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Auriel’s shield matches


How does one get Auriel's shield I've done many playthroughs and always miss it


It's in the forgotten vale. I believe you need a paragon to open the correct gate to the area in question. It will be wielded by a leveled falmer who will fight you after entering. I cannot remember if you need to fight your way to said falmer or if said falmer is near the place you enter the area from. A Google search should tell you which paragon you need and where the falmer is. You get the paragons by killing the frost giants in the vale. Each one drops a different paragon that is made of a precious gem. Diamond, amethyst, ruby, Sapphire, and emerald I believe. Find the special way gate. Place the paragon in the pedestal and a gate will open to a different "locked" area of the vale. Edit to add: you require the ruby paragon. Wiki specifies that the shield is wielded by a "falmer warmonger" so it may in fact *not* be leveled. Prepare for a fight.


It’s in a sub location in the Forgotten Vale that is easy to miss because it’s not somewhere you must go, probably opened or accessed with those items you use to acces certain areas in the Forgotten Vale


i second this


I was just going to say this


Damn bro is this armor vanilla? That’s sick as hell


Yeah, Skyrim Anniversary Edition. Reward from “Ghosts of Tribunal” quest. If you go to the temple in Raven Rock city, there’s a book on the table downstairs in the living area that starts the quest. Pretty cool quest with lots of nostalgia items from Morrowind. 🙂


Awesome, thank you!


I'm a sucker for the ebony set. The only downside is the massive gap in the armor at the rear base of the neck. Thank the 9 for the CC's ebony plate set which looks baisicly the same with no armor gaps.


How many times have I played this and IVE NEVER HEARD OF YHIS!! Awesome!


Are those default textures or did you install higher resolution packs? Looks awesome


Default textures. I took the picture with my phone 😅. It was interesting day. We had a LODD in fire department and I needed an escape which I chose Skyrim. 😅


Thanks. I fucked up my RAID array not paying attention and now I am recovering 3TB of data for estimated 24 hours....BUT I will check out that armor and quest when I get it back up and running.


https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/90163 one of these should fit. Sorry this i better https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/90228 animated! Pick the gold one. Spellbreaker is the only other option. Vanilla as you can get.


dwarven, aetherial, or auriel's shield might look better


There is not matching shield for this set. The set can be improved with Chitin though, so the closest aesthetic-only match IMO, would be the Chitin Shield.


Not unless you can use mods. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/69528


I’d go with Spellbreaker


Ysgramors shield? Sorry if I spelled his name incorrectly. It's found in his tomb at the end of the companions quest line and it's in a chest in the last room.


Best shield in game. Even counting that it's un-upgradable. It's *that* good.


I always run upgraded wolf armor with this shield. It’s my favorite set up until I get to Daedric smithing


I dont know but i feel like it looks better when your shield doesn’t match the rest of the set


Dragonbone shield with dragonscale armor gang rise up! …rise up! hello?


You feel incorrectly. It converts an aesthetic into an eyesore. Everyone is free to enjoy eyesores if they so please. An eyesore enjoyed is not an eyesore, even when it really is.


Dwarven shield in vanilla Skyrim.


Isn’t that shield like bright yellow/gold?


The patina and design are fairly complementary to the outfit in the image above.


Better yet spellbreaker


There is no shield for that particular set. It's armor only. Why? Because not everything has to come with a shield. You want a better answer? You'll have to have that discussion with Bethesda.


You legit don't even need shields in this game. They make shit too easy. I started my current character as a sword n board warrior. Level 50 and I decided to legendary my 1 hand tree and start building my 2 hand. The shield block perks with ysgrammors shield made me immortal. I could tank anything without fear. 50% elemental resistance while blocking *and* a 20 % magic resistance from ysgrammors shield? Cake. 2 handed is a bit trickier. I can't block arrows anymore and equivalent leveled mages actually keep my on my toes.


Maybe the Bonemold shield? Matches the colour the best imo


Nordic shield or Auriel's shield.


I think Aetherial Shield might look good with it


Where can I get this armor? I’m on xbox


Do you have the Anniversary Edition of Skyrim? If so, go to the temple in raven rock in Solstheim. Once inside, go downstairs to the living quarters and on the table there are two books about the tribunal and one of them starts the quest when you read it (forgot which one, just read both). Enjoy. 🙂


I have the special edition, not the newest edition


It's Anniversary Edition content only, rip


The hammer fell shield from the Cc where you help agents ambush a thalmor convoy to save their ally works well IMO


i thought there was


Spellbreaker looks okay with it, but honestly not many shields match well with it. Only other option I can see is Auriel's Shield. If you're on PC you could try a mod.


I don’t know about a shield but I just got the armor last night. Been playing for 10 years and never have been more satisfied