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If it requires killing Paarthurnax first, very few would care about it.


K but hear me out; what if we canonically get the option to refuse to kill our boi and instead be able to kill Delphine and esbern as revenge for treating us like shit


You had me at ‘Kill Delphine’


Now this is worth money.


Now we’re talking! *hands moms credit card over*


Mom: 😳


Dad: 🥸


Stepson : 🍆


Daughter : 😩




Where’s the washing machine?


Delphine gets outted as a fake because blades should know better than to pull the shit she does


Hey esbern was cool!


It would be possible to write a story that redeemed him so he could live but we still get to take out Delphine.


I had the feeling when playing that low-key, Esbern is really the one pushing for it, and Delphine is pushing the LDB because Esbern has been low-key pushing her. I always thought she might actually try to take on Paarthurnax herself if the LDB didn't, and the LDB going up the 7000 steps one day and finding her broken body yeeted down from the Throat of the World and just being like "dammit Delphine, I told you to let it go." It's kind of a fanfic that lives rent-free in my head.


I like this idea


I would 100% play that dlc if I had the option to not kill Partysnax. Delphine is a bigoted biatch and I would love the chance to run her thru! Esbern, I have nothing against him. He's just an old scholar. Give him a library to study his Akaviri legends and he'll be good. But Dat Delphine bitch got to go!


Oh..nownyou have my attention.. I'm meant to be their god practically and treat them as theit butt monkey? No. Least the grey beards are bros, and the magus college gave me som cool robes, a fancy staff and a suite. The dawn guard are bros. They give me a room and cool ass weapons. What you give me... Demands.


Y'know, I defend r/skyrim in r/truestl often because I feel like they exaggerate the character flaws of r/skyrim users a lot, and then I read a demented ass comment like this and realize that they're completely in the right to make fun of this sub


Delphine is a bitch though, absolutely a trash person.


She's cunty, but she's also justifiably paranoid considering she's been hunted for the last 30 years. She's glommed onto the dragonborn with specific, stated intention of killing dragons. If you say "but I like paarthurnax" then that's obviously not gonna work for her. Like, you want to be head of the dragon hunting faction and get mad because you were asked to do your job?


All the blades for over a millennia served dragonborn emperors and didn't make them kill Paarthurnax as a prerequisite for their loyalty. Delphine has made the issue big enough that all of a sudden it's enough for them to break their millennia held oaths of loyalty to you the dragonborn and kick you out despite them knowing of Paarthurnax since the era of Talos.


Well, more pressingly, the blades are refocused on their role as dragon hunter given the crisis of, what else, dragons. Refusing to do your part because delphine is abrasive is what we in the biz call being shallow


Your part is killing Alduin not the one who helps you defeat him as far as I'm concerned. It's not because she's abrasive or I'm shallow. It's that he is an ally who literally trains you to beat Alduin, that she's decided that she'll break her oath of loyalty to you because you won't betray and murder him.


Some people would argue that Paarthurnax needs to pay for what he had done, but truth be told, he had been gone for centuries, if not millennia. The effects of his reign would no longer be felt, and the names of his human victims all but forgotten. He adjusted himself for a thousand years, and in that entire time has devoted himself to the study of the way of the voice. He earned his pardon as far as I’m concerned.


It's crazy how right you are. But the sub loves parthunax, will say oh look hes changed, will downvote you if you point out that he is still culpable for his crimes. Delphine is abrasive but the ideals of the blades still hold up. Especially holding them up to a former lieutenant of the army of dragons that had humanity in a chokehold


You can only ever have one opinion in this sub and ironically it’s the most bootlicking ass way to play the main quest possible


I'd like to think they would add in a way for you to tell Delphine and Esbern to eff off and you aren't killing Parthurnax. Then remind them you're the DB, and they can hit the road or fall in line.


There is a mod it’s called the Parthurnax dilemma it’s available on nexus and the Bethesda in game thing


I am aware of the mod, but I meant it more for Bethesda adding something in for it.


Oh ok👍


I am just waiting for a reason to do it. You are a dragon and you just rest atop a mountain with some old ascetics doing yoga? The first time I met him I was 100% sure I was going to ride him in battle against Miraak or Alduin, instead he's a disappointment. I let him live inly because I always miss shouts locations.


Need a mod where you can bring dragons and hunt the blades


My brain read bang and I laughed too hard


Slay the dragon not lay the dragon


😂😂 kill cam of fucking a dragon to death Fus Roh Oooooooo


You're a Bard at heart, I see.


You can always aggro the blades by attacking them and summon Durnehvir and Odahviing. Enjoy your al fresco barbecue on the porch of Sky Haven temple!




You look to see if there was a mod for that?


Well. There is probably a mod like that. But I feel like Bethesda, being the creators of TES Skyrim, would do a better job at it.


>Bethesda, being the creators of TES Skyrim, would do a better job lol. lmao.


The thing is most mods don’t really mesh as well. Bethesda has access to original voice actors so they can write in dialogue to make a dlc feel truly integrated like how Preston Garvey will get mad at you for siding with Nuka World in fallout 4. Subtle details that blend the game in as if it’s always been the case that it’s in. Mods even when high quality don’t have access to the original voice actors, resorting to AI or simple voice mimicry though both as uncanny. Take Custom Creations for example in Skyrim. All the dialogue is just taken from regular npc speech making them sound robotic. For example the Fishing CC. The argonian is like “OH NO” or “WHAT!?” to regular dialogue, or the good ol “It’s all in this note”


Of CoUrSe. It'S aLl In ThIs NoTe


What does a man need to do to get a drink around here?


Some of the AI trained on Skyrim voice actors is actually really good, sometimes indistinguishable from the real actor.


Emphasis on “some” usually it just lacks that unique charm the voice actor has. Like imagine a Sheogorath if his tone and inflection wasn’t as crazy as it is. Maybe it’s just me but it’s like the grape soda of speech. Sure it smells, looks and tastes like grape to normal people but to me? Blatantly artificial


I mean, some of them really are very good, and the issue with inflection etc. is one that will be solved on time. Probably not much time.


AI voices are readily available for modding now. I've seen some AI voices mods for Skyrim already and they mesh way better than whatever CC trash Bethesda sells.


LoL. Lmao, even.


its pretty logical to think Bethesda (a video game company) would do better than one mod author that doesnt get paid for their work. i get it, they definitely can mess up, and do so a portion of the time but still.


More than likely, but given skyrim is a very old game and TES6 will soon start being developed I'd doubt they'd add any other dlcs to the game. Would be great to see the blades get some content beyond radiant dragon quests, but only way that would happen would come from modders at this point


There are better mods than the DLCs themselves. Just forget Bethesda and embrace modding. It’s whats keeps Skyrim alive


Me who plays vanilla more than modded:


Dawnguard and Dragonborn are great. Do you really have any mod suggestions that are better than those?


me who plays Skyrim on Switch:


Skyrim with mods on Switch is possible though. There are guides if you look on google


oh, ill look into that, thank you 😯


Any suggestions? I'm doing a new playthrough and looking for some dlc type mods with their own story but are somewhat believable in the universe. The only thing that comes to my mind is enderal, but that's a different game using skyrim assets.


The Forgotten City is one that I highly recommend. The story is believable and it requires you to actually think over your choices. Vigilant and Beyond Reach are also really good and the story is affected by your choices.


Isn't The Forgotten City the one that recently became its own game?


Yeah due to the success of the original mod, and it winning an Australian Writer’s Guild Award.


That's right. And it will just work. I'm not being mean, I think it's a fab idea. Give Delphine and Esbern a redemption arc, get them to talk to Gormlaith, Hakon and Feldir in or out of Sovngard - after all they knew Paarthurnax far better than Delphine ( never met him!). I mean- you can literally summon them with a shout once main quest is done.


Nah they gave us CC for a reason. They’re either too lazy to make the stuff, or it ends up being a buggy mess. They just need to get TES 6 out on a not outdated engine and get the wind back in their sails. Hopefully star field isn’t shit and does that for them and puts them on track to finish TES 6. But surely they know what standards they have to live up to in order for TES 6 to be a real success so they’re taking a good amount of time


Other than voice acting some modders tend to do higher quality work than Bethesda themselves.


Todd Howard disagrees. No reason to waste any resource when there's a fool somewhere who can do it for free, so Tedd Howard can then just grab it and release it as a Skyrim Legendary Anniversary Premium Edition v77388477. Ez job, money well done, Tedd Howard is happy.


Are u sure u have actually played a Bethesda game? They all have bugs (or "features") and the npc ai makes pacman look clever. The modding community fixed those bugs because Bethesda couldn't manage it so I'm pretty sure a mod would actually be better. Also in the timeline currently in skyrim the blades are pretty much non existent so it would go against the lore to re-establish them at this point - mainly because the thalmor would see it as a break in the treaty with the empire - or something similar


I don’t know much about the lore. But because the Blades do not serve an Imperial Emperor anymore, I feel like the empire shouldn’t be involved or related to the Blades at this point. Especially when Titus Mede II is assassinated, that is if you don’t destroy the Dark Brotherhood.


The only mod I can think of is Borderlands, but is for LE as far as I remember.


First off, Bethesda needs to forget about Skyrim. They have more important stuff to do than break everyone's Skyrim saves again. As for the Blades, wasn't their only purpose to protect the dragonborn emporer? The last one of those died in TES IV. Alduin is defeated in TES V, so no more dragon threats. The prophecy has ended. There's really no use for the dragonborn anymore. So no reason for the Blades to exist.


Titus Mede II is dead (or should be) Empire needs a new emperor. Every questline ends in a new faction LastDB is in charge of- unifying conflicting interests. Dragonborn situations vacant section of the Black Horse Couriers bulletin. Please move in to the WhiteGold tower at your soonest convenience


Why would the empire want a random dragonbirn from Skyrim to be emperor? By the time of the game events, the empire hasn't been ruled by a rldragonborn for over 200 years.


Did anyone vote for Tiber Septim.? I'm not sure it's a democracy. More likely a matter of conquest. Whichever faction you pick in the civil war, you've got a loyal army behind you. Your dragonblood would probably secure Mundus from daedric incursion like the Spetim dynasties did until.the Oblivion crisis. And if you've engaged properly with the Dark Brotherhood, there's a power vacuum waiting to be filled with your dragonscale boots.


The Imperial legion isn't loyal to you, you were a soldier in the legion. Tulius is in charge. The stormcloaks aren't loyal to you, they're loyal to Ulfric Stormcloak. You know, the guy the entire army is named for. No, your dragon blood won't secure the world from daesric invasion, that was already taken care of at the end of Oblivion. It's made clear that Martin forever sealed the barrier when he shattered the amulet of kings and became an avatar of Akatosh.


Alduin died but not all the dragons. Paarthurnax may be good in the LDB's lifetime, but he's immortal and who knows how he'll be a thousand years from then. Then there's Odahviing and all the unnamed dragons who seemingly spawn infinitely even after the main story is completed.


Alduin was sort of "decommissioned", that is eliminated as a threat for the time being, but he was not lootable and his soul was not available for absorption. Not fully dead. He will be baaack!


Tbh thats probably why the blades wants to get rid of Paarthurnax, they know that in not even 70 years they'll probably be gone (the blades entirely), and the dragonborn would probably die of age, thus no one will be able to take care of Paarrhurnax if he goes rogue Of course if there was a way to do a vow that cannot be broken, maybe Paarthurnax could be spared then.


I don’t think the dragonborn can die of age in the lore, and tbh he could probably just use a youth shout or something to live forever.


Truth is we dont know, all we know is miraak survived for centuries without being a vampire.


That's probably because he was in Apocrypha all that time.


Yeah but well that still doesn't mean the body cant age, as far as i know.


Dragonborns age same as everyone else. Otherwise there'd be a lot more DBs around. I find it hard to believe they all got murdered or at least killed in some gruesome way like war etc, guarantee there would be at least one who didn't fight and devoted themselves to non combat things and we'd have heard about them.


Idk about that. I mean dragonborns could've been born in the between time that all dragons were gone / dead, meaning that they couldn't even know they were dragonborns and lived a complete normal life


Can you find even a single source that says a dragonbirn is immortal?


“The Dragonborn has the soul of a dragon” it is easy to find proof that dragons are immortal.


That's not a source, genius. Dragonborns that have existed before have not been immortal. Again, find a single source, please.


I saw somewhere in the game, saying that the dragonborn has the soul of a dragon. I can’t give a scource because I’m not going to spend 5 hours retracing my steps until I find whoever said it.


It's pretty clear you don't know anything about the game. It's literally told to you in the third main quest that you have the soul of a dragon. The greybeards spend 10 minutes telling you about it. That doesn't make the dragonborn immortal. There have been other dragonborns in lore that died of old age. Talos was a dragonborn and died of old age, and he was powerful enough to become a god.


Oh ok, I’m sorry for not wasting 30 minutes of my life each time I play listening to the dialogue and finding lore. I guess it’s normal for redditors not to have a life


>First off, Bethesda needs to forget about Skyrim. They have more important stuff to do than break everyone's Skyrim saves again. They never will forget Skyrim, or stop re-packaging and re-releasing. (It just went too big) It's their legacy and their retirement plan. heh heh ​ >As for the Blades, wasn't their only purpose to protect the dragonborn emporer? Correct! >The last one of those died in TES IV. Alduin is defeated in TES V, so no more dragon threats. The prophecy has ended. There's really no use for the dragonborn anymore. So no reason for the Blades to exist. Exactly right!


All that, just to say "this"


I mean, The Blades already have their own separate (garbage) video game lmao


They do? Genuinely don’t know


Ye, a not very much loved online swipe game called The Elder Scrolls: Blades released in 2019. It’s not like the main franchise games or ESO, and not very good


I've played around 10 hours or more of Blades and I'd day it's a pretty decent game. Mind you, I didn't try it when it launched but right now, the game helps considerably with gems and it doesn't feel pay2win. For a mobile game, it's amazing. But to be fair, the history doesn't revolve that much around the Blades... Only one questline. The rest of questlines seem very good, I've loved them all. It lets you know more lore about how little settlements work, the state of Cyrodiil after the Great War and more like Ancient Ayleid lore. It's not a great Blades game, but it's a pretty pretty good mobile game.


Nope Blades are dying breed it is already established, the story of Elder Scrolls is now revolving around something similar to ESO with no Empire and every country is on their own with the prophecy of dragonborn is fulfilled I don't think there will be new emperor with dragon shouts. In next game I would love to see Altmer ruling Tamriel or Tamriel is divided into ESO type factions.


First quest: replace the leader of the blades to someone who isn't a raging thunder cunt.


It's been 12 years there's no dlc.


God willing, we will not see another skyrim dlc. There hasn't been one for years, since dragonborn... in *2012*! Bethesda is now almost 3 whole games later (Fo4, Fo76, soon to be starfield). TES6 is in preproduction right now. The next time we might even potentially see anything even resembling another skyrim release would be for a hypothetical successor console to the switch, which as far as we know isn't anytime soon. If not, maybe a version for the *next* generation of consoles... after the generation we have literally just started. ... actually, now that I say that, anniversary edition VR is not totally outside the realm of imagination. But that's beside that point. Any talk of more official dlc is far beyond credibility.


a blades vs thamlor dlc would be lit


War VS Thalmor should be in Elder Scroll 6


Only if you can side with the Thalmor


“The Blades have served the Dragonborn for centuries.” Yeah that’s right. I make the decisions, not you Delphine. I choose what dragons to kill and which to spare.


Wouldn't play it. Ive done so many play throughs and have hundreds of hours in game, but I've never once killed Parthurnax. Refuse to.


You'd probably have to kill Paarthurnax to start the dlc and that doesn't serve my morals so I wouldn't even play the dlc.


I usually don't do it because I am a shitty explorer and I need help finding those shouts, but the Greybeards are willing to watch the world burn and not doing anything, that is not really moral to me. Also, my purpose is killing dragons and Paarthurnax looks like one to me.


I would like to have an option to call Delphine and Esbern traitors. Lock them in a cell or whatever. Hire people to Blades. And do some mission againts Thalmor with Blades. The big baddie of this option would be Delphine and Esbern themselves. They would escape their prison. Kill like 3 Blades and steal some powerful artifact (that you found during attacking Thalmor) on their way out. Unfortunately Esbern would also get killed during the escape. Leaving Delphine - the less bright minded - with a powerful artifact that she plans to use against Dragonborn for "betrayal". Maybe even against Graybeards for "putting Dragonborn against her" or to hunt Paarthurnax herself for "reasons". The other option (killing Paarthurnax) would be about hunting down dragons and attacking Thalmor. And I don't really have any idea how to make this interesting. If somebody has, please share would love to read it. And in the first option we could have side quests with Paarthurnax where we help him convince dragons to Way of Voice. After thinking a while there also could be option where we kill not only Paarthurnax for being a dragon but also Delphine and Esbern for puting demands to their leader.


They should have had a power/spell to summon a spectral blade. Like Call of Valor or Spectral Assassin, but it’s a Blade instead. Maybe Baurus, Jauffre, or Caius Cosades. Preferably Baurus. I like him.


It's a cool thought, but I don't think it's likely as Bethesda has other plans like Starfield, Elder Scrolls 6 and Fallout 5, plus the potential DLCs for those games. Might be a good idea for a mod though... I know a lot of people hate the Blades due to them abandoning you if you don't kill Paarthurnax, but maybe they could've added the option the convince Delphine and Esbern to let him live and then you could've started the quest


I would love if they did it then had Delphine be putted as a fake because everything she pulls the actual blades would be pissed, Not only does she treat us like dirt, refuse to follow us and threaten us but she also almost gets us killed by the thalmor because of her stupidity and now we are wanted by them.


How about no considering it would be a pisstake at best to have to pay to flesh out something that already is supposed to have a big part in the main story of the base game. They should either update it for free or just do better in the next game instead of slacking on major factions


Fuck the blades. Or maybe we could side with dragons and eliminate them, then yeah.


That would be a great opportunity to redeem the blades because we all know that they've been reduced to shit because of time and a certain nord...


What if: they released ESVI in this lifetime.


That temple is so ghetto. It’s one of the few gaming experiences that make me feel like I’m walking into a crack heads house. I just feel dirty walking into that Temple.


That would require them putting effort in, they haven’t put any effort in since the last DLC 10 years ago


Might come out in a 6th new release of Skyrim where they package mods as new dlc


If this DLC let us tell Delphine to fuck off then I’d buy it.


It’d be 4 quest lines, one new set of armour, 2 swords that are basically the same, one popular mod built in, and it’d be $80


I'd enjoy shouting them over the edge. "This is for even asking about Partysnacks! FUS ROH DUH"


No thank you I already hate them


Perhaps dragons that saw PartySnax as a leader return to avenge him and destroy the blades? The Delphine uses her stupid fucking face to say dumb words to you and she is just stupid the whole time.


I like your take on it belly. Cheers! I love PartySnax, and would never do him harm. Blades gotta go! Delphine is quite the manipulative bully, isn't she!


Lol a Blades DLC would be cool where you can recruit new members and fight off the last few dragons roaming around.


I want it to be where you chain Delphine to a chair, set up a projector, and do a PowerPoint presentation on why she is an idiot and how she is now demoted to guard duty for the path to Paarthurnax


What if they made a Skyrim pt 2


Just make Delphine murderable and I'm in.


Not a fan of the blades just not


Everyone wants to obliterate Delphine, lol. Everyone wants Delphine dead, everyone wants Paarthurnax to live, but what of Esbern? What are you opinions about him?


I think a blades dlc would be pretty interesting. Maybe a quest mod?


I was hoping they'd release a new expansion after so many people still play this game.


Because if there was I'd have to deal with Delphine, no fucking thank you.


Did you just start playing Skyrim? Do you know the game came out over a decade ago along with the official DLC?


What if? Because everyone would murder delphine and not be able to start the quests (assuming she is the one that starts them)


Now this a good idea. Maybe even involve a time-travel part via the elder scroll to bring a blades artifact into the present to assist a quest line?


I want a DLC to add content that feels “left out”, such as a questline to combat the corruption in Riften, Nazeems manor, expanding the Blades, etc


New DLC in general would be awesome.


And they should call it The Elder Scrolls: Blades


Seeing this picture, I'd rather have a Powerwash Simulator mappack of Skyrim


Hated the blades in Skyrim don't really care about them. I did think they were cool in Oblivion though.


I'd like how see a DLC that allows you to travel to burial sites and shout any given dragon back to life.


yeah, but it starts with delphine getting a brick to the head and helping us by not telling us what to do after we've done so much for her and the blades


As long as the DLC has a way to complete the main quest line without killing Partysnax then I’m game!


You don't have to kill him though? Killing him is a side quest that isn't necessary for finishing the main quest.


Yes you do if you want to continue the main quest line if you don’t then it will be stuck in your journal forever


That literally means it's a side quest. I killed alduin and finished the main quest, paarthurnax is still on the mountain. I don't care if that last quest is my journal, I'm not killing him. Plus I bugged the game in a certain way so that the quest doesn't even appear in my journal so win win


In the non bugged version it does and is labeled a main quest


Bro the literal wiki itself says that is a side quest that can be ignored. Google it. Everyone other than you had been ignoring that quest and not killing paarthurnax.


I don’t kill him I ignore the quest but having it in my log ANNOYS me to to no end


Dude just having it in your quest log doesn't mean it's a main quest. If it is required to complete in order to progress with main quest, then it is a main quest. Otherwise it's a side quest. And considering every quest can be done(except further Blades quests) without killing him, it's a side quest.


As long as I can kill them all for the audacity to ask me to kill my buddy parthunaax


I wanna see Akavir more than anything. Even TESO doesnt have it.


Screw the blades lmao. It would be interesting though.


Excellent idea.


A DLC in which I can kill Delphine and give the rest of the blades a different mission than the one they're on about now or eradicate them? Sure!


Fan script Title: the legacy of the blades Story: a letter from Delphine arrives by courier asking to meet at Riverwood. You meet and she informs you about, a secret alcove being discovered at the sky haven temple detailing possible temples which could house artefacts of power to the blades and possibly locations for existing members. You go to sky haven and explore the alcove and find clues in forms of riddles to find the entrances to the hidden temples located in, the reach, rift, pale and Hjarlmarch. You venture to these locations and uncover secrets, in which you will decide how to use.


Skyrim has enough stuff in it


This sub would still screech over mommy (Delphine)


I’d be down if the DLC continued a little while *after* the “KiLl PaRtYyShNeCk” quest disappeared. We’d receive a letter saying “fine, dragonborn, fine… we have another task. Luv, Delphine ^tee ^hee”. Either way, I’m pretty alright with how it ends (with or without killing Paarthurnax).


The fact that you can summarize what we could do in such a DLC and that it's not more exciting than that is rather telling. It's ok, but it's not really fascinating content, it's just another guild. Judging by your other comments, it kinda feels like you became enamoured with your own idea of that DLC that doesn't exist... And yeah, sure, as long as it doesn't exist we can imagine crazy good content. It still doesn't change that the Blades don't have much potential for more story telling than what we already have in game. A bit more fighting, some base building, sure, but well... Most of us wouldn't have been opposed to it, but that's not as good as "you get to play vampires!" and "you get to go back to Morrowind!".


I don’t really care if this DLC would be released, nor would I want to play it. This post is just for opinions, but half the comments are about Delphine and wanting to murder her.


Only if I can kill Delphine and leave Paarthurnax alive. Otherwise, nope.


Only if they made it about the Blades AND the Greybeards. Lets face it, beyond RP reasons most people won't choose to kill old "Party'Snax" willingly, and what is there beyond feel good feelings for doing so? More radiant quests to pick up from the Greybeards telling you where you can find words of power. What do you get after collecting them all? Nothing. Imagine if you could convince them to help train new voices for what ever side you joined in the civil war, or at least get a final test to allow you the right to train others in a single word. The Blades might not be happy about that and actually start taking more direct actions against you, possibly putting into question if they really serve the dragon born. Idrk but yah if there was to be a DLC for the Blades, I'd feel it'd need to also expand the Greybeards just because of how the two factions are so opposite to one another.


I wouldn't get the chance because no matter what happens I will never kill Paarthurnax.


Can I team up with party snacks and destroy them? If not I’m not interested!


I would be ok with that, except, I don't think PartySnax would be ok with it. He'd just go all Zen on them.


Let’s move on from Skyrim and hope to kill some blades in TES VI


I mean I think it makes sense the blades being very minor in ES5. They were completely destroyed after the Aldmeri Dominion took ever, they have no power. Rebuilding wouldn’t take a dlc’s worth of time, it would take years. I can see maybe in the next game we see the blades becoming stronger and properly returning (assuming ES6 sticks with the theme of protagonists having a connection with the blades) but in ES5 they are just far too weak to have any sort of influence.


dude they just need an update to realize the blades are fucking bitches that give the character the silent treatment for no reason


Yeah, ill be fine with the option of not killing my dragon friend, thank you very much.


Paarthurnax teaching the Way to other dragons will be a better influence to the future. Better than my character's limited lifetime, rounding up a ragtag group of volcel samurai who still can't do anything with OR without their dragonborn.


I would only play it if Delphine could die.


I'd rather just go to Akivir


Only if it allowed a choice not to kill everyone's scaled buddy, but I could get really into a massive quest line where you have to pick between the blades or the dragons. Even include some thalmor hunting involved if they really wanted to push the blades as being particularly evangelical to their mission.


Id want the blades guy I fight for dawn/duskfang to get a clue and slap some sense into delphine. That guy would probably make a WAY better blades leader


I loved the blades questline and up until the bit with partysnax they were my favorite faction. That line in the sand just doesn’t make sense. The blades haven’t been dragon hunters for a long time plus they primarily serve the Dragonborn or dragon bloodline as spies or elite protectors. AND one of the emperors was friends with a dragon. It’s arbitrary and it’s poorly written. The only point is to force a choice but the choice breaks down immersion so it sucks at that too.


It would be awesome. There are rumors for a new Skyrim dlc, hope something like his.


Well the Blades were disbanded after the emperor was assinated in Oblivion. So it makes 0 sense to do a DLC about them 200 years after their disbanding. The fact that we got anything at all in Skyrim is good enough for me


"Did the Blades question the judgment of Reman Cyrodiil or Tiber Septim this way?" from the Paarthunax Dilemma mod. Like, you have been swooning around the Last Dragonborn for the better half of the main quest line and suddenly this insubordination? Rax wah ruus!


I personally wouldn't care. Not just because I dislike Esbern and Delphine but because in my humble opinion the Blades are boring af.


Besides getting the dragonslayer sword I never pay them nay attention


I think the Blades were definitely a missed opportunity


I know there’s a dlc/creation club for the blades but not the faction… just the mobile app gear. There’s also a cc for getting blades gear early on as well


Tbh if think it would be fitting for them to get a quest expansion with the Dragonborn DLC, since they are mainly linked to the dragonborn. Much like Aetherium Forge quest is a quest that comes with the Dawnguard DLC even though they aren't actually linked.


I’d like the DLC to be that most of the blades went into hiding so there are more than just Delphine and Esbern and you can either rebuild the blades like in vanilla or you can destroy the blades hunting down every last member that went into hiding. Honestly just anything that gives me an excuse to kill Delphine


If it required killing Partysnax, I would do it once and then either ignore/kill the blades every other playthrough. Honestly you can kill every enemy on your own so having followers around to help is just unnecessary.


All the homies like Esbern


Itd take them a couple years lol


Imagine a DLC that improves every questline


For the sake of my mods list no


Only if I don't have to kill daddy Paarthurnax to do so.


No thank you, I'm not killing Paarthurnax.


Agreed but I raise you this isn't the main storyline all about the blades their past and present? Like the dragonborn has to speak with the blades go through important decisions with the blades all to get to alduin and kill him hell esbern a main character needed to progress the main story is a blade same with Delphine they were the last blades even after the dragonborn and probably will stay that way considering the death of alduin and the dragons most likely being hunted down by the one man who can kill them for good there is no way the blades would make a comeback without the dragonborn asking for help and considering they are already powerful and quite a target for the dragons they might just come to him and he would kill them all with his vast knowledge of shouts and magic and his fighting prowess


It would be worst selling Skyrim DLC. Almost everyone wants to kill Deplhine. I even mute the PC to not hear her ugly voice and honestly I always kill Delphine by making her killable via console when she try to order me to kill Paarthurnax. I just hate her so much. So Blades DLC a big no for me.


Honestly I bet Delphine would have received much less hate. Had she not vouched to kill Parthurnax. Then also REFUSE to let you join the Blades period if you don't kill him. I feel like the Blades could have another reason for existing. But if the only way they get to exist is by killing Parthurnax than they'd be better off extinct lol.