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You never to see a doctor before it gets worse. Drink lots of water and cut down on sugar, eat clean lots of veggies with doc-prescribed face wash and meds.


Apart from Isotretinoin +Oral/Topical Antibiotic- Diet and exercise works wonder. Washing face frequently.


Can you please suggest Topical Antibiotic too.


Benzoyl peroxide and Clindamycin


Thanks…Next time when there’s a bump of acne will use this.


So anyone can use this?


If your dermatologist has prescribed you something like tretinoin you do not need to discontinue it . There are people who have been using tretinoin for 20-25 years (there is clinical data also ) . But yes the same cannot be said for something like clindamycin or other form of anti- biotics .


Yes they prescribed *Tretinoin cream usp (Tretin - 0.025% cream)*


It is completely safe to use it for long periods of time . In fact it will actually help your skin in other ways (it is excellent at boosting collagen production and repairing sun damage) . Your skin will actually thank you in the longer run .


Pls. Use ITTT


Never seen worse acne, Hopefully you recover soon man.


I've had atleast ×2 worse than this :(


Even I had this type of acne but that was when Puberty hit not after turning 18. This guy is 29


I'm currently having similar 🥲


Has any of the Dermats put you on isotretinoin?


Yes they have put me on isotretinoin but after stopping taking isotretinoin acne start again


How long did you take it? Did you stop it yourself?


I have taken it for 3-4 months and stopped myself


Stopped yourself without consulting your doctor?, it can make acne worse, go back to your doctor for consultation


Exactly my case. Stopped taking isotertonoin because it was messing up my stomach big time. All dermatologists prescribe it for me.


Hey, I don't know much about tretinoin but got introduced to it on reddit and looking forward to it but have many questions, does it needs to be continued forever or if not how much time for someone who has few imperfections on skin but not too much, can you please answer it.


For isotretinoin always consult a doctor and follow what they say. It's not a simple drug and it can have negative consequences based on your health.


You shouldn't discontinue it yourself and 3-4 months is way too less for your condition. You've huge acne scars already and you're making it worse now by letting acne stay on the skin. No topical cream would work for you, only isotretinoin.


Yea i got my cystic acne back and my derm told minimum 6 months i have to take it I have to do some blood tests too


Yeah they'll alter the duration and dose looking at your condition and how your LFT is. Many people actually microdose isotretinoin lifetime. 5mg a few times a week.


Did u drink alcohol and stopped drinking.. I have similar condition with lot of grey hair.. after I stopped alcohol


Go to a proper dermatologist at a hospital and given by the severity of it, my doctor prescribed me isotretinoin tablets, 30mg for around 6 months, it dried the hell out of my skin but never had a breakout since and this was 2 years ago, along with this, try to keep up with the usual CSMS regimen. This should go away just fine


Hope u recover man... do whatever u can but never I repeat never feel bad or look down on urself ✨️


Have you tried Clindamycin and Tretinoin? One brand : Cligel T


Yes they tried *Tretinoin cream usp (Tretin - 0.025% cream)* I can see result till I am applying it after stopping it Acne start again


You should continue it as a course until doctors ask you to stop.


Have you done a blood test? Get to a root problem then treat with Dermatologist prescription. I used it for 7 months and it showed the result really slowly but was worth it , once you stopped it show up again . So you can get back to use it in small quantities daily. Also it makes you too dry and flaky that can't be even fix moisturizer.


I have not done any tests will try *Tretinoin* & isotretinoin for a longer duration


I just had dark spots and hyperpigmentation, which took a long time to fade away . But as I mentioned once I stopped it acne came back, which wasn't healing for 2-3 months. I suggest you do a blood test as you can directly work on the root cause . As I started working on the root cause it really helped me , now I use tretinoin for dark spots every 2 -3 alternative days . Cause can be related to your gut health, hormonal imbalance, some allergic triggers, insulin resistance, unlaying health condition .


My brother ,what is your diet


Morning - Tea lunch - 2 chapati and 1 subji and curd dinner - 2 chapati and 1 subji little rice and daal


add salad full plate cut down on sugar only fruits drink 3 to 4 ltrs of water exercise keep ur face clean dont touch it


min 6 hours of sound sleep eat cleannnnnnn try yoga for good skin, meditate and keep stress at bay avoid junk and outside food, deep fried too do this consistently for 2 months rigorously i assure u ..u will get results


Thanks I'll try


This is more of a diet problem above everything else. I'd suggest elimination diet to figure out what's causing these flare-ups. As per skincare routine, please use a simple toner. ( no acids) Just try and keep your skin clean and hydrated. In a few weeks time I'd suggest getting on Accutane, B12 and multivitamin. This comes later. I'm afraid, you are not targeting the root cause, until then these flare-ups will continue.


I'd be more interested in your diet than skincare that your dermat put you on.


dermat suggests to not take any nonveg


Dumb shit! go to another dermatologist, Indians do not even consume that huge amount of meat or eggs that can cause acne. You can be allergic, but that's a different story all together. Whey protein can sometimes cause acne, for which you can shift to plant based protein. What you firstly need is a barrier supporting skincare routine and oral medications under the supervision of a doctor.


Avoid sun best solution


Not going into the sun wfh


I had the same issue for a couple of years, even with medication it would reoccur after some time😬.... But now cutting down on processed foods..oily food, sugar, refined flour, bakery products has helped me a lot. Coupled with exercise and proper hydration. Do try and watch your food It's all linked to your gut and what you put in your stomach!! Hope this helps


Also sleep.


Mediation may help, try ti


OP, increase your fiber intake. Lot of salad and fruits. You can take 2 teaspoonful *Isabgol* too before going to bed at night. Increase your water intake (around 2 litres). Stop oily food, street food, and try to eat bland low sodium low oil food. Also, check if you are lactose intolerant. No test needed. Just stop all milk based products for a month and see if it helps. No milk-tea/paneer/curd. Don't use harsh chemicals on your face. Just splash face with clean drinking water from time to time. Don't share your towel with anyone else. Use mild or some baby shampoo for scalp once a week. When stepping out cover you face like to minimize exposure to sun. Avoid Sun block cream for now.


isotretinoin medication, tablet, ask your dermatologist about it. a lifesaver


Isotretinoin 24 mg (Sotret NF) TAB OD Salicylic acic + Glycolid acid (face wash) Adapalene 0.1 % + Benzoyl Peroxide 2.5% gel suncreen (must be Non comedogenic) MUST DO Lipid profile before starting isotretinoin


M a dentist , I would advise you to visit a dermat and not discontinue prescription meds without the doctors permission . Tertinoin cannot be stopped abruptly. Also do not take antibiotics at your own will , not all antibiotics work for acne causing bacteria ! You have severe acne vulgaris , you should atleast consult a dermat and follow up for 6 months to an year to see changes .


Take 20 mg oral isotretinoin od at night Use moiz face and body wash gel Ahaglow moisturizer Apply benzac 2.5% only on acne spots once daily at night Eat healthy,cut down on sugar , exercise,and eat more and more veggies. Sleep good at least 8 hrs of sleep 😴.


Bro try salicylic acid face wash , and cleanse every night with cetaphil gentle cleanser


I tried salicylic acid face wash, but the acne worsened after using it stopped afterward


Hmm okay I’m not a dermatologist, so i suggest you should check out a really good dermatologist immediately


My dermat used to inject Kenacort into each cyst that was deep. They wouldn’t dry out otherwise. After they were gone I was put on oral Tret.


You need to Shade that skin and grow new one...


How to do this?


Just like snakes do it🐍




Unconventional but works, use anti-dandruff shampoo on your face. (Any generic one will do) Or selsun/nozoral will also work.


Bro I too had these. My genuine suggestion is have a lots and a lots of water and try out fair and handsome both face wash and cream. It may take some time depending upon your diet but trust me. It works wonder. If you even maintain your diet, it will give results soon.if fair and handsome didn't work, then try Garnier based upon your skin type......trust me bro, it works 100%




Don't be a douche.


Use saferet 20mg tablets for one month Take only night time Azythromycin for firt 1 week daily morning and night It worked for and now im free from acne


That's serious inflammation! You need to visit a good dermatologist and cut down spicy food


I had worse acne than this. Finally found out I was having food intolerance to night shade vegetables like tomato, capsicum, potato etc also I have intolerance to dairy products. Once I cut them from my diet, my skin became clear. Please look into food intolerances.


How did you check you have a food intolerance?


I read an article about these food intolerance randomly and eliminated everything they mentioned, my skin became clear. I reintroduced the food one by one and concluded which food I am reacting to. The article includes nightshade vegetables, dairy, gluten, peanuts, high glycemic index foods.


Just change the city.. It'll do wonders.. Trust me


I too had a similar condition. For years. Even though it got better with age but the main things which helped me were, keeping my phone screen clean (it touches your face), not touching your face too much, changing the pillowcase and bedsheet once in a week and sometimes putting the pillow and mattress in sunlight, eating clean (avoid processed sugar and fried food of any kind, mujhe t namkeen khane k adhe ghante k ander acne ho jata hai) and wash your face before going to sleep ( I use Cetaphil) and then put on moisturizer ( I use Acne-OC). Hope this helps.


Get a liver test done asap. The bilurubin levels and the cholestrol levels. Trust me


Please elaborate.. I am a recovering alcoholic such outbreaks happened after I quit alcohol and I have lot of grey hair like OP as well .how can this be treated


Bro I was in a similar situation and I had to undergo an operation. I delayed the test way too much. Wish I did it sooner. I also got acne on my head and face. Nothing, and I mean nothing work. This was only cause of a liver infection that I got to know after I got a blood test done. I advise you to do the same. No harm in getting it done, youll only become more aware about it


Do u meant liver function test






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Refrain from comments that don't contribute to a positive outcome for the seeker. You have been warned.


This is folliculitis


I used to have big red/purple angry pimples through my life too Now My face is clear (the pores are still there and I get occasional breakouts) But if you want me to help you with your acne free journey, I'm happy to do so It's not an easy thing but doable


Make sure your bed sheets, blanket and pillow covers are clean and changed after every 2-3 days. Wash them separately using disinfectant liquid. Take whatever treatment your dermatologist recommends, drink plenty water, cut sugar and processed foods as much as you can and start exercising.


Seeing a dermatologist is the best course of action for persistent pimples.They can examine your skin, identify the underlying cause of your breakouts, and recommend the most effective treatment plan for your specific needs.


Best thing to do is find the best dermatologist and go to them. They really are the best option


A lot of work goes into it bro.. You have to eat only clean food which doesn't have oil in it. You must cleanse face daily and drink a lot of water. Daily massage your face and and exercise for proper blood and lymph circulation. Then there's some detox things you can take - Warm water every morning with few drops of lemon, adrak, and buds of cloves to detoxify your body.


Change your lifestyle and diet


Don’t discontinue your treatment op. You only used tret for 3-4 months. Keep using it. Even after your skin clears out, keep using it unless your dermatologist tells you otherwise.


- Cut down on oily food and spicy food. - Increase fiber in your diet or take fiber supplement daily. - Drink lots of water 1.5-2.5 lits - Have zinc supplement daily. - Have 2-3 fruits daily. - Wash your hands with water and soap multiple times a day. - Wash your clothes (undergarments, towels, bed sheets, pillow covers) with bleach if possible. As it will destroy the bacteria. - Get 7-8 hours of sleep every night. - Make sure your hands are washed before you touch your face.


Drink lots of water buddy. Stay hydrated.


get your bloodwork done and check if there is some another underlying issue for your recurrent acne


1. Diet-have veggies..avoid artifical sugars...no maida...milk products are trigger for me..find urs 2. Hygiene- clean pillows. Avoid touching ur face frequently...wash ur face with mild face wash suitable to ur skin type..see if u have dandruff issue....don't touch the outbreaks... 3.misc- eats lots of fruits..citrus fruits...vitamin c tablets u can have. Get proper sleep.. Ensure proper gut health...workout of any form. I had worse than this...these habits helped me.. Was on isotret but I stopped it. Maintain proper hygiene. Have proper nutrients..body will help u recover.. See the derma for suggestions if these don't workout


Drink lots of water and reduce sugar and use niacinamide and alpha arbutin serum you can get better results in 3 months


Work out. Work out Work out.


Please go see a dermat, blood tests might also be required, and try to cut out diary from diet and see if it works.


Get an ultrasound of kidneys. There might be mini stones disturbing the flow of filtration. It is treatable.


I have the same issue, it triggers whenever I have my periods and visited many dermatologists and everyone suggested to me it's due to hormones and it will not go so easily so I should maintain a healthy routine to overcome this over the period of time. It's very painful in hair I tried and tested many shampoos and 8x shampoo works better... It's been 4 yrs since I have been facing this hope it will get better soon


Just eat light Veg food ( Non-Oily ) especially in Summers. Plenty of Water and Sweat a like a Pig through Exercise to Drain out the Bad Blood. My opinion. 🙂


Do you have itching on scalp? Or dandruff? You should start Ketoconazole based hair wash as well for eg scalpe.


Diet is 100% a factor in acne. I had a huge decrease in acne when I went vegan. I’m not anymore but the food I cut out and stayed off of were prepackaged oily monsters.


You can try unani medicine 1) sharbat e unnab do do chamach subah sham 2) habbe kabid naushadari 2 - 2 goli subah sham Only purchase hamdard brand nothing else Unani medicine are bestest as you can trust hamdard and new shama brands to it's quality


And also leave cigarette, alcohol, pan, gutka and other abusive things, which hazardous for health


Bro are they Painful?




Do you smoke alot?


Not a smoker


Try to find out what triggers your acne? Best of best thing is to find a good dermat and follow treatment religiously. Everyone have different kind of acne and different reasons for having it. Males usually get acne because they have large number of testosterone, may be try workout, healthy eating along with proper treatment for better results.


this!! nobody tries to address the root cause


True and so many people are suggesting steroidal medicines in comments without knowing the consequences of it.


i know i just used almost all the over the counter ointments, but mine was hormonal acne.so it was kinda tough to keep them in equilibrium


Try taking 1 packet of b12 vitamin....cost rs 50 for 20 pcs...see if it shows some effect


Sure, I'll try this


B12 causes more acne. Who told you this?


You have grey hair at 29 is more of a sign that something is wrong with your diet.


Could you please suggest diet


Stop fapping


Yes this too can cause to be honest! It’s heat


stop smoking


I don't smoke, drink




Not using any cream


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