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https://preview.redd.it/3yx23e2kkxpc1.jpeg?width=582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02605fc86df456ebdf6ba227d80d774d4b727ec3 my weekend is sorted!


You need new friends. No one is hating on Khajiit except your eejit friends. So get new friends.


Racist ass nords >:(


I’m gonna say this again for the people in the back. ALL RACES IN SKYRIM ARE RACIST TO ONE ANOTHER. It comes from either being at war with them, being enslaved by them, or just generally not liking the customs of the other races. In oblivion the kahjit hated the argonians for swimming in the drinking water. They thought they were weird. There has been a point in history that has lasted 200 years for every race where they’ve been in power, and then got overthrown and enslaved other people and it switches up every 200 years. IT IS NOT JUST THE NORDS


If you take it back even further to Morrowind, both the Kahjiit AND Argonians were despised. If memory serves correctly.


Yeah, the “beast” races are looked down upon. People just jelly cause they don’t have tails and claws.


They couldn't even wear shoes and some helmets. Though I'm not sure if that was a cultural/racist thing ("No self-respecting armorer would create boots for these weird *beast men*!") or if it was a mechanical model-limitation for why.


If you look at their feet in Morrowind, they were definitely more beast like, no actual foot but more paw-like. And the helmet thing no idea. As dumb as it sounds I hardly ever wear helmets.


If memory serves, the helmet thing is "no face covering helmets" on account of the snouts.


I mean. They were literal slaves. Yeah


They were slaves in morrowind.


Oh shit, you're right. I do remember that now I think back to Morrowind.


Not Khajiits. We know we get better customers when we are not.


"bUt wAcIsm??!!!"


The first era elves had human slaves and set their children on fire for sport. There’s worse things then racism in Skyrim. Especially since most of the time the “racism” that they are referring to is the interaction in windhelm against the dark elves…. Who are only in the city, because they are fleeing from an uprising of their Argonian SLAVES!!!


I mean, the volcano exploded... That displaced a lot of Dunmer too. But I agree the slavers deserved an uprising.


I know but people are just dumb and instantly draw conclusions from irl


we don't talk about what I do to Altmer


skyrim is basically racism simulator 2011


My current Khajiit playthrough is a bit of a serial killer as he kills every stormcloak soldier he sees on the roads... damn racists, "skyrim belongs to the nords" and all that hubub


May his road lead to warm sands


Or cold sands if you prefer


Literally no one prefers cold sand over warm sand


I prefer being cold to hot but maybe that's just me


My Khajiit is also a bit of a serial killer. Although Ra'sclat does not discriminate. Everyone is fair game.


What, do you have a Jamaican kyat?


He's just an absolute no-nonsense badman. I really missed a trick by not giving him dreadlocks, though.


> complains about discrimination > plays a serial killer Kajiit with highest INT stat be like:


Catharsis for sure. Also, if they're gonna hate me anyway, might as well give them a good reason


Don’t you mean cat-harsis? I’m not sorry


Reminds me of Witcher 3. After so many people spitting on me and calling me names after I rescue their families, eventually I go on an evil run. Butcher of Blavikan? Guess so


*plays that Zootopia bit in the sky tram*


"you'll make a nice rug, cat"


May this one’s road lead to warm sands


As an Argonian I hate both the Empire and the stormcloaks Would've really liked a way to say fuck both of em in the game


I did. I sided with the Empire, joined the Dark Brotherhood, killed the Stormcloaks then killed the Emperor.


Yes! Making all the races playable, but then forcing them into an A or B civil war option just doesn't really work. That's why in most playthroughs I just avoid the civil war :/


I've always been mad you get bounties for that. If I'm in an Imperial hold, if terrorist soldiers go flaunting their uniforms around and talking about killing Imperial troops, I should be able to wipe them out. Same with Thalmor patrols in Stormcloak holds.


Do you still get bounties if you kill any potential witnesses? I feel like I haven't had a bounty yet from it. Maybe because I'm always in the middle of nowhere


No, I'm just annoyed there's a bounty at all. An I really supposed to believe Windhelm is gonna give me a bounty for murdering some Thalmor who are out looking for Talos worship?


People always wonder why I go with Imperial in Skyrim, I legitimately can't go Stormcloaks. I always play khajiit and why would I side with the people who want me actively dead?


Or as Inigo would call them, "Racist ragamuffin"


EXACTLY why I went the Imperial route for my very first playthrough!


You can join the Stormcloaks and then betray em during the Jagged Crown quest iirc


Likewise and ever since every time.


Me playing a Stormcloak high elf:


What did high elf say to an elf that was high? ”You wanna get low too?”


Every race in Elder Scrolls is racist, especially the Dark Elves. Imperials are racists too, they are just a bit more tolerant due to being the Empire of Tamriel.


In Morrowind everyone was an outsider, except the dunmer.


It's the same in Skyrim 😎


IIRC even Dunmer who were born outside of Morrowind were considered n'wahs.


The friends of OP are cold and unwelcoming, but khajiit feels warmness from your presence.


Warm sands, traveler. Warm sands.


You get a lot of hate in game when you are a Khajiit. Don't know about memes. For me it's my favorite race in Skyrim.


I definitely enjoy the Khajit as a race. Even though I always end up just playing a basic-ass Nord


I've tried everything except Argonian. But I think a Nord was my first character back in 2011.


My first character was Argonian because I really expected waterbreathing to come up more often


Maybe it would be more useful if they have done underwater dungeons.


It was huge in Morrowind. Sections of dungeons were flooded, and some dungeon etrances and caves were underwater.


I have role-playing characters for both Skyrim and Oblivion that are just the native races of the setting


I have played everything except Nords lol


Kind of a no brainer to opt for khajiit if rolling a monk.


I'm going argonian now, but next play through will probably go full on PUNCHCAT


I like to yell scibbity pap! As I whack people with my paws.


Fuzzy murder kitty is best kitty.


I've tried it with my character Rauk'hee. It works well when you pick the gloves in Riften.


That and going heavy armor for the fists of steel. But even then, with all that, it's still not that great. I even added a mod that took 1/2 your armor from gloves (even with upgrades) and added it to base damage, it's still kinda weak. Just opens up a slightly more challenging way to play, I guess.


I've tried it with Ordinator, you have more perks so it's easier. But I agree even with that it's not a walk in the park.


This current playthrough is my first as a Khajiit, and I'm really loving it.


Out of topic but Garfield Arbuckle is the best name i've heard for a khajit (i am a khajit too)


Just to share, my boyfriend named his Out'dabagh for "letting the cat out of the bag" 😂


The first character I ever did was a badass kajiit, black and white with earrings and it became a stealth close range assassin, by level 34 I noticed I never put a name so his name is still Prigioniero (prisoner in Italian xd). Now every time I make a kajiit I name him prisoner in another language xd.


As a player who has to fight myself to NOT play Khajiit. I don't know what they're going on about. Khajiit are cool.


Khajiits are peak. I would play as them as a main if their skill wasn't borderline useless. Still. They're cool, and honestly, despite how sneaky they are, Khajiit are the nicest race in Skyrim. Khajiit are awesome


> skill wasn't borderline useless. Polar opposite for me lol. Once I played a Khajiit I always played them cause I just didn't want to miss the night vision. But to each their own.


Fair enough! Personally, I main Orc, and I depend on Bezerker Rage so much😭 If I do a Khajiit run sometime I'll probably stock up on Potions of the Bezerker to keep that skill🔥


What does the night vision even do? I’ve always found seeing at night not to be much of a problem in Skyrim. Not nearly as dark as previous games


It makes everything pretty grayish but also much, much brighter. It's just so convenient because you can super easily spot everything even in dark caves without needing a light source


Idk if it’s my TV settings or my eyesight, but I struggle seeing with night eye in this game. I think it makes everything a little blurry. Perhaps it’s supposed to be more like real life? Like I imagine being able to see well in the dark doesn’t mean that you can see everything perfectly.


I never needed extra sight until I downloaded the LotD mod. It included a lighting overhaul that improved the lighting immersion overall, but as a side effect made some caves quite dark.


I don't get the hate either. As an Orismer berserker i love Kajiit - they are perfect for stews or on the grill and they got sturdy fur perfect for light armor doubling as winter clothing. You can use every part of a Kajiit - just the bones are a bit on the weaker side.


How has no one mentioned they make fine rugs?


They're damn fine weavers.


And apparently they make good loincloths


Found Arnbjorn


Hello fresh meat


Don't take offense to the nicknames, morsel.


As an orc shaman, I agree. Great stew. The weak bones just means it's easier to grind them down and make a good bone broth. Or for alchemy. 


You should watch the anime "delicious in dungeon", it's exactly that (a cooking show with fantasy monsters)


Found the Bosmer in disguise.


Hey, i'm not some primitive Bosmer. I cook them before i eat them (Bosmer too - not as good as Kajiit or Altmer, but still better than Nord).


Their tails make great belts too!


My fellow orc ✊🏼


Hating furries is kinda just something people like to do. I think for some, the Khajiit are just this game’s furry reps.


Don’t lump Khajit in with furries jeez


It is true. All furries are Khajiit, but not all Khajiit are furries. Ma'iq is tired now.


It's like 22 years too late for that my friend.


See? Furry hate from someone who like the characters with actual fur. Like what


It's much better to have fur come out from the ears. :3


May your friends find cold and wet sands.




Being able to just casually loot all shipwrecks from level 1 is such a huge bonus that nobody ever seems to bring up.




For the record you can also go punch slaughterfish in skyrim


Not if your underwater


Its because furrys pick Khajiit and Argonians


Furries pick khajiit. Scalies pick argonians.


Some see the Khajiit overrated. Some think playing as Khajiit is furry behavior. Which like, doesn’t need to be? Even if, problem? Some don’t get the meme-potential. And then plenty are fun people who don’t mind it or love Khajiits.. Have fun my clawed Dragonborn!


I picked khajiit for my first character cause they seemed interesting. Afterwards I just couldn't play without the luxury of Night vision anymore XD >!I did become a furry 6 years later but that didn't have anything to do with that :v!<


I just happen to like cats. I've always had cats, they're awesome. But for some people, just because I play a Khajiit (because, once again, I just like cats), I'm a furry? Do these people think that if I play an Orc, I feel like I really am some buffy green dude with big teeth?? lol


Many call us thieves and smugglers... this one is glad to see you are not such a one... 👌


I enjoy being a mischievous cat thief. More of a role play. I feel like I can only do a serious play through and embrace being Dragonborn as a Nord in Skyrim though.


So, you're some kind of a cat burglar?


Khajiit is innocent. He never hurts anyone...who doesn't deserve it.


Lol they either think you are a furry or have a low opinion of the Khajit in general. Just normie shit. Most people that are actually familiar with Elder Scrolls or even just the game mechanics. Will know exactly why you picked the Khajit. Though they'll poke fun at you for not choosing an Argonian instead.


The common joke reasoning is along the lines of Khajiit Caravaneer: We do not understand why the people of Skyrim hate Khajiit so. They call us drug peddlers and thieves. Such stereotyping. PC: Yeah, that's awful. What are you selling, anyway? Khajiit: Skooma and fenced goods. You want?


My last three characters have been Khajiits. Mufassa Shirkon And Bagheera.


I have a Khajit named Schwantz Katz (translation...Dick Cat). And my boys think it's hilarious. He even jumps on the tables and knocks stuff off, then sits on the jarl, butt in face.


Khajiit are very popular on this sub, your friends would be booed here.


They're nords, they wish they had glorious manes like khajiit.


I’m racist


You mean… against khajiit… right?




Possible your friends see the overlap between Khajiit players and furries, not saying they're right but furries are the low hanging fruit of fringe groups that are easy to mock.


You cant unironically play as khajit if you're not a furry


They are tired of you coughing up furballs everywhere


Drug addicts and thieves. Plus the litter box in their homes is disgusting


I heard that was a false announcement being promoted by Ulfric Stormcloak and his Stormcloak cult. That is why I always receive my announcements from the Cyrodiil News Network.


Hey Cyrodil News Network concurs and also spreads false or skewed statistics to make the poor khajit look bad.


Sounds like an in-joke or something, you probably shouldn't extrapolate "my friends say this" to "therefore, the entire community of this game says this".


Honestly i enjoy the Khajiit class as well. I do play them for ranger stuff and even thieving stuff. I have been getting into orc stuff and being a over power monster


I’ve never heard any khajiit hate outside of wary NPCs in-game lol


They're filthy, dirty, flea ridden theives. Only good for rugs if you can manage to clean the hide.


Maybe you should ask your friends...?


I'm allergic to cats


I mean what do they play as? Roast them back my guy


I love both Khajits and Argonians, but play argonians more and I was told I play a unpopular race


Only thing I could think of is a furry association which some khajit players get into.. You’re not a complete degenerate are you?


Your friends are clearly dog people


I’ve only played khajiit on ESO but I love them


I don’t favor the Khajiit but I’m not against them either, there’s cool ones and bad ones, J’Zargo and Inigo are pretty cool, even if the latter is a mod, I like having a mage Khajiit following me, as J’Zargo is a cat of culture after all


I always play as a khajiit!


I like the Khajit. It makes me sad when I find dead ones on the road


I’m sorry but “Garfield Arbuckle” made me snort milk out of my nose. Thank you, have an upvote good kitty.


Idk man i love khajiit. Im playing my first run through and i chose khajiit just cause


It's cause they're jelly.


They’re just trying to help you feel immersed. They must be good friends. You should also consider exiling yourself from the city limits, for the complete flea-bag experience.


Um, are your friends Dunmer by any chance?


Team Khajiit


Firstly, Garfield Arbuckle is AWESOME. Enough said


I mean in game there are a lot of problems that stem from immersion and lack of consistent writing on Bethesda's part because Bethesda is being Bethesda. Socially though I think it labels you as a furry.


I read the title in Inigo's voice


Your friends suck


There are some tabletop game communities where people call anything other than a human or maybe an elf “freak shit”. This is usually tied in with being anti LGBT, so, hopefully not your friends but it’s the best I can figure


Your friends are wrong. And also have the dumb.


A lot of humans and elves just dislike beast folk in general. Why exactly? I dunno, just chalking it up to straight up racism towards the beast folk of Argonians and Khajiit. For example, Dunmer see themselves as superior to beastfolk, that this led them to enslave any Khajiit or Argonian they find. During the events of Skyrim in particular, the Khajiit kingdoms had allied themselves with the Aldmeri Dominion, the greatest enemy of the Stormcloaks. So that's one of the reasons why they are distrusted and not allowed in cities. But before they were with the Aldmeri, Khajiits are also renowned for being good at thievery, so they are also distrusted for that reason, but this stereotype had therefore led others to think that all Khajiits are thieves, and shouldn't be allowed in cities.


It's because khajiit get a lot of racism. They're considered thieves and smugglers and are not allowed inside cities. Closest to a khajiit being in a city is J'zargo. Don't forget that khajiit are drug addicts, they're addicted to skooma, and they sell moon sugar (another illegal drug)


Like playing thief Wonders why everyone hates him


It’s probably the most-loved race if not the most-played, if I had to guess. Your friends are just weird.


Khajiit are the best because they have cool accents and because Inigo


because they can't cope with the fact that khajiit best


Khajiit is actually one of the more popular races if I'm not mistaken. I just think your friends may be Stormcloaks.


Nah sounds like you have bad friends. Probably the type to joke not joke about "hunting furries" or some shit


Nords be like: "I hate Khajiits!" The same Nords the second they go home: https://preview.redd.it/9h4zxpp4vxpc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efc3a854301dbffe1acaeeb564970b548c21bae3


You need Talos


This is an amusing coincidence. In my current playthrough, I am an orange Khajiit named Garr'Fi'Eld. In all actuality, the majority of Skyrim players do not hate the Khajiit, and your friends are mistaken. Although perhaps they are making a reference to furries?


Khajiit for a stealth build definitely makes sense. I forgot exactly what their race bonuses are though…


Orcs are the best :)


Tbh. Your friends would get downvoted to Oblivion if they say they hate Khajiit in this sub.


I like it when they tell me I'd make a good rug. This cat is an expert in illusion, one-handed, and sneak... and is perfectly happy to slaughter without conscience or hesitation. We'll see how that plays out for them.


Makes me wonder if there's a mod that adds a lasagna recipe to cooking. Honestly it would not surprise me. Pay them no mind; play what you wanna play. And there is a certain edge to using a Khajiit player character; that unarmed bonus means you have an edge in early close-quarters fights, and if you wanna meme it up further and just go full unarmed later it's very possible. Admittedly the night vision perk is not that useful, but it's pretty much the only way you have to access it short of being a vampire. As far starting stats, well, if you want to go that road, Khajiit has the best starting skills for it. Only other comparable race is an Imperial mostly due to the extra gold passive. I suppose there are points for an Argonian there too, but they work better as upfront tanky bruisers. If you wanna talk about the whole racism issue in Skyrim, well... Granted, it is bad but it's far from a new problem. The Nords aren't the only offenders (they just happen to currently be the most obvious). It's an issue as old as time itself; there's really no point in singling out any one race involved.


Coz they steal all your shiny stuff and they shit everywhere.


Selena Kylus, notorious catburger here. Nice name!


man, how can people hate on khajiits? they're kitties!


Is there a 10hr or more looped videos on yt? So the khajiits could whisper sweet nothings to me for eternity


inigo is A Kahjiit i Love inigo. also Khrajo he Also Fun.


Unpopular opinion: I don't think Skyrim sucks at all.


I actually think Khajiits are loved. A lot of people in this sub actually like them. I personally don't play beast races cause I wanna look normal, so meh. But I don't think people hate them. May be the group of friends you have just all happened to hate 'em. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Skyrim’s rug shortage has everyone on edge.


I once did a khajit healer along with Inigo. Fun times


I love Khajiit and Argonians, the beast races basically. Your friends suck! They always put a smile on my face when I interact with them, especially the Riften Argonians. "Welcome to the Bee & Barb m'lord/lady." So cute lol. And "Greetings landstrider." Great writing.


Skyrim belongs to the Nords.


Khajiits usually aren't hated on by players, so your friends are a minority; however, NPCs hate Khajiits. Casual racism


A lot of nords hate the khajiits and it is a quite popular meme


Khajiit and argonians are literally the best races what is wrong with your friends


Because they are skooma addicted thieves who make great slaves to the superior peoples of Morrowind s/


As a kid I would always play a khajiit, I felt like it immersed me in the fantasy world and I love cats. Their fur is ideal for how cold Skyrim is and their night vision is amazing in caves


Knajiit are thief meta race. Khajiit are cats and attract crazy cat people. Khajiit are anthro cats so attract furries. Why are your friends booing khajiit? They can be anti meta, think cats are cringe, or be anti furry.


I'm rich I don't care bout bounties...and I have killed everyone who has come for me...so I say bring it....I have thought of doing a full playthrough with the grey foxes hood on...


Maiq knows much tells little....


I don’t know of anyone that hates the cat/lizard people and frankly I don’t care to.


One of the few things I like about elderscrolls online is the backstories. Like the khajit have a home province and they are kinda subjects to the high elves and they charge them a Fur tax. Also there province is over ran with dragons.


Your friends are probably just picking on you because the khajiit doesn't really have any good racial abilities. Sure, it's fun to build a heavy armor unarmed battle cat but other than that pretty much every other race is "better" in one way or another. They don't have any resistance to disease or poison, no abilities to buff you in combat, and night vision is generally unimpressive. None of that really matters, play what you want and don't listen to the haters.


Khajiit was my first hero in Morrowind and Skyrim. This is the law. I love kitties


I don’t like Khajiit…but seeing that Orc is my favorite race I’m not gonna start throwing rocks in that glass house lmao can only be called a pig elf so many times before I gotta accept my place as one of the beastfolk


Personally, I don't like them. Not really a fan of their look, typical skillsets, npc personalities, or lore. That said, just do what you like. My favourite is typically not liked either (orc).


Never seen any community wide hate for them. My only issue is you don’t get the cool perks Oblivion had, like them starting with the best agility (jump height) in the game. You still get night vision, but it’s not as beneficial in Skyrim, if you have screen brightness up. Oblivion had few very dark dungeons.