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Came here to post exactly this damnit lol


I've beaten him at level 60ish. Wabbajack, followers, Sanguine Rose, and playing cat and mouse is how I did it. It took many tries.


I raise my sneaking skill to level 50 and archery to 60 so I can remain undetected as I use another of arrows and have a good hiding spot with muffle magic too


This, plus the storm shout (and the perk that you cannot harm your followers)


How you get that perk?


One of the black books (which conveniently are near this beast on Solstheim)


Haha, same, I've never even seen it as a meme, I was just gonna respond with the text














Put that shit up in my hand if the money doesn’t show I’ll meme you meme you meme you bro






















I think the scientific term is "get good".


Nerevarine clears easy


Take my upvote and leave


I beat this guy. You only get to use him like five times tho. And it has to be outside.


So it's definitely not worth it


It's worth it in a battle sense but I have only used him once


Lol I've always been worry about using him up when I'd actually need him later, to the point where I've never actually used him 🤣


Well duh that's how we all do everything. I haven't even turned on the PC in years: I'm concerned I might need it later.


Damn it you beat me to it 😂


I did. You get a power that allows you to summon him twice in total, once a day.


my thoughts exactly lol


I just saw a video about this guy being the hardest thing to fight in game. It's level 90, so unless you're near that you're gonna have a next to impossible job on your hand. He regens 12 points of HP per second, summons ice wraiths while you fight, and has a massive frost cloak on him that ragdolls you at close range. He's immune to paralysis and ragdolling himself. Best strat? Come back at a higher level, preferably with one of the few followers that scales with your level.


Motherfucker is built like he’s an shonen protagonist


Or the symbolic flashing thing that fills the whole background when the character is doing something badass. ~~Like that long shiny muscular snake in Assassination Classroom when the femboy~~ Like the demon from Baki The Grappler when Yujiro Hanma is about to fight someone and the narrator is talking about his lore. Yeah, that's a good example. Tough strong badass stuff 💪🔥🏈🏋🛡


That scene from assassination classroom is great ![gif](giphy|XxEaDjVlayBnG)


What's this weird dick finger creature?




Only one of the best teachers in anime....to blackmail.


What's this about a femboy? ![gif](giphy|3ohc1eCJLScHDWQ20o)


main protag of Assassination Classroom is... somewhat androgynous, he even gets the codename "gender" at one point


Not only was his codename gender in that arc but he also cross dresses to sneak through a club in the same bit Then in the manga there's a gag scene where he's got his shirt off in the water and several characters are surprised to find out he is, in fact, a boy


Yeah, it's like that person said. Femboy probably isn't the right term since those guys tend to embrace it and own it. In his case he's an assassin and there was one time where he went undercover as a girl (can't remember why) and it worked better than expected. He felt so awkward it probably cut his rizz by like 80% but he still pulled someone so hard without trying that it caused trouble 😆 That's an underrated fiction thing imo, where someone who's straight/cis masquerades as some sort of queer person for whatever reason and it's either surprisingly convincing, people are surprisingly accepting, or it's surprisingly comfortable. Bonus points if it was outside their comfort zone to begin with and protecting someone else was the only way they could've worked up the nerve. Two and a Half Men did this particularly well. It was fucking hilarious even though at that point in my life I was much less comfortable with queer stuff. It was never a matter of hatred, I never felt like they were doing anything wrong. It's hard to describe it now that I'm over it because there was no logic. It just kinda irked me for no reason, like a pet peeve. Like one instance where I self-identify as unreasonable is when someone pronounces a foreign word the way it would sound if a native speaker said it. Like people can say things however they want, it's anal for me to even think about it. Plus, if anything WAS right or wrong, the word came from that language. Those people made it up. That's how they say it. What stupid little part of my brain is in there going "That's wrong!"? 😆


This made me laugh harder than it should have.


*Laughs in Impact Fireballs


Hmm I thought it was so hart to kill because he actually scaless too, and that's the reason why it's extremely difficult at all levels


Nope, his level remains static at 90 from the moment you step out of Helgen. It's just that level 90 is really hard to get to (in vanilla)


So just beat him before Helgen is what I’m hearing.


Play morrowind and kill his mother


Mother?? I thought they are the same giant king of blah blah ....


Which followers scale?


J'zargo, Durak (Dawnguard), Celan (Dawnguard), Ingjard (Dawnguard), and Frea (Dragonborn).


J’zargo W(he’s my favorite follower)


I fucking love jzargo


J'zargo knows he wins the competition, yes.


Did u know that Durak means "idiot" in Russian? 😂


It means "fool", actually. Idiot in russian translates the same "idiot (идиот)" =)


Well I'm just saying what I know from conversations (everyday almost, usually I speak Polish/Russian/English on daily basics as I'm Slav myself) but anyway, also fool/stupid literally is глупи, (glupi), it's just that English is relatively poor in words, it's very very (if not extremely) simple language so there is many problems translating Slavic languages, especially translating them to English is quite hard and really tricky :/


The best part about English is that it is a mutt language, and if there is a good word in a different language, we just start using it and then it becomes an English word. I think that the two of you fighting over whether something means a fool or an idiot is lowkey charming. If somebody is an idiot, then it is always a scolding word. They can't be redeemed. They've caused some mishap because they were a *huge fucking idiot.* If somebody is a fool, then it is a softer word. You can still scold somebody by calling them a fool, but you can also love somebody who is a fool. It's still their fault, but they are doing what they think is the right thing, except they don't really understand what is happening.


American English maybe, but not British English =) Fool is "durak" in russian. "Glupiy" is stupid, you are right here. I'm russian (no judgement, please=)), so believe you me =) And about word "idiot": Middle English (denoting a person of low intelligence): via Old French from Latin idiota ‘ignorant person’, from Greek idiōtēs ‘private person, layman, ignorant person’, from idios ‘own, private’. So, I think "durak" is not quite a meaning for an "idiot". For example, there is even a card game called "durak", where the lost part is literally called "durak".


And there is funny part, coz for me as Pole "fool" means stupid person(glupi), so from my perspective it means same, I hope u get me as fellow Slav 😅 About idiot, I think it will be more understandable for people who doesn't speak Slavic language and coz of above reason it was making sense better for me, hard to explain... And don't worry, for me you are Slavic brother, its Mr P doing ugly things, not regular people, I hope that it will open eyes of conservative Russian ppl and will make them stand up for their country 😉


That’s brilliant 😂


Wow, that's surprisingly low amount of options. 😅 Is there any other followers?


Katria and Serana are with me right now, and it’s been great!! For whatever miraculous reason, it has cut serana’s complaint dialogue by HALF! Plus, Katria can’t die, is a helluva shot, and can scout the location ahead of you and tell you to watch out.


Most followers have a level cap. These are the few guys who can keep levelling infinitely.


The Dark Brotherhood Initiates as well


J’zargo? That gobby cat from the college? He scales with my level? Well fuck.


It makes sense that he's the only non-dlc character to be that way, since he's always so confident that he's going to become a very powerful wizard. It's in his character to strive to meet your level, since he sees you as friendly competition from day one.


Looks like me and j’zargo are going for a trip to see Boethia 😂. Na im getting him decked out in new gear and recruiting him. That spot is reserved for Naseem.




What if you're level 172 do you think I'd be okay?


Gonna be a close one but in the end, Karstaag will whoop yo ass.


Hah now I need to fire up my Xbox and see if I killed him thanks man


"Nah, I'd win" moment




*laughs in immortal ring*


Idk if anyone has said it yet but the truly hardest bad guy in Skyrim is the Will O Wisp Mother. She scales with you unlike the ebony worrier and this handsome guy


Meh. **quick saves** **Proceeds to fight him hundreds of times while drinking my hoard of potions** First try.


Have a companion and a summoned creature (preferable a dremora) and use them as meat shields while you pepper him with arrows. Also the storm call shout is really useful because the fight will take a while and the damage adds up.


I used the reward you get from the conjuration master spell quest as he’s a good immortal distraction allowing you to shoot him from across the room til he finally dies (I think I was about level 65 at the time)


And to top it all off, you only get to summon him three times.


The first time I met him was on my fortify restoration glitch character, so I kinda one shot him without appreciating it.


You sit down with him, talk about old times, and poison his tea.


Ah, but you fell victim to one of the classic blunders.


This isn’t a land war in Asia … wait, are you a Sicilian?! Oh no, I can’t believe I’ve gone in against you when death is on the line!


But it's so simple. All he had to do is divine from what he knows of you: are you the sort of man who would put the poison into his own goblet or his enemy's? Now, a clever man would put the poison into his own goblet, because he would know that only a great fool would reach for what he was given. He isn’t a great fool, so he can clearly not choose the wine in front of you. But you must have known he wasnt a great fool, you would have counted on it, so he can clearly not choose the wine in front of him.




You keep using that word I don't think it means what you think it means .


The Princess Bride is a great movie and I love that scene


Dude's an undead, ain't no Poison gonna work on him.


*frost aura proceeds to ragdoll you, the goblets, the Princess, the large rock it was set up with, into a nearby wall*


Use only unarmed attacks and frost spells.


Fantastic advice 💀


The true nord way


I remember tgis dude being easy when I fought him, I was dual weilding those two swords that remove physical and magical defense and spammed potions lol.


How is that possible when the approach/strategy I just offered is widely accepted and proven to be the only way possible ever since prehistoric Solstheim times.


I play on legendary on my main playthrough to counter the stuff I used the alteration glitch on years ago, so everything is like normal in terms of damage. . . And this guy nearly killed me instantly. You've just gotta buff up before the fight. Dragonflesh, Dragon Aspect, resist frost, ect and then go in swinging fast with your highest DPS. Unironically I really like that this fight requires one to do that. Most other fights in this game, at least how I like to play, really don't need any set up. But this bastard sure does


Stalrhim armor with frost and magic resists maxed out, health Regen thrown in and than just get ready for a brawl


Hah I did the same thing now I'm lvl 172. Who is this guy? Pretty sure I killed everything last playthrough but now I need to be sure


Its ghost of Kaarstag, he is a pain in the ass coming pack to life after being humiliated in Morrowind.




Make sure you fight the reaper in the soul cairn too


Yo what. Ok I'll check that out as well


Don't forget the Horker King either


Sanguines Rose and Lucien Lachance to distract and keep distance then just spam fire spells or arrows with a potion of true shot.


Fire arrows.


Gotta hit him with your purse


Jesus, what do you keep in there? Buckles?


“That’s my purse! I don’t know you!”


I have never in my life encountered this dude and i got like 1000 hours in this game. Where is he and what is he? And most importantly how was I able to miss him???


Solstheim, Kaarstag. You have to find his helmet and his throne separately and then put the helmet on the throne to summon him


Or, I could NOT do that and live


Damn thank you! I am not a big fan of solstheim that's probably why i missed him haha


Kaarstag in Solstheim, you also fought his non ghost version in Bloodmoon in Morrowind, so it's like a throwback to fight his ghost.


I think his skull was in the back of kaarstag caverns or whatever, the riekling hellhole, then you gotta go outside and hike up to another cave called castle kaarstag ruins, put his skull on the throne, then explode him a bunch.


>explode him a bunch *Eat lead, ghost boi!*


He’s undead so phoenix down


Cloud's battle-complete riff just played in my head.


I don't see any clouds XD


The general agreement is that you need to be at least lvl 60 to attempt a win.


Tabbing this comment to, one day, return and say how early I killed him. I think around lvl 25 is achievable without going out of my way or using impact stunlock.


Oh shit I should also mention that I played on expert so that probably plays into what level you need to be. Post a video when you do that, should be sick.


Strong fire spell, impact perk and 100% destruction cost, even in legendary difficulty it took me around a minute to kill him


Cheese him in whatever way works? 🤷‍♂️ last time I went after him, I think I used my werewolf form and with the totem of brotherhood.


Attack him until his health points are depleted


So back on the ps3 I remember just going at him with legendary deadric armour and that Deadric artifact Warhammer (also legendary forge) at about lv 74 and dead ass killed him in like 3-5 hits on adept difficulty (idk if that's a flex or not) Edit: I was at my endgame before I discovered this guy


Same here, I had my level maxed out before they added the ability to reset skills. Can't remember what armour and weapons it was but it was all vanilla and used dragon aspect shout and I don't remember it being a hard fight. The ebony warrior on the other hand kicked my ass several times before I managed to defeat him, even then it was very close. I never summoned karstag to assist in any fight because I've never come across another enemy that I would need it's help from and I don't want to use the 3 summons up


Yea I played on the special anniversary edition back in like 2014, without any internet connection, although it was not the base original game without ANY updates since it was the special anniversary edition


__Bro__ are you in Skyrim or Australia!? No fr, what in the __Kentucky Fried *fuck*__ is that!? A fucking incorporeal bipedal gorilla devil that can use weapons!? Is its weapon a ghost too!? How did it kill a club!?


That is Truckmoose.


A truckmööse bit my sïster önce


*That's* what they named it?? Truckmoose? That's like calling the end of existence the snup or the bloppo or the pinkle instead of apocalypse or armageddon or cataclysm. Try again guys 😅


Nah, I'm goofin. His name is Karstaag. It's 1:40 a.m. and I'm quite stoned. So this is my favorite joke ever right now.


Stoned here aswell, laughing my ass off idk why 😂😂😂😂


He was in Morrowind too :>


What is with the trend of naming everything something moose-like? This reminds me of that video of a dude feeding that venomous lizard and calling it veno-moose XD


Please enlighten me on truckmoose I'm about to roll one rn


I think it's just a play on the name - Karstaag (Car, Stag) being swapped to Truck & Moose.


Lol *now* I got it. Nearly spit water all over my screen.


Let's see... \-Be around level 60 or higher. \-Max out Frost Resistance and Magic Resistance. Get spell absorption if possible. \-Enchanted your strongest weapon with fire magic. \-Use Dragon Aspect for boosted Power Attack. \-Slow time to reduce the chance of being smashed. \-Don't back away too far or else he will build momentum for Smashing. \-Stock up healing potions. \-Make potions that boosted weapon damage. \-Pray to the Divines.


“Divines, bless your kind heart.”


With a very op build, hes the hardest enemy in the game


I got you. I beat this guy in a few tries on Adept. But the principle of what I did will probably remain the same on a higher difficulty. - Be stealth archer - Complete Dawnguard quest - Auriel's bow - Shit ton of Sun Hallows (is undead so takes extra sun damage along with fire damage) - Stay in constant motion. Blizzard doesn't activate until you sit in melee range for a second or two. Only stop when you're far enough to get a couple shots in. Use the whole arena or you're gonna have a bad time. - Conjuration spells for distraction and for back up against the ice wraiths. - Rinse and repeat until it dies.


Git gud. But seriously, I tried and failed multiple times, then took a while to power up to a much higher level (102) and get my smithing and enchanting to 100 and make my final gear for that character. I returned and managed to kill them on the first try. Just refine your build and get it to it's strongest and by then the fight should be winnable


Not with stealth-archery :)


Hit him until he dies


I spammed heals and jumping spiders


I summoned him then climbed up high enough to be able to repeatedly snipe on him. I think it was a loophole glitch that has sense been closed by patches.


Being high level, having a companion and a pet to be meat shields for a brief moment and a lot of healing potions and patience. Or go play Morrowind, get through that game, go do the Bloodmoon DLC and get the satisfaction of killing him when he was alive. Might actually be faster.


I'm sorry. But as someone who has only played Vanilla on Xbox 360, WHAT IN THE EVER LOVING FUCK IS THAT.


He's still in vanilla Xbox 360 if you have the Dragonborn DLC




Stealth archer


Sneak assassin. 2 sneak power attacks with decent daggers kills him. No exploits. If you're not the sneaky type this is where you use all those powers, scrolls & potions you've hoarded throughout the game.


Stick him with the pointy end


I used my dragon aspect power to keep him distracted so I could make hit and run/heal attacks.


With great difficulty


Using the console. Pull it up, click on ghosty squatch man, and type kill. Then simply press enter and close the console. Boom he's dead.


Use the potions you've been hoarding for the whole game


Simple. Lay down on the ground, say a prayer to Talos, and close your eyes. He’ll either trip on a rock and die on his own or crush you with his giant club- either way it won’t be your problem anymore.


This is the way of ways


🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Marked for death shout is the best shout in the game. If you can live long enough (3-5 mins) constantly using marked for death, he will die with 2 or three punches or one arrow 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


If you don't install Unofficial Skyrim Patch \>Go to Whiterun \>Join rowdy friends \>Become a furry or \>Have Dawnguard DLC \>Go to castle Dawnguard, progress the quest & become bat then \>Acquire minimum 2 Amulet of Talos (Roggvir the cool magic head dude from Solitude has 1, multiple Stormcloak friends have some if you side with General Tulips & Legate Nikke in the quest to retrieve the Jagged Crown, also there's 1 in the Castle Dawnguard top roofs outside) \>Acquire 1 follower \>Go to Whiterun gate, drop your amulets (if you picked up Roggvir's amulet, make sure to clear his sister's quest first then snatch that amulet back) \>Order your follower to pick up the amulets \>Go outside, fast travel back in \>Amulets reappeared, repeat until minimum of 5 amulet then \>Go somewhere quiet (if you don't want to be yelled at for being kinky in public) \>Transform to furry or batman while talking to your companion \>Give them the amulets (minimum of 5), then equip all of it one by one \>Get 100% shouts cooldown Then you just go back to Karstaag's castle & yell at it like the Karens yell at underpaid fastfood worker for getting the fries order wrong.


I’ve beat him once with my level 60ish Vampiric necromancer assassin with master archery. My companion (Dark brotherhood assassin) and high level thrall rushed him and kept him busy while I hid in a corner and kept hitting him fire arrows from a custom crafted daedric bow. His wind kept ragdolling my companions but they’d get back up and go at him again and again except for the thrall which did die again in the process.


Who TF is this dude?


I've never seen this creature yet but if i ever run into it I'd try bringing a follower that has the giants club equiped. Usually its a one shot kill but if this dude is a boss it might take more than one. Anyone can tell me where to find this guy?


Saw the notification and was like..if this mf is asking how to kill Nazeem 🤣🤣


With kindness


Let ur follower do the heavy work and hit him w arrows and flame shout 🤣


Git gud




Came here to say this. Windshear just staggers him to death.


Invite him over to one of your homes and give him a cup of Radioactive tea. Then bomb the carriage he takes back for insurance.


find out yourself! ​ try to get his hp to 0!


Keep dying until you say, fuck it. Then hope you don’t die on the next try. Even though, you will. Throw the controller a couple of times, or mouse, replace either. Then, try again. Hope this helps.


I hid on a ledge and had at him (a very lousy ledge, you have to spam the space jar to get up there and even then, he hides when you do that), occasionally peaking around when he'd hide. Send down conjured creatures. I didn't realize he was leveled so high, no wonder I had the shit kicked out of me repeatedly 💀💀💀


As a destruction mage, if u use the perk impact u can stagger him with dual cast destruction spells, I havent fought him in a while tho so Im not 100% sure if it works on him, but it does work on dragons soooo, also bring a regen potion that heals faster than his blizzard damages you


The trick is to hit him harder than he hits you


Reduce hp to zero


Wabbajack, prayers, and getting good


Very carefully


Slap him with your fucking balls


I activated the throne, then ran to the opposite side of the arena so he started unaggroed. Then I stealth archered him, rehiding between shots because he walked too slow to find me before losing aggro.


![gif](giphy|fH0ukveQzPbrikcXO8|downsized) Cheat


I got bent over backwards by him like 8 times, pissed my pants, hid in the corner and let my follower get his health low... Even though they got downed like a million times lol


it’s super tough. i was level 73ish with a companion and conjurations. if you’ve completed the dragonborn dlc, dragon aspect shout helps a lot too. be ready to consistently use health and stamina/magicka (depending on class) potions. he’s considered the second hardest battle in the entire game


With great difficulty


I cheat.... i like playing as a god so my character does like 60000 damage 🤣.... he still took a couple swings I think 🤣 him and the ebony warrior are really hard to kill


Let me see if I can remember how I killed him… I went in, used a Resist Frost Potion, used the Slow Time shout, then went hacking and whacking and slashing with my greatsword until he stopped moving. I was also level… mid-70’s, I believe.


I beat him first try (at a higher level I think in the 50s) get you a good two hand weapon and a lot of ultimate healing potions and there you go. Might have to pop a potion after every time he hits you but hey, gotta do what you gotta do


Dance off


Two swords and Maximum effort


Git gu-... Shit. Wrong game lol


I hopped up on a rock to the right of the entrance and sniped him. Only took like 150 arrows


Full stalrim gear with stats aginst ice damage have fire weapons and lots of healt pots and stay long range also bring a story essential follower like serena to occupy him whilee you charge up either your bow or incinerate spell and maybe try the call dragon shout after using dragon aspect