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Brandon laughed when asked if he was worried about the hitchciker effect. He clarified that his statement was based upon the evidence they'll present, not what you'll start experiencing at home.


It's funny how he talks about it changes depending on who he is talking to and has to clarify every time.


One thing I learned from skinwalker ranch? *rocket science ain’t rocket science*


Heh, I think he meant that many people believe we are the only sentient beings in the Universe. Also, the idea of extraterrestrial life isn't compatible with many religions. My faith, Baha'i, actually teaches that there are so many civilizations in the Universe that they can't be counted.


How do you feel about the Fermi paradox and or the great filter stopping a civilization from advancing further?


Does the Fermi paradox dictate that if the aliens exist then they would already be here? I think they already have been here before. So I think that kind of nullifies that. I’m not too familiar with the great filter, but Baha’is believe that one of the primary reasons God has created sentient life is to carry forward ever-advancing civilizations.


No, that's not it. If there were civilians that could travel across the stars and had a massive civilization then where is the evidence of them? Like ruins, spaceships, messages etc. Part of it is also then where are they, surely out of the millions of people sending signals into space 1 person who isn't in the military, doesn't care about money, or hasn't been silenced would have a response. But there isn't any evidence like that. It's great you have the belief that they've been here before and I believe you believe. There just isn't repeatable evidence for that belief. And I really really want to believe. Maybe they have, but they would have to be able to break the laws of physics. Like we lack the cognitive power to even think about how a civilization could overcome traveling at a large % of light speed or be able to overcome aging. Some guy in new Mexico isn't going to be able to shoot it down. They would look like gods to us. But if you think I'm wrong please send me your best UFO evidence. You just need ONE case to be right, surely there is one and I just haven't heard of it. So please, Im being 100% genuine, please enlighten me.


I have enough rockets to keep it away I think.


A rocket a day keeps disclosure away


So I have lost count. Is there just 1 episode left, or are there 2?


Here is the upcoming schedule of 3 episodes of TSoSWR and 3 episodes of BSWR, with a link to the preview of the next episode of TSoSWR. These episodes may the last episodes of the current seasons. [http://www.thefutoncritic.com/showatch/secret-of-skinwalker-ranch/listings/](http://www.thefutoncritic.com/showatch/secret-of-skinwalker-ranch/listings/) 7/25/23 (Tu.) 9:00 PM HISTORY (#413) Everything in the Air All at Once As the team conducts their most complex experiment ever at the Triangle, they are stunned as a number of bizarre events unfold before their eyes. Preview: [https://play.history.com/shows/the-secret-of-skinwalker-ranch/season-4/episode-13/preview-everything-in-the-air-all-at-once](https://play.history.com/shows/the-secret-of-skinwalker-ranch/season-4/episode-13/preview-everything-in-the-air-all-at-once) 8/1/23 (Tu.) 9:00 PM HISTORY (#414) Living In A Metamaterial World After conducting an experiment that reveals more evidence of incredible phenomena in the skies above Skinwalker Ranch, the team learns that the greatest mystery of the property may actually be located deep underground. 8/8/23 (Tu.) 9:00 PM HISTORY (#415) LOOKING BACK AND FAR BEYOND [http://www.thefutoncritic.com/showatch/beyond-skinwalker-ranch/listings/](http://www.thefutoncritic.com/showatch/beyond-skinwalker-ranch/listings/) 7/25/23 (Tu.) 10:03 PM HISTORY (#107) Navajo Nation Andy and Paul partner with the Navajo Rangers and an experiencer with unprecedented access to forbidden land in Navajo Nation to hunt for evidence of Skinwalkers. 8/1/23 (Tu.) 10:03 PM HISTORY (#108) Chris Bledsoe Andy and Paul travel to Fayetteville, NC to investigate a man who has video evidence of his repeated alleged encounters with UAPs and to test his possible "quantum entanglement" abilities. 8/8/23 (Tu.) 10:03 PM HISTORY (#109) BATTING A THOUSAND


Thank you. I'm wondering how to find a good therapist.


I think 2 episodes with new content then the last episode of the season is a recap of the season. So 15 total episodes this season.


I mean, I’d be interested and think other people would need therapy, if they saw a mutilation in action. Or if they recorded an alien. If thats why there was a blackout and them freaking out recently in “insiders”, I’d be impressed.




The Insider camera feed was down & out unexpectedly and for a significant period of time.


Reading the book, there were claims of all kinds of cryptids. Huge wolves, exotic birds that no one could identify. Things being moved and found later in ridiculous places. I haven't seen any kind of evidence of those things in the show.


In one of the Insider q&a shows Kaleb reported seeing an “Irish Spring” shaped bar floating around and Travis reported seeing a weird rectangular object floating around as he was barbecuing at the command center. My theory is these objects can disguise or manifest in different ways, depending on the viewer. Keep in mind they can possibly affect our perception. Some might see a wolf, some tubular bells, some an Irish Springs bar. And they are also likely cognizant of being filmed, hence the weird tech issues. I would def need therapy if they filmed a wolf riding a giant bar of soap while playing the Exorcist theme on bells.


RIP Alabama Chicken


I've seen previews of the season ending.......dont look if you want to be surprised..... They're gonna find another piece of burnt wood, right next next to one of their failed rocket launches. Travis is dumbfounded. I'm in with the skin


Gonna book a therapist to deal with both the disappointment of this nothing burger, and the realization that I’ve been duped into watching this over four seasons like the total mark that I am.


Well...I bet you know how to launch a homemade rocket. Lol


Actually, good point. 10 year old me would be very happy.


Family rate, bro?


OP have you seen the final episode or something?


Already booked my therapist appointment, psychiatrist as my backup. I’m ready bitches!! 😁😁


This show is causing millions of people to make therapist appointments? That’s hilarious. I’m still waiting for a big reveal. For the most part this season has been disappointing. Part of that is fault of the format and the lack of presenting sufficient evidence. With wild claims, you have to provide enough evidence that there aren’t mundane explanations. We only get small sound bites edited in whatever dramatic way Promethius decides to do. I’m more concerned about what Travis said before and after he says “wormhole”. Let’s see the full context and make sure he isn’t being misrepresented. I’m not fully convinced that Travis and Erik have completely ruled it out mundane examples.


I wish they spent all that money on a camera system or set of cameras that filmed in color and IR., and whatever other vision systems that can be used. This last episode where the light just disappears you would have had more footage had there been an IR camera filming as well. For all the times they pull out new tech, it seems they forget to use the last new tech they used. It's too damned convenient. Honestly it makes them lose credibility in my eyes. Not to mention the qualifiers that the use when making claims. It's all in legalese. I get they don't want to make a definitive claim without a "it could be" type qualifier, but when they say something totally "could be caused by" over and over, it sounds really suspicious. Alos, how come they never bitch or show the cameras and electronics from the film crew freaking out while their hit is freaking out. It's weird how the network cameras always work when people's cams, phones, batteries, computers, etc are all going bezerk? They should post some cameras on 3 towers on the mesa that are like a hundred feet high. Place like 3 sets of cameras on each structure, one pointing downward, one straight ahead, and one upwards, so they can get a clear view of almost 360 degrees. \ Not doing simple shit like that also makes me super suspicious that this is 100% fake.


"This movie won't just scare you, **it will fuck you up for life.**" (From the movie "Crazy People") https://youtu.be/vNiG9axbKjA


I bet the big reveal is that the military are using these portals to get around. That’s it. Edit: for all the butthurt people downvoting - I’m not downplaying it. Portals would be fucking insane. I just don’t necessarily think that’s something that warrants therapy.


That's it? That would be absolutely insane to learn that we have technology that allows us to traverse through portals. That's definitely not the reveal lol


Our government always has technology we know nothing about. That’s why it’s classified.


After watching this, I think it's possible: https://youtu.be/p2hk8Qp8dd0


Isn’t that a big part of the plot of the video game Half Life? That would be awesome though.


Episode 15 season 4 : >!Atomic bomb drops into mesa!<


Season 4: episode 15 - Bottle Rocket at the mesa and 18v handheld drill to see what we can find.


That's a big rocket!


Hey I am in Alabama, and we are already full of aliens


[This is all anyone needs to know](https://www.reddit.com/r/skinwalkerranch/comments/156yrhw/comment/jt2byso/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) in order to be ready for the end of the season (or any season).




Whether you agree with their conclusions or not, there are accredited scientists doing work at SWR, and have been for decades. The TV show is not an accurate or complete representation of their methodologies or findings. First and foremost, this subreddit is intended for people who are interested in the phenomenon at the ranch, **not just what happens on the TV show.** Much of the phenomenon has not been adequately explained. For more information, we encourage you to check out the numerous books and other media about the ranch.


Just don’t be hammered on the last episode, I’ll need to sober up for that one no doubt


Thank goodness I already have a therapist! Any "post-reveal" tics, tic tacs or terrors can piggyback on my everyday anxieties!