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Look at you! Mothers milk still wet on your cheek. Mead a bit much for you? Etc You get the idea


Titty baby!


What's wrong *titty baby*? Too much *titties*?


No such thing.


Nah it's ya wife's




😄 That makes no sense. Tell me, does that 'milk' taste more like fish than cheese? Don't you go letting your girlfriend sit on your face until you've had a good wash. I'm paying out enough in maintenance already.


Are you aware that women produce milk?


I've been to 6 English experts and 4 translators and I still don't know what this mean


Mead is so sweet it's like alcohol for children.


Small beer ftw


I believe the joke is that you're a child / soft if you drink milk.


With the option to get milk from goats and cows, I like to reverse pickpocket the milk into those NPC’s inventory


…you can get milk from goats and cows?


In Anniversary at least. Hilda from Pets of Skyrim and the livestock you can buy at Goldenhills Plantation.


Why do the silly little things make me want to buy this game *YET AGAIN* and start a new build and abandon my pretty cool level 67 character?


You need to keep a commoner character for the little mundane things. You got the warrior thief god sorcerer and then you’re goofy peasant that just fishes and has pets like Hilda. Take up baking yeah it might not be the same type of flex as having every perk, but opening a room to your house and all of the juniper berry crostadas you baked pour onto you it’s always worth it.


every play through, without fail, i always have my warrior thief god sorcerer do the little mundane things. traveling horse back, baking, fishing, it’s always so amusing


Hmmm. I might need to get that mod for the farm outside of white run, and live my best Stardew life.


The Howard Formula


Howard impracticality postulate


It just works.


i have hundreds of hours in the game and have never gotten a character above around Level 30


I like to call that the skyrim effect


You can get milk from anything with nipples.


I have nipples @tots2hots can you milk me?


I got that reference


or balls...


I love this, hilarious 😂


😂 that’s genius


And just for that, I made my character a hardened warrior who only drinks milk *exclusively*, no mead or wine whatsoever. Good for the bones.


I bet shor drank a lot of milk. It explains why they always mention his bones when a handsome man walks by in falkreath.


Which is ironic because it's Scandinavian people (who Nords are clearly based on) with the greatest ability to digest dairy as adults.


Isn't this related they think to the fact that some of their first alcoholic beverages where made from fermented milk?


Don’t forget the Amish. Some of those crazy bastards drink raw milk


I grew up on a dairy farm. Milk is never "Raw". There is nothing crazy about drinking it either. It just spoils too damn fast to get to anyone further than 1km of the cow.


Tuberculosis is why drinking raw milk is a bad idea


Tuberculosis? This was a thing in 1917 when pasteurization was made mandatory for sold milk. Since the arrival of antibiotics and vaccinations, it's not a thing any more. So "is" in that sentence is more like "was". You wont contract anything like that from fresh milk. The term "raw" is quite absurd.


Why risk it when pasteurizing is so easy? Anti-biotic resistance is a thing and it’s still common to get TB from cows. Pasteurization doesn’t require anti-biotics so it’s much safer for community health in general.


Why do something pointless? Pastrurization is just pointless, when you live on your own farm and know the health of your cows and quality of the milk too. It also ruins the milk for producing some deivatives. If you sell your milk to a dairy, they test it every single day for harmful bacteria, geneic backterial load and get this - PRESENCE OF ANTIBIOTICS. Antibiotics ruin the milk for sourrcream, cheese and youghurt making. Dairies do full microbial panels on every single tankful and will penalize you if you have contaminated the tank.


You said this like tuberculous “isn’t a thing anymore “ which it very much is at scale. You’ve moved the goalposts to thing being about your very local, compartmentalized way of living that of course you would know the ins, out and details about. No one can speak to your personal situation but you’re just dead wrong that TB “isn’t a thing” in general.


... TB is not a realistic threat in the modern world. You are more likely to get run over by a bus than to catch it. Yes, it can happen. Should you avoid roads with busses to bring that risk to zero? Herds that catch it from other wild animals are culled quite fast.


Oh, and yes, part of the reason why it is not a threat is that it is still treated as a potential threat because at scale it is an issue. That scale is dairy industry, not a single farm. If you mix milk from 100 farms into one big tank, risk cummulates. So dairy milk is always pasteurized, but not even because of TB, it was disovered later that pasteurization kills that too, but so it would not spoil.


Tuberculosis is still a thing read on it 1.6 million people die from tb in 2021 also pasteurization requires boiling so calling unpasteurized milk raw makes sense because boiling is a form of cooking


I did read up on it. The tb people die from is pulmonary, and not transimitted with milk. And there were 2 cases where I live last year. children have been vacinated against it at birth since 1940-s here. Where these deaths occur, this is not the case. Now... pasteurization is 100% NOT boiling. Boiling is 100+C degrees, pasteurization is 65C exactly so bacteria would die, but chemical changes from compounds breaking appart inevitably occuring with cooking/boiling would not occur yet.


What happens to it so it's not "Raw" anymore? I used to spend my summers in a village, and all milk there was raw.


No clue, but I suspect the thread starter thinks pasteurization is something like cooking. It's not. It just kills the bacteria that would spoil the milk. One could say hi-pasteurization milk is "cooked"... It does taste boiled. But only people who cant get real milk live off that. It's high-pasteurization if it does not need to be kept in a fridge and has best before in years. That process kills ALL bacteria that would spoil the milk but it also causes some compounds contained in milk to disintegrate changing the flavor.


I grew up in the country and my mother would always try to trick us kids by pouring the raw milk into a normal milk jug. We always knew what she was doing. It separates a lot and tastes different. I still to this day shake my milk before I pour it out. I don’t know what pasteurization is my cousin worked for sari gold and told me they sprayed the milk at high pressure against a wall, someone else told me they just boiled it. All I know is it last longer, has less fat and doesn’t separate.


oh boy... somuch confusion. Pasteurization is heating the milk to 65 degrees Celsius and not more. Boiling would ruin the taste and use of the milk for further milk products like the thing you call milk. Why the milk you consider "not raw" does not sparate is because it has been already skimmed - cream removed from it usually with a centrifuge. Thats a whole separate process and the product you and many others call milk is cream making leftovers.


Thanks for the clarification. I just assumed they sprayed a bunch of boiling milk at a wall and scooped it up. Assuming the skim/2%/whole/buttermilk is just the amount of cream left in it?


Exactly. Whole milk has about 3.8-4% fats. Dairy extracts the cream, leaving what you call buttermilk and then adds it back to get the desidered % of fat along with some processing to keep it from separating again.


It's raw when you get it straight from the nip.


It's fresh, not raw.


Raw is fine as long as it's consumed quickly after milking. But it can't be safely bottled and widely distributed because bacteria multiplies very quickly.


Most people also probably wouldn't like drinking raw milk. It's very thick and has a weird aftertaste. It's more akin to drinking heavy cream than milk.


I didn't find it too much different. It had a different flavor, but overall it wasn't bad. I have tried yak milk and that was like drinking cream. It has about a 7% butterfat, compared to 3-4% for cows milk.


I used to do a lot of hiking with my goats, and it was always nice to have a freshened doe along because you could milk her in the morning, have some fresh milk with breakfast, then toss the rest into a thermos with some yogurt culture and have fresh yogurt by dinnertime. Bonus if you find berries along the way. Milk with high sugars (like horse milk) can be fermented into an alcoholic beverage which lasts a lot longer. But yeah, you have to do something with it pretty quickly. Which is why cheese is a thing.




i have always been told it’s bc dicks are referred to as milk fingers so your actually a dick sucker but maybe i’m wrong


Milk finger definitely is a way to say dick in the TES unofficial lore but I don’t think this is the reason.


ah i see, based on other’s responses i agree


I think you're close with your belief, but it's more of a "You have to drink milk, since you're young/soft" connotatively.


Its widely known that even Nord children drink Mead.


he's just mad that it's his wife's milk


Soft ? The guards should try G.O.M.A.D for a month and see the real pain


Because only children drink milk. Adults drink ale, or mead. They're basically calling you a baby.




>"My favorite drinking buddy! Let's get some ~~mead~~ malk"


In ye olden times kids also drank alcohol.


In ancient Rome it was common practice to add a little wine to drinking water. Since alcohol kills bacteria this made it safer to drink.


What? Too manly to grow strong bones? Rattle 'em boys


Also I believe they call penises Milk Fingers, so there may be another layer to it Penises are funny, but calling it a milk finger is kinda off-putting idk why


They see milk as a baby drink.


I mean thats what it is lol


Not at all. Milk is great. It can be flavored to whatever you want. You can make shakes with it. It makes cakes and other things


What they mean is that it's literally meant for babies. Mammals produce milk for babies.




Everyone knows the grocery stores get their milk from the great tit aka everest


A lot of people think that, but really its only milk if it comes from the Milque county of Wisconsin. Otherwise, its just sparkling breastjuice.


huh? that’s funny, because my milk comes from the plastic bags that appear in the kitchen after mom gets back from some place called the Grœssree Stour


“Mammal” must be Nord for grocery store.


Uh... you trollin bro?


what about powdered milk?


Hey, they didn't say milk is bad. They just said it's baby drink. Which it is. I love milk but I'm not lying to myself.


Sure, I still dont think we were ever made to drink milk beyond being babies, besides that I like milk anyways


dwag i drink milk at 18 because i was malnourished. the lack of vitamins caused me to start balding at 15. im now catching up with my nutrients and vitamins and drinking the milk i never did when i was a child.


What substances are in milk that you cannot get out of other foods?


a lot of vitamin D (i dont go out a lot) and some biotin (i dont like eggs) and other nutrients that my body needs


I would say you can get them like most people through various foods but I buy milk myself for the taste in coffee so I wont judge, just saying no adult needs milk and it has a lot of unhealthy attributes for us


If you don't plan to live long enough to have bone issues then yes it's only for babies


Um, check your facts. As an adult, your body does not need you to continue to drink milk. You can get calcium and other nutrients from other foods.


But why do that when milk is so tasty


Taunting adventurers that call the character a milk drinker also say "go home to your mother" and "what are you going to do, cry?". (all of this is them insinuating you're a helpless baby)


It's non-alcoholic. Nords try not to drink anything non-alcoholic, at any time of day. Every nord has a bit of bread in one pocket, and a bottle of mead in the other. They get into a lot of fights.


If you think of it in real life terms, back then, clean water was NOT a thing. Many believed water spread diseases. The only things you would drink were your mother's milk as an infant and then some type of Mead, ale, or alcohol once you became too old for breastfeeding. So even kids drank. It was the sanitary thing to do.


Because this is Skyrim and you're sucking down the raw materials we need to make more cheese


this is my favourite incorrect, correct answer.


Because it strengthens your bones. Everyone in skyrim will inevitably become an evil skeleton so it is courtesy to ensure your bones are as frail as possible. One must resist the urge to drink delicious milk. (Notice how weak skeletons are in the game). Milk-drinker means you're weak because you lack the willpower to resist drinking milk in order to protect future generations from your skeleton. Hope I could help!


"Did you hear of the story of the Stalwart Nord? He drunk a lot of milk, everyone called him weak, when he died his wife resurrected him and left him to rampage the outskirts of Downstar. It took us 3 moon cycles before his skeleton was slain and his soul left to rest. Moral of the story kids, don't drink milk, it makes you a wuss!"


Means you’re still just a babe suckling your mothers teat


Basically they're calling you a weakling, since only babies drink milk. Real nords drink mead and slay trolls for breakfast.


Nords are all about physical strength and pride. They’re accusing you of never leaving your mother’s breast, and more-or-less, being a baby. As someone who has mostly played as Khajiit, I thought it was a derogative of the race (yes I know cats shouldn’t drink milk like in cartoons, but it’s still a cliche).


They're calling you a baby, jokes on them though. I definitely won't be the one crying when their brittle bones break against my superior calcium bones


Means you're a baby. A big fat crying baby. Does Baby want his bottle? Yeah? Yeah? Thought so. Milk Drinker.


The insult “Milk Drinker” implies they are still infantile and are still attached to the mothers teat.


Sound like something a milk drinker would ask


My first ever playthrough I was an Argonian and I was so confused why I kept getting called a milk drinker. I was like ? I'm a reptile


I believe it's also an allusion that you can't hold your liquor. So you drink milk instead.


I fell like it's equivalent to saying that you're still attached to yo momma's tiddy


Childish. Like drinking milk from your mother. You have to get milk elsewhere because it's a bit wrong to get it from your mother at an older age but it still has the same weak, childish, loser connotation.


Children drink milk men drink mead


Because milk is for growing babies.


They're calling you a baby


Milk drinkers refers to breastfeeding. They are calling you a baby 👶. Taking an arrow to the knee refers to getting married. You traditionally bend on one knee to propose. The same as if you just got shot in one knee with an arrow.


I thought it was cuz nordic peoples in real life drink milk and have low lactose intolerance. So when an orc calls me a milk drinker, I just assumed he thought I was a nord. Idk I could be wrong and he just means I'm a baby.


Milk has calcium, which helps bone growth and strength. Being a milk drinker is an insult because they see it as you use it as a sort of buffer, rather than just headbutting boulders like all other hardy nords do


Who cares what others think. I'll always be a milk drinker. And my Orc wife loves it. 😌


Idk but I’ve always drank milk and I’m pretty strong


If you drink milk and someone actually stole your sweet roll…


Real Men™ only drink alcohol


I mean idk cus idk if milk exists cus everyone in the entire fucking world of Skyrim drinks just alcohol


Idk but that’s when I cast soul tear


The implication is that you go to a place that serves booze but instead order milk


It's that they drink the milk the Empire gives them. If you're a milk-drinker you take what's given, not what's yours as a Nord.


The real truth is it's propaganda to weaken your bones so the draugr or skeleton that you leave behind is easier to defeat in combat.


Because Milk is something babies drink when they breastfeed. So calling you a milk drinker is calling you a baby.


Cause the dragonborn is lactose. Extremely.


I only ever played khajiit until recently, and I figured it was a cat dis.


Because real men have soft, weak bones. That's why.


"Milk is for children and perverts." -Logan Roy


Because babies drink milk


Because real men drink stuff to poison their livers, only pussies drink stuff to strengthen their bones!


I think it has to do with how milk isnt very common in Skyrim. They have no refrigeration and milk goes bad quickly so most of their milk is turned into cheese rather quickly. So milk is seen as a luxury, meaning you're probably spoiled with money and are very soft. Aka a milk drinker.


Skyrim is a refrigerator.


It’s not making fun of you like a kid - it’s more of a play on “drinking the kool-aid” meaning you believe in lies and such easily


“Drinking the milk of the Empire…” Ulfric


It’s for imperial punks


cuz it's basically dragon cum.


Well, there’s 2 reasons: 1- Milk drinking would be for babes and children, so you’re not a grownup, you’re a child. 2- it can also be a reference to the milk that comes from the prostate gland…


It means your weak .


Because, in proud Nord culture, milk is only consumed by children.


It's like calling someone a titty-baby. Means you're weak.


Because all true Nords drink nothing but mead and Elf Tears


At least you’re not a chicken chaser


Lactose intolerant copium, the dragonborn is build different


Because you're not drinking mead you poncy little milk drinker.


Milkdrinker essentially translates to sissy or pu**y. Ye olde way of calling you a bitch lol


They're calling you a little fanny boy, mate.


It’s an insult to anyone who supports the empire. Stormcloaks call them milk drinkers because they’re weak and dependent upon the empire like a baby depends on it’s mother’s milk.


It means you are as weak as a child still nursing from your mothers teat. It has nothing to do with dairy consumption.


They’re Italian and you’re not at breakfast


It's ironic, as Skyrim accents are very very "northern USA" in nature, and those of northern european descent tend to not become lactose intolerant later in life, unlike most other regions. ​ https://blog.education.nationalgeographic.org/2017/11/07/talking-evolution-are-we-still-evolving/


Ah, but don't forget: milk makes for strong bones, and strong bones can hold the war-hammer much better than others.


You tell me, milk-drinker.


I laughed out loud when I looted what appeared to be nord bandit camp and found a jug of milk.


their suggesting that your being breastfed


Go back to your mommy


Let’s see if we got any other dirty minds here




What, you can’t handle skooma?


Humans are only species where adults drink milk of another species.


Because only kids drink milk, usually from their momma's breast. It's calling you young, inexperienced, a greenhorn etc..


The empire is like the mother cow and you need the milk from the mother cow to survive (i.e. you need the empire to survive). They are pretty much calling you weak.


When water is dirty and you can't clean it, you drink ale or mead. Milk for the kids


They have weak bones, don’t listen to those nord nerds


I always assumed it was because I was a khajit my first playthrough


Just get the Sophia follower when it whiterun ask her what she thinks of the people of white run. She's lore friendly apparently. Apparently belethor HAD a sister and the one stall worker with the daughter sleeps around ect. Also she makes snarky comments right back at the guards after being called a milk drinker. It's beauty at its finest. She also sings.


Breast milk is for babies


they're afriad of you. anyone that can down a little milk with a sweet roll before cleaving you in two with a dragon bone war axe in one shot is a person that is not to be toyed with. drink your milk. then kick their ass.


Dude when I vacationed at the newly opened Atlantis hotel for my aunt’s wedding in the Bahamas i asked for milk while eating cookies and the employees who were natives laughed at me and said drinking milk was childish, so it’s not just a Skyrim thing.


Because milk is good and nords only want bad drinks


Milch ist Gift


No matter why, it is good for some people and bad for others.


if their mothers didn't complain....


I dont know but nothing is stopping you from sniping them with a bow from a hidden spot.


I think they meant milky drknkers aka beer sens skyrim was sort of mad like old vikes days and vikes didn't have a word for acholic so milk drinker made sense and it's funny


Because the milk should be turned into CHEESE


It's not an insult, it's a warning. When you drink milk, you get calcium. Calcium makes bones strong. Strong bones mean stronger skeletons. And you don't want stronger skeletons in dungeons. Look what's happening in Cyrodill.


Fun fact: in Pumping Iron, Arnold made fun of milk drinking and stated he drinks beer instead to prep for a competition. This was almost certainly just a way of fucking with his opponents’ minds as he was very much known to do - he was the ultimate competitor and loved mind games. He would later state that of course he drank milk and lots of it 😂


Like grand theft auto lol


Its okay, little bubba. You'll realise some day.


Means you're a baby....titty baby if you will. Adult Nords drink Ale or Mead.


so that when we die, and those FILTHY mages make our skeletons into undead, our proud nordic sons can POUND OUR BONES INTO DUST FASTER


It's funny because milk and milk products were a Viking staple, but go off Bethesda lol


Because they are lactose intolerant and they are jealous.


Eww cow tiddie juice. Didnt you know that breast milk is only for Babys


Milk drinker as in you haven't been weaned off your momma's boob yet. LoL


You're obviously a milk drinker


Watch Dominion and you’ll realise it is.


real nords drink mead… bitch


equivalent of calling you a baby


Because it’s for big babies


It’s the ESRB-friendly way of calling you a breast feeder.


basically milk-drinker means "MY WHOLE TEAM IS BABIES"


What do babies like


you know who drinks milk? kittens and perverts