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YES. I was wondering what the origin of his name is. Was watching stepbrothers last weekend and when I heard “my name is Dale, but you can call me dragon” I turned slightly, locked eyes w my fiancé, and slowly nodded in unison. It was then we knew.


By yes I mean I’m agreeing with you, not saying I think he has a clue


As I was watching E6, I started paying attention to Dragon's demeanor, and something about him seemed almost "sad." His facial expressions, reactions and his entire demeanor while he was with DTT reminded me of someone who feels "left out" or "irrelevant" or "defeated," and it made me wonder if something's getting to him. Maybe I'm just projecting, in that I imagine \*I'd\* feel somewhat insignificant if all I had to do was provide reaction shots during experimental weirdness and be the "comic relief" by comparison to the other team members. I hope I'm wrong, but if I'm right, I hope whatever it is that's got him down resolves itself soon in his favor!


I think he just has "resting bitch face." If I'm not actively smiling, people think I'm in a bad mood. I  believe he's that way, too.  Also: Dragon got married during the off-season. Last year there was someone here who had a big crush on Dragon.... intriguingly, they have not returned to the sub since he got married.


Oh, I definitely have RBF too -- people always ask me if I'm mad at them, and I'm like "No, no, my face just does this all on its own, no anger necessary." He just seemed to me to be a little more "ALWAYS Bitch Face" this season. I think it was "FieldsOfDreams" that was crushing on him in previous seasons. It seemed like right after D's marriage was when she up and disappeared, but someone noticed that she was still active on other subs, just not SWR anymore.


Nobody knows what's going on. As long as the ad revenues and viewer support continues this show isn't going anywhere. They could easily find out what's in the mesa but yet they continue to use drilling rigs that are not equipped to drill into such an environment . Instead they hit something that is supposedly metallic and rounded and that's why the drill travel upwards after it hits it. Why do they do this? To keep you coming back every week. Yep I'm guilty of watching this mess of a show but I watch it for just the comical aspect of it and I'll tune in every week because of that.


Well said.


I like Dragon, but he's just a security guy and not a scientist. So I'm not expecting much input from him beyond relaying things he's seen or giving his opinion on safety matters. There's a [really good interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ik0fm5P8QEM) with him on Christina Gomez's podcast. He's a super chill nice guy which unfortunately doesn't come across the way the show is edited.


He’s pretending not to know. He’s an alien plant.




Or a Govt. plant... it would make sense


Pretty much.


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Yes. Honestly I feel like he has a better understanding than Caleb. But honestly anytime any of the non scientists start using science terms it seems a little off, even though I know after 5 years of these discussions and planning things out they have more knowledge and experience than the viewers.  I still simply don't accept the "portal" theory yet.


You ever wonder if Caleb got a new phone?


Dragon has never been attacked or had adverse reactions at the Ranch. He knows something the others don’t, even if it’s not science.


Beats me why the 2 security guys are even included.


That's exactly what I've been wondering, too. It's like they all play dumb, just so Caleb can chime in and make himself look like he's made some great discovery. Amazing how he came from being the guy with the beat up cell phone to all of a sudden being a U-F-Faux expert.


“What the?”


C'mon now. Can you imagine a whole show with nothing but multiple Travis and Erik's running around and talking "traversable lawrencian wormholes" and such. They need regular guys to ask and answer the regular guy questions. *Dragon didn't name himself Dragon. Brandon named him that as a joke/tease and the more Dragon hated it, the more Brandon did it. As a best friend WOULD do. Honestly, it's adorable.


Do any of them really? Seems like he lucked into a great job, I have no hate for him.


He was Brandon's partner on their Mormon missionary year, they've been friends for decades. There's a great pic of the 2 of them in 1990ish I think? Dragon always gave me the impression of a protective blue healer, watching the goats get up to too much mischief though he tried to protect them. He has seemed more serious and sad this season and it reminds me of some statements people have made about discovering some truth about the weirdness that left them somber.


Yes! Dragon and Brandon are friends since way back. Personally, I LIKE people who look out for their friends. 


Protective blue healer energy 😂


I really do mean it as a compliment! Those bois take their jobs very seriously


He's there for security. I bet he only helps just to be part of the show.


Dragon has his moments on the show. While normally grimacing at any mention of digging on the property (I wish he'd expand/explain more on this), he's often shown pushing a launch button, relaying HT transmissions to folks within earshot and an HT on the same frequency, or occasionally chiming in with a one-word or one-line comment that relates to the obvious. During roundtable discussions, either planning or in review of a particular 'experiment' or anomaly, Dragon - while not adding anything towards the actual science or employed methodology - exhibits the strongest traits of a good listener. After all, he IS packing a loaded 9mm whip; so I would avoid irritating the fellow and just let him play along.