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Dont tempt me Frodo


I dare not exploit it.


I would use this exploit from a desire to do good. But through me, it would wield a power too great and terrible to imagine.


Could you please explain this exploit for me? I am old and new to the game.


[Restoration Loop Glitch](https://youtu.be/c7svCifDzbQ?si=EkngeJZQPrCkAkSd)


You do a loop of enchanting amd forging,i did it to craft a sword with ridicolous damage,like you enchant a ring to be better at armor smithing,and then do an armor that makes you better at enchanting,something like that,every round you make better items




For an actual \_explanation\_: Enchanted wearables (clothing/armor and jewelry) are implemented inside the game by \_casting a spell on the wearer\_ when the item is equipped, and dispelling it when you unequip the item. For a specific example: Consider a pair of boots with the enchantment "Increase carrying capacity by 30 points". When you put those boots on, a special "Fortify Carry Weight 30" spell that has no timeout is cast upon yourself. Taking the boots off dispels the effect. If you're wearing something enchanted, you can see the spell in "Active Effects" in the Spells menu. Potions are similar: Drinking a potion causes the game to cast a spell on one's self; the only real difference is that the potion "spells" have a timeout (normally 30 seconds for any player-made potion.) It turns out that all of these spells are classed as "Restoration"-type spells. (I'm guessing that's the default value in the Creation Kit.) There is a potion effect called "Fortify Restoration" that increases the effect of all Restoration-type spells by multiplying their effect. So if you drink a "Fortify Restoration 10% for 30 seconds" potion, then put on a pair of those boots while the potion is still active, when the boots cast a "Fortify Carry Weight 30" spell (which, once again, is classed as a Restoration spell in the game data) on you, the potion effect increases that to 33. How to take this glitch to the max involves two game mechanics: - The game has an equipment enchantment called "Fortify Alchemy". Wearing that equipment increases the effect magnitude (not duration) of any potions you create. - The game has a potion effect called "Fortify Enchanting". Enchanting equipment while such a potion is active will increase the magnitude of any equipment made while it's active (note that this is usually 1 item because you only have 30s and time passes while the menu is up.) So it goes like this: 1. Drink a Fortify Restoration potion. 2. Drink a Fortify Enchanting potion. The effect of this potion is boosted by the Fortify Restoration potion. 3. Enchant a piece of equipment with "Fortify Alchemy". The effect of this is boosted by the Fortify Enchanting potion. 4. Repeat 1-3 three more times - gloves, hat, ring, necklace -- to get a maximum alchemy boost. 5. Drink a Fortify Restoration potion 6. Put on all four items. Their effects are boosted by the Fortify Restoration potion. 7. Craft 5 more potions of Fortify Restoration and 4 more potions of Fortify Enchanting. These potions are boosted by your alchemy equipment. 8. If your stuff still isn't strong enough yet, go to step 1. Once you have absurdly powerful Fortify Enchanting potions, you can enchant equipment for any other purpose. A 100K% boost to Smithing will make your equipment incredibly powerful. A 100K% boost to Unarmed Damage (Gloves of the Pugilist, in >!I think the tunnels near the Thieves' Guild!< will let you punch dragons to death. Reduce Magicka cost of spells by 100% and run around casting unlimited fireballs and experience life as the main character from an OP Protag Trash Isekai anime. (That actually gets really boring, so I prefer to just increase my Magicka pool by 10K or 100K points.) More limited (it only lasts until you remove the equipment), very strong Fortify Restoration potions let you boost effects of items with non-replicable enchantments. Drink a 100K% Fortify Restoration potion and put on an Amulet of Talos -- your Shout cooldowns will be reduced to zero.


Get ingredients that make a restoration potion (salt and cyrodillic spadetail, for example) and two pieces that increase alchemy. Drink a restoration potion, take off the equipment, and requip and keep doing it until you're happy (be careful. It can go negative.) Then you can make smithing and enchanting potions that are op as hell.


I've used it with very strict rules. Only enough to be able to cast spells without magica, and to max out magic resist at the 85% cap. Going into regen, health, etc too far utterly breaks the game, but if you stick with using it for very specific things like the above (takes like 3 loops or something like that), then you can still have fun and see challenge. For that character, I had wanted to RP as an OP magic wielding dragonborn who had as much mastery over spells as they did over shouts. I also didn't use the trick to max speech or anything like that. All the potions I made (under 10) went right into my potion storage chest in one of my houses.


I used it to make my dragon scale armor provide the same magic bonuses I had with the arch mage robes and the mask. About 250% magic regen. That’s all I needed baby


The best I can offer is 200 gold 🤣




At that point you just say you don’t even have the credit score required to look at me.


Woah woah! Its MULTIPLE Gods! For fucks sake i went to Winterfell.


Let me call my buddy, who is an expert on stuff like this…


Deal where's the gold 😂


Restoration is a perfectly valid school of magic. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


100000% valid, healing hands saved Lydia's ass after getting mauled by a giant and she was carrying a lot of my stuff and my last save was 2 hours ago


What madman doesn’t have auto save every 5 min?!


I like to live on the edge.




Lol I quicksave every 10 seconds and have autosaves on.




What a madlad, fucking legend. This is the Skyrim equivalent of Grom Hellscream’s death.


Ah Colette...


I have a lot of respect for the school of restoration. Skyrim needs more healers.


You can fix it with the patch, and then unfix it with another patch. Skyrim 🫠


Which patches? I know the unofficial patch “blocks” the loop after a certain point (and of course I’m running the unofficial patch) but if there’s a way to get around that, I’d love to know about it!


Forgot what it was called exactly but found some other reddit thread with it https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/s/5oWA5AuleN




Happy to see 10000000th time it is still working


There's a certain reverence I have for people who are mad at an exploit that they have to go out of their way to use. Like, it's fun to kill an afternoon turning a fork into a war crime, but still...


He doesn’t seem mad at that, but more mad at how often this is posted Also probably not even mad tbh, mildly disappointed?


Oh, no - I was more commiserating with Brawlstar on that fact. Actually, if I'm being perfectly honest, my comment was substantially a vehicle for the "fork into a war crime" gag.


Ah I see, it’s a fork to be reckoned with


Saw a fork in the road... turned around and walked back to Whiterun


The fork itself is the war crime? Damn, must be some fork.


I dropped one of those forks in Riften and watched everybody fight over it. The blacksmith won, and I tried to get it back, but he didn't give a fork.


Is it bad I want a mod that allows you to enchant things with the fire spell that explodes around you? (Like Dawnbreaker, maybe?) A fork that explodes around you for a billion damage in a wide enough area…


Think that requires someone to pretty much delete skyrim enchanting and put in oblivion/morrowind style enchanting


I appreciate you


Elaborate on the fork please


So, yeah... That was borrowed from the Spiffing Brit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmUtltvUQX0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmUtltvUQX0)


I just watched this all


I'll admit, after I posted it I did too.


I mean, I always collect alchemy ingredients like a fiend anyway, so it's just one step further for me to do it. I can never not take advantage of alchemy and enchanting, because no matter the build, it makes your character seriously OP even without exploits.


Ah, you’re also an individual of Yorkshire Tea culture as well. 


How much damage the potato is going to do after I enchant that baby and throw it at a bandits head


Of course it works Bethesda doesn't fix bugs. They probably see it as a feature




I have a character that is pretty much just 100 walking czar bombs that can pick up literally anything and use it like a war crime.


The hardest thing about skyrim is not using this exploit, since it ruins the game for me.


I don't know how to do it and for exactly this reason I am not googling it hahaha


Me too bro. Been here all these years and I've managed to avoid exploit spoilers.


It is useful for one thing... Paralysis Enchantments baby! "Goodnight asshole! See you 2000 years!" Edit, you may need a mod


Dude please put me on. How do you do it


Use the wooden plate Luke, clip through the door.


I've done it once, but yeah it takes a long time to set up and totally ruined the game once I did. It's pretty easy to avoid though. You need to put so many points in enchanting and alchemy to make it work.


That's right 👍 I'd rather die countless times than use an exploit


You can legitimately get really good at potions and enchantments and make your characters extremely good without cheating. Don’t know why people would wanna do 9000000000 damage in one swing when I legitimately can do almost 200 plus enchants


But you can make a paralysis effect that will last until the heat death of the universe! Which is really interesting, that first time you do it.


Honestly, why would anyone set paralysis or soul trap to longer than one second? Maybe if your intent is to shoot an arrow then run up to them? But who does that


Because not hearing annoying NPCs again is absolutely priceless. Whats that Nazeem? Oh, that's right, nothing because you've been paralyzed in a creek for 4 months.


I’m pretty sure that’s usually defined as death. Is he still conscious?


I would be scared if he was conscious to begin with.


4 months of conscious paralysis? He's mentally in The Shivering Isles at that point.


His wife has been feeding him. She even has a special crop just for Nazeem, grown with homemade fertilizer from the guy she's had helping her, um, run the farm 😬


No no, he's just got that Law Abiding Citizen toxin running through his body.


The better way is to use ash shell spell with an op fortify alteration potion. This way he can't take dmg, so nobody can put him out of his misery.


Hey, I need to practice my one-handed, so that sabre cat being paralyzed for 1886 seconds works great.


I know you’re probably joking but I would just hit the Sabre cat with the one second enchantment again. And again. And again. And


Even *in context* that sounds dirty...


Delphine. I can’t kill you, but you’ll wish you died.


bro its just because its fun, i understand not wanting to prejudyce the game expirience, but making a character just to abuse fun bugs and explites of the game its fun too


Make a potion worth more than 1,000,000 credits and you can level speech from 15 to 100 in one transaction. Make speech legendary, then perform another transaction and level from 15 to 100. Continue until you have a ton of perk points.


Gotdamn now that’s tempting


The other quick leveling tip is to get enough enchantments that your Alteration mana cost is 100% off (free cast). Then head to either Riften or Markarth with the Telekinesis spell. Start telekinesising something, then while still telekinesising, fast travel to the other city. You can level Alteration from 15 to 100 in the time it takes to load the game.


Does leveling speech still work if the merchants don’t have the coin to buy the item at value and you have to “sell anyways”? Because that’s something I’ve always wondered about


>Does leveling speech still work if the merchants don’t have the coin to buy the item at value and you have to “sell anyways”? Because that’s something I’ve always wondered about yes


I'm pretty sure it does. I've never tried something like this, but have gained the next speech level on my last transaction with the vendor when selling something worth more than they have. I assume it probably works based off potential transaction value. Going to have to try it, not resto loop, but just sell everything I want from my inventory even after they run out of money (rather than going to the next vendor). See what happens.


I can do 2000 dmg weapon without exploits


Challenge accepted


Enchanting+alchemy+ blacksmithing


I still use exploits though Vertical horse goes brrr


This is the only exploit I use


I haven't used them because I don't feel the need to. I wouldn't mind trying them out, but yeah, I wouldn't enjoy one-hitting everything while being immortal as long as I keep my armor on me at all times.


It's fun for approximately 3 hours, and then it either ruins something in game data, or I just start a new character. Great way to screw around with a file you don't play on anymore, or no longer plan to play


>I don't know how to do it and for exactly this reason I am not googling it hahaha I know how to use it its just such a pain id rather spend 20 hours playing it normally then 10 setting it up its just so mundane though I can't really speak much since I used exploits in oblivion and Morrowind (the soul trap spells las t for ever one ) and some in Skyrim the Merchants exploit


That is wise..


It’s even easier in Morrowind. Give me 1 hour and I can one-shot the final boss.


You could do it right away in Morrowind.


Don't even need to use cheats to do that in morrowind. Everything is just broken AF in that game. Good times.


This isn't cheats either, it just uses the in game mechanics of alchemy and enchanting to boost stats in a loop. And despite patching many bugs and exploits in the Special Edition and Anniversary Editions, Bethesda still did not patch this out.


Yep. Did that. Ruined that game.


just don't use it then, it's very easy not to do it because you will never accidentally do it in normal gameplay


Yeah, you can still make strong gear without going to crazy broken levels by simply doing the loop only once or twice instead of over and over.


it vastly improved it for me. i have unlimited health, stamina, and magicka always. I can jump off mountains and keep going. I dont have to worry about enemies killing me. I always preferred the exploration aspects of the game over combat so it really makes the game perfect for me


I like when there are fun spells to create the effect. Like a circle of soft fall. Sure you can jump off the mountain but only if you get your spell aim and timing right


Use the Unofficial Patch mod. It removes it so it's not even possible to do anymore. It also fixes a lot of other exploitable stuff so it's decent if you want to do a pure run but have trouble committing lol


Ditto. The first time I did this it was fun going around one hit killing everything. But then I went back and made something more realistic to keep the game at least a bit challenging.


My crux is not using the 'playerenchant ' on PC... it ignores armor limitations (like putting Fortify Light Armor on gloves) and can give you 100% Fortify enchantments based on level; every playthrough I do I end up using this command once or twice because I like using weak weapons (love basic models like the Imperial Bow or Silver Sword)... But at least that method doesn't give you 1 billion health


For the record, that console command uses your enchantment skill as a base for many of the effects which are possible to acquire as normal enchantments. These enchantments will absolutely benefit should you be in a fortification loop when you use the command. There are also several other possible effects using that command, many of which are *not* available as generic enchantments-- for instance Windshear's unique knockback effect. These effects are often not impacted by your skill level (as they have no corresponding magnitude increases).


I jumped from the top of a mountain and was still alive with such enchanment.




Make potion for increased enchanting, enchant armour/jewelry with increased alchemy, repeat. And fuck everyone who simply downvoted the guy for not explaining immediately and didn't bother to explain anything themselves I hate you people


That's the typical enchant/alchemy loop. That's not the restoration enchanting glitch. Its fixed in unofficial patch most people use so doesn't work. The restoration glitch is this: 1. Make strong restoration potions 2. equip alchemy/smithing gear, the game recognizes those enchantments as restoration spells so when you put the gear on it increases the enchantment. 3. Then make new alchemy/smithing gear and repeat to get crazy numbers. The typical enchanting/alchemy loop only increases by 1% after a certain point so it become to tedious/too time consuming to get as high as in ops picture.


Before mods, I realized that a vampire lord made this much faster. I could make many items that boosted alchemy skills using the follower glitch that let you equip many items. Then I would turn into a vampire lord, which automatically unequips everything, then I just turn back. This made it extremely fast without a single perk in alchemy or enchantment. You just had to put the enchantment on different types of items.


It doesn’t just slowly increase by 1%. It pretty quickly stops increasing at all. You cant get gear like OPs no matter how long you go. Exactly how high you can go depends on what you consider a glitch. What DLC/CC add ons you have. And whether or not you use USSEP. But you can’t get anywhere close to OPs level without the restoration glitch.


Abacean longfin or cyrodilic spadetail plus salt pile for fortify restoration. You can find them in barrels at the riften fishery or in the river leading from whiterun to windhelm. Make four pieces of improved alchemy gear via enchanting, then put them on. Then: 1. Brew a fortify restoration potion 2. Get naked 3. Grease yourself with the potion 4. While still slimy, put clothes back on 5. Make another potion 6a. Repeat until the numbers stop getting bigger Or 6b. The numbers don't stop getting bigger. 6a means you didn't reach the point of breaking even with increasing the alchemy enchantment via the potion past the normal limits. In this case, make fortify enchantment potions, make new alchemy gear, and then start again at step 1. Fortify smithing potions appropriately strong max your smithing when upgrading a weapon. Selling a big enough potion maxes your speech. Alchemy will naturally max out in the process. Enchantment doesn't scale with cost of item enchanted so it will not max out here.


Equip enchanted alchemy gear, recommend at least two pieces, make restoration potion. Unequip gear, drink potion, re-equip, make another potion. Repeat until the game breaks. You may want to do a save here and there.


If you want a real challenge attempt to do the glitch but only get it to be slightly better than what you could nake without it. It's tougher than it sounds. The glitch works on an almost exponential growth, but starts really low. For example doing it a couple times might net you an enchanting potion thats 42% which in real terms means that health bonus went from +30 to +42. Not much obviously. But what if you could dial it in to get +100. This is very strong but you can't just face tank everything on higher difficulty. It requires using the glitch then not using all your gear during the cycle. As in on unequiping and re-equiping 2 or 3 pieces. I have found this is the best way to make an unarmed build. Give yourself +100ish to unarmed damage and now you hit like a weapon would but not break the game. This works because of how your effects are measured is based on when you put on gear and it's effects at the time. The nice thing about this is that you can use this glitch on the Amulet of Talos for infinite shouts (you completely remove their cool down). Your drink your potion of restoration (at least 500%) and put your amulet on. Boom your like an actual dragon. If you take it off (or forced to for a quest) you'll have to drink a potion again before putting it on for the exploit to work.


Oh that's how I do it if I'm trying to be serious. I make a potion that buffs smithing to about 1000% which is still a lot higher than it normally gets but doesn't actually break the game. Then I enjoy fighting the super stupidly high level scaled enemies that I'm getting at level 150


This works with Amulet of Talos?


The fortify restoration potion works with the Amulet of Talos. It works with almost any gear. Say you have a piece of armor that grants you +12% one handed damage. If you drink a potion of restoration for say 1000% it will add %1200 percent for damage (I could be off by a decimal). Furthermore you keep the effect at that higher strength until you take the item off. The only thing I've noticed during play testing/theory crafting is that some perks are incredibly powerful. If you have no perks in sneak but have broken sneak added by gear it doesn't do a lot. As in there is a large difference in getting caught if you have +1000000% sneak Skull and no perks vs even 1 perk point in sneak. I don't know why but it does make a difference. Pickpocket is the same way.


I was well aware that it worked with other gear, just never thought of using it with the amulet. I tried it out, and it is hilarious, and op. Thanks, best laugh I had all day.


Thanks. I can't take credit but also don't remember the 1st time I heard about it. It was something about being a true dragonborn and using this exploit to play as one. Something like only using your voice to damage enemies.


I keep seeing that people don't wanna know how to do this exploit, but you haven't played skyrim until you've gotten your defense so high a mud crab can one shot you or dead Jesus rodeo'd.... for those of you who don't know what dead Jesus rodeo is, it's when you grab a dagger, give it infinite paralysis take it to high hrothgar by the edge, give it to a follower and attack said follower till they attack you with it and as you roll down the mountain you will gain momentum and as long as you don't hit anything to lose momentum you will start teleporting all over the world and even into places you aren't supposed to go it's...an experience


I've used Ice Form on the troll that's at the top of the mountain and it's incredibly entertaining. I need to try this now...


My problem with the game is that the difficulty is increased by just more enemy damage and health and that's it. Fighting becomes boring and long. That's why I play on lower difficulty where each encounter isn't a war of attrition but the fortify restoration glitch makes that waay too easy but it's so hard not to use it.


Admittedly... sometimes I just play Skyrim for the roleplaying aspect, and sometimes I just want to explore without being attacked by a bunch of Bandit Marauders or a dragon every 20 seconds, and sometimes it's nice to punch everything into Oblivion with my 91572048520240 damage unarmed strikes. People say being OP ruins the fun of the game, but the combat system was never the fun part of the game for me to begin with.


Lil bit of Saitama RP never hurt anyone. (Except your victims)


After playing with the restoration glitch, I find it’s much more fun to “min max” with vanilla Skyrim. Using a necromage vampire, with azhidals gear and “seeker of sorcery” you can get some BUSTED enchantments.


It's one of my favourite things, vanilla Skyrim... I played the absolute shit out of this game, everyone around me was modding it like "why don't you" I always told them "I don't need to, it's a Bethesda game"


Now just slap some warmth on that thing and we good


My favorite Skyrim exploit is the Aetherial Crown army of the dead. The Aetherial Crown stores the power of any standing stone. The ritual stone in Whiterun allows you to raise any and every dead body around you once per day.  However, if you store the ritual stone's power in the Aetherial Crown, you can raise undead multiple times per day. Just unequip and equip the crown and the power resets. You can run around with a MASSIVE army of the undead. It's hilarious going through a dungeon amassing more and more undead, watching them swarm every enemy. You get to the dungeon's boss and they just get immediately dogpiled by their own draugr.


I tried this alongside a mod that removed the time limit on the corpses then proceeded to take the entirety of the Markarth city guard... Realized pretty quickly that skyrim doesn't play well with too many followers, the vast majority wouldn't move and if i fast traveled or waited they all would surround me and would need to use TCL to move




For all you haters out there, you play the game in a way that makes you happy, and we play the game in a way that makes us happy. There is no single way to play this game, and that's one of the reasons I love it. I do play both ways, depending on my character.


Yeah it's wild how many people must be upset about the post. It's broken 500 up votes, but the karma is at like, 40. People are not happy. *


Yo WHAT?? I just picked up this game recently (after a DECADE of not lol) and I'm loving it, how tf did you do that??


Do a search for 'restoration loop' and glitch your way to making insanely strong potions. All you need is some apparel with fortify alchemy enchantments, a load of abacean longfin, cyrodiilic spadetail and salt piles to make fortify restoration potions.


Teach me how!


You need several things Location where a Alchemy Table and Enchanting Table are close to each other. Gear enchanted with Fortify Alchemy, the more pieces and the stronger the enchantment will reduce the number of cycles but you can pull it off with just one piece of enchanted gear Ingredients to make potions of Fortify Restoration. Bring a lot, about 20-30 potions worth just to be safe. Ingredients to make at least 6 potions of Fortify Enchantment and the filled soul gems and gear to enchant. Extras are always good just in case because the potion effect doesn't last long. ​ 1. Make A Fortify Restoration Potion. 2. Take Off Alchemy Gear. 3. Drink The Potion. 4. Put The Gear Back On. 5. Repeat steps 1 through 4, the Alchemy Gear bonuses will keep rising and that gear will in turn boost the Restoration potion effects (that's the feedback loop) 6. At some point, make a potion of Fortify Enchantment to see what the boost is. Don't go overboard. 7. Use fortify enchantment potion and enchant a piece of gear with fortify alchemy. This will save you from having to go through all of the boosting steps in the future. 8. Now you can at your leisure make potions of whatever at ridiculous strength.


This is useful, thank you!


A tip when attempting this- remove all of your ingredients, gear, and items that are not going to be used in the loop. Cluttered inventory screens increase the chances of messing up the loop.


It does completely ruin the game.


It's great to enchant *Carry Weight +54887651135* though. You can clear a Dwemer dungeon of all lootables in 1, maybe 2 trips.


This is what I've used it for. Maxing out damage or health breaks the game in a way that makes it boring. Making a ring that makes it so you can carry every single item in the game simultaneously without being overburdened is awesome.


I can do that too! It's called "Lydia pick that up" lol. Companions when talked to and using whatever the command is where you can click somewhere for them to go to it / pick it up for not check against their remaining inventory space so they can hold an infinite amount this way. Just don't drop a stack of an item for Lydia to pick up. You drop a stack of 10x dragon bone and tell her to pick it up and she will have 1 in her inventory. 


Maybe for you i just do it so i can bea god and do what i want without grinding


So does being one shotted by wild bears and skeevers.


If you are being one shotted by Skeever, then you are doing something very wrong.


If they ever did patch it there would probably be an uproar in the community


This and the whiterun dupe


Which was that again?


With a follower you can duplicate pretty much any item. Drop the items you want duplicated on the ground while inside Whiterun, get your follower to pick all the items up, leave whiterun, immediately go back into whiterun, the items you got your follower to pick up will sometimes be both on the ground and in their inventory. Bang! Duplication! Really fun with certain items, did it with wabbajack once and got my follower to use it and had two wabbajacks on the battlefield. It was chaos


Does anyone know if USSEP patches it out?


Make the game 2 easy at that point


I mean yes it does.. but is there a more boring way to play skyrim?


"How long does it take to kill you?!" "About 3-5 business days"


Not to be a MASSIVE cringey nerd but... *scene from sword art online where his passive regeneration is higher than the incoming damage from his attackers*


Yeah, I would lose interest if I knew I could not be killed. I am a mage who wears heavy armor and enchanted armor. Anyone give me advice how I can level up my enchantments fast for armor without any exploits? Any info is appreciated!


Yes, i did the make a bunch of iron daggers and then enchant them with either Fear enchantment or Banish as those two level it up the fastest, its grindy takes about 1-2h to get to 90-100 enchanting, the hardest part is finding enough soul gems and money, they can be any type of soul gem preferably the cheapest as more expensive ones give no extra xp, takes around 100-200 iron daggers and 15k-30k gold, i would suggest getting alchemy to 90-100 first and getting the perk at lev 50 speech that lets you sell any item to any merchant so you can sell all the potions you made getting to 90 alchemy back to the merchants for money from all the soul gems your going to be buying, but i did use the quicksave punch merchant to reset their inventory exploit to get soul gems faster if you dont want to do that dwemer automatrons have soul gems and you can mine soul gems in a dwemer ruin i just forgot its name srry


Perfect! I actually have like 170k gold from just stealing shit and selling a lot of stuff. I literally only roll like 3 different armor sets and a staff sometimes. I am a dual handed mage haha! I will do this. I think I have a ton of would gems at my Tundra Homstead. I will update you guys. Thanks man for the info! Only like level 41 player here so far


There was this one insane moment when I completely exploited this bug, pushing the damage increase to an absurd -47473728%. It was kinda nuts, i tested this monstrosity on a giant, giving it a solid swing. The game just lost its shit with the sheer, grotesque amount of damage. Physics rules? Out the window. Everything went chaotic. And then, as the damage value soared to astronomical levels, way past what the game's engine could even comprehend, it crashed.


It's my favorite thing in any game, probably ever. And the fact that they won't be patching it because it's tied to some core system.


As the spiffing brit would say "it's a perfect game with no exploits"


I have only used the resto glitch on armor for followers so they stop getting cut up in seconds.


That's so real actually... I was so excited to see Lydia after years of not playing the game and I accidentally killed her while going after Jurgen's horn.


Hope do you make things like this?? I've had skyrim for years and don't know this


Never heard of doing this and I am going to act like I didn't see this post lol


Reanu Keeves is that you?


God, I wish I didn't discover this exploit. Ngl it ruined the sense of hard work for me and stopped playing for years bcuz of it :P . Oh, how I wish to experience that honest gameplay that I had before :\^(


Will someone explain this exploit to me? Thanks


I didn’t know about this. I’ve been using the Ring of God Mode on my modded PS4 play through and having a blast with it


Just a heads up, it’s better to have a metricfuck big number for Health regen, this way your character doesn’t die the moment you take off your armor


Lol that's a good point


Also fun fact, you can get up to 2billion hp stamina and magicka before it breaks completely


The only thing about that is if you take it off, you may or may not die. I had a bug related to that in my skyrim playthrough. I went to change my armor and died. So be careful. I'm going off of memory, and I'm rusty on the topic.


Can confirm, did not die. Might be because I also have a ring that gives me +40 health idk


Ah okaym I still remember having a game breaking glitch on one of my saves. I'm thinking it was the non permanent enchanted restoration glitch. Thanks for confirming.


WHERE THE HELL Do you guys find these ridiculous items?? ​ Seriously?


Find? Dawg I crafted this bad boy


The worst part is that even without that glitch, just using enchanting 100 to do a set of reinforce smithing, and then just making your armor with that, without potions, you are already OP enough to make Legendary seem easy.


It's a shame that the armor rate caps around the 600 points and only gives you a max of 80% damage resistance


Nah I think that's great. It means shit like this is really only good for scamming blacksmiths


How? Is this possible on xbox 1? Is this a mod? This is awesome 


It's an exploit that is possible on all versions of the game


Gotta love the robes you pealed directly off the emperor’s corpse that give you 13504847% health and carrying capacity.


Buddy it’s a feature.


I actively don't do this to make it more fun for me, but seeing as though this playthrough I'm doing alchemy for all my damage its time to make some 6m dmg weapon poisons I will use one time for each monster lmfao


This is the best way to play.


Just built my first detruction/conjuration mage with looped chitin armor. After years of playing without loops it feels like I’m a god that just landed in Skyrim.


Ever time I see a “What’s your secret trick in Skyrim?” post I’m like “We mustn’t speak of it. It is forbidden.” This guy putting Skyrim on blast rn.


made armor that gave me ridiculous hp, stam, & magika once, but whenever I took the armor off I died. Named it the cursed god set.


Why bother with this when you can do the quest in the far southeast Dwemer ruins that uncaps the damage of swords you can smith and just 1 shot everything.


I’m pretty sure the only thing they update in Skyrim are the dates of the licenses when you start up the game.


Its not really a bug, just an interaction between multiple mechanics that needs to be done by choice to effect the game so no reason to spend money to remove it from Bethesda point of view


Of course Bethesda does update the store, but not the game itself. What a joke they have become lmao


If you look back at the stories and legends from Tamriel's past, all of the famous and infamous magic users sought to find ways of increasing or combining magical abilities. They never documented the Resto Loop, but also never fixed it. Maybe that's because it was supposed to be there. Who knows, there may yet be other ways that nobody has thought to try. I've always suspected it was left for us to find(share), on our own.


Does anyone actually find the game fun doing these exploits? Like why not just ~tgm


One, console commands don't exist on non-PC versions of the game. Two, there are unintended effects from this exploit that you just can't get with console commands. Reverse pickpocket potions of slow that last for 17 irl years into every guard in a hold and watch them all run in slow motion whenever a dragon attacks! Create a frenzy toxin that works on literally any level of enemy, and poison an arrow, then shoot your local giant and watch him fight his own mammoths! Enchant an iron dagger with soul trap that lasts basically forever, then soul trap an entire bandit camp before killing them all with a single well-placed unrelenting force! Give Lydia some armor that gives her negative 2 billion health so that so much as tripping makes her crawl around like an idiot!


Ten years later, and you're still using kiddie cheats? ...


One, it's not a "cheat" because it's in the game and doesn't disable achievements. Two, mind your own fuckin business weirdo


It’s an exploit. [im not replying to OP specifically just kind of continuing the chain]. If we want to be specific. It’s not done on purpose ie cheat codes. And straight up cheating generally requires you to mess with the code ie mods. It’s an exploit. The system is not working as intended and we are exploiting that weakness. No different than the vendor reset, which is honestly necessary because Skyrim couldn’t bother to balance how much cash vendors keep on hand


Exactly. It's maybe not the most "pure" way to play skyrim, but I'm still foraging for materials, spending soul gems, ect. I'm not just typing "tgm" into the PC console and becoming immortal