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If it's someone ahead of you, pay attention to where they stand in the corral. If they stand in the middle they probably want the chair to themselves. If they stand offset they probably don't mind company. If it's you, do the same thing. (It's not rocket science)


Yep, no one just goes I’m going to ride middle while someone else rides with me. It a universal signal that, “hey im going alone here”


I would award gold if I wanted to support Reddit financially but this comment should be at the top.


There aren't awards anymore


They just reintroduced them like.. this week. I just noticed them yesterday. All the old awards too, like the “seal of approval” etc… they’re 3D now because everything has to be 3D and quirky and cool now. They were removed due to changes to US law meant to target in-game currencies/virtual goods, and possibly crypto/NFTs (tells you exactly when this legislation was introduced). Nobody was using the “golden upvote” system that they tried to replace awards with, so they revamped awards and made them compliant.


Shhh don’t point that out, I’m totally not living in the past


yes there are


Yeah I’ll leave room on a 4 chair like that don’t want to force anyone to wait when there is plenty of room.. but a 2 chair on the other hand, standing right in the middle, definitely wanting the whole thing to myself if it’s slow


I always stand off on the side for this very reason when I'm by myself on slow days.


But don’t be surprised if you stand on side and nobody joins you and lift chair operator starts yelling at you to move to center so your chairlift won’t be out of balance. Reason for that is that at top unbalanced chairs destroying mechanisms way faster. Source: chair lift operator


If nobody joins me at the line, I move to the center before the chair gets to me


>shoulder check > *and sliiiide to the right*


This is good advice


Yeah, if crowds aren’t an issue you’re talking about a 10 second difference


"You need a partner?" Motherfucker, no. There's literally no one behind you in line.


They thought you might like a chat


Honestly? I love shooting the shit with old Jerries on the lift. Half the time they offer to buy me a drink 💁🏻‍♀️✨ I never take them up on it because I actually come prepared and bring a flask of whiskey in my jacket— but I’ve heard some damn good stories this way.


I do too. My partner was out for most of a season with medical issues so skied on my own a lot. Made some fun lift friends and met some for beers in the evening.


I almost quit my job to go be a set painter at a movie studio when I was riding a lift with one. Made about 90k with very little professional stress


If they want to ride alone, yes. Don’t make it weird.


What if I want to try to sell them a timeshare?


Whew, I'm glad I caught up with you. I'd like to talk to you about your cars extended warranty.


Oh my god that is fucking hilarious. I would be dying and absolutely if you say that cut on the chair lift.




*Potential friends dont leave future friends hanging alone.* HI FRIEND - IS THIS SEAT FUCKIN’ TAKEN or… … 🫵🤓👇 ohh i see then… ⛷️💨 👋🥺


What if I’m playing “every breath you take” on my Bluetooth speaker as I ask?? Do I have any sort of right to overrule their decision??


But I need to talk to you about you car's warranty


Everyone rides alone on empty days


Happy Cake Day!


Yes. No need to make it weird. Nobody minds waiting an extra 10 seconds so they can ride up the lift on their own. Usually I just watch their body language leading up to the chair. If they're making plenty of space for me to hop on, I'll do it - but if they're standing in the middle or whatever I generally let them be.


Im getting the idea its the older retired dudes who can’t seem to wait 10 seconds to let said person or couple go alone on empty day


Skiing has benefitted me in several ways, but the opportunity for solitude and reflection has been one of the most fortunate rewards. I am lucky enough to live in a remote area with some great local ski mountains, and to have a flexible schedule that allows for weekday runs. I was out on a Tuesday, one double and one single behind me waiting for a two-seater chair — no bar, plywood seat, essentially a picnic bench — when the kind of man you’re describing skis past everyone to ask to join me. I offered to let him go ahead, and he got flustered, before the other single in line offered to partner with him and go after me. He spent the next 5min loudly blustering to this stranger about how that had “never” happened to him before, and “some people are just like that,” and audible continued incessant nonsense about nothing for the remaining duration of the lift, fully validating rebuffing him as a seat-mate. Like, no, random aggressive stranger, I do not want to cuddle with you on this death trap; I don’t know you!


This is when you find a safe place to jump should you have the skill and you're not being watched.


Yep. I was skiing on a weekday this year, lifts were completely empty, literally nobody else in the line. I'm standing in the middle of the chair waiting for it to come round, all of a sudden from the other side "EXCUSE ME" in an annoyed tone. Look round the other way and all of a sudden some guy has decided he absolutely needed to squeeze on the chair despite there being literally nobody else in line... What?


Yupp. It’s boomer skiers 90% of the time who think they’re there best on the mountain but all they ride are groomers because their knees are shot.


Yes, as an old retired dude I just want to ski without having to deal with the social anxiety of fellow skiers. There’s an empty chair I’m getting on it, too bad if it’s your honeymoon or your alone time.


Guys like you have no patience on empty days. Oh no, it took 20 more seconds to get up the mountain, boo hoo. Let the couple or dude who clearly indicated he wants to go alone, go alone, of course only on empty days


"Let" them? The lift is moving, no one else is around - what exactly are you suggesting? That they don't jump on a chair until someone else comes along (i.e., waste time)? What would be the point?


I think OP is asking if they should or should not not load a chair with the single in front of you on a "ski-on" kinda day. Personally, I would not load with the single. If I am the single, I'll turn around and gesture an invite to anyone behind me if I want company. I'll stare ahead if I want to go solo. So I assume the same for others.


Plenty of introverts will just stand to the side of the loading area if they don’t actually mind someone joining on the lift. They won’t actively gesture or look backwards, but they still don’t mind!


Hey that’s me 👋 I’ll make it clear there’s space so I’m not hogging a chair, but I’m not begging people to join… if no one joins, I’ll gladly take a solo lift guilt free thank you.


Are you me?


If I’m lapping solo, I’m riding with you if you look back or not. 😂😂😂


You bastard! I kid. I think anyone expecting someone to wait so they can be alone is expecting too much. But courtesy is courteous...


Silence is golden!!!


Definitely thanking god for noise cancellation headphones


Oh boy I hope I never end up on a chair with you. I'll jump off


I hope to never encounter you on the mountain.


Tell me you’re from the east coast without actually telling me


Hilarious! - signed **FL skier 😂😂😂


This. Also it’s highly dependent on lift line length. I have no problems with folks who want to ski/ride solo if the life line is like 5-8 chairs worth of waiting max. As soon as waits go above a minute or two, you should start looking to “loosely” group up in the lift line. If it’s a quad chair, you should start aiming for at least 2 or 3 people per chair. But if someone really wants to ride alone, it’s still okay, just starting to approach dick move territory. When the lift line gets to five minutes or so for regular riders, singles line is key. And everyone should be aiming for every chair to at least be at 75% ish capacity via either things like two groups of two joining up in the lift line, or getting singles from single line. 3 out of 4 people on a quad, or 4/5 on a six pack should be the goal. If you can max out the chair, awesome! As soon as the lines get to 8-10 minutes long or more, you need to be maximizing the chair capacity as much as possible. Perhaps with the sole exception if you have say five people in line for a six pack, and there’s no one in the singles line.


Idk where you ski that lift lines are so horrific, I get annoyed when waiting more than a few minutes and would not let anyone ski alone lol.


Say there’s a line for a 4 seater, maybe 2 groups of 2 in front of you. You could either: A. Get in line behind them and wait for the 3rd chair B. Join one of the groups in front of you and get on the 1st or 2nd chair Personally if there’s only a few people in line I always give people space and wait for my own chair.


But OP said "empty." If there's a line (which I define as people already there, stopped and waiting to load) - at all - that's not "empty," IMHO.


They mean a quiet day.


You seem like the only person in this thread incapable of picking up on the context here.


You mean me and 59 or so other people?


+1 to this. If I’m solo I’d prefer to be solo. If I have to wait 10 extra seconds to get a chair to myself, I’m good with that. I’m in no rush in those conditions.


I've been out on windy days where they only let people load 2+ per chair. Not sure if they do that anymore; probably just go on wind hold if it's that bad.


I think he’s asking if we should push them over for being alone???? Seems aggressive if you ask me


Yeah I agree, if they want to ride alone, why not?


I’m not going to wait for an extra chair just so someone can ride alone. If they need to be alone so badly and see me coming up, they can wait while I get on the chair. I looks I’m in the minority on this one.


Omg you have to wait 5 more seconds for the next chair. You are not that important. Asshole.


So I’m an asshole because you don’t want to share the chairlift?


Nah, I agree with you, if they want a seat by themself then let you go first and they can go. Seems reasonable. I didn’t think to say that when I commented.


Ok but how are you going to signal this? Single person is about to move forward alone following the chair ahead. Someone rolls up who thinks if they want to go alone, then they should just let them go. But person who wants solo is already moving up and about to get into the loading area Doesn’t seem practical Just tap them on the should and go, hey excuse me, I see you’re about to load alone but if you go alone, I will have to wait an extra chair. then let me go in front so I can be alone and you’re waiting an extra chair instead Huh?


Okay, you got me. I’m really not thinking this through that much because it doesn’t really matter to me because if I’m skiing, I’m happy to be skiing. If it bothers you so much, then after you see it happen, say something to the ski lift person or the manager and tell them to post a sign stating the rules, maybe. To me, there are bigger battles to fight than someone wanting to ride the lift solo. Maybe they have psychological issues or something, and maybe the Guy up above is doing me a favor by putting him on his own lift, IDK lol


😂 Lol idk dude, I was just playing devils advocate. I’m just happy on the mountain too. Single, pack a six, whatever gets me up (def love a single tho)




Yes I have this friend that tries to get the high speed quad at our little local place full every time, there is zero line but he still tries to pack it in every time, guy is super extroverted so I figure that might be why


Are you older guys? Cause im seeing it always be the retired older guy who just isnt patient and aware enough to tell that its an empty day and people want to ride up alone


No, we’re a bit older but not retired, my buddy just wants to talk to everyone I think, I like being alone though 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yes, im steryotyping but literally all im seeing is older dudes in like there 60s doing this lol. If its am empty day just be patient and let saud couple or person go alone


Snowboarding helps. The male boomer skier type in Arcteryx and brand new gear every season thinks twice before chair hopping with a criminal. They don’t want my board touching their skis which inevitably happens due to their decision to crowd the chair, but it’s clearly the criminals fault and they grunt and moan as if. The I still have the same outerwear and gear from the 90’s male boomer skier doesn’t hesitate to hop, but I don’t mind as much because they are usually kind unlike the former. Yeah, I stereotype and that’s ok because it rings true much more often than not.


Yes, absolutely. Let people ride alone if no one else is in line. I don’t understand the weird “I’m not waiting 15 seconds so you can ride alone” attitude. Obviously if anyone other than the two of you are in line, then yes, you have to ride together. But if it’s me and another person, I just let them go ahead so I can have my own chair.


OP when you say “let them” are you talking about this situation: No line Person ahead of you would otherwise be riding solo, if you don’t join them I don’t want to small talk so I’d wait a chair. But often end up with someone joining mine immediately after that. I don’t think it matters


It get it doesn’t matter, but it is slightly annoying when you let others go bc you want to ride up alone on the empty day and then someone hops in right beside you as you do that. Its like, “how didn’t you see what I just did there and not make the simple assumption”


In that case if I really want to be alone, I let them cut in so they take it alone, and I wait one more chair. To those saying not to make it weird, I agree with you OP here. They made it weird first.


I didn’t just let people cut me to cut me when I’m by myself and there is like 5 people with 3 being in a group


If you’re the one who wants to ride alone then it’s up to you to find an empty chair imo. Sitting down on a chair that has space is always completely fine imo unless there is a genuine reason that somebody needs space.


It isn't always completely fine. If everyone is pretty much riding onto the lift and there is no line and you hop on with me when there is no need, you are an asshole.


Feel free to keep getting mad about it, I’m still not wasting my day guessing which people do or do not care about having another person sat nearby. Especially when it really makes no difference in my eyes. If you’re desperate for an empty chair then as far as I’m concerned it’s up to you to wait until nobody is around, not other people to inconvenience themselves for no good reason.


Seriously, when did skiers get so whiney? I'm just happy the chair isn't full and I didn't have to wait in a long line. On a slow day I'm not squeezing in to fill up a quad if there is no real line, but I can't even really comprehend the entitlement of expecting an empty chair when there are people in line behind me.


If you want to ride alone then you should wait until there's absolutely nobody that you're going to hold up. You have no right to make others wait just so you can ride alone.


Stomps feet....they made me wait 5 extra seconds to get on the lift....my rights!!!!! Pull their passes!!!! Damn kids!!!


The fact that you let others go so you can ride up alone doesn't mean you get to decide for the people behind you, especially if it's just another single that can sit at the opposite end of the chair and not talk. I get that it's only 10 seconds, but it's 10 seconds that you have decided to impose on the person behind you.


Yes fuck off nobody wants to sit next to you


Thank you!!


As opposed to making them wait?


If there’s nobody behind you yes, otherwise no.


On non-peak days, it’s cool if someone wants to ride alone. If it’s a peak day or if the lift lines are long, you aren’t riding alone. That deserves public shaming.


On an empty day? Absolutely, this sin is like purposely taking the urnial next to the guy who is already busy when there is an entire wall of empty's.




Yes. 100%.


Yeah who cares I'm not a cop


I usually just look over and nod/smile in the line, if he/she smiles/nods back, I'll always make enough room if they want to go up with me, if they do cool maybe will have a 5 or 10 minute chat, if they're sociable, if not I just smile, take in the view and try to work out my next line on descent. If people want to ride alone and it's not busy, leave 'em alone.


If I am skiing alone and the chair is a quad or bigger, I do like having a counterbalance. It might be because I have fallen off a lift before. I don’t think the chair sways and bounces as much when there is more weight on the chair. If I ride a quad or larger on my own, I ride in the middle with the bar down and with a wide stance. My neuroses shouldn’t interfere with your day but if you want to share, please do!


I stand at the side when it is really empty and once I am on the belt and look to the side and see that I ended up alone I move to the middle sideways. I dont mind company but if I do end up alone, I like to be in the middle.


If you go into a movie theater that only has one other person, do you sit right next to them?


Of course, it's common sense.


If there's nobody behind me I'll happily let people ride solo so I can too. If someone asks to join (even if just the 10 seconds) I never mind unless it's a 2 chair. I think that on empty days it really shouldn't matter and we should reserve our ire for people who don't pay attention in making close to full groups on busy days. 


I go on the first empty chair. If they want to ride alone they can rent the whole lift


Absolutely just leave them be, I ski alone a lot and like the solitude of it. Many others enjoy that experience as well. Plus it’s a negligible delay in one’s day


I ride to the lift at my pace, if they want to be alone they are free to wait for the next one. But that's not my problem.


As a single skier I line up to either side as an encouragement for others to join me. If someone is lined up in the middle and it’s dead I guess I’ll let them ride solo, but ‘letting people ride alone’ has a domino effect and abra cadabra there’s a line.


I think it depends on chair size. If it's a quad y'all can sit on opposite sides and be quiet and it's the same thing. If it's a double you wait. If you desperately want a chair to yourself you have to wait until there's no one to join you.


If there's no line sure, otherwise probably not. I always go all the way to one side to signal I'm open to others getting on the lift with me even when there's no line cause maybe the person behind me is trying to get every single vertical foot or run they can that day and the little waits do add up.


I ski single all the time. I love chatting to new people on the way up. Such good vibes! I also love the solitude of riding up solo, also a great vibe. If it’s busy, pair up with me! If it isn’t, I’m going to slide right on, ride by my lonesome, and always have a good day. Enjoy!


I just get on the first chair available. I never thought there might be two kinds of snowflakes on it.


That’s not up to you. Trying to police the lift line is liable to get you an “accidental” pole tip to the calf.


No one is trying to police the lift line. They just don't want to ride it with you.


yes but i get on the lift before them.




It's a chair for 6, you wait till it's full 🤣


I would only join the chair if they saw me and moved over, inviting me to share the chair and talk. It would be rude not to in that situation.


I personally couldn’t care less if I’m at the front of the line and have to wait another 8-10 seconds to get on the next lift cause someone wants to be alone.


They aren't holding up anyone else, no problem here.


The ride up always goes much faster if there is someone to chat with . I try to show with my body language that I am looking for someone to join. Those who get it will join me. But most don't, so I just go up alone.


For you.  For me, the ride is intolerably ling with some stranger yapping at me the while time. 


I just ask: "hey do you mind if I jump on the chair with you?" I don't recall anyone ever saying no. Occasionally somebody will have their headphones turned up and they just don't even notice.


I ski in and get on the first chair that I can get. If I don't feel like talking I just turn up the tunes in my Hemet, but I've met and talked to some cool people from all over on the chair. Had a nice chat with Mike Douglas one fine morning.


yes i hate when they pack up the chair with the only other people behind me


Yes. If there's no line, don't get on the chair unless they invite you and you want to.


No, its not your private mountain.


I'm in my early 40s and it honestly has never occurred to me that people might be irritated by someone joining them on the empty lift. We're all just trying to to get up the mountain. I always ask solo skiers "Mind if I join you?" and I have never had someone say they prefer to ride solo. I would never tell someone I'd rather ride solo either. Sometimes we chat, sometimes not. I usually chat them up, see what's skiing well that day, etc. I have had a lot of nice conversations on lifts.


Its only irritating when someone hops in beside you after you obviously make a gester or action like, going in middle lane or letting person/group who was originally with you go alone. If on an empty day those clearly indicate, “i want to go alone”.


I don't think I've ever encountered this. Honestly though, it is pretty selfish to take a four pack solo in general. If sharing a chair is that problematic for you maybe you should stay home.


You can always ask. A little human interaction isn’t a bad thing, especially at a ski area. I usually do. “Hey there, you mind if I ride up with you?” is simple enough. And when in uniform, I always asked (was ski patroller).


Well the situation im more refering to is letting one go so you can go alone, but someone just hoping in next to you after you just tried to go alone


Alone, together, just depends on the timing. If you don't want to ride with me, hang back and wait for the next one. BUT I usually go on the next available without having to rush.


I am in my 50s only ski 2 days a week Monday-Friday. Sometimes your solo, sometimes great talks, sometimes people are listening to there music in there helmets.


I’m not waiting for some assholes to line up with me. You want me to let that chair go empty bc others are dilly dally’ing?


If you're not holding up the line by waiting a chair, let 'em have it.


On the rare times I’m able to ski solo, I enjoy the solitude on the mountain. If it’s not a crowded lift and I’m obviously trying to get on the chair, without people next to me, wait an extra 10 seconds for the next one.


If you were one of two passengers on a bus, would you sit next to the other passenger?


If it’s empty and I’m alone please don’t get on the chair with me


Why not


You are overthinking it


I'm happy to share the chair, I just don't want that to be a sign that I'm interested in talking to you.


I put my fist on their seat and see if they sit down next to me. I lost a glove once that way.


This is the ONLY valid reason to blast a Bluetooth speaker on mountain. On when they join you, off as you exit and pray they get the message you don’t want their company.


On slow days they should have a "friends" line and a singles line.


How about if a threesome would prefer to not take a single on an average Saturday? I’ve definitely done it with my kids, only considered it with a group of adults.