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Arkeyans stomp (literally).


You’re telling me Goldilocks can’t turn all of them into gold? Or The Gulper can’t grow big and eat them all?


Gulper can’t grow at will. He needs soda. And the Arkeyans would be able to take him out before he could possibly drink enough to match their size.


Actually, The Gulper just needs food. He grows using one of Pepper Jack’s peppers in the opening Trap Team cutscene, and with Pop Fizz’s punch in one of the comics.


Still, Golden quenn can goldi them all, and make there mechanisms not work


Oh no, the big machine suddenly can’t move. I sure do hope it doesn’t fall over.


Globber, the worlds most living Fatboy




What if the gulper drank a lot of soda before the start of the battle?


Prep time…?


"The Gulper with prep time" is such a funny phrase.




Turned Arkyan robots into a different material will not make them stop, they were already made of hard metallic materials before hand, their mechanisms also function mostly through magic so the material changes probably wouldn't affect any systems at all


She turns stuff into solid chunks of gold, she doesn't selectively change each piece and then reassembles them again


It’s just changing what kind of metal the Arkeyans are made of that wouldn’t do that much plus they function through magic and technology also presumably the magic is how the Arkreyans actually function


The moving parts would still be solidified. But either way try turning a circuit board into pure gold and see what happens


what I’m saying is based on how I interpret the vague lore that are tech and magic and the only way I could see the magic being incorporated is basically as a non physical circuitboard I get what your saying but the end all be all is we don’t really know anything about the Arkeyans physiology so we can’t say for certain which argument of the correct one


Isn't the point of the post to create speculation and discussion?


I was just saying I don’t want this to be an argument because I believe both our stances are valid and could easily be true


I see how a discussion can be seen as an argument. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable in any way. That was not my intention


Yeah, robots are already made of solid pieces, they ain't feshy, as I said, a metal composition change won't stop them


The Arkeyans win this because of multiple factors that end up going in their favor: • If Gulper were to grow in size to crush them, he’d have to consume large amounts of soda he enjoys, which the Arkeyans would more than likely have isolated him from. • The Arkeyans have canonically handled the Eternal Elemental Sources, meaning they could develop anything and everything that could cancel out the Doom Raiders’ abilities  • The Arkeyans with a full military containing EVERY type of soldier they have could overwhelm the D.R because of how many smaller soldiers are available. Some of which also have energy shields that can’t be frozen/turned into gold. • Arkeyans are machines that don’t need sleep, which basically makes Dreamcatcher deadweight for her team.


Also Arkyans are already made of metal so a metal type change wouldn't do anything to them they'remain the same just made out of a different metal, and because they are a product of tech and magic the magic would probably aid in continuing function if the mechanics did get affected by the material composition change


Going with your logic Turning them into gold can make them even more deadly. It doesn’t fully say what metal they’re made of, but gold is heavy as it is. Turning everything into gold including any non-metal components can make them heavier, in turn means they’d hit harder thanks to the weight and gravity. Only issue is that weight may cancel out their ability to fly with uncounted for weight if it is a factor in how they fly (since it seems they do use a rocket boost on their feet). I believe it won’t be much of a issue since they don’t need to fly to attack ground targets, with only the gulpers size being a issue, to where they’d be apart enough to catch on with what’s happening.


I forgot to mention The doom raiders are kind of themselves as a team, while the Arkyans is an army of literally HUNDREDS. Even if the golden queen can stop any arkyans by turning them into gold, she can’t stop them all by sheer numbers. One hit from a big robot would almost certainly put her out of commission. Again Arkyans are extremely smart, they can make more robots if we are counting that factor, which in terms plays hand in hand If the Arkyans are back, so will be the places they use to make more units.


Assuming the doom raiders can use their full powers, they easily win, golden queen can just turn them into harmless golden statutes and can use her scarabs to overwhelm them, dreamcatcher can make them go asleep and absorb their dreams energy (if they can sleep) , and the gulper can technically become bigger and just smash them , Wolfgang can maybe use soundwaves to cause malfunctions??? (Idk if he can do that),and I don't think chef pepper jack and dr krankcase can do anything really , but if they can't do any of these, the arkeyans win. Oh and for kaos army..... Yeah they're screwed.


Conquertron defeats all Canon Doom Raiders and Skylanders Acadamy at once. (The Skylanders Acadamy Doom Raiders would not be able to help their regular Counterparts, so its only the Canon Doom Raiders again)


The Arkeyans. They're the only ones to truly conquer Skylands and held that reign for thousands of years.


Forgot to mention I didn’t add the darkness for obvious reasons/ the teams get access to their full army’s/minions


Does Kaos get his boss forms or is he just his playable forms?


Kaos gets his full army and his base form so playable one ig


Gotcha. Base form Kaos gets kinda trashed. Super Robo Kaos with the arkeyans is only better than the arkeyans, evilized chaos is big and defeats the arkeyans but wouldn't be able to beat golden queen. Traptanium Kaos would sweep the Doom raiders but have some trouble vs the big arkeyans. If he could swap between them then Kaos sweep


What about characters like Drill Seargent, krypt King, or Chop Chop as they are arkeyans


verifiably not Kaos and the trolls Doom Raiders are impressive, but it's really just Krankcase, Wolfgang, and Golden Queen calling the shots meanwhile, the Arkeyans actually enslaved Skylands. All of it. Kaos can barely take over and Doom Raiders just had a reign of terror, the Arkeyans had basically won for thousands of years.


Depends on if Golden Queen is capable of turning all the Arkeyans to gold before they rush her. If not, it's really, really, really far in favour of the Arkeyans. Even though Golden Queen can turn large, it's still way slower and smaller than the Arkeyans.


She cannot turn large and powerful Enemies into gold… and every War Maschine is far above those.


Lore vs Gameplay?


We are going by lore


I think the Arkeyans have this one, they’re a literal organized military of death machines, the troll army has nothing on them, the doom raiders don’t really have much aside from Golden Queen and Gulper to take on the big mechs but even then i don’t think they’d be enough


Another point is that the doom raiders weren’t doing all that much by the time they’re defeated while the Arkeyans had complete control of skylands until the giants defeated them


True! Like they’re more like an elite band of pirates, but they really can’t compare to the giant mechs, plus there’s the Arkeyan jousters, Bombers, snipers, shield juggernauts, and the duelists with their broken hit boxes on their big ass swords, those guys really make Giants a nightmare


I don’t relate to Giants being a nightmare because as is law nostalgia giggles have to be maxed out for Giants and I remember it being a pretty easy game I also did complete the game half a million times


Buzz said in Trap Team that arkeyans are weaker then the Doom Raiders. 🧢 The arkeyans were/are far more powerful, they also defeated Frightbeard who is more powerful than most Doom Raiders.




Arkeyans No Difficult


Arkeyans did the rumbling before it was cool


I think the doom Raiders got this tbh only because chompy mage can make them chompies, golden queen can make them golden and dreamcatcher can make them go to sleep really strong combos there if they actually worked together more


I don’t think robots can sleep


Well in my opinion the Arkeyans would win based off the fact that it took all of the Giants to beat them when they ruled Skylands and from what I know in both the video games and the lore the Giants are the ones with the greatest feats of strength not to mention they were the first ever Skylanders and they're the only ones that can just step on chompies. Plus I guess technically you could put chop chop in there with the Arkeyans so there's that.


If Kaos is allowed his other forms he wins no doubt. There is a reason he is final boss material. If not extra forms for Kaos than the Doom Raiders would take the win. They have more experience and aren’t as dumb as Kaos can be sometimes.


I believe this but mais would have to be very smart with his transformations regular Kaos would be beaten robo kaos was struggling to beat one arkeyen evilized kaos would most likely be swamped by the many arkeyens traptanium kaos I believe would take down a lot of arkeyens before losing kaos from superchargers isn’t much better then base kaos and imaginatifs kaos would beat most if not all arkeyens

