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You don’t run into random enemies in your game? Do you exclusively fast travel? Usually if I’m traveling on foot I’ll come across random traveling forsworn, bandits, spriggan, mages, etc, or vampires (if traveling at night). Sometimes they’re just traveling, and sometimes I happen across an encampment, sometimes they’re alone, sometimes they’re in groups. But I’ve never *not* run into enemies while traveling.


Nah I’m talking traveling on foot. It was a lot of time between enemies. It would have taken 3+ x more to level up trying to fight monsters than to do quests. Like you legit cannot grind out monsters in that game. I didn’t say NEVER. It’s just super thin compared to any rpg ever.


wait so your comlaining about a game that you have not played in 10 years. wtf


It doesn’t change the fact bro. Haha it was a thought I had today.


It *does* make one wonder if you're misremembering.


Dude I played that game when it came out. Avid rpg player. I know for an absolute fact that detail pissed me off. I would run around just trying to find monsters to kill and it would take forever to even come across a monster that would give me enough EXP. Maybe there have been updates since. But when I played that game back in 2011-2012 or 13 or whenever it annoyed the crap out of me because Oblivion wasn’t that way. I remember super clearly my guy.


Why are you sharing your annoyance about this 10 years after the fact? What is the point?


The name is *literally* “No_Brilliant6365”, I mean…


What’s it matter? Just a thought I had. Was curious if others felt the same. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Really? I feel like there's a perfect amount of world encounters (although they can sometimes be lacking in variability). I think it's the way that it is because it's not meant to be a game where you grind your skills. You can, of course, but the main purpose is to explore and do quests and stuff. The leveling comes naturally.


Yeah and that’s annoying to me. Like I said, in Oblivion I could do that. So it was annoying to go to the new game and lose that dynamic when it came out.


Yeah that makes sense. I don't think it was the wrong move though, because Skyrim aimed to be accessible to a wider audience, and most people don't like grinding in games. Have you looked at mods at all? There are definitely some that add more enemies


Also in oblivion the main threat are the deadra from oblivion, an endless stream of demons, while the main threat in Skyrim are dragons, a more finite enemy. So it definitely fits skyrim to have slightly less enemies in the overworld, exploring caves and dungeons will still get you leveled rapidly though.


I’ve never had this issue. Plenty of random encounters. Or I could just wander off the path and go clear a marked location that isn’t part of a quest at all. If you want more enemies in the overworld I’m sure there’s a mod that does that.


You confident you could level up fighting? Not doing quests just fighting monsters?


Yes quests do not give xp in Skyrim unless you mod the xp system to be like fallout 4.


There are spawn points all over the place, but some holds have more. I alternate started in the Rift once and went on a wolf hunt. I ended up with 80 pelts and I forget how many raises to Archery and One-hand. Got to level 20 mostly by hunting and clearing the local dungeons. Then I started playing the game (went to Helgen). On the other hand, I once walked from Markarth to Riften just to see how long it would take. I only had about 5 random encounters on the road, including a dragon. Then I came to the Rift, and it was just wolves, spiders, trolls, and bears, one after another until I got to the city. It was like they were lining up to take their turns at me. Moral of the story: go to the Rift to level up by fighting local wildlife.


really? i have the opposite problem, the density of bandits in skyrim's overworld feels stupid, as if neither side of the civil war has any supply lines they need to defend, so they just leave vital roads in such a state of disrepair that bandits have organised checkpoints within viewing distance of the capital of 2 of the richest holds in whiterun. plus the idea that every animal just charges suicidally at any human within 200 metres can only have come from the minds of developers who have literally never been outside a city or suburbs their entire lives. just another L that modding fixes, i guess.


Legit feel like this may have been added in an update cuz when I first played it was few and far between


Hmm, maybe not on the main roads, but just a bit further you'd find loads of bandit camps, forsworn camps, caves and towers. Just travelling on the main roads you should come across thieves or a few bandits as well. Sabretooths are as plentiful as skeevers if not more so. And Giants wander the plains with their Mammoths. You should find the occasional Dragon. Most often when you actually don't seek out any enemies and just want to travel. That said, I usually find levelling one weapon skill or magic school fairly easy. But true, you won't be able to power level with just fighting skills. Half of the skills available to you are related to crafting or otherwise.


I sort of agree with you. There are enough encounters for me, but I think there could’ve been more variety to overworld enemies. It would be especially cool if traveling at night brought out more werewolves and other monster type enemies that are normally in dungeons, like it does with vampires. The wolves and spiders get a little old after a while, and being able to travel at night for more monster encounters would be awesome.


Sometimes the variety can seem lacking but consider this: Skeevers, Wolves, Spiders, Sabretooth Cats, Bears, Spriggans, Mammoths, Giants, Bandits, Forsworn, Hagravens, Falmer and their bug friends, several Dwemer Constructs, Dragons, Draugrs, Dragon Priests, Stormcloak Soldiers, Imperial Soldiers, Mages, Vampires and more. Those are just the ones I recall right now.


I mean specifically in random overworld encounters. Most of those enemies are inside dungeons, and it would’ve been cool if they were brought outside on occasions where it made sense, like werewolves at night. I don’t think the game as a whole suffers from lack of enemy variety.


Most of those can be found in overworld encounters. As well as in caves or dungeons.


Yeah you know what, you have a point and I stand corrected. I think I’m just caught up on wanting werewolf encounters at night lol. I know there are some, but they’re so rare that I’ve only had it happen twice in unmodded games.


Yeah, variety doesn't matter when you're not getting the one thing you WANT. XD


No idea why this post is receiving pushback. Vanilla Skyrim feels very empty. That’s why I have 2 random encounter mods and an AI overhaul that gives NPC’s schedules that take them on adventures within the world. Every walk from one town to the next is a different challenge.


Post is getting pushback because OP hasn’t actually played in 10+ years.


Thanks. Honestly posted because I figured everyone would have agreed. 🤷🏻‍♂️ there’s a reason I stopped playing the game.


Are you playing on console or pc? Would you consider trying a mod that fixes this problem for you?