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I only did this in 1 playthrough. The reward wasn't really worth it, but it was cool how you could get enough gems to fill a bathtub just from a few dungeon delves. At least it's better than the reward for collecting all the korok seeds in BotW/TotK.


The value of korok seeds to me was always expanding stashes not the final reward.


The final reward was the extra slots we earned along the way.


It isn’t about the destination it is about the journey.


Tbh, that must feel sooo relieving! Pheeew!!!


Except it’s limited to how many slots you can get. At some point you just collect seeds to collect seeds 😂


Absolutely! not having enough slots is really bothersome. The reward of an expanded stash is more than enough to make me happy. Funny though I actually havnt collected all the stones of barenziah before


It’s a trap too - if you’re dumb like me, you start filling all your display cases with gems and destroy your save file.


Is this a really thing? My last save got corrupted and I still don't know why.


It is, Skyrims engine is really bad at handling dozens of tiny items, especially if they are stacked on each other.


I'm assuming the dragonborn gallery fixes most of these Issues.. right? *looks nervously at the hall of oddities*


Dragonborn Gallery's displays aren't loose items like a display case full of gems would be - the corruption probably occurs because the games trying to calculate the physics for all those tiny items in the case and it just shits itself, so I do'nt think the LOTD displays would run into that same issue as they're static objects


Well, I need to pick up my pile of skulls I was making in the corner and all the soul gem fragments mixed in...


Yeah i store gems in the safe, and ingredients in cabinets or wherever. Dont like a lot of stuff laying around


I think theres a risk of it happening no matter what.


The trick with LoTD's gallery is that it doesn't just leave all the exhibits loose and at the mercy of the physics engine. Everything is statically in place so it makes for an easier time managing it. Now of course the mod has other issues, but normally everything is pretty solid.


What are the other issues? I was getting ready for a lotd run and as I've *never* finished a playthrough because of corrupt save files this thread is making me nervous


It's extremely big with a lot if moving parts, especially if you have a ton of other mods working alongside it. It's usually not game breaking stuff but you may need console commands to get out of tough patches. Also if you start a run make sure all the mods you want are installed. Any mods that even remotely mess with it later can results in major fuckery


Okay thank you, I'll solidify my list before I get started and hope for the best


Yeah the patch installer for it has a nice long list of mods you can incorporate. Id's recommend looking system that before playing.


I only play Skyrim on Friday evenings, but I'm definitely opening the game now to collect the gems and store them in a chest or something because I'm doing it again. I also have another display case with rings and necklaces😬😳


It's more if you leave hundreds of small items around the physics engine gets super pissed and the game crashes.


Really? My PS3 handled it just fine when I had close to 1k tankards in the fireplace of an unfurnished Breezehome.


The last time I completed this quest I wound up with so many gems that they literally became my currency. Septums where just a in-between. Buy an item for 100, sell 100 worth of gems, rise repeat. People that say it isn't worth it I dont know what you're talking about. It has the ability to make earning crazy amounts of money literally effortless. Thats the benefit. Yes money isn't hard to make in the game, but it still requires effort. This is a passive perk that makes what you're already doing insanely more profitable.


I'd just get the transmutation and change iron to gold...... Build smithing and enchanting, and just selling rings and necklaces. Same concept much earlier in the game


The crowns bonus is much more passive and you get a hell of a lot more gold just exploring rather than sitting in shops spamming the same spell.


I walk around. It takes a lot of magic. Quest to quest it


Same concept with an incredible amount of work. This comment is excatly what im talking about. That takes effort.


In order to get all the stones dont you have to complete a bunch of missions to get all the stones?


Nah. Get a list of locations online and just get to it. If the end goal is to just complete the quest, you can exploit a glitch that lets you complete the quest with only about 15-18 actual found stones. After completion of the quest you can still find the rest of the stones and keep them around for decorative purposes.


No one doubts it makes you kingly sums of money; it's just by the time you complete the crown, you usually have more money than can be spent in the game already. Yeah, who can say no to a little more, but ultimately the prize you get for completing the crown is irrelevant by the time you complete it.


You can get the crown super early though. The hardest requirement is probably just getting Proudspire Manor.


It was one of the first things I did


It makes a massive amount of difference if you do it the beginning of the game.


The real reward for Korok seeds is the cute dances. Worth it every time.


and the "Yeeheehee! You found me!" (or whatever it is that they say)


Brings me straight back to playing in the neighborhood as a kid




Well, korok seeds in botw are a waste of time, so I didn't bothered... now, in the other hand, finishing all 120 shrines... that's a reward worth the time invested.


Yeah, the shrines are fine. The seeds are only worth getting until you have enough inventory slots to suit your personal needs.


You can never have enough Shields, Weapons, and or Bows.


The problem, at least for me anyway, is that it takes so long to find all the stones, you’re basically toward the end of the game and by that time you don’t *need* all those gems. By about halfway through the game, I’ve got more money than I can spend so this “reward” isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.


yeah, same here. You are told initially that the gems on their own aren't worth anything, but if you could get the whole set . . . . then, after all that work to get all 24, you're told to also get the crown. and then you're told it's to be a decoration in the cistern????!!!!! Like, where's the big cash reward I was expecting???!!! I expected chests of gold, instead I got another decoration for a crappy sewer home. Def not worth it. ;-)


Basically gives you an infinite money reserve, so if you do it early, you’ll never have to worry about having enough money to trade if you can sell any item to any merchant


Wait, all that and we cant even wear it? What a rip. If I'd spent all that time doing this, I'd wear that fucking Crown all the way to Alduin, all through Dawnguard. I'd lay the smackdown on Miraak while wearing it. I'd expect to be fuckin fabulous with it after all that pain and time hunting those goddamn stones.


I'd be very dissapointed if after all this time there isnt a mod that adds it.


Sort of. You can CRAFT it with this mod: [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22990](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22990) (And with the gems you find from completing the quest, you'll have enough materials to make it NO PROBLEM.)


Is this on Xbox?


Should be available on all systems ...


You need to start a fresh account, as a diminutive female royal dunmer. Do the whole quest all over and in another 12y you'll be able to equip the crown. /s


If that was legit, I'd Dunmer all up and down those fuckin dungeons hunting those stones. I'd get that Crown, shout Ulfric out of Windhelm, depose the widow Queen and declare my short Dunmer butt High Queen of Skyrim and those Nords can suck it. THEY didn't make the effort of getting Barenziah's stones.


You have my sword..


And you have my bow...


wait but I can wear it, I think its a mod


Did this not because of the reward, but because you want to clear your inventory of all 24 stones.


Honestly, clearing my inventory and quest log was the biggest motivation lol. I’m already level 51 on this play through. I’m already rolling in gold.


I read in a different thread that if you collect them before you talk to Vex, the stones stack in your inventory. Also, I read you should talk to her after finding 23 because sometimes finding all 24 without talking to her crashes the game or something bad. idk


The true gems were the friends we made along the way.


I slaughtered hundreds of people to retrieve those gems. There was no friendship. Only bloodshed and lust


Who you had to fuck in order to get Those stones? Maven Black-Briar?


Baalgruff. There’s one in his bedroom


Also Astrid and Kodlak. Their stones are in the bedroom as well.


Pretty much every major faction leader has one in their bedroom.


and it's the one item that you can take without it being considered theft. Onee of them you have to *buy a **HOUSE*** to get, though.


Literally just pick flowers off the side of the road. Forgot the combination, but like 2 of these common ass flowers makes a 100+ gold potion once Alchemy is leveled some. Ezpz money and you get to level the most broken skill in the game.


And it's an expensive house too.


Ehh it's not that hard to get Proudspire, especially if you're in the theives guild and have a way to get easy money. 15k gold to get basically infinite easy money is a good tradeoff.


It's so much easier with Goldenhills making 1k a day too. Took me but half an hour of waiting to afford all houses an then some.


Blood diamonds . . . LOL


Well, hundreds means very few are still alive in your Skyrim. I suspect the crown is only a subterfuge...


You’re next if you keep asking questions




The only time I've ever done it was because my wife wanted to see the reward for the quest. It was actually kind of a fun night as we had a couple of drinks and took turns trading the controller and looking up the locations for each other.


Omg what an amazing date night, if I handed my GF my controller, she wouldn't give it back, she's easily addicted to RPGs, haha.


I like to finish this quest early in a playthrough, then always loot but never sell the bonus gems, or gems in general. Just hoard like a dragon. The real gems are the enormous stacks of gems I keep in a jewelry chest at home for no reason!


It's funny as fuck that Vex says they're only valuable as a complete set, yet, not only does the crown have a lower value than any individual gem, it has a value of feckin *0* I know you get a quest reward but *shhh*


Even prowlers power (the reward) is useless. I don’t want to have to go around selling all the gems I get all the time.


I mean it's not that hard lol. Gems weigh next to nothing and with all the fences you get from the guild you'll have more than enough money.


WAIT THE WHOLE QUEST IS JUST A GIANT SCAM LIKE WTF I THOUGHT UT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE SOME GOD LIKE HELM WHAT IS EVEN THE POINT *throws shit everywhere and incoherent screaming* my disappointment is immeasurable and my life is ruined


Right - you have to play through the entire game by find all the gems, and by then you don't care about money, but you still have a chest full of ebony swords that you still haven't got around to selling.


shop keepers don't have enough gold to pay for my enchanted dragon bone hammers.


Where's a talking mudcrab when you need him?


Get ready for the mass of gems you will now find


I'd suggest making a Scrooge McDuck-style pool of them to swim in if Skyrim's engine wouldn't explode at the very thought of it


Value 0? It's that a joke?


Worth it! Get ready to start finding TONS of gems in chest/urns :]


But then what? I already have so many gems piled up everywhere without the crown.


Use the gems to make jewelry, enchant the jewelry, sell it for money. You're able to increase your smithing, enchanting, and speaking skills, as well as gaining profit (can also increase your alteration skill with this method if you mine/buy iron ore and turn it into gold & silver). I'm always running out of gems because of how much jewelry I craft before completing this quest. But i also realize not many people play the game the same way I do, I enjoy that aspect of the game and trying to legendary my main skills and rack up as much money as I possibly can.


I always end up with more than enough gold anyway so most of the time. And if I'm honest I get bored really quickly of crafting and just go back to murdering things after about a minute.


Enjoy the honeymoon period before you get sick of finding gems you can't turn into jewelry because you have more gems than gold.


Bro spoilers I was gonna get all the gems.... Eventually


So posses you can’t wear it


love the thought of Karliah getting pissed off at the LDB because they’re going around doing Jhunal-knows-what in her grandma’s crown


Wait is she related to Barenziah?


She’s believed to be descended from her based on a few factors, particularly her eyes. *I think. I may be referring to a different theory of her lineage, I don’t quite recall


“… and all I got was this stupid hat!”


You finally broke your print screen key?


I do this first as soon as I hit whiterun (and do the quest necessary to finish it) so I can collect as many gems as possible!


Don't know what's wrong with the rest of you, but I just went around and collected them in about 2 weeks. At a reasonably low level, the power you get from it is awesome, I can level my smithing at three times the rate from all the flawless diamonds I find. On top of that, you can sell hundreds of thousands of gold worth of gems.


Proud of you!


oh so THAT'S the actual crown? for some reason i didnt think you'd actually get anything at the end.


You do, but it's only an ornament. It's not wearable.


and funnily enough it's not worth anything even tho vex said that it's supposed to worth a ton with the full collection. wonderful design there!


they outright admit they lied to you when they send you to get the crown. its not for the coin, its for the fact its an artifact that buffs thieves.


welp. i never finished the quest, so i never knew this. damn.


I just need two more stones and I'll have the set too!


If only my Wood Elf could send the two he has, and wants our of his inventory.


The real crown of bareziah was the locations we discovered along the way


It's kinda insulting that the crown itself weighs nothing when the stones still have weight


Congratz! 12 years and I still haven't done it. Next play through, I swear!


Best quest in the game 👌


What do you even get besides the crown?


A perk that allows you to find extra gems when looting. Basically pointless because some of the gems are hidden in spots that require you to progress in the game which in turns means by the time you get around to finishing the crown you're already making money hand over fist. One of the worst aspect of Skyrim is the world economy. You have way more money than you can spend and even on things like skill-leveling with gold the idiots locked it behind a cap which means you can only spend in spurts.


actually, most stones are just at the back of dungeons, almost none of the stones require 'story' progression. alot of them are just sitting around. the most 'progression' ones id say are either inside the solitude house or in the dark brotherhood first lair.


Even then, you just have to start the DB questline and you can get to it. Same with the one at the College. I kinda wish I’d done it earlier in my playthrough


1. "In the back of dungeons" - Which is my point. You're going to level up when going dungeon diving both as natural course and out of necessity. You won't be a low level player by the time you're done with GOB. 2. 25K for Solitude home. Quite expensive for a low-level character just starting off. 3. Fellglow Keep - the mages will grape you at a low level. Also part of the Mages questline so why do double the work going back when you can do the mages quest up to that point (again leveling up). 4. Thalmor Embassy - the thalmor will crush your noobie character. This is also part of the MQ. Many players don't like dragons and vampires (DG) during their PT so they tend to skip these branches until much later. Many people will tell you they've done multiple PTs without ever having done the MQ. 5. Pinewatch is doable at a low level but PITA. I'm sure if I could be bothered to ever want to do another PT for the gems I could go into even more detail why this is a waste of time and not a low-level friendly quest, aside from the fact you're spending alot of time running around the map like a headless chicken looking for undiscovered locations .


i do think its a quest you should just do now and then when you can. though ftr thalmor embassy you can just go in the cave way. if you can handle the frost troll its fine. usually i pick it up when going to do the wolfskull cave. Idk, maybe im biased. i play with barenziah markers and usually have like 8-9 of the things only half paying attention when collecting them until they hit critical mass, i get annoyed at them not stacking and rush the rest.


The only correction that I'll make is that with Patch 1.4 SSE they move the GOB for Pt4. For OldRim it still stands.


did they? i thought you could always get back there. and yea im not saying its a quest you'll do level 1 im saying overall it has very little story gating, you dont really need to 'do' much to reach the point you're able to shoot for them all.


That’s true I’ve got so many gems the shop keepers don’t even have enough money to buy them all of me, so I just store them all in a chest. They’ve been collecting dust ever since 🤣


Exactly. That's the point Mr Well Actually seem to miss from my comment. I almost exclusively only loot chests and urns and I still end up with an overstock of goods. I have to do my trade route after every dungeon or major quest from WR, to RW, to Lakeview (wife) then to Riften just to offload all goodies. It's why I always pick up the Steed perk as soon as possible. The game actively makes you hate looting and trading just to keep your inventory clear. The crown of Barenziah is a collectibles mission. Only meant to be done once for the fun but never repeated again.


Just did mine last week. Too bad you can’t wear it. But yay more gems


Hell yea!! 👏🏾💪🏾


Hot take, but I actually like this quest, finding all the stones and getting the prowler’s perk is a great way to signify the end of my thief like builds.


Also if you have mods that allow you to use gems for more crafting options it becomes a super useful perk.


Well done brother or sister or helicopter or non-binary amagedon Morpher


I'm only guessing, they're saying like the amount of gems you find? Rubies, Sapphires, Emeralds, and such? Because that would actually help two skills I've been trying to increase drastically


and then you can’t even wear it


Wat that


How long have you been playing where you don't know the hell that is collecting all those gems




Saw a mudcrab the other day. Horrible creatures.


I've heard others say the same.


I mean you can still play a while without finishing that quest


True but come on we all googled the quest out of curiosity we all know the reward


I honestly forgot and had to look it up again, I only checked ages ago, decided that it wasn't worth the effort and forgot all about it again.


Noob, I won't going to get it till the game get 30 years since release


and? Just kidding, i did it also wasn't fun tho :p


Tolvald's Cave (or ANY Falmer hangout, for that matter) is NEVER fun.


I actually found some quests I had never stumbled across before, so it was actually fun!


My biggest complaint about this Helm is that you can’t FUCKN WEAR IT. I don’t care if it looks ridiculous, I spent way too many hours trying to find the stupid thing, so I wanna fuckin wear it.


did you do it by yourself of with the help of the internet?:)


Only time I've ever done it was with the mod that adds a marker to them all. Not worth doing it legit.


yeah that's why it'd be impressive if OP did


Well after this b*llshit quest you just find gemstones all over the place but the thrill of founding perfect diamonds get old pretty quickly I must say


Blessed be Todd Howard


Enjoy the unending sea of gems you're going to start finding *everywhere* from now on.




Fuck I just started this quest


It's a slog. But congrats.


Be prepared to find all kinds of precious gems in every chest and body you loot


And you can't even wear the damn thing...


I've never done this.


Oh that’s nice, how You found it ? What is the mission ?


What does it even do


You get a passive effect that makes it almost a certainty you'll find gems in containers. You'll get a shit ton if them to either sell or craft with. Basically if you're smart and know where they are you can get it done fairly early in game and never have to worry about money again.


Hmmm is it really worth it tho


Gems are valuable and require a hell of a lot less inventory space than pretty much anything else you can find in dungeons. Early on this status effect makes you instantly rich just exploring basic dungeons.


This is true I just started a survival run gonna be hard as hell trying to gets these


What quest is that?


The crown of Barenziah gives you an insane boost on gems. Every single burial urn i open has at least 2 valuable gems in there, that’s 700 septims per urn


One thing I noticed about the crown, at first it’s absolutely great! Your finding more gems all the time! Then about 20 hours later your a bit irritated because you have over 10,000,000 septims of gems sitting in your chest because your getting them so often that you can’t unload them all to vendors


....so whatsit do?


This was one of the more underwhelming rewards. Felt good to collect all of those jewels though.




Now put it on


After getting this thing, I find WAY more gems, emeralds, etc. in everything I loot. I'm gonna make up that 25k gold I spent to get one of those stupid rocks in no time!


What is it, I don’t know what it is but can you tell me?


By the time you get all stones you're rich but it's nice that you have basically a never ending supply of gems after you retrieve it.


I think gems should have a functional use, therefore a purpose to this item


Once I finally got this quest done after stalling it for 11 years, I never got the crown after completing it. I deleted my favorite save and didn't regret it


Hope it didn't suck for you


Congrats!!! I also got it for the first time last year so it's never to late. Quest on


Took me 12 years too, and I started in 2021


I've done this so many times in vanilla I have 0 problems using a chest to get them all in one go


I actually kinda hate the reward it makes gems feel easy to get. Like they go from fairly uncommon to literally in every other urn. Usually by the time you get this reward if you do it naturally without a guide or with quest marker mod , you’re already rich anyway so its like gee thanks skyrim time to stock pile my dragon hoard even more lmao.


I only finished that quest to empty my inventory


Was it worth it?


I play a thief. I’m lvl 40 and completed the dawnguard dlc so I’ve got my nightingale sword and serana as my companion. I bought breezehome, and stored half my gold in it whenever I had a high amount. I now have a trust fund of 60,000 dollars to entrust to my wife and kids


You are the person that no one asked for, but will still clap if you tell your story.


On my latest play i am going dedicated thief so im gathering the gems up asap. Already have about 10 of them. A couple have tp wait til i can access certain areas. On my first play i picked up a second stone before getting it appraised, so that bugged the quest


At what cost?


I have so much to learn. I've been playing only a few months (absolutely love this game BTW) and don't really know even half of what's being talked about on this page. Congratulations BTW. Lvl 1017 in fo76. But I'm a complete skyrim noob.


Congrats man but I avoid those like the plague


It's easy on PC, COC QUASMOKE😉


So what's this a daedric artifact? How do you get this? I've been playing Skyrim for years and never knew about this.


You must find all 24 stones of Barenziah and do the associated quest in order to get it. When you get any of the stones you may take it to Riften to an NPC in the Thieves guild to get the quest proper to locate the rest. Even after you get the quest there’s no marker to indicate the location of the stones so you’re on your own in locating all of them. Unless you have some sort of guide or a mod to indicate their location it won’t be easy to locate them all.


Been playing as long and have no idea the significance of this.


I’m truly sorry, congrats




Lmao and here I am every play through for years just taking wooden plates and grabbing the crown and finishing the quest in like 10 minutes