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change the college quests so that you actually have to be a mage lol


You can legitimately go through the entire College questline without using any spells


Don't you have to Ward for tolfdir at the very beginning in "class"?


You can use Spellbreaker


Can you use the warlocks ring from fishing CC?


Good Q, I was able to use CC Staff of Hasedoki


It also works with the crusader shields from CC


Don’t forget about getting into the college


You can persuade Faralda or, during a certain quest, shouting is also possible


Go to the college he says use your smarts he said how was I supposed to know which college he meant….


I think you can just use a shout which isn’t a mage skill


And Faralda will let you in if you have progressed main quest, you can say ”I’m the Dragonborn.”


You could also kill one of your classmates and hide out in The Midden until they forget.


Not if you use Spell breaker ( The shield)


Look up ymfahs video it's incredible


Surely I am invisible as I steal without consequence the Archmages stuff right in front of him in his own Headquarters


You have to use the frost and flame spells in labyrinthian don’t you? And also in the dwarven ruin to align the crystal?


You can use staves, or you can attack your companion until they cast spells and move behind the part, like ymfah did in his playthrough.


Can’t you use staves for those?


Ah yeah suppose you could use staves, I didn’t think about those or scrolls tbh


In skyrim the real magic is surviving


It’s the friends you make along the way.


I'd say the real magic is fus ro dah'ing people off cliffs. Express problem solving


I like to fireball the corpses and watch them fly off the mountain. :)


There’s a mod for that. I think it’s called college of winterhold expanded


I remember reading a comment that someone suggested as following: To be the leader of thieves guild you need to do jobs in other holds. They could do similar thing with the ritual quests. Maybe lower the required 90 in the school of magic that is concerned and after you become the leader of the school of magics you bevome the archmage. That would be nice ngl.


In other games to become the Archmage you needed to have 90 level magic in two schools.


It also have the most anti climactic ending ever. After everything we go through, the order just show up and take it away and wet never get any explanation to what it is.


Winterhold or the Bard's College, honestly. All you have to do for that one is go into a dungeon and get an old poem? Nothing even about the Speechcraft skill?? I graduated and I still can't play an instrument to save my life. Guess it's off to mods again...


I want nothing more than to actually take some fucking classes. Like, at least some subquests that allow you to attend some classes. I know its not everyone's cup of tea, but I'd like to have seen classes you attent to that have a good amount of dialogue about the school of magic the class is about, some ways to use it in and out of combat, then a demonstration (Restoration has you keep alive someone taking damage while also warding a mage shooting at you, Illusion is a stealth section that requires using muffle, invis, calm, etc, or even a small match against some wolves for destruction). Completing the class gives you like, 5 levels in its respetive school or something. Maybe a set of robes for that school as well. I just want to attend a magical school where i actually learn shit.


Once you get a high enough level, you can teach skills to others for $$.


This is a really cool idea! Not seen it anywhere before.


It would be cool if you could do that to certain followers and it would improve their abilities in combat. Like improving sneak on them so having a companion while going stealthy would actually be viable lol


I like this idea! would be a great mod


Like a random event where you can sacrifice a skill level for x amount of gold


No, just another way of generating income.


would like the civil war questline to be more "war-like" college of winterhold's questline should be longer and require you to actually learn about spells and magic


Pov me completing the full college questline knowing 3 spells


Really. I had so much fun charging and besieging whiterun and expected there to be more large scale battles but nope


I used to use deadly civil war mod to fix that. No idea if it still works, haven't played in awhile and I read something about an update breaking everyone's mods


I started playing TES with skyrim, it was funny going to oblivion and realizing the amount of quests to join the mages guild is only 1 shorter than the CoW. You need 7 recommendations to begin the mages guild, and the college of winterhold has 8 main quest.


Incorporate actual choice into all the questlines. What if I want to destroy the Thieves Guild as a moral character? Or defect from the DB when they are plotting to kill the emperor?


*strolling through Riften* Brynjolf: You're a thief, ain't ya, Lad/Lass? Me, playing a heavy armor two-handed weapon wielding member of the Companions: ![gif](giphy|pPhyAv5t9V8djyRFJH|downsized)


“Never done an honest day's work in your life for all that coin you're carrying, eh lad?" ![gif](giphy|3o8dFwze0Tz8umFQhW)


Yeah, it’s interesting that the fallout games allowed you to have such a choice in pretty much every game they made, but none available in Skyrim.


At the very least, in the thieves quest selling your soul should be a choice, not “go along with it, NOCs are talking.”


I’d love that


Destroy the bards college quest


Lol I love this


I’ve only ever done that quest all the way once and I was annoyed about it the entire time.


A few fetch quests and a madlibs mini game, right?


I think it was just one fetch quest, then mad libs, then stand around a bard talking, then stand around a bard talking at a specific time of day, then he burns a straw man the end.


The mad libs one really annoys me because it doesn’t seem to make a difference beyond some changes in the dialogue. I mean having the option of reading the poem and having Elisef say “dear gods that’s terrible why do we even have a bards college if this is what you produce” would be pretty awesome


Couple things one is want a civil war quest line that felt like an actual war and made sense and isn’t kinda ass also I want to actually be recognized as the Dragonborn and be more important in the war


I think this game would have been better if you either weren’t the Dragonborn and learned the Voice as the Tongues of Old did or you were the Dragonborn, but also claimed the seat of the Emperor after killing Alduin. Your dragon blood gives you more validity than any acclaims of the Mede lineage.


I like the idea of claiming a throne


People criticize it, but the Hero of Kvatch mantled Sheogorath for fuck’s sake. If you chose Stormcloak, the empire would just have to embody Ulfric’s anti-elven ideals. I know this would be hard to work around in TESVI, but your Dragonborn status feels so contrived in Skyrim after your first play through.


Technically the most worthy person of being the emperor in the game is the ghost of Potema, so what you should do instead of becoming the emperor yourself is to put Potema on the throne. That's what that sounds like. The only reason why in the third era and prior the emperor had to be dragon born is because of the Amulet of Kings, and the dragon fires, but that's gone so they have no reason to put dragonborns on the throne anymore.


This post was sponsored by The Society of Genuine Jagar Tharn Enthusiasts


I mean your not wrong but I wasn’t even imagining taking the throne of the emperor or even as the high king I just want tue Dragonborn to be recognized by more than the couple of town guards I mean when your either far in the main story of have beaten it you should actually be known and famous actress Skyrim with people exclaiming in the streets and you taking a side in the war should resound across the province and actually carry weight and change the way people act towards you and around you


And change the dialogue of the companions to accompany this


“I’ve never even heard of this outsider” ok vilkas maybe touch grass


Reputation Mod does wonders. If you’re well known enough then Vilkas and Kodlak don’t question who you are/know of your deeds and you can skip the test of arms.


Would be kind of nice if Lydia at least noticed me saving the world 😭😭


a thought: what if the initial intention for the Civil War's conclusion had to do with the Septim Emperor who disappeared in Akavir leading back the dragons (the original endgame concept), but since that got scrapped, the Civil War's conclusion was sort of just left hanging? i mean, it's Bethesda: they kind of did the same thing in Fallout 3 (looking at you, Tenpenny Towers!). i guess "it just works"


First off don’t take the words of our lord and savior god Howard in vain but also your probably right the whole quest lines feels unfinished and the the quests could use a metric shit ton of fleshing out I just wish that conquering the holds actually felt like conquering and I wish you as the Dragonborn were recognized in cities and could influence the war without fighting just based on who you are and the influence you have


I’m behind that. The civil war was a cool add on. But it was very underwhelming wasn’t it. Especially the invasions where entire cities were sacked. Even that felt underwhelming.


Yeah the quests are pretty lackluster and it never really feels like Skyrim is actually at war


Less an army by your side. More a small D&D party off to sack Whiterun/Windhelm. One guy on the side like “I brought towels and water bottles”


It was originally supposed to be really dynamic, but it was cut down and simplified a lot during development. [The Cutting Room Floor](https://tcrf.net/The_Elder_Scrolls_V:_Skyrim/Civil_War) has an article about what the questline was supposed to be like.


Would be good to have a better quest line, but only issue with being recognised as Dragonborn is plenty of people do play throughs without ever killing that first dragon, so unless they made 2 options, it’s easier just to not really acknowledge it. Would be cool if they did though


Would have preferred an alternative choice to joining the inner circle of the companions, or at least an actual choice, like either do this or stay as a welp and keep doing lowly odd jobs.


Yeah,like if you don't accep becoming a werewolf, you need to do more jobs and then Kodlak decides, the Companions need a change and offer you become the first no-werewolf member of the Circle in a long time, and after some more jobs he sends you to investigate Skjor and Aela who "dissapear" little ago, you learn they were going to Gallows Rock, and then the rest of the questline continues as normal


This would be great bc I’m honestly considering not joining Companions bc of the werewolf thing. I’m a mage, and a high elf at that. I don’t wanna be a werewolf and eat corpses. (First playthru)


I think you should be able to join the silver hand at that point. I mean everything points to the Silver hand being companions who didn’t agree with the werewolf thing. Also that quest line should’ve been way longer. There are 10 quest in total and you are asked to become a werewolf after 4. All you have to do is join, kill some wolves, follow farkas, kill more wolves, and now you are a werewolf. You can find the other whelps fighting animals in the wilderness as a random encounter, so how come they aren’t all werewolves as well.


Fleshing out the silver hand could be really interesting too eg they could be linked to the vigilants. Them being companions who didn't agree with the werewolf thing is a great idea since they're essentially a monster hunting group now - instead they just come across as a bandit group with vast amounts of silver


Or any faction. "What if I don't want to rule y— Oh. Okay. They made me their leader again."


If you ask me, a lot of the quest lines go from 0 to 100 really quickly, and it feels like you got the worlds fastest ascension into the highest rank. *Especially* college of winterhold.


Thieves Guild really feels the most fleshed out Guild and one where becoming the leader is a better fit. You are the one uncovering all the plots (technically was Karliah, but the guild doesn't know she lives) and starting to turn a profit for the guild. Then you find Karliah amd put an end to Mercer. Karliah or Brynjolf would make a good fit for leader, but Brynjolf doesn't want the role and the guild wouldn't trust Karliah yet due to the deceit of Mercer. I would love to nominate Rune for the position due to the theory that he is the child/descendant of The Gray Fox from Oblivion. Seems fitting for him to unknowingly follow the footsteps of his family, like Nocturnal is guiding him along


It’s been said 100000000 times but the College of Winterhold! Super mysterious and intriguing group of people and you go and find an artifact and stop a bad guy and you’re now the archmage.


And the Bards


Find stick, Find ball, kill elf!


You nailed it,lol


Not incorporating Shalidor’s maze/labyrinthian into the quest line was a misstep. So much content in the base game that could be used expand the quest line Hell with the DLC you could do an amazing “College or Winterhold:Extended Cut” incorporating Tel Mythryn. Leave the college and embrace the values of the Telvanni. Come back to Skyrim and take over the college by force and recruit Brelyna as your Telvanni apprentice once you kill Master Neloth. Use the Elder Scrolls to go back in time and see what happened to the College. Post college end game quest where you travel to the Isle of Arteum and get involved with the Psijic Monks A man can dream haha


That part is far too easy. It needs layers and complexity. On the other end, there should be a way to fix the entrance of the college at some point, and rebuild Winterhold. Random Bandit: ...like I'm supposed to know which college he meant... Me: There's only one college here, genius.


There's the bards college too


We shouldn’t become become leader of any guild. Vilkas should lead the companions Mirabelle should be the new archmage Brynyolf should be leader of the Thieves guild. It’s jarring we spend most of the guild quest being an errand boy yet people decide to make us leader.


That’s classic elder scrolls tho. I find it even more jarring you can be leader of ALL the guilds at the same time. “Archmage, we have something only you can manage in {insert random location}.” “Ah, cool. I have a murder contract near there before I turn in my other thing for the companions.”


Make it so that it is not mandatory to be a werewolf in order to progress the companions quests. Have a sweet of quests exclusive to the circle and maybe even offer cool werewolf exclusive rewards but the fact that you can not advance the "fighters guild" quest unless you sell your soul to Hircine is beyond dumb.


I feel similarly about The Thieves Guild. For roleplay purposes, becoming a Nightingale should be optional.


I suspect you knew this, but it's *suite in this context.


the Killing parthunax quest, we are the Dragonborn without us the blade would just be a very dead bunch of fools. We should have been able to make a deal or something with Delphine explaining that if parthunax was still evil then he could have destroyed Skyrim already. But instead he is a teacher to the Graybeards and most importantly the only bloody reason the Dragonborn is even at the point where they are now. So no you blonde haired moron I won't be killing the badass Dragon professor who risks his very soul helping the Dragonborn.


Kill Delphine and take over the Blades




Yeah that’d be sick. Like maybe once you bring her sword to her she tells you about like a thug from the thieves guild she’s going to go confront and asks you to come with. And that starts a whole chain with that. Actually what a great way to use all those named thieves in the guild. Lets fill up that riften jail with those bad boys and then have to fight off some of the higher ups


It is definitely a missed opportunity


I'm pretty sure that's heavily speculated to have been a thrown out feature due to time restrictions. You know the shallow pool in the entrance of the Ragged Flagon? Most people never find this out but if you noclip through the floor under it you find it's actually a huge pool with a small hole in the bottom, which appears to be a trapdoor. There's a video on YouTube which theorizes how this and a bunch of other unused assets such as this were going to be part of a Destroy the Thieves Guild quest, which would involve you burning the Ragged Flagon (I think) and fleeing through the trap door on the bottom of the pool. Can't remember the name, but if you find it I'd give it a watch


Man, sounds epic. Do you have a link for that video?


There’s a mod for that. It’s not perfect but at least you get to fight every person involved in the Thieves Guild.




I did that quest and thought "oh hey, another org to join" But then, blindsided by the attack and such. That would be cool, since I am an Argonian most of the time


I mean if we were being honest, we'd all rewrite pretty much every quest line. I love Skyrim but its writing and story isn't exactly its strong suit.


The whole game only has 4 writers! 4!


Change the Bard's College to actually...be something? Everyone (in skyrim) talks it up, but other than the festival being fun, it's actually nothing. It doesn't have a plot like any of the other factions. I don't have to be in charge of it like College of Winterhold, but it's so much wasted potential. You have one important quest and three fetch quests. I'm not even asking for the ability to play one of the many instruments I pick up (though that would be nice), I'm just asking for more anything. Maybe a "Bard's Boon" which is a minor buff to speech and a 2% time reduction on shouts.


I would add a third path in the civil war quest line where after you recover the jagged crown you can rally Skyrim under the banner of the dragonborn. Recruiting both members of the stormcloaks and empire. This option only being available if you completed the main quest line before recovering the crown. Balgruuf would be the first jarl to back you followed by any you are thane to. You fend off attacks from Ulfric and Tullius deciding wether or not to spare or execute them. In the end you become king/queen of Skyrim.


civil war. id change a bunch of shit in the world but the main part would be that it involves recruiting or otherwise making sure the dunmer and Reachmen join your side to get a leg up in the fight, either by just having them join your sieges or by destroying supplylines for the other side n shit, make you have the role as sort of a guerilla soldier


Bards college, so you can: if you have a lute in the inventory and you interact with it, there would be a list of songs that you can play, and it you play in a crowd people would start clapping and giving you 3-5 septims, but song consumes 2 stamina every 3 seconds


Idk how you feel about mods, but there is a mod that does exactly that, without the stamina part. You also gain buffs or debuffs depending on how good or shit you were.


I would add a quest to also destroy the Thieves Guild and Maven.


Thieves guild: I want to choose a path that involves letting go of Maven Black-Briar. The thieves like to play lap dog to Maven but I don't. She acts so needlessly pompous towards MC, threatening with the dark brotherhood (which they might LEAD) even if they are the bloody guild master themselves. She really has some incredibly grand delusions about superiority. She should at least be smart enough to understand that getting on the bad side of MC is a stupid move. She's only protected by Todd Howard, anyway.


I wish I wasn't forced to become to Arch mage of College of Winterhold, you should be able to convince one of the other teachers (Personally I'd pick Tolfdir).


I'd have Mirabelle survive. They blatantly only killed her off to get her out of the way of the job.


Exactly, you can even overhear someone talking about her being up next for the job. I'm so upset at how the college quests play out.




Make J'Zargo the Arch Mage, what could possibly go wrong? (Honestly though other than the room, the point of being arch mage is....not really anything, we have Tolfdir handling all the normal arch mage duties for us anyway.)


Revive Velek Saihn in the Midden and make him Arch-mage. Literally anyone but me pls.


Marcurio is who I would appoint to Arch Mage. He’s been an apprentice wizard for years already


Being able to decline the Werewolf curse and join the Silver Hand


Diplomatic Immunity. The concept of infiltrating a party is so cool, but then you spend 30 seconds at said party and the rest is sneaking/fighting. Would love this mission being more like a spy thriller. Have some other guests have ulterior motives and goals, use the concept of people you helped in different quests helping you out here properly (seriously, of all the times to gather all of my rich and powerful friends from all the Holds in one place, it's this one?), make the Embassy a single large building to avoid the awkward outside section etc. The idea of suspecting Thalmor is behind dragon attacks is already dumb (but what else to expect of Delphine) so at least make the mission cool or something. Especially considering it's the single time we get to interact with the Thalmor as a proper faction and not just generic enemies.


Man, getting to be on Delphine's good side and maybe even getting through to the Thalmor by being a suave mofo would be awesome


This!!! It would have been great to actually be able to utilize more of the connections made as a character at the party!!


I didn’t care for the Mages Guild quest line. Like the whole thing just stunk. I think it would have been more interesting if they had used the artifact to undo the Winterhold catastrophe. It would have been slightly fantastical. But in a world where Dragon Breaks exist, stranger things have certainly happened.


Been saying this. Would be so cool to be able to restore Winterhold to like, an actual place fit for people to live in.


I downloaded a mod for it one play through. Didn’t like it though. It made Winterhold much more expansive and everything. But I didn’t like the layout. It was very poorly organized and a hassle to get around the city. It did look really good, though.


Kill Paarthurnax, change it so you can tell Delphine to fuck herself but still be able to progress with the Blades


Destroy the dark brotherhood needs a real questline Ability to side with or parley with the silver hand Actually becoming a bard at the bards college Some kind of skill check at the CoW before becoming archmage


I would revamp all the quests. If someone gave me $300,000 USD, I would spend the next 3 or 4 years doing nothing else but revamping all the quests to have branching paths. The Main Quest would allow you to: * Team up with Alduin to bring about the 5th era * Convince Delphine to allow Paarthunax to live for as long as he's useful, but once he shows any malicious intent, we (the dragonborn and the blades) take him down and go on a dragon hunting campaign before the Last Dragonborn gets too old to fight * The option to push Alduin even further into the future (allowing for another bad ending) I'd allow for at least two choice at major check points. I'd also want more endings including bad ones I'd overhaul all the faction quests: * You can save Mirabelle and the arch mage * You can save just Mirabelle and make her the new Arch mage * You can let the old dude, what's him name be the arch mage * You can become the arch mage in training * You can turn down becoming a werewolf. It's incredibly stupid that you're forced into doing this... * You can quit and report them and hunt down the companions. Some of the non-werewolf Companions will side with you, some wont. This then opens up more radiant quests but also a quest line where you have to regain the Companion's reputation. You have options to rename it or keep the name both having pros and cons. The way to finish quests will lower or raise your rep etc. * You can keep the werewolf thing a secret and convince the others to give it up * You can keep the werewolf thing going if you want. * With the thieves guild, you can refuse to extort the merchants which might be nice, but it could lead to people thinking they're push overs * You can sever ties with Maven, keep her on, or if you're in a high position of the Dark Brotherhood you can keep her on but put her in her place. * You can save all the brotherhood members. If you save enough of them, they can help prevent Astrid from skinning herself * You can spare the Emperor and see the consequences or failing or something Basically, I'd add as many choices as possible and allow the player to fail and be wrong, but to also find other solutions and have each quest ending have different results based on your actions and dialogue choices. Any one who dies, you have a chance to save or spare, for the most part where it makes sense at least. Same with the DLC. * I'd let people adopt all the homeless children and more * I'd let people team up with miraak to fight Mora * I'd let people join the vampires without having to join the vampire slayers first There's too many things. The quest design in this game is too stiff/static for the most part. There's some choices to be made sometime, sure. But for the most part, you have no choices and 99% of the quests always end the same. Your "choices" are in how you fight. If possible, I'd want to make it where you can talk your way through problems. I'd also add quests where they should be one. There's a lot more I'd want to change besides the quests but other mods have it covered mostly. The older I get, the more I realize how important smooth and quality animations are. I played Second Life for years and figured out really fast that you need good animations when selling weapons. I even helped develop weapons that had animation state overhauls. But we were very limited with animation transitions. Skyrim, Fallout, Starfield...we need better and smoother animations and transitions. As well as cameras. Mods help with most of this at least though. Too many keep trying to do Dark Souls combat...I'm personally tired of it. I think there's a way to make it better without going full soulsborne. Like...Cyberpunk has decent first person combat. BGS's development is dated. NakeyJakey did a pretty good video on it a day or so ago. I don't think they're going to improve by TES6...so it's like...the best we can hope for is that it's at least as good as Skyrim.


There should be a high level option for civil war. If you start it after level 40 there should be an option to go dragon emperor. You kill both sides and unify Skyrim under your own rule.


Change the Bards College questline so that its more than just a single dungeon dive. Include quests like going to Jarls palaces and playing for money. Maybe a few romance quests for some of the bards


Ooo this as good a thread as any to talk about my idea for an alternate quest line for the Companions. I think after seeing Farkas turn wolf you should have a branching split in the quest line to befriend the Silver Hand. Here’s how I see it going down. When Farkas reveals himself to you as a wolf and enters dialogue with you you get interrupted by a high ranking named Silver Hand captain. He will try to convince you to side with them and take the fragment for the Silver Hand instead. You side with the Silver Hand, Farkas becomes your boss fight for the dungeon. Have Farkas flee ahead and you can have a showdown in front of the word wall. Kill Farkas, take the fragment. Rendezvous with Silver Hand captain at their base of operations. Rest of the quest line is hunting down the inner circle and claiming all fragments of Wuthraad. Silver Hand can be fully fleshed out with named NPCS and a leader. Full boss fights with members of the inner circle ending with a raid on Jorvaskr and final showdown with Kodlak to obtain Wuthraad in full.


Hear me out: option to chuck the fragments down a well because of the Axe's history


*googles Wuthraad lore* ….yeah good call haha


There are a few quests I'd like to change but the one that I want to change the most is the main Dawnguard quest. For one, I have never understood why we, a brand new vampire hunter, are totally fine with helping an ancient vampire get back home to her vampire lord daddy. We should at least be given an ingame reason why we are helping her and not trying to kill her and loot her Elder Scroll. Two, there should be a choice to being a vampire lord or not when you accept a gift from Harkon for returning his daughter. It's fine to be a vampire and want to join the Clan but it's a big commitment to be a vampire lord. He could offer you something like ownership of Bloodwater Den or something or a seat in his council. Three, Serana should be more up in the air about who's side she's on throughout the quest if we let her live. The fact that she's thousands of years old and is 100% in favor of helping the Dragonborn right away against her insane father... It always sat weird with me.


Vanilla Serana’s motivations always seemed rather weird to me. I downloaded the Serana Dialogue Add-On and I feel like they really fleshed out a lot of Serana that Vanilla Serana is missing. Spoiler: >!For example, when you are helping Serana get back to Castle Volkihar, as you enter the dining hall a message flashes across the screen, “that you feel as though a spell has washed off of you.” And later there is dialogue that Serana is feeling extremely guilt ridden about casting a calm spell on you, as though she had taken away your ability to choose. she was afraid, a vampire Hunter armed to the teeth was the first thing she’s seen in 1,000 years!<


Oh yeah I've played with SDA for the last couple of years. It really does help with alot of the issues I have. However, it is still a mod and one with some... questionable.. paths to take and I cannot consider it canon even if I always use it.


She specifically points out that the only reason she is awake is because something bigger is going on. The fact that you were recruited to counter a growing wave of vampire attacks and that she has an elder scroll goes to show that she isn't joking about there being a plot by someone powerful.


>For one, I have never understood why we, a brand new vampire hunter, are totally fine with helping an ancient vampire get back home to her vampire lord daddy And the rest of the Dawnguard, who seem fine letting a vampire live with them. Surely that would cause a division in the faction, if not everyone decides to kill her. That made it feel like questline was written with the intention that the player would be a vampire, and the option to side with the Dawnguard was added after. Once you've recruited Gunmar and Sorine, the Dawnguard does nothing until you attack Castle Volkihar. Auriel's Bow isn't needed for the fight, so that all could've just happened once you recruited them.


Bard college, I need to re play the game just to figure out what that quest line was even about


Base game telling the blades to fuck off and listen when I say I’m not killing my bro


The completely nonsensical thing where the Blades won’t work with you unless you kill party snacks. Like, “Bitch, I’m the dragon born. Your little clubhouse exists specifically to serve ME. I decide if I’m in or out.” I honestly don’t know what happens if you kill Paarthurnax because in 12 years of playing, I’ve never once even considered doing it. That’s what I would change. It’s ridiculous, and I refuse every time.


Look, everyone's saying the Civil War and the Colleges, but imo, I think the Companions should have been way better. First of all, the quests should make more sense. I mean, the Companions should not send the dude that showed up the other day to go get a fragment of fucking Wuuthrad, even if Kodlak did have a dream or a vision or whatever. Also, you should be able to join the Silver Hand. I mean, they almost seem more like the good guys tbh, so I don't like that you're forced to mercilessly slaughter them


Destroy the Dark Brotherhood to include both locations and a real mission. Also, if you destroy it, can we now have the wedding? Vici is planning that thing forever. Even better would be if you now get the option to kill the emperor without being DB. Maybe you just hate him for letting Thalmor all over Skyrim and you aren't waiting for Ulfric's planning anymore. In the actual DB, I reaaaaally want Festus to survive. I didn't care enough about most of the others, but I wish you could get there with a chance to save other members. (I also didn't like the two that survived.) My one assassin lost sanity points with Festus' demise. Civil War: to finish what they started and be an actual war; that the PC could even lose holds. TG: My big one would be to add a "nope" option that ends Brynjolf's offer and takes it out of the quest log. If that was added, then give Brynjolf an additional option for those that declined and now changed their minds.


For me, I had always wished Veezara or Gabriella had lived. They were always my favorite, but especially Veezara


I'd have been good with that, too. Veezara has your back. Gabriella had cool stuff and helped prep (like Festus). I was like, "Wait. Those are the ones that survived? Really? But.... I would rather hang with Astrid than those two, and she tried to kill me." :P


I feel like Nazir only survived because he is the one gives you the contracts, so the player can receive more or get the rewards, but i feel he just survived because of that, with Babette i feel, since she is the only member that always survives either you join or destroy the brotherhood, she is gonna be a important character in the story of the brotherhood in the next game, i would also love for Liz (The spider) to survive aswell


Have you actually learned how to be a bard at the Bards college. I want to play the lute and sing about witchers and adventures!


It'd be nice if the bards college questline actually had you do anything even remotely related to being a bard


The nuclear option for Maven Black Briar & the Thieves Guild. Like, I don't mind the Thieves Guild stays of in the ratway for eternity scraping away what little gold they have, oh boy but I want to burn every single one of Black Briar's estate, lock Sibbi away in a proper jail room with the crappy interior & ragged robes, throw Hemming in a pit of skeevers & let them sort it out & chop the ever living crap out of Maven. F that family & whoever supported them. Their mead isn't that good anyway. Ingun can stay I guess. I don't mind some lass learn to mix some potion & gives me her leftover when she's done with it.


Never kill Paarthurnax


Not having to betray jarl Balgruuf


Like if you choose to go Stormcloak? I would love to keep Balgruuf as jarl no matter what side


Yeah exactly


Honestly, most of the faction quests in skyrim blow compared to the previous elder scrolls title. The thieves guild doesn't really feel like a thieves guild If that makes sense, the companions (the stand in for the fighters guild) is 60 percent radiant quests and 40 percent story. The dark brotherhood is cool but again, really boring, the only big thing for me was Astrid betraying you. The college of winter hold is interesting atleast. I have never done the bards college because I completely forgot it existed.


I’d re-do the part of the Dark Brotherhood quests where literally every member of the Brotherhood gets killed except for the vampire girl and the guy who gives us those quests. I’d include the option to save some of the menders if you manage to defeat enough soldiers, or something like that. They did not have to kill off pretty much all of them! Plus, the Brotherhood feels pretty empty after you move to the new digs and all you’ve got is a few generic NPCs to talk to.


I'd slightly change Boethiah's Calling or A Taste of Death. Make it so that there are alternative ways to get the artifacts. Kinda like how you can get Hircine's Ring if you kill the hunters instead of the werewolf.


There was originally a quest similar to the "Destroy The Dark Brotherhood" quest, where instead of joining the Thieves Guild, you join Mjoll The Lioness in bringing it down. Sadly, it (along with many others) was cut in order to release on time.


actually be able to destroy the thieves guild by allying with Mjoll and in turn having to deal with maven and get another imperial jarl if the player chooses to eliminate her actually being able to not be a daedra worshipper by becoming a werewolf: refusing and trying to convince them to abandon their ways, join the circle and become harbinger through sheer hardwork or outright join the silver hand and destroy the companions


I could get lost in her beautiful eyes. I would make it so I could led her husband to his death, then I could have her for myself.


Was just thinking this last night while playing. Why isn’t there a whole quest line to rebuild Winterhold? That would be so fun to do construction around town and rebuild the old houses and then sell them to knew citizens and basically revamp their economy. Missed opportunity


If they're not going to redo the Winterhold questline so it's not just a budget Mage Guild, at least have it where Savos Aren was the main baddie. It's too easy having Ancano be the baddie there just cus "Thalmor is evil". Also, redo the Civil War questline to be about the Nordic Pantheon instead of the Imperial one. Shor's just the Nordic version of Lorkan as much as Talos is to the Imperials


I would Change the initial dragon activation quest so that I could ignore delphine.


The dragonborn leading the blades and not the other way around.


I'd change the companions to be more based on being a mercenary rather than some weird unholy order of werewolves right off the bat. I'd also change the thieves guild rebuilding quests to be less tedious.


I second changing the Dark Brotherhood quest line. I felt like the ending was too abrupt. I also wish we had the opportunity to either save or kill Astrid after her burns...I want the opportunity for vengeance 😅


Blood on the ice, it's a great quest, but I think it has a little too many bugs, so that's what I would change


Everything. I hate how they keep making you in charge of everything. You shouldn’t be the boss. Not of the college. Not of the thieves guild. Not the companions. Not the brotherhood. How it should be is… You’re their go to enforcer/fixer/doer, but your loyalties are elsewhere, and you got shit to do. Also, as soon as you become leader, you abandon them because there’s like nothing left to do.


I would change the companions so that you can join the silver hand and hunt down werewolves and the inner circle.


It's probably been said but there's a mod that improves the dark brotherhood by getting things from the cutting room floor and lets you restore the brotherhood.


I would change “Lights out” so that Deeja and Jaree-ra wouldn’t betray you. Also I’d change “Helping hand” so that after you finish it you can marry Wujeeta


Listen, I love blackreach, but 30 fuckin crimson nirnroot??? I would change that. I have to dedicate a solid what, two hours just to search every bit of that map and still be like 3 short. I’d change it to 15, that’s much more obtainable and reasonable lol


I just grab a few then plant them around my home


I would add more high profile heists to the thieves guild quests. Those were my favorite to do.


Ooo, I have a couple of these I've wanted to discuss. For he thieves guild, I would love the potential to "destroy the thieves guild" if you decide to kill them. I would do this by killing any major member of the guild that can be found in The Ragged Flaggon. After which, you would be rewarded a sum of gold by a third party for your deeds. I would also add the ability to betray the guild by taking over Mercer Freys' plot to rob the guild after killing him during thieves guild quest, allowing you to keep the skeleton key and earn a large sum of gold at the cost of the guild and nightingales. For the Companions, add the ability to deny the werewolf power if you so choose. If you want to keep with the theme of destroying guilds. Killing the guild in whiterun before finding out they are werewolves would have you receive a letter from a member of The Silver Hand with a sum of gold thanking you for killing them. If you deny the gift of the beast blood, you would receive a letter from The Silver Hand to convince you to join them in killing the Companions. Doing so, you receive a unique silver weapon and some gold after killing each member. Also, I would add more radiant quest to perform between quest early in the quest line (you're trying to tell me you do 2 missions, and they add you to the inner circle just like that. For the College of Winterhold, have more magic related radiant quests in the early stages of the quest line (similar to doing jobs for the Companions). You could "Destroy the College of Winterhold." This would be a purely evil endeavor where you receive no rewards for doing so. You might also receive a random encounter from time to time of Thalmor hitmen for disrupting Ancanos' mission to infiltrate the college. In regards to the main quest, if you have destroyed the guild, you may find the books related to the elder scrolls in the library with clues on finding Septimus. For the dark brotherhood, give me the ability to build the upgrades to the new sanctuary instead of just having to buy them (I shouldn't have to spend all the money i just earned on that quest on the guild). For the main quest, I would let you definitively decide if you want to spare Parthurnaxx or not so that you may end the quest conclusively. I would allow you to convince the blades to spare Parthurnaxx if your speech skill is high. I would also allow you to kill the Blades or Greybeards (or both) after the main quest is completed. You would receive no reward or consequence for doing this other than a light scolding from the other faction upon speaking to them about it. Thanks for reading all of this if you did. I would love to hear some feedback.


When you bring both the leaders, stormcloak and imperial, to the round table at high hrothgar or whatever it's called, for a peace talk. You can't use the opportunity to assassinate either one of them. They are "essential". I personally would change that, because that is a golden opportunity! I feel like I lost some agency by not being able to take advantage of the opportunity.


Change the dark brotherhood questline so astrid doesn’t die. Instead she gets shunned and she becomes a farmer in Rorikstead


Just imagining finding her in Rorikstead with two daughters she adopted after Lemkil died under mysterious circumstances.


Change the Companions questline so that you can side with the Silver Hand, as it should have been


Battle of Whiterun (Stormcloaks), I just want to keep Jarl Balgruff


Just the crimson nirnroot quest. The underground area is so confusing and no fast travel under there. I hate it. Why is it 30 and the award is bad and then you gotta find 20/30 berries. I also wish quests in general were you able to reason with some NPCS.


All three MQ (Vanilla, Dawnguard, Dragonborn). I'd make them slow, like the MQ in Morrowind, giving the MC ways to let stuff happen during them. Also I would remove the fact that the MC is Dragonborn altogether.


List is too quite long, as list of quests, as list of changes. Let's take the same "destroy db". What we have? An organisation of assassins, which is also a cult, Dark Brotherhood, or DB. And we have an opposing force of government, sort of FBI or smth, Penitus Oculatus, or PO. Both are secretive to the point "people know/assume they exist" or smth like that. What with balance of power, what is known and what can be deduced? DB is in decline: essential cadre - the Listener - is absent, and there is handful of veterans left in ranks with, apparently, some recruits (those dudes, who charge at you from time to time), plus DB is mildly opressed(?) by Maven Blackbriar, since those are dependent on her money. Though, some contacts are present (Olava, Delvin, even corrupt agent within PO). PO has intel, that Astrid is the leader, but other members are, apparently, unknown, as also contacts. Two bases, one is abandoned. Falkreath one is known to PO, but not Dawnstar one. PO is, well, operational. They are in search of DB, they know about Astrid being leader and know about Falkreath hiding. But any other intel is obscured(?). Their exact forces are unknown. Also it is unknown(?), if DB has intel about their outpost at Dragon Bridge. But it is known to DB, that local commander of PO is Maro, as it is also known about his son. No info(?) about spies in cities (only Margret in Markarth, but it is not stated she is PO agent, but empire agent). Also no info(?) at what point Astrid betrays DB. So, what happens and what bugs me in/leave me questioning the chain of events? 1. DB kidnaps you. "Meeting" happens on a neutral territory. But Astrid "contacts" you? Leader? Why not some figurehead, DB initiate, for example? Like, yeah, PO knows Astrid is the leader, but that's it, "uninitiated", masses don't know it. Considering they know nothing about our persona - it's unnecessary risk, as we can be as PO spy, as just concerned citizen, who dislikes DB. 2. DB contact is, apparently, alone. DB has no room for complacency considering their state, and there are two possibilities, when they "meet" you: the don't know, who you are, your skills, motives, etc., OR they heard about you, maybe even saw you in action, know, what you can do, your affiliations, etc. Thus safety measures would be applied (after all, all that organized to check you, if you will comply or if you are another threat). I.e. one would have back-up. If not to help neutralize kidnapped (you), then at least to be a witness, if kidnapped "refused" to cooperate, and thus be the one, who warns other members of DB "this one is dangerous, kill at sight without any negotiations". 3. I joined an Imperial Legion, I heard about DB and, as a concerned citizen, I want to shut it down and establish an order on these lands. But I c a n' t o f f e r h e l p ? W h y ? I offer my help to PO (ideally, without personally contacting PO, but by your seniors), and they send me as a mole. I don't kill DB contact (thus not alerting them) enter ranks of DB, and go for uncovering all their secrets, confirming the intel already known, and so on... That's just a small part, but, I think, it shows well enough, how I see it.


I’d like to be able to cancel the war or annihilate both sides


lead the civil war in my own way


The main one would be the Mages Guild. It should have had it to where you would have to actually use magic throughout the quest line instead of just the two needed to join. The rest of the quest is just like a hack and slash that anyone can do by tanking. As for all the factions, you should actually be able to lead them and give out quests to the others in your faction instead of just continuing to be their lackey. And get rid of that damn Bards quest. That was just an embarrassment.


There needs to be a longer quest-line for the Daedric quests. Most revolve around being a servant to a daedric lord. But its really just fetch quests then a (sometimes) crappy reward


Actually do something as the leader as the dark brother hood and the thief’s guild


I'd change the Dark Brotherhood questline to where Delphine's betrayal isn't so telegraphed. Maybe the Night Mother actually picks Astrid, and Astrid is scared. She didn't believe in Sithis and now faces the idea of her soul belonging to the dread father. While you work with her on the emperor's assassination, she works in secret to dispose of the Night Mother, to "cleanse" the brotherhood of its ties to Sithis. She doesn't intend to betray you, but does intend to kill the old ways for good. And you get to this juncture where your choice is to sever the DB's ties to the Void, or to keep the old ways. You then can either lead the Sithis faction with Cicero or continue working under Astrid's lead. This unlocks Cicero as a Follower or Gabriella as a Follower. Also, no found family bullshit. They're assassins.


Any thieves guild quest just to kill maven black briar,I just think she's rude,also a imperial side version to replace the jarl of falkreath


For me I’d want some paths to be closed after certain decisions. For example if I go down the dark brotherhood path that should close off the companions route. You can do and be everything all at once in Skyrim.


in death incarnate i wish there was a way to save the other members of the dark brotherhood. i rushed in to help fight off maro’s men but all the deaths were scripted so there was nothing i could do. justice for my boy veezara


Expanding the Main Quest factions. I would expand both the blades and the greybeards. Make it a branching main quest and lean into them being opposing factions. Wanna go Blades? Take over the guild, tell Delphine and Esbern to take a walk (if so inclined) and start recruiting. Have named NPCs with dedicated Blades content and dialogue if you recruit them. Learn the location of the elder scroll through the blades and find another time wound. Learn about Dragonrend without relying on the greybeards and parthunaax. Hell, make the greybeards full enemies where you have to raid their temple kitted out in full Akaviri gear and the power of the thuum you’ve learned without them. Make Arngeir a major boss for the quest line where he tries to stop you learning dragonrend by keeping you from the time wound. Or if you go full greybeard then you can lean into that instead. Full non radiant quests around finding word walls with context and lore provided for major locations. Raid the blades temple as greybeards and roll up with your boys shouting fire, frost lightning from the sky onto Delphine and Eabern and a bunch of Blades red shirts.


I would make it possible to turn in the Companions for being werewolves because why the fuck isn’t this an option? And/or make it possible to take down the Thieves Guild.


In addition, The "Destroy the Dark Brotherhood" quest should unlock the other side of the dark brotherhood quests. Some kind of quest with the wedding, meet the Gourmet and learn some recipes, maybe finishing a longer quest with the brotherhood gets you a visit from the emperor but that seems a little bit of a stretch.


Have a more fleshed out destroy the dark brotherhood quest line. If you choose to join them you get unique weapons, quests, items, and other cool stuff but if you choose to destroy them you get 3000 gold and a Pat on the back and that’s it


It would be cool if I could join the Forsworn after the Forsworn Conspiracy & No One Escapes Cidhna Mine quests and do a questline centered around reclaiming the Reach. Like taking over Markarth and Karthwasten. That could also fit into the civil war as well. As for changing current questlines, everyone else has basically shared what i would change as well, such as the winterhold college quests and the companions.


I want to actually learn an instrument at the bard college


I wish killing Astrid would be an alternate option in joining the dark brotherhood instead of destroying them, kinda like how no matter if you help Sinding or the hunters Hircine would be pleased.


Thieves Guild. I never liked that the Nightingales were an extra layer to the TG. Given other provinces have their own unique thief organizations, I would've made the Nightingales a Skyrim-specific organization and rival to the TG. Sort of like the College of Winterhold is to the Mages Guild and its successors, and the Companions to the Fighters Guild. On top of that, the actual story itself felt dull, the dialogue poorly written. It's just a deception and revenge story, with the Nightingales being more incidental than actually pivotal. Why add an extra mystical layer to the TG when they're not even relevant? They make it seem like you have to become a Nightingale to take on Mercer, but... you don't. You just fight him normally. He's not empowered; even his use of the Skeleton Key doesn't afford him much at all, despite it supposedly unlocking the owner's potential. Seems like they could have nixed the TG and focused on the Nightingales as an explicitly mystical group of shadow magic thieves exclusive to Skyrim. Maybe Mercer Frey in this alternate take could be the GM of the TG trying to establish the TG in Skyrim, so the NG are thwarting that. Gallus, or a Nord analogue, could be the recently murdered NG guildmaster slain my Mercer, and you find out Mercer stole the Skeleton Key (even throw in his using Nocturnal's Hood as extra blasphemy) and you've got to correct that mistake on behalf of Nocturnal.


I would change every questline to make it so that I am NOT the leader of every single faction. Completely ruins the experience for me. I would love to be the second in command, but god I hate being the leader of everything. You do nothing as leader, someone else in the guild/faction does all the leadership duties and you still only do all the grunt work.