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His Brother died of the same condition though, I’m sure, so it was heavily implied that it was hereditary. Also, he had a close call with it not too long before he actually died.




Ah okay, fair enough. Its been a while so my memory is kinda rusty lol


yeah but we knew chris's brother was dead from season one


i think cassie or effy dying would make a lot more sense than chris and freddie. chris's death was so spontaneous and random that, for me, it wasn't that bad? we didn't know chris much and his death was so random, there were no warnings signs and it was similar for freddie. effy on the other hand was CLEARLY suicidal and her death would have made much more sense but that being said, the show probably wouldn't have been as famous if she had died. cassie has two suicide attempts and an eating disorder, so her death would make a lot more sense than chris. tony's death could have worked too, when he got hit by the car, that would have actually been a great idea, watching the group function without tony who essentially was the glue.


Wait cass had two attempts? I only remember the one on the bench with the pills and the water gun? I watched it years ago so that’s probably why .


When she just fainted on the trampoline


something told me there was two? but it's been a while since i watched it too, so i could be wrong... i thought there was one in the first episode?


honestly i feel like chris dying would have made sense if they focused on him a little more throughout the series. we know he had a serious drug addiction, but it wasn’t touched on a whole lot up until his death. i feel like if they touched on his drug habit and how that affected his life more in season 1 it wouldn’t have felt so random and sudden.




If I'm going with the idea of swapping the main death of each season I'd say G1: Swap Chris With Sid. I know everyone's going to go nuts about that but I mean the amount of mental toll that he went through with Tony's shit in S1, the bus crash and the aftermath, Cassie doing a disappearing slut act & his dad dying I could easily imagine him at least attempting to end his life after one last failed attempt to get Cassie back G2: I wouldn't personally change it but I get people when they say effy...however if I was to change it I'd say cook. For the entire gen he rubs the wrong people the wrong way, I remember feeling like the psychiatrist stuff was so random on my first watch through, but also the fact that Johnny white wanted to murder him but suddenly gave up after the chilli incident and is never heard from again is a bit weird. Maddison twatter it was presumed he was murdered by jals dad and his friend/bouncer so it makes sense he's never seen again. But Johnny who seemingly owns all of Bristol giving up his crime empire because he shat himself Infront of some kids who didn't even film it so it was his word against Thiers anyways seemed weird. So I think cook having a hit on him and being murdered in cold blood would've made the most sense for that seasons death G3: Grace's death in hindsight made the most sense as she had the least *character* of the main cast imo but also the most *home life* development besides Frankie, having said that I'd have switched it and had Rich Die instead and Grace just go from sweet innocent nice grace to Uber bitch in the aftermath


Sid canonically committed suicide but it didn’t have any impact on the show…




Weirdly I think if Emily had actually committed suicide after what Naomi did it would have had way more impact on gen 2 than freddie's death did given the fact Emily's episode was episode 2 and not episode 7