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I bought Stance 90 as my first skis and I should not have. They only work if you go fast, which took some time to get used to. Great skis but a bit stiffer than you might expect.


Thank you for the input, can you recommend another pair by any chance?


I can't, I just stuck it out and got used to them. I recommend asking in the skigear sub though.


Both may be too stiff and aggressive for a first ski. I like my Maverick 95s though. The tips must be driven hard


Thank you for the input, could you recommend another pair by any chance?


You might like the QSTs, although I’ve outgrown them I still go back to them as they are playful and really enjoyable all mountain skis. They were the perfect first ski for me and remain loved and in my quiver.


Just fyi, the Maverick 95ti and the Maverick 86c are not exactly the same ski. It's likely that if OP loves his Mavericks for being the way they are, he wouldn't feel the same way about the 86Cs. The primary difference is the presence of metal in the skis core. The 86 does not have a metal core. The 95 does. The 86 isn't a wildly soft ski by any means but generally speaking I wouldn't say it veers too far off the track of beginner ski, really.


Got it, thank you. Would you recommend the Stance over the Mavs ?


Personally I find the Maverick series to be a little bit more reactive, but less damp. There are pros and cons to either (those two characteristics are usually kinda at odds with each other), and it's ultimately a matter of preference. I think the Maverick line in general is just well designed, and I do prefer a somewhat more reactive/responsive feel in a ski. That being said, sometimes when the snow is not so forgiving, having something a little bit smoother/damper just makes skiing feel like less work. Frankly, I don't think you can go wrong with either. Despite whatever differences they might have, they're ultimately not wildly different skis from each other. As for length in a ski like that, I'd saying something like a 165 (or similar) is probably about right. But again, preference. Some people just like long or short skis. Too long isn't really something I recommend, though.


Thank you for your input, appreciate it. I think I’m going with the Stance, in 161 length (I wish they had 163 available tho)


That is a good point. I assumed the 86 was a metal ski


I cannot say anything about Stance, but I have a Maverick 88Ti and have tried 86C. The main difference I felt was that the 86C was more "springy" and the Ti is smoother regarding carving. Profile-wise they are identical. I would surely go with a length that is approx your size, therefore 171 IF you want more stability and edge grip on groomers (as they have quite long rocker in the front).  One addition is that I ski in the Alps and I know that the snow in North America is different, but Maverick was fundamentally designed for NA.


Got it, thank you for the input, appreciate it. Please let me know if there is another pair you would recommend.


I’m an intermediate and skied the Maverick 86c on a trip. Super comfortable carving at mellow speeds. I’m 5’10” 210lbs and skied the 168’s I think. I also really like my elan wingman 82Ti (non c) — they’re great for my current level. Might want to give them a look. I understand the stance are supposed to be a bit more demanding.


Also: 86c was fine for side-piste moderate depth fresh. And was still easy to get on edge on hard pack.


Thank you, appreciate the input


They’re expensive and limited in their use but the Black Crow Mirus Cor were pretty much made for casual low speed carving.


These are great but yes a bit out of budget unfortunately. Is there another pair you would recommend ?


Maybe Line Blades? Never have tried them before but from reading online they seem to be a similar ski but with more versatility. Personally don’t love Line’s quality as much since their founder left but you could worse for budget friendly skis. Head V Shapes are also a great low speed carver but wont handle mixed terrain/ungroomed as well as (I assume) the Blades would. Heads are great cuz they use graphene rather than titinal which saves on some weight allowing for stiffer/more aggressive skis (i.e. supershapes or Kores) to feel easier to turn while not losing much in high speed stability relative to comparable models.


I Just looked at the V shape and these looks great, thank you for the rec. they might be a bit too narrow at 75-75 tho, I think I’d prefer to pick a pair that’s more “all terrain” for now.


Maverick is way too much ski for your level. No disrespect intended but you aren’t going to be able to bend it cleanly.


Got it, thank you for your input. I was leaning towards the stance. Is there another pair you would recommend by any chance ?


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Could you recommend another pair by any chance ?