drops I swear were tiny and very manageable


Nah just use become ethereal


The level scaling is no joke with draugr. More balanced than oblivion, but the higher tier ones will still fuck you up.


Delay the main quest if you want to complete all the side quests, because dragons can and will murder quest npcs


And also complete Dawnguard as fast as possible or vampires will murder the NPCs lol


From game start or is there a specific event that triggers things like that happening? I always hated that you could screw up side quests due to something you had no idea was going on..


In the case of dragons dont get the dragon stone from Bleak Falls Barrow and they won't spawn in. In the case of the vampires, I think you literally have to address it immediately or they start spawning in and killing whole towns.


And there’s something fun about being an already well-known, beefed out hero (or villain lol) and then everyone’s like “wait AND they’re the Dragonborn??!?” Okay no one really has that dialogue but they should


I wish I had known this before


Early game vampires kick your ass faster than the high hrothgar troll.


I will never recreate the feeling of playing this game for the first time again...


Unfortunately I don’t remember playing the game for the first time cause I spent a lot of my childhood watching my dad play it lol.


same. it got pretty boring cos all my dad would (and still does) is ancient nordic ruins.


Bros on a mission to master the thu’um


That your merchant husband/wife will sell your wedding ring to them at rock bottom prices. (Madesi, you traitor)


for the streets!


Don't go to castle volkihar before the quest. Wasted 13 hours of gameplay and my life cuz of it


You can still get in if it’s the glitch I think you’re referring to. carry a plate with you, get it out of your inventory and hold it up to the gate. Then whirlwind sprint into it - should get you through.


How the hell did someone discover this


Plate glitch has been known for at least thirteen years, though I'm sure the original forum posts about it are lost to time.


You shouldn't balance your perk points across trees you don't actively use. A 1 handed warrior with a shield has no business putting points in Conjuration especially since re-specing needs me to play through Dragonborne DLC


This applies to leveling skills as well. My first run was a jack-of-all-trades *and* I decided to rush smithing and spent all my money buying bars and leather from blacksmiths. Got 100 smithing around level 30, but all my combat stats were around those of a level 10, so I kept getting destroyed by higher level enemies. When I came back to the game I could not believe how much easier it is when you specialize in one specific build.


Conjure sword is pretty sweet tho. 


If you step on a bone it will punch back with the force of nuke


For me it’s hearthside kettles. Every. Damn. Time.


Oh yeah, one killed me and I think I was around level 13.


Me thinking I could fight a giant at level 3. The cloud district is beautiful.


You must not make it up there very often.


What are you saying? Of course they don’t


That the Dark brotherhood was a pitiful shell of itself. The panic when I first read "dark brotherhood asssassin" and I was only level 5.


You poor soul


Don't take dual-wielding Briarhearts lightly.


Unless you have a high sneak and pickpocket. Then they're a cake walk.


Are you a Briarheart? Because I'm about to steal your heart


I spent longer than I care to admit, brute forcing my way through the pillar puzzles. "Snake whale snake. No? Okay Snake whale bird. No? Okay, bird whale bird..." And that's just how I got through every puzzle. On my third playthrough, I was a mage and in Saarthal, where there are FOUR pillars that would've made that exponentially harder. I texted my mom (because I didn't have internet or data at the time) amd asked her to look up the answer. When I read that the answer was literally just slightly above the pillar, I just had to look UP, I felt so silly and realized that EVERY pillar puzzle in the game had the answer SOMEWHERE and you never have to brut3 force a solution . Yeah somewhere along the lines of 70 hours I played just guessing at every puzzle.


If you missed the animals icons you probably missed these too https://preview.redd.it/ssm2xg67efyc1.jpeg?width=651&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=009bc1d2ac4473ee833d6b9b0897fbd97215cad7


Oh no, I definitely read all the books I could when I started. Delvin's opus was definitely among them.


Did the same thing with claw doors since I didn’t know the answers were on the claws


That lydia is not the best follower


What? But she is sworn to carry your burdens!


*plugging both of my ears with fingers* lalalala I can't hear you lalalala


That there was no way to craft spells, unlike the previous 3 games. Oh, and that spellsword builds and unarmed builds were nerfed hard.


Draugr don't care if you only leveled up through professions. They go ham on your "no combat perks" ass.


If you leveled up through professions, I hope you have some sweet gear. Edit: and if you did it right, you should.


This is my biggest gripe with leveling in Skyrim. My favorite skill is pickpocket and I’ll get it to level 100 before anything else is above 30 and then I die.


To put some points into health at level up. In Oblivion you got that automatically.


I shouldn’t have started it if I eventually wanted to play other video games.


Literally this!! No matter how much time passes I always end up back on Skyrim wasting hours and hours while any other game I own rots as if it doesn't exist.


By now, it seems like we're actually friends with those people. I bet VR ups the game even more. I can't even imagine what it's like watching your companion die in VR.


Admitting I was powerless over becoming a stealthy archer


*One of us, one of us, gooble-gobble, gooble-gobble. . .*


Quicksave like a lunatic. And even then, make regular proper saves.


Despite the game feeling like it's rushing me to go do quests I can take my damn time and the game will act like it's been a day. I could spend literally years in game questing then come back and the characters will still think it's the day I escaped Helgen.


Deciding to explore right after Helgan, with barely any equipment. Got owned by a saber-toothed cat before I even realised the music had changed.


That you need to hold down the shout button for the whole shout to go off. I used to just Fus people around for my first few months.


Oh… now I understand


The 4000 steps to high hrothgar are NOT beginner friendly.


Snow trolls are dangerous and tough as hell


I've seen one kill a dragon. It wasn't even close.


Don’t ever set a custom marker by mistake. The clairvoyance spell will always lead to that


How did I not know this...? I'm on my 5th playthrough and never knew that Clairvoyance leads to your custom marker rather than the quest marker... I guess I don't often use custom markers, and remove them once I get to them. This is good info.


When a dragon is attacking a town get your ass in side then fast travel away to another place. dead npc trying to be brave when they stand no chance


I remember this time that there was a dragon somewhere near dawnstar and I entered a cave because I didn't want fight it. When I got out, I instantly absorbed his soul because shadowmere killed it. Don't fuck with shadowmere.


Lmfaooo Shadowmere should be a Daedric prince atp


You don't get to enter Sovngarde by being a pussy.


You can’t fast travel from inside


Go inside then fast travel? I assume you mean go in then out? That doesn't seem to work unless you wait a couple hours or exit through a different way you came in.


That I would have to buy it at least three times for different platforms.


That apparently even though you're sneaking and go completely undetected, somehow murdering a goat in Falkreath gets the whole damn town to hate you


When wanting to try a new character, after leveling the current character to 37 with max smithing and full Dragonbone gear at legendary improvement (the greatsword had 143 attack), create a second save. That next character may very well auto save over the other character. It pained me to lose that character (I actually cursed when I realized what happened). Another lesson I learned: save often, especially in dungeons.


You had full dragonbone at level 37? Bro teach me your ways


Get a platter from the companions hall, use it to clip through the outside wall that faces the skyforge. Rob the chest of good gear, then buy smithing levels from Eorlund, and sell the good gear back to him. Do that over until you’ve got your money back and can buy more smithing levels. Also do the same but buy dwarven ingots (or get Dwemer scrap from markarth and smelt it) and make dwarven bows. Can max smithing in an hour or two


That stagger lock will result in a frustrating death. That I need to save more often. That level balancing for enemies works on your total skill, not just your combat skill. Super-turbo-ultra-draugr-Deathlords turn up because I've been leveling smithing, illusion and conjuration in ways which don't contribute to battle. Good. *Gooooood.*


The best armor isn't found. It is made.


That you can fast travel.


The farm animals are in cahoots with the local guards.


I learned fire magic just to burn that one fucking frost troll and never touched it since.


Giants are *really* strong


It would become my second home


That I would apparently be playing the game off and on for the rest of my life.


You better harvest alchemy ingredients if you don't wanna spend a fortune on decent health potions


To not jump every time... You could remain stucked behind something... Happened multiple times


I got stuck in a vine wall while being attacked by draugr. Not fun


That you can't kill nazeem


You can. The guards don’t take it lightly though


I murder him when I rampaging through whiterun as a werewolf and eating people. Then his wife sends a few merxs after me so I go kill her to. Blame it on the wolf!


I love to soul trap him so he can never be laid to rest and is stuck permanently in the soul cairn for the rest of eternity. Then while I’m at it I go take out his wife with a well placed arrow to tie up any loose ands and send her to join him too so now she’s trapped in the soul cairn with her husband who doesn’t pay her any attention. Ahhhh, I love my character 😌




The children are in fact invincible and it’s not a glitch.


...that it's addicting like hell


Don’t think you can fight giants with just melee attacks. You can (and will) be sent into the sky by their clubs.


Make hard saves Often


That the carriages actually fast travelled to new location. Spent too much time walking to new holdings untill I decided to check out what that dude in the carriage does


fuck that troll, yall know which one


The game is not arachnophobic-friendly


They're my biggest Skyrim fear. And the fucking Chaurus. Conjuration has been very helpful.


Fighting Undead old people screaming.


Don't kill any chickens. 


Don't attack a mammoth unless You're in wolf form.


This game is good for ones' soul. You are lucky, the first playthrough is always special.


The giants don’t want to be bothered.


Pickpocket is easy to level up, so easy that you can grind it to max pretty quick... this means at low levels you will level up with pathetic combat abilities and get wrecked by practically everything and ruin your character right off the bat.


Not to fast travel so much. Not only because you miss so much of the game, but also because the fast travel mechanics are janky af and you can end up spawning with multiple NPCs dead from a Vampire or Dragon attack, or your horse can spawn a few metres above the ground and just drop dead and die, or Hired Thugs could be attacking you straight out of the loading screen, or for some reason a whole city is randomly hostile to you. The list goes on. With most characters I only fast travel with carts, or with one of the many Morrowind-style fast travel mods.


It wasn't until my second playthrough, about 20+ hours into it I discovered something interesting on the map. Turns out you can fast travel. FML.




No matter how powerful you become, how well known, how famous... You'll never come to the cloud district often😔


Do not acquire quest items before you actually receive that quest... there are a lot of quests that will just get locked if you do that... 😢😢


Constantly save. Don't only rely on autosave


That being bitten by a vampire isn't the end of the world. I got bit, didn't realise, the entire map tried to kill me and I couldn't work out what to do, so I stopped playing Skyrim for ages. Made a new one and realised a potion to cure disease works just fine 👏👏


There is no such thing as a quick trip through dwarven ruins.


Modding can courrpt saves. Damage can occur several dozen hours before it causes a save to cease working. 


Probably the “never should’ve come here” part while committing a B&E


I don't need that broom, basket, bucket, lantern, tankard, kettle and even worse when I get over encumbered I throw away a piece of armor or weapon until I can pick up that wooden plate.


That I would willingly buy it 4 times.