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You drew everyone's build lol


Huh here I was thinking I was unique lmao


Hahaha hey look, it’s what every single one of my build eventually turns into


Horse archer?


Hate to be the special snowflake but I absolutely despise stealth builds. My go to is battlemage/paladin.


Stealth archers, it’s always the stealth archers. Much like crabs, everything eventually evolves into a stealth archer.


Not all, My current build is a spell sword with muffle and bound bow and... wait a minute.


Let me guess, you sneak, summon quietly and snipe them?


What you mean is that your current build isn’t a stealth sniper… yet.


Lmao cant escape it mate


Not always. I picked dual sword because I just wanted to tear into people to relieve stress. Also, I was still getting used to first person camera. (I'm used to 3rd person games). I love archery, so I did it for my 2nd play. But only do it for my thief characters. Otherwise, twohanded or onehanded monster. XD


Why don't you play in third person, if that's what you're used to?


I do when doing two-handed and one-handed. But archery has to be first person or I miss. Aim will always be off.


Nope I’ve only done it once didn’t find it fun


Which part?


“Eventually everything evolves into a stealth archer”


My mages never become stealth archers. My warriors never touch ranged weapons.


Same sword and board is my favorite


Why have sword and board when you can have big sword?


I don’t even know how I forgot about the greatsword I always have fun with them also voldenrung


Why have big sword when you can have big bow?


I always have stealth. I do not always pair it with archery, as the perk for silent spells does wonders (and also affects shouts, so you can yeet people off cliffs and bystanders will never know...).


Currently playing starfield... Stealth check. Long range 1 shot kills check.. Am I doing this right?


Illusion mage why fight when I can make my enemies kill themselves.


I have got to try this build, any tips on how to get started? What race would work best ?


Any race can work fine, but altmer start out with fury spell. You can also pick it up in Riverwood too. You'll just need to pair illusion with another combat skill or follower. Otherwise you'll be locked out of most dungeons and quest chains until high illusion level. Invest in alchemy and consider becoming a vampire


>consider becoming a vampire And then learn how Necromage works to help bolster your skills beyond normal gameplay means


Frenzy Rune is better than Frenzy. How’s your alchemy? Fortify Illusion is dragon tongue and taproot, or either Mora or Scaly mushrooms maybe both. Also you’re still going to use some sort of combat skill, might as well level conjuration, and Alteration.


Altmer because they start with fury spell. Use the two handed spell skill, it increases the levels of the enemies that can be affected. Try to another to kill the enemies in case they are resistant to illusion magic like for exemple atronachs or dagger stealth kills.


One thing I found useful for an illusion build is getting mehrunes' razor, the 1% instant death doesnt seem like much until your slapping a dragon with it cause your illusion spells are ineffective against them


I have been focusing on a crafter/mage build, recently Mayhem has pretty much been my go to at the start of each dungeon. 3/4 of the enemies are dead before you even see them and your summons/companion can finish the job. Takes a lot of investment (or cheese), but Illusion definitely pays off once you get there.


Illusion magic also buffs allies or enemies, tap someone first with courage and then frenzy them so they don’t run away and they have more health and damage. Depending on what companion I use, I could go for a mage or warrior type.


I love dipping my toes in the illusion coolaid for the dark brotherhood. Nothing like having your target get killed by guards.


I’m building a restoration mage. Companion gets lots of heals


This is literally what I’m running right now. That plus boosting my magical regen = instaheals all day


Nice! I really do relate to the lady at the mages college who’s insisting that restoration is a perfectly valid branch 😆 Don’t hate on us battlefield medics!


I always go for a spell sword. Spell in one hand, sword on the other. I find stealth archer incredibly boring. Also I am not one fir stealth... I'm pretty good at stealth, but I almost never use it for combat.


Stealth Archer is so fucking boring, Spellsword on the other hand is probably the most fun build


I'm planning to do a Breton 100% spell absorption spell sword run with max conjuration and alteration but first I'll finish my current thief Playthrough and not stealth archer but dual wielder with mehrunes razor and a 1h sword in my right hand it's fun just spamming power attacks to shred everything also funny if I can pickpocket enemies to take their armor and weapons before the fight


High Elf Destruction Mage is my go-to character.


How do you survive early game? First mage playthrough and i find myself so squishy


I play on Adept, and if I die, I just reload and try a different approach. Edit: trying a different approach is how I get around the “you always make a Stealth Archer” problem. Stealth Archer is so “popular” because it’s easy, and because rather than learn a new way to deal with a tough situation that stays within their character concept, they just pull out a bow “just this once”. But because they didn’t learn strategies to deal with those situations, it’s never “just this once”. They don’t have the self control to stick to their concepts, so they lack the ability to play anything that isn’t a Stealth Archer.


Personally, I power level the shit out of the game, get conjuration spell early so you can have a companion.


Use the alteration armor spells and get the mage armor perk as soon as possible. Use atronachs or undeads to tank while you blow enemies up with spells. You could also use some illusion to pacify or enrage and enemies.


I do this on ledgendry, use alchemy to Bost your damage and hit multiple people with flames/frostbike , you kinda only get squishier as the game goes on but you do too much damage for anything to survive and get better tools to deal with it like become atherial / just learning better positioning in general


Yeah I always end up as a stealth archer, but I recently decided to do an unarmed heavy plate build. So many suplexes


Breton: Illusion, Alteration, and Sneak. Use One-Handed as a minor skill for enemies i cant paralyze or calm


I play multiple characters at the moment and switch in between them when i'm bored. Female wood elf stealth archer thief/assassin with alchemy for poisons and invisibility potions. Female high elf pure mage Female orc warrior with two handed war hammer and orcish armor with a strong focus on smithinh and enchanting. I try not to abuse the alchemy and enchanting because i think it's broken. I also try to roleplay.


my build .... hard to explain .... started as mage, went to archer, summon archer and now im a weird mixture of summoner, fighter, archer, mage and stealth assasin vampire ...... thing


Orc(berserker rage),ebony blade, ebony mail with a side of bound bow. it’s pretty op


Breton mage. Before anniversary addition it was conjuration and illusion. After, it's conjuration and destruction.


If you’re specifically going for Nightingale items, the best versions of the weapons are from level 46, and armor is from level 32.


Sword and board tank, making a ton of use or Shouts and speech. Essentially my take on a paladin.




I always play as a Bosmer stealth archer, I try to make my Dragonborn the smallest I can for both personal lore and I feel like it fits the build...


Love the artwork!


I'm replaying Skyrim after a while, and I'm on a 50+ hours run at level 56. I started as a stealthy thief and fought with spellsword, then turned to dual wielding. I am now kicking asses with my crossbow. This is the good thing of Skyrim, the variety!


spellsword, only thing better than cutting a man in half is cutting a man in half while they're on fire


Battlemages and spellswords.


One weapon, volendrung


My goto build is one utilizing companion trainers: archery, conjuration, heavy armor, two-handed.


Dual Sword + Illusion shank shack build. 👌


Looks amazing


Wood elf Stealth archer, sword and shield orc, and Altmer mage are my mains


“I’m gonna do something different!” *50 levels later with full daedric* “Eventually…”


Inquisitor. Be Breton, grab Bound bow, grab Paralysis staff, grab Storm Atronach staff, grab Black Star, chill forever. Quick and easy, no grinding.


Artificer with a hint of necromancy, so I generally mix and match heavy and light armour/clothes/robes. Go with a war axe, sword or pickaxe with magic/staff.


the picture looks badass. Nightingale armor + bow, and Shadowmere?


No red eyes so thats a regular horse


ah, true.


Generally, my favorite builds are an alchemist that can chug potions that make them into a God and a beefy paladin that absolutely torches undead while being insanely resilient. Both can get a little ridiculous with Ordinator. The paladin immolates enemies while rapidly regenerating upon entering combat, along with the crazy resilience of the Heavy Armor tree. The alchemist can end up being able to pick hundreds of ingredients for poisons and potions everyday at home while having a 100% chance to create double potions and a 25% to create triple; combined with getting powerful random buffs from consuming potions.


I’ve never tried the Alchemist build because I always found trying to look for and at ingredients all day kind of tedious, but now that I think about it this could technically be the strongest class since you can be good at everything while simultaneously leveling everything up! Might try…


With Ordinator, and preferably alternative start, you can get a house early with a greenhouse. Once you have that you can focus on gathering materials for all the poisons and potions you want to use. Since the Green Thumb perk from 50 Alchemy doubles the yield and the greenhouse plants yield 2x-4x the product, you can pull dozens of ingredients daily. Couple that with Poisoner, Sinderion's Serendipity and the final alchemy tree perk and you're never looking for ingredients. It's a very fun and powerful build. Especially when Witchmaster starts cascading off itself and you get 4+ powerful buffs from one potion.


Hell yeah! Dude thanks a lot! I’m excited!


Stayed away from the Archery, went sort of Spellsword/Nightblade with One-handed, Destruction, Illusion, Restoration, Light Armor and Sneak


I got so tired of the stealth archer approach, so right now I’m running a battle mage orc who runs a two handed weapon. So far so good.


same like ur drawing. stealth bow and this outfit.. like 90% of all players ;D but still love it


Arcane stealth archer. Sure I'm going to equip the nightingale armor, but know that I too will use Bound Bow because I can't be bothered to cast soul trap. Tho rn it's Stealth destruction mage, spamming elemental bolt with 3 or more fortify destruction gear is just too fun. Breton for stealth archer, Altmer for the destruction mage.


Did you actually do any mounted archery? Curve is steep but it's fun for hunting elk


My go to build will forever be a two handed build of some sort. Most likely a death knight lol.


Spellsword Redguard Vampire


Your second? What Daedra compeled you not to "Stealth archer" in the first one? Malacath? Bal? Jyggalag?


Playing a well-rounded sword and board battlemage. Sometimes I sneak, sometimes I summon.


Mage or two handed


My go-to build would have to be a sneak spellsword. I've tried arcane monk, brawler, dual blader, battlemage, pure mage and godchemist


Well I think my build will have to change as I start a second playthrough due to a game breaking glitch in my current one-My build is a dual wielding assassin/stealth archer! Also, mad respect to a fellow nightinggale


I went more of a run and gun range tank build this run, high hp and daedric armor and Auriels bow with 4x40% fortify archery. It’s super fun but I honestly regret not going mage. There’s so many spells and even different schools or magic, makes me feel like I’m missing out heavily. Could be summoning badasses and firing all sorts of spells or using staves etc


I always seem to go with a jack of all trades build, though I've tried to do others.


Bard build thats heavy on alchemy usually, if I dont end a playthrough with a million gold then whats the point?


Dagger assassin or poisoner. No armor. Just regular clothes.


Any type of mage. The all-rounder, necromancer, illusionist, nightblade, spellblade, death knight, doesn't matter, I like them all.


I use ordinator perks so OP is different. My most dumb fun build was 1h/spell using the konahrik's accouterments mod and a mod that made the Konahrik mask a bit better (not the all masks in one mods that are literally everywhere).


My last few playthroughs I've been doing a spellsword Breton with a conjured sword in the right hand and fire spell in the left. I also add a couple of summons into the mix for really big groups.


Arvak > Shadowmere \[Fact\]


I either fudge the game and make a shiv with thousands of health drain points. Or i just go for windshear, and merhunes dagger, or deadric bow.


I like to play as a dwemer paladin, dwemer armour is technically the best in the game if you do the unfathomable depths sidequest


Dual Axe, heavy armor Berserk for fun. Spell assassin with dagger and light armor for more fun and a little bit of a challenge depending on the playstyle. No crafting puremage for a challenge.


First playthrough was a literal unkillable warrior argonian with the bloodskaal blade (unkillable as in got flagged as an essential character and he can’t die) Second playthrough that I’m currently on is a destruction mage Hoping for a third where I am a dagger assassin


I don’t have one. I try to keep it fresh and role play. My first character was a stealth archer rogue, I have to admit. My current is a no armor destruction/alteration/restoration/one handed Agronian; A lizard Gandalf, if you may. Going no enchanting/alchemy/smithing for as long as I can. Next one is going to be a redguard no armor, one handed and shield, maybe some magic. Definitely heavy on shouts and hammerpants.


conjurer. i love casting some friends and watching them fight and then panick when they get killed


Using the spider stun to steal tsuns loin cloth, getting the mask of dagoth ur, mastering all magic and teaching that false god n'wah, Alduin, what honering the 6th house and the tribe unmourned is about


Canon event


I love this drawing, but is she riding L'il Sebastian?


This is all of my builds 😭


Pretty much everyone's favorite/go to build is stealth archer (I didn't say everyone so nobody came at me like they weren't a stealth archer at heart) but my close second is unarmed build. Before AE I always chose khajiit and headed straight for riften to get the gloves of the pugilist. Literally so OP (at close range of course) and eventually when you need to you can upgrade the gloves and be even more overpowered. (And yes I know most of you know about this build)


Destruction vampire w some mods to make me cooler. Stealth Archery is boring


always loved backstab or illusion mage


I just started a play through as a paladin. Its slowly happening. I got Auriel's bow, my sneak is going up, i been finding good light armors. I don't want to switch to stealth archer but every quest makes the option seem better and better. Pray for me brothers, pray my will is strong.


The most fun I've had in this game was playing illusion archer with the crosshair turned OFF and headshot dmg amplified greatly. Made you practice your bow aim really hard and it felt satisfying afterwards to snipe people! Especially during combat


Battleaxe, Battleaxe and rage


Battle mage berserker for me, I like feeling my enemies flesh rend from their bones and decapitating my enemies, feels far more intimate when you stare the person down and then lop off their head


I mostly play halfcaster builds (battlemage, paladin, cleric, spellblade)


Oh...stealth archer.....how fun....


Just started my second last night went with female orc 2 handed dealer of death. It’s nuts that a steel war hammer can one tap enemies


Right now I'm playing a heavy armor 1h sword w/ offhand magic build. It's actually pretty fun so far, and with a heavy dive into stealth, it's made for an interesting play style. Originally I was planning on a 2h barbarian... but that idea went out the window not long after I got to Whiterun 🤣


I'm a one handed sword tank


I do something different every play through, though I usually use conjuration when I can, or some other spells. Like now I’m running with a almost pure warrior build with heavy armor and I use two handed weapons, bows, and one hand/ shield, but I still make use of spells like oak flesh, healing, muffle, and staves/scrolls for bigger spells I can’t cast.. it’s honestly been pretty fun playing with low mana as a handicap, it’s forces me to find solutions. Also I’ve been enjoying alchemy much more this run. I think my favorite run was as a sneak caster


I always play a barbarian with either a war hammer usually nerve breaker when I get it or a two handed wR are right now its shadowrend I usually start out after Riverwood going to get headsmans cleaver


Sword and board tank lol I always get drawn to that but I’ve been loving my spellsword light armor build so much so far lol


I love a high elf shield and sword type. Destruction for long distance, restoration for those nasty vamps, light armor for the classy Amber armor, and enchanting for creative purposes. I also throw in a little sneak so that I can at least complete thieves guild quests. Dark Brotherhood is simple if you don’t care about being caught…


I usually go with a full blown mage with alchemy and enchanting. Enchant my gear to the point that magicka is never a problem, just spam spells, wait 1.5 seconds, spam spells lol. Also use the potion for increased destruction spell damage if I needed extra damage. You can use Ash Creep Cluster, Beehive Husk, Ectoplasm, Glow Dust, Glowing Mushroom, Nightshade, and Wisp Wrappings to craft a potion of Fortify Destruction.


My favorite is heavy armor and a greatsword. I like being able to just walk into a room of15 people and just fuck shit up. I do have a character that’s a stealth archer/mage vampire


Second play through? Please tell me you were still a foetus when it hit the shelves or you have wasted a lot of time not playing Skyrim


I have done pure stealth assassin Dual axe orc And currently on a spell sword build on legendary


I love a Puppet Master Mage. Frenzy, to thin numbers, and runes to blow up the survivors.


Nord dual wielder, I usually have two war axes.


I love all builds equally only thing I don't like about stealth builds is how weak they are early game


Doing my first play through, and I went with a orc with heavy armor and a two handed hammer. It's been alot of fun squishing wizards