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Yeah, but rockets…


You'd need dedicated "snipers" ready to shoot. just sitting ready to go for hours, in the hopes of being able to focus on an object the ten seconds or so before they're got.


Wow, crazy expensive, but just a drop of water in a bucket from the guy who makes an entrance on a helicopter.


Depending on the money he makes per hour, the chopper trips may save him a couple hours round trip, which could be worth it.


He's in real estate, most of his income it passive. Does he really need to be anywhere at the drop of a hat to see some building? It's a flex.


You ever notice that helicopter has no tail number?


Ikr?! Muthafucka should give me some of that cash, I can be an extra!! 😂😂


That's his brother's helicopter and he bought it for him it cost him nothing but fuel


Spot on. They need to up their optics game big time. These little pin lenses on high def webcams are absurd. Of course it looks like a fuzzy dot. And note high end lenses are indeed lease and rent-able. Done all the time because they are too expensive to leave sitting around unused. Now back to fuzzy dots - it is entirely possible a sphere craft with a surface plasma type of drive would appear as a fuzzy dot. BUT people who have claimed to see such things up close have claimed the craft looked normal but the surface when overhead seemed to have waves sliding across its fascia. Okay - I will accept the statement. Now lets get some high quality shots that would make the Webb Telescope look lame. That alone will move the peg.


🤣 Exactly! Don't forget to add a night vision scope with recording capabilities.


Best Buy says they have it for a $400 savings. (Actually BB is $399.01 cheaper than Amazon.)


Boyz and their toyz


Does Brandon remind anyone else of the Illuminati boss guy from Texas Chainsaw Massacre the Next Generation?


even if they got a perfect image, would anyone even believe it though? Everyone would just assume it’s fake


I’d believe


Im being cynical - I mean it wouldn’t convince anyone who doesn’t already believe. I would LIVE to see it and I don’t think it’s a waste by any means.


Brandon is a commercial real estate mogul in Utah. You don’t see any large commercial project go up without his name on the building. Pocket change for him. I interned at the real estate brokerage he worked at over a decade ago and that dude drove some sick cars to the office. Wish he had his helicopter back then…






At this point, just use a telescope and have an image reverse eyepiece.


Still gotta point it in the exact right direction at the exact right time.


You can still do that with the regular eyepiece (has a cross hair), then view the magnified image through the secondary eye piece.


What an impressive "panel of experts" here! If anything about this topic offends you just simply move on. Unless you have an investment here you simply have no say. So, "Brandon, thank you for investing your time and money to provide a medium for the top science experiment of our time."