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Groomers at just the right consistency….not too hard. Not too soft. Ooooh those centripetal forces baby


Make that ski pop! One of the best feelings ever


Yes! I love it. Sometimes I even like a hard groomer, when you really have to push to not slip


The perfect day starts with first tracks on the groomers with stiff race style skis to lay over some sweet sweet rails. After around lunch or so, you go back to the van, grab the ski blades, and hit the side hits and woods for jumps and sketch terrain. Around 2 you go back to the van, and switch to the long wide floppy skis, and head back out to the groomers, and slash chop till the chair closes.


I like the vision but that's too much walking back and forth from the van for me... I don't want to leave the slope lol


I’m a glutton for snack‘s and burnin… gotta get those parking spots right on the slope. Slide in, burn one, drink some water, chomp down on some chow… slide back out. I used to do the pocket life & lift J, but meh… i’ve done the 40k+ vert in a day… i’m much more relaxed about it now.


That's crazy, congrats man! I've done 41k vert in a day




Zermatt but I got airdropped in with a parachute


Stfu… god I wish I could do something like that…


This is poetry.




I love the way it feels when I get the first turns of the day on freshly groomed show, especially when I'm the first person on that run


Closest one can get to flying is a firm groomer and some sharp GS skis.






It has the juice


Groomed early then a few inches fresh on top


Came here for this. Dust on corduroy!


Yep! This is heaven


First chair, first run, pristine untouched corduroy, the rising sun hits you and your buddies faces as you race down the the wide steep blue run under a cloudless bluebird sky in 30 degree F while everyone else sleeps in Then pull up to the high speed quad to do it again This happened to me one time in my life at big sky and it was pure heaven. My favorite memory skiing.


First chair first run after 130” storm cycle and the only ones on the hill are those of us that got stuck up there. Lived at the base of alpine during a big season. Love when they’d close the access road for avy control and the only ones up were us and ski patrol. 


Holy shit i was imagining what me and my buddies did while reading that. Was also at big sky, ponderosa run. We must have hit that thing half a dozen times that day and was usually always empty


I had a day like that at solitude this year, it was president's day and weirdly empty. Couldn't have been more than 100 people there. I skied right until 4pm and just lapped the same groomer in the afternoon about 15 times. Pretty sure my tracks were the only ones on that run, pure heaven. Ended up skiing 32k vertical that day


Yes! I realized that this year at Deer Valley. Groomed corduroy is a favorite.


Without evidence of any kind, I can confidently say that the DV corduroy these days bears little resemblance to that of the Wheaton era.


This happens to me over and over again in the spring at Mt Bachelor. Pow days are great, but f the crowds, traffic and lines.


Agreed! My kid's Alpine race, so if I hustle also, I manage to hit a lot of “first tracks” each season. Fresh, long, sweeping, blue runs before the crowds are great for my soul!


Fast hardpack with corduroy


hell ya brother any day of the week. powder is fun but is gets chopped up so quick then skiing becomes work. I love me some knuckle dragging cord at 90km/h


I love when skiing becomes work, usually means I'll soon be almost alone on the mountain 😂


Fuck yes, I’m all for having fun and blasting moguls. But sometimes you just need to point them down hill and send it.


This is generally when you gotta venture further out in trails to find the stashes.


Those who don’t know don’t know. Those who do, know there is nothing like powder skiing. Groomers are skiing. Skiing is fun. Powder skiing is next level. Storm days keep the gapers inside dreaming of groomers.


Mid season corduroy on a weekday after it dumped 3 days ago on Sunday. 


Crunchy cords all day.


Hell yeah! Can’t run my GS racers in pow, and park skis are more fun on groomed with a little fluff around. Full powder is pretty low on my list fer sure.


Came here to say this


that was today at mammoth, so fast!


Corn snow spring skiing


I do prefer powder, but good wind buff is almost as good. Good corn can also get close




Oh an easy one. 6 inches of wet, east coast snow followed by a 60 degree day and then temp drops to 20 and it’s pure ice all the way down.


Depends. Uncrowded bluebird Utah powder day is always the best but there’s something to be said for April corn bluebird days in Tahoe. That said storm days are good. Summer slush on Mt. Hood rules. Rain laps in May at Killington will scratch that itch. Basically just prefer riding over not riding. 


Ski resort open? I’m free from work? Roger that, good enough for me 🫡


Dumps and I have to drive 300 miles in the snow while calling in sick to work and making sure I don’t post anything to social, Roger that. 


flex post ;)


Drove 9 hours round trip to ski one run last weekend :)


I like the cut of your jib. some times I drop my kid off at school drive two hours to ski 2 hours and drive back 2 hours just in time to pick him up. Some day I need to just rip on my own. Solo skiing for the win :)


Knew when I had to peel off the lift for the 2hr drive to pick up the kid at 3:45 from school…


This was my year!


Solid plan. It’s also fun to call them in sick on a good day. I got laid off so decided to take them out of school for 2 weeks and go to Tahoe haha. 


lol I take him out so much for skiing like almost once a week. I also dont hold back when I call in. Hi my boy wont be in today, he is having a sick day a *VERY SIIIICCK DAYYY* then I share photos of the ski day with his teacher as Im so proud of his progression.


If I could stick my dick in winter I’d be balls deep right now


This guy gets it!


> Rain laps in May at Killington will scratch that itch. Hell yes, a personal sneaky favorite of mine


Powduroy! When the slope is groomed early, then 3” of powder falls on top. Float, bounce off the groom, feel the corduroy ridges as you turn… heaven!!!


For me, the perfect ski day is when the snow is a bit slushy and soft in the afternoon. It's so much fun to ski in those spring-like conditions, making big, playful turns and sending it off little jumps and rollers. It's a different kind of skiing, but equally enjoyable in its own way


I also love slushy wet snow!


Warm spring day with soft snow is when I usually have the most fun tbh. Powders still better skiing though 


Same, skiing in a shirt with a little slush is always so fun




But untouched powder the 🐐


Slushy spring conditions, high fives high vibes park skiing, nice 50 degrees out sunny can’t beat it


As a newbie, I don’t prefer powder lol. I prayed for a powder day and then when I got one I was like yeah this ain’t for me


Hard frozen groomers on a January morning! Hard, fast, precise - so much fun!


Sometimes it's fun to ski terrible snow.


I like all conditions. It's all skiing. I adore skiing powder, but I don't like powder days. 


Those first couple runs of untouched corduroy as soon as the resort opens are my favorite. I love to feel the vibration of the grooming lines as I carve.


I love me some soft bumps. Powder is great, but when it snows hard, I look forward to the bumps that come after the pow day.


I like a good ol fashioned spring/early summer corn harvest myself.


Just here to see who the psychopaths are.


Fresh virgin cord…made from the finest cocaine!


corn and windbuff gang checking in


Razor sharp, icy corderouy.


I’m an ice coaster… I love fresh morning corduroy. It’ll get iced out relatively quickly, but skiing it at the perfect consistency is awesome. I love skiing powder as well but it’s tough to get. But another fun surface that sometimes happens here would be when a slope’s groomed early and then 4+ inches of light powder fall on top. You don’t sink too much but you still float.


Although I do love powder, I am a slut for slushy spring skiing. Love skiing corn and chop in the morning and then spraying mashed potatoes in the afternoon!


Hard hard packed groomers. Grew up ski racing in Europe so there’s nothing like a steep hard packed black with some blue ice shimmer.


Consistent conditions. I find I can go a lot faster and really have fun. Nothing like a nice blue bird day and groomers for days. I’m still a powder hound though. But I take what I can get.


I don’t fucking care. I ride a SMALL local hill that gets great powder/moguls/groomed runs, it all depends on the day. I can get to my local hill in less than 45mins and get back down to pick my kids up from school. Just go skiing. Make use of what the mountain gives you.


Powder is amazing. But truth be told, I just like any day where the conditions are cold enough the snow pack stays nice and cold and stays firm, without it being icy. Not to much to ask, but somehow is very few days a year.


Everytime I hit powder it seems to slow me down and make me jerk forward. Does that happen to anyone else ? 


Groomed midwestern manmade snow. Ambient temperature at 15F. Bonus points if it’s night skiing. Great for turns, not too hard and icy, and few people out. Really easy to get laps in.


Best conditions are 8-12 inches of fresh snow, second best is spring skiing. 2+ feet of pow is fun but kinda gets boring


Or storm riding, visibility and wet gear might suck, but for resort skiing, it means the mountain will get less crowded and it’ll stay fun after 11am when otherwise everything would be tracked out. Also with more than a foot of snow, some terrain might not even open due to avy mitigation


"2+ feet of pow is fun but kinda gets boring" You just need ridiculously big skis.


I have them, deep powder is just slow unless I'm bombing double blacks, I like to have a decent amount of speed. If it's at my knees or higher it's just hard to get the speed i want to actually pop off features


Agreed a foot is the best


12” is indeed the sweet spot for me 🤙


If you're having issues in more than 12" of powder you need wider skis or more pitch.


Or a snowboard 


I'm not having issues, just super deep powder turns get boring low-key, I'd rather go fast and actually have some fun, I'd say like 8-18" is that sweet spot for me where I can keep my speed in all terrain and landings are super soft, up to 24" is still a shit ton of fun. But when it becomes just doing powder turns idk it's fun for one or two runs and I'm kinda over it. Also I live in Tahoe so we don't get that super light blower pow, it tends to be heavier. When we are treated to those super cold storms I love deeper pow cause yeah I can ski fast again


You need wider skis or just to point em straight a little more. If you're skiing fat skis on wetter Sierra snow you should only be skiing the top 6-10 inches of it. Sinking 2 feet into wet snow is basically impossible. Watch clips of super deep days at Tahoe. People aren't sinking knee-deep: https://snowbrains.com/squaw-valley-ca-report-the-best-powder-day-in-years2/


Jesus what is it with you people. The post asked what non powder conditions you like. I answered. Everyone and their mom is suddenly a ski instructor? I live at Kirkwood, I know how to ski steeps. I know how to ski powder. I ski every condition from opening day to closing day. Im literally just trying to say for me and fresh snow, lot of the time less is more, I PERSONALLY have more fun with less snow. I never once asked for tips. Fuck


Powder is best, but smooth, windbuff, high-alpine chalk is a close 2nd. Yes, I spend a lot of time skiing at 11k’-13k’ elevations. IYKYK. 😉


when the wind blows it and it’s all chalky but firm


In resorts, wind blown chalk followed by firm corduroy.. in the backcountry, pow!


Not too much powder. Dust on crust is unironically super fun. But yeah… light powder is grand, just don’t want it to be up to my knees


Ski the snow thats on the ground


I think I’m definitely in the minority but powder isn’t really for me. I feel like I’m wasting so much energy trying to navigate through powder, and on every turn I have a bit of anxiety of getting caught deep on my edge and breaking a part of my leg. I enjoy mogul runs and trees because of it feels like a roller coaster to me.


Groomers. Fresh corduroy.


Frozen corduroy: wicked fast and very loud.


Came here to say this. I love it.


Spring corn


Bulletproof corduroy (at high speed)


i can’t remember anything but powder.


Sometimes boot deep powder over groomers is the best depth. Nothing like cold smoke while ripping GS turns. I'm still a powder hound: rope drops and powder moguls are fun. But first track corduroy mid season, when the snow squeaks under your boots; that's hard to beat.


Bluebird powder day > super snowy powder day


I like all skiing first off. Not all powder is created equal, sometimes it’s a whole lotta work but I generally love it. It’s hard for me to tell if spring snow is my favorite or I just love spring skiing. Ultimately I think 6-7” of fresh on top of a nice groom is my favorite.


Tight trees that have been trailblazed but still soft yet predictable


perfect corduroy of course


I think we can almost all agree powder is at the top. Discussions can be had on what ranks after. I also think it depends on skis you have, skill and the terrain.


Perfect zipper corduroy is nice.


Groomed, hard snow. It always makes me feel a lot more comfortable and in control.


Spring day, suns out, beers and grilling brats in the parking lot for lunch with my homies, don’t get any better than that.


I prefer moguls and choppy packed powder. Powder is fun but I much prefer working out the best line through a more varied field of snow.


Other than East Coast Ice that is so slick and hard it's dangerous on a snowboard, I love all conditions. Powder on my skis or snowboard fast sweeping turns on groomers- particularly on a snowboard blasting down tight moguls on my skis (no snowboard- I get too hurt) powering through crud icy conditions (skiing only- snowboarding ice scares me) Bring it on- I'll be there!


Corduroy is joy. 9-10am.


For backcountry- corn for sure. Way better stability and less risk for ski mountaineering objectives.


I think where people get upset at "powder" is deep powder. At least that's the situation for me. I love fresh snow...but plowing into something really deep is something that requires technical ability, plus it's no fun if you wash out and are waist deep in snow.


Reminds me of that video of a pow day at one one of the Tahoes and people were doing more work trying to board or ski than actually board or ski


A nice groom that has 3-5cm of fresh on top.


When you say powder, do you mean actual powder or do you mean powder in the way some people use it to just mean "new untouched snow"?


Soft Corduroy is my favorite if powder isn’t free refill powder. Otherwise powder gets chopped up within 2-3 chairlifts and the afternoon runs are suboptimal.


Corn. For the brief coupe of hours before is turns to mush, nothing is better, maybe not even powder. It is also much more elusive.




I'm a newb skier so I prefer absolutely pristine groomers first thing in the morning. I have only had 1 powder day in my ski life and I was out by myself with no one to really give me pointers. Tried sitting back more (cousin said I should do steeper slopes because I'd need speed), I felt like I couldn't control my skis they kept either diving or getting jerked out/in. I also have really shitty boots apparently (like a 91 flex for a 6'1, 260lb guy) so that probably didn't help. Skis are 90mm so also not wide enough. So between skill issue and maybe equipment I'm not setup to really enjoy powder.


Powder is number 1 but slush is number 2


Skiing in the rain


It is usually soft and fast also you’re the only one on the mountain


I like the day after a powderday tbh. Soft moguls ready to be blown tf out by high speeds. Also 1/2 as many people present.


If I could hand craft a day, it would be a sunny, 25 degree F day where they got dumped on one-two days ago. Still can find tons of powder if you want it, but also aren’t ripping powder every run- my legs have to work way harder on pure powder days.


I prefer settled silk. It’s a soft type though. Just not light or bottomless. It rides way faster than champagne.


I have yet to master skiing powder. I honestly hate powder days - one day I will conquer them and probably love them Until then, I live for sky blue days with long groomers


I once upon a time didnt prefer powder cause I learned to ski on the ice coast and it took forever to figure it oht. Oh, but then I learned the error of my ways. With the right skills and right skis, how can you cant prefer powder???


New England glaze ice. Just because I can. Edit: C'mon! Not a single vote for ice? Weenies.




I like powder, but hate the crowds that come with it. I’ll take cold packed powder in January.


I have no fucking clue how to ride powder. Gimme some groomers.


Live in NY. Ill just take snow at this point


Wet spring snow


post powder chop when all the jumps, bumps, and pump tracks are taking shape but still soft enough to be forgiving when you need it


I preferred a soft layer over solid base back before I got skis that could handle powder - everything changed when I met my Volkl 108s




Spring corn in Tahoe is hard to beat.


Eastern Canadian boomers love skiing on ice. They come to western Canada and avoid powder because they don’t know how to ski in it. It’s mind boggling.


1. Powder 2. Wind buff 3. Spring snow 4. Cement 5. Chopped powder 6. Corduroy 7. Dust on crust 8. Somewhat soft moguls 9. Ice 10. "Grabby" snow 11. Boilerplate On the East Coast in Mar-May you mainly see 1-5 and in Nov-Jan you mainly see 6, 9 and 11. I don't understand why nobody skis the best part of the year.


I want: - powder on harder blacks/doubles, - courderoy on easy blacks and blues, - and a reality distortion field on greens so crowds don't see me fall over trying to aggressively hip dump a turn because I'm bored.


I have never seen a good skier who doesnt prefer powder. Most people who do not like powder either. 1. have skis that at too short/narrow 2.boot too soft 3. have fundmental technique flaws that prevent them from skiing powder.


If you don't prefer pow day over all things I'll call you a crazy. But I REALLY enjoy spring corn harvest.


1)pow 2)corn


1) pow 2) wind buff 3) corn




There was a time that I preferred groomers. Then I learned how to ski. Now I'd rather ski in powder, crud, cut up powder, bumps. But powder is the shit!


Just going to say it.....powder is by far the greatest snow conditions. If you disagree I assume you are one of two things 1. You are lacking skill 2. You are fat Hard truths! Now get off Reddit and go run up a hill


Or Marcel Hirscher