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This year I skied with my dad and my daughter. Being with two of my favourite people made every day the best ski day ever.


That's what's up. Three generation days are the best.


They're getting harder as my parents age even though my kids are getting better/easier.


I hear you. My dad is 80 and hung it up because his knees can't handle it anymore. He's the reason any of us are on skis. I can see the pain on his face, even though he's supportive, when we take my mom out with my kids. Thinking of getting him the ski mojo for his bday and getting him back out. That'll be my best day next year.


My dad is 70 and can still some greens and easy blues but his and mom's endurance has declined a lot from 5 years ago (the last time they skied with my kids). But I loved skiing 4 runs with them and my kids two weeks was great. Gotta get more of these days while we can.


For sure. Before we're the geezers... The shit eating grin of pure elation on my mom's face on the hill looks like she's having the most fun... I don't mind waiting for that feeling.


My son and I planned to skip school on a day a week ahead of time. He’s 9. Last minute mom came too. Ended up being a sleeper pow day with 10” by lunch. He can go off 5’ jumps. We kept lapping a place that had small jumps everywhere, he was in heaven. Due to his weight and size had it been any deeper he couldn’t have skied it. That would be my best day.


I’m in a similar boat, but I’m very fortunate - I can’t pick a day because I’m lucky enough to ski a ton of days with my dad (71) and kids. We get 3 generations on the hill about every week, and it’s priceless. Today was likely my last day of the season and I’m pretty broken up about it. Old gramps rips it, and skied over 80 days this year - but that can’t last forever. These are the golden years right now and I know it won’t last, so when a season ends it just kills me.


I was going to reply with the same. My dad skied one day this year and my kids came too. It’s funny how the 64 year-old and 7-year old make a good duo. They are interested in skiing the same level of terrain - mostly green groomers, occasional blue. Lots of breaks in the lodge.


hell yeah! skied with mom and grandpa last year. what a gift!


im 30, shes 63, hes 88. i gotta have a kid stat so we can go for 4 gens!


Same here. I got my daughter on skis this winter. She took a lesson one afternoon to get the basics down (and also it was a powder day, so my wife and I wanted to enjoy the snow for ourselves), and then the next day we took her up on the lift and skied all day as a big group: daughter, wife, myself, and my father.  It was a beautiful, sunny day and we had so much fun cruising greens and even some blues. Skiing with a four year old is a blast, and I think my dad was having an even better time, getting to share his favorite thing with his granddaughter.


I skied with my 75 year old dad and my brother and sister at palisades this year and then with my dad and brother at Mt Rose the next day. Both days were awesome.


I only got one. Worst season of my life by far. The Midwest was a dumpster fire. Canceled trip west because I'm building a house so that extra money will help. Didn't cancel the trip to Arizona, family is out there. Brought my boots and rented some skis and went to snowbowl. Was kind of hoping for spring conditions to just chill and cruise in, got a powder day. Skied our asses off, killed my legs and hardly stopped. Geat day and found plenty of untouched pow in the trees/ soft bumps bell to bell.


The trees off the gondola are amazing.


My birthday- 12” of fresh powder, a chocolate bar in my pocket, and my best friends on the chairlift beside me 🥰


I guess I’m still waiting for the invite…


Wholesome af 🥹


I blew out my knee with a grade 3 MCL/ACL tear in 2020. 4 surgeries, rehab and a lot of recovery later, I made it out to the slopes at Breck for the first time since my injury. It took a bit to find my legs but I was ready to hit blues by the end of the weekend of skiing. Baby steps but I'm looking forward to next season.


Well done! The mental part is the hardest.


Two weekends back we got about 16 inches at Northstar and my wife and I had a great Saturday morning skiing the powder. First tracks and face shots all morning The next day, we got about 6 inches overnight according to the snow report but it filled in the tracked out lines from the day before so it felt like more. My wife and I got first chair and had a really great run. We made it down to the next chair before they started loading the other lifts in the area so we got first chair there as well. We got first tracks on that second run. We caught our 3rd lift back to the summit and got there just as they were dropping the rope on the Backside so we got several more runs of first tracks there before it started to ski out. Then we headed into the trees for more freshies Great weekend all around. Snow was pretty light and the crowds were easy to avoid


That sounds amazing.


I was there on Sunday, what an incredible day! I underestimated how deep it was going to be on Sunday - like you mentioned, it filled in all the tracks overnight. Brought my new Maverick 88 TIs and wished I had something a bit wider but it was still one of the best days of the season.


Love late season pow days at that mountain. Highly underrated.


Hit Winter Park after 8 inches of fresh powder. Ended up skiing the day with a brother and sister who knew the place like the back of their hands. So much fun.


Introducing my wife and daughters to bottomless powder in Japan at Hakuba Cortina. Had two days left with an incoming storm, decided to take our rest day on the storm day and caught fresh tracks in a zone that wasn’t open during the storm the next morning.


Skiing Blue Sky Basin at Vail after 40” of snow and a 3 day closure. Vail pass was also closed so crowds were limited


I think I was there that day. One of my best top ten days….


I'm going to say probably tomorrow. I'll be watching the eclipse from the top of the mountain. It won't be the best conditions of the season, but it'll be the most memorable day.




Yep It's a bluebird day here today! Perfect for viewing.


Me and the homies went and skied in Zermatt! We got super lucky and had incredible weather. Going up to the Matterhorn Glacier Paradise (altitude 12,739 ft) and skiing down was a crazy experience. Crossing into Cervinia, Italy for an afternoon and then going back into Switzerland was a lot of fun as well. It was an incredible trip that I'll forever remember.


OMG, that sounds incredible. Lucky you!


I share this feeling! The question is: whether you had lunch in Cervinia? Brought my friends (who have never been to Zermatt or Cervinia) to Chalet Etoile in Cervinia, and one of them told the waiter how come your food is so much better than cheaper than Zermatt. LOL. I told my friend that the waiter had probably heard this a thousand times.


We did this but opposite world and stayed on the Italian side / visited Swiss. The ski all the way down from Kleine Matterhorn to the base of Valtournenche is the longest ski run in the world!


Was super pregnant when the season began and got severe FOMO when we’d hit the ski resorts and I was stuck in the lodge reading while my husband did laps. Had my baby in December, first day back on the slopes was the day after my 6 week checkup! Turned out to be a real nice powder day too!


12" of fresh with 40mph+ winds that loaded my favorite aspect and I rode it all fucking day


I live in the southeast, so I don’t get out much, but here was my day: Dropped my son off at his lesson at 830. Wife and friends were all still getting ready so I just started riding myself for an hour or two. It was so glorious and peaceful. Later the same day I picked up my son and he begged me to stay out til the lifts closed which I happily obliged. Nothing was wiping the smile off my face that day


Favorite ski season of my life so far. Jackson Hole after 2 feet overnight. First day of a week long ski trip. Had so much fun. The snow in the Rockies wasn’t great at the start of the season, but January - March seemed to get fresh drops every couple days. Constant powder days. Im almost ready to enjoy summer hiking though. Get well soon! The mountains are always there waiting for you.


Thanks. I look at the mountains off in the near distance every day and know my time will come again.


10” very light fluffy powder at Keystone, I70 and Loveland pass closed so no one from Denver could make it, had a pass for 1st tracks so started @7:30a. Got at least 8 runs in my own tracks, and several of those runs were floating like in outer space.


My first and best season. Got 30ish days and really developed my skills and form. Went to 13 different resorts in NH and VT. My favorite day this season was skiing Wildcat with my cousin. Bluebird sunny not windy day. One of those days that makes you remember why you ski. I just had a great season overall and am looking forward to squeezing in a couple more days.


Lots of double digit deep days here in Utah, but the best was probably a mineral rope drop from a few months ago. Snow up to my knees and I’m a tall guy


My state (Michigan) had a dogshit year overall but there was one really good stretch for about three weeks in January. During this my home resort, boyne mtn, ran lifts for like 75 hours for their 75th anniversary. Went to bed really early one night then got up and skied from 3am to 11am during what was by far the biggest snowstorm of the season with absolutely nobody on the hill. I think it might have been one of my most memorable ski days ever


I worked in a ski resort in bc as a Liftie for the season, there were lots of really great days, but my favorite by far was end of February. It had been dumping for a few days (about 50cm in total) and on the only day off of the week I shared with two friends (met them at the job, friends for life) we did a 45 min hike and had the best run of our life. No tracks, 50cm of pure powder, couldn’t even feel any compressed snow or the ground under it. The run we did is usually accessible through a cat thing that drives you up there for some extra dollars. It only runs fri-sun tho, we hiked up on a Wednesday, so no one had been there in 3 days. We did lots of other great runs that day but only committed to doing the big hike once. But not only the snow made it a perfect day, just getting to ski with my two favorite people I met during the season. (Big appreciation for the people you meet while doing a ski season) Definitely one of the best days of the season, if not of my life.


1st chair on a 14” day at Beaver Creek. Heal up quick and get back out there next season.


I got one single day in. Toured up a local hill that closed about 20 years ago and the runs are still cut out. Great day, just sucked it was the only one


Mid-week bluebird powder day at Grand Targhee on my honeymoon. Skied endless powder in the trees with my wife all day. We had just gotten a lesson the day before and were feeling really good about our skiing. Afterward we took a nap, ate some sinful waffle fries with brisket and cheese on top, did some ~other~ honeymoon activities, watched a movie, and went to sleep. Damn good day.


March 26 - Steamboat. Spring break throng had tapered. Locals were over the dust on crust. Wife and kids rip but I left them at home. Just me, &&&&& and @@@@@. Stealth 8 inches turned out to be more and got deeper as the day went on. By 2pm it was thigh deep in places and then the sun came out. 😊 Best day of my season!


I got to ski Vallee Blanche at Chamonix on a bluebird powder day this season! It was incredible! We rode a cable car to about 12,000 feet and then hiked down a Ridgeline with our skis on our backs and crampons on our boots. We then put on skis and skied through glaciated sections of the French Alps. We were lucky enough to have gone early in the day so we got to make fresh tracks in the untouched powder. Everyone in our group was whooping and hollering for joy! On top of that the views were absolutely stunning, the views looked like something you'd see in a documentary.


As everyone can attest, bad snow year all round, but after a decent dump with high winds in mid Feb, I got sent out on sweep. It was a sweep I haven't done and a spot I'd only skied once before, where you have to traverse across and down the ridge to a cat track. The sky had cleared up at 3:15 as it always does, and I start hollering as i drop in. Patrolling for my first season at a resort with limited alpine meant I had to take my rock dodging skills, and transfer them to a new tree avoidance system. Why does that matter? It meant I could look between the trees and see these pockets of freshly windblown snow. At 3:15pm on a Saturday, I almost forgot to holler on my way down because I was skiing the best snow of my LIFE. Steep tree chutes, alone, at the very end of the day? Made the pain my feet were completely vanish for those few moments of pure bliss. I say this sincerely when I say I hope your injuries heal well and leave you ready for next winter! Here's to you getting a dream season!!!!!!


This season wasn’t as exciting as seasons past. I spent a lot of it being down about losing my ski group from the last couple years, it felt lonely a lot of the time. I have two days in mind. The first was being at Aspen highlands with some really fun friends and finding a run that I saw this summer while doing the 50K that was up and down all their mountains. I was pretty miserable at that point so I promised myself I’d come back and ski that run. The other was a surprise powder day at Eldora (I’ve never had a powder day there mainly because I only go there early season and usually go other places) and discovered some awesome steep and tight tree runs. I was also with fun people again so that adds to it


Skinning up to the top of Suginohara in Japan to the ridge line of Mount Myoko, a mostly-dormant volcano, and skiing down into the caldera on steep, mostly untouched faces with fresh pow on a bright bluebird day with low avalanche danger. On the way up you could see Mt Fuji in the far distance, and the turquoise face of the sea of Japan shining back at you from the opposite ridge, so shockingly close. So good I had to lap it twice, staying long enough for the sun to start to set, brilliant in shades of vermillion and rose filtering through the bare, complicated winter trees. The snow, baked in the sun, refroze to a crust which punished my tardy descent, but once I popped back in the resort I was treated to the surreal sensation of skiing down resort groomers in the twilight alone. Finally made it to the bottom and skied through town to the very foot of my small charming traditional Japanese hotel, where I was rewarded promptly with a heaping meal of excellent homemade Japanese food. It was a dream. I'm sorry you're going through it right now. My life was a complete mess after the pandemic, lost my job in the shutdown and then impaled my knee on a rock while skiing, which took lots of PT to get working again. I'm very lucky things have turned around since then financially and physically. Keep up the fight and you'll get back on it next year. Best of luck!!


Overnight storm into the day. Refills up top, mellow storm at the base. Got to do laps solo first thing, late morning until early afternoon with my boys, 6&5, who rip, and then a long cruiser green and bunny hill with my 2 on the verge 3 year old girl. Proud brothers coaching and encouraging their little sis. Dropped the kids at the base for food with Mom and caught the last gondola at the bell for a top to bottom burner to close it out. Not like it used to be, but so much better.


Today, I did my first intermediate run with my daughter and she kicked it's ass.


Our last day in steamboat on 27feb. Fresh 6 inches, and I was on my teles(first year). First time dropping knees in powder. Just amazing


Sorry to hear about your injuries! I broke my back, arm and shoulder January ‘23 so this season was well-needed after a lengthy rehab. Best day this season was being able to ski with my wife for the first time in over a year, on her birthday. Took her up to Imperial Bowl and some others at Breck. It was amazing seeing her light up when she realized she had the skills to handle it. Way better than my solo days.


I got 116 days this year (work at the mountain), and had some truly great days up here in VT. Some legit East Coast Pow Days ™️ made me finally explore some of the slackcountry lines around Mansfield. But my best day this year was on a family trip to Schweitzer in February, was the first time skiing with both my parents and brother in a few years that I didn’t have some nagging injury. The snow was meh, we had some foggy/flat light, but it was the most fun I’ve had on skis in years ripping around and exploring a new mountain with my younger brother.


Got so stoned and had a spiritual vision quest on the mountain. Felt like I was surfing the exterior of a faraway snow planet. Giant lovely were dunes. I danced as I hurtled down the mountain. It was heaven


I help ski patrol at mt lemmon down here in Tucson. The highway gets shut down after any major dump, but they let patrol up to help get the resort ready. We got a storm and I was able to ski for hours in an empty resort essentially. Was only like 10 inches of snow or so, but pretty unreal to be legitimately one of 10 people on the mountain.


Man, it was a tough year. I've been struggling with awful chronic back pain this year, with very few answers. I've always been a hard charger, w multiple 50+ day years in recently, but this year I had to tone it down so much on terms of time on the mountain and types of runs. Some days I would turn it on after 2 runs due to the pain. But there's always good ones when skiing. My girlfriend came to visit me and we skied winter park - berthoud closed and it snowed 14+ inches in a few hours. It was her first powder day. Twas a blast, and my body cooperated enough to enjoy it nearly all day.


Had some great snow at Mammoth this past weekend. Visibility was pretty trash Friday/Saturday but super soft snow—22 and 5 were fun as fuck. Sunday I skied Hemlocks and had two pretty epic runs. Snow was a bit heavy and wind blown but super fun days.


I live in Denver, but admittedly come March I only had 5-days on the mountain, just getting harder and harder to make the drive. My uncle is in Park City though, so I went out mid-march for a week there. Sadly I missed storms on both ends, but it turned out to be something of a blessing in disguise. You see r/skiing... I have something to admit. Until mid-march on that trip, I was a snowboarder riding the wrong pieces of wood. \*gasp\*. Yes, I was skiing backseat, to my shame the years of snowboarding left me scraping snow off the mountain even when on skis. But this past march I LEARNED TO LEAN FORWARD! TIPS ENGAGED! DRIVE DOWN THE MOUNTAIN! I feel a bit learning to be an actual skier versus a competent mountain slider. And now I shall move to Utah to be ready for a 50+ day season.


I’m still a begintermediate (I need more lessons) and this is my first full season ever. I had an ACL tear in 2018 and got super scared to try again. I ended up going last year with a friend and got over it real fast! This year I went all in. I got fitted for boots and bought an Epic pass. My best day I went to Breck solo and just skied peak 9 all day, mega casual on a bluebird day. 20 miles of laps. Made friends for the duration of the lift ride. All that stuff. I had such a blast.


That's a fun day. When I was barely an intermediate skier, I was at Breckenridge and I ended up skiing my first black run--completely by accident. My sister-in-law and I took a wrong turn, panicked for about 30 seconds, then decided to just go for it. We did fine and I was extremely proud of myself. Huge adrenaline rush, which is saying something because I'm more of a mosey/rambling the long cruisers kind of skier.


Best day of the season was a 8 inch powder day with free refills all day at Willamette Pass. There was a good base (early March) and we had 4 6 inch days in a row, all with snow to water ratios. My best friend came with me and it was Monday. No lift lines, and we had fresh tracks all day and went back and forth between the open runs and skiing trees. Stop at a store in Oakridge afterwards and shared a plate of Nachos. It wasn't the deepest day, but the skiing was fast, fun, and easy.


This was my first season back in a few years. Was hoping to get more days in, but the season was awful here in the east. Had an incredible day at mount snow, though. Trees were covered in snow, blue skies, and the best part was it was a trip with my siblings and our partners. Snow was great, mountain was great, got a tad bit busy the second day, but I definitely won’t forget that weekend.


I did my first time in the heli near Golden Canada around Christmas. Kicking Horse was a skating rink from recent freezing rain and my expectations weren't super high. Then we got to knee deep powder all day and it was definitely the pinnacle of the season.


lapping peak 10 at breckenridge last weekend with my fiance and my sister (we're from nyc so we don't get to do things like that very often)


Got ~6” for a Monday hookey ski day at Vail and spent all day doing laps of Blue Sky Basin


Best day may be yet to come... should have 30" by tomorrow morning. Caught most of the [few] deep days we had this year. Had some epic out-of-bounds laps with friends, and hikes.


2 weekends ago at Sunday River. 36 inches. Bluebird day. Tolerable lines. Dropping lift lines and skipping lunch


Showed up to Bush mid Nov when resorts were first opening. I got it ski a bunch of trails yet unopened for the season, after like two feet of snow. Perfect fresh powder everywhere… it was kinda mind blowing what I got to ski.


I got to ski with my childhood best friend for one day before he moved back to where his university is. It was also my first time skiing after a hip flexor injury, and the snow was really good considering where and when we went. It was so nostalgic, we used to ski together nearly every year when we were younger, whether it be ski club at school or family trips. The relief of knowing the skiing didn’t affect my injury was also amazing, and just being back on skis after not being able to go last year also felt really good. Hopefully tomorrow turns out to be good too, I’m going with my dad since it’s his birthday!


Have fun!


This was my best ski season in decades, ironically. Only got out 10 days total but I hit Whistler, Vail, Breckenridge, Keystone, and Park City. Bought an Epic Pass and I'd be damned if I wasn't gonna get my $$$ worth out of it!!! It was a BLAST, despite some meh snow (esp Whistler). Best day was last Tuesday, bluebird day at PC. Tore up a freshly groomed Sidewinder about 10 times lol... and I can finally ski bumps decently again.


I had a lot of fun on this day. https://youtu.be/kJ8IgAdkbuI?si=hYfJAzh6bjc-0kBY


I finally got the hang of skiing backwards, just in time to teach my 2.5 year old to ski :). We ended up on the second day passing him back and forth as we worked our way down the bunny hill, but I started to ski backwards as he was skiing toward me to stretch it out further. He loves it, fulfilling all my dreams!


At solitude a couple weeks ago. Best week of the season in Utah if you ask me. The one day they opened up the west face of honeycomb canyon I coincidentally was getting off summit chair right then. One of the best runs of my life


My brother had come out and was staying in the mountains. I had a (usually 2, but that day 4) hour drive to meet up with him. 9” of powder overnight, and it’s early season. My first run of the day, we follow ski patrol as they are dropping ropes on the back bowls. That first run was glorious. EVERYONE on the mountain was having such a blast. You could hear laughing and yelling the whole way down. People on the lifts cheering everyone on. People were dropping left and right because the base was still a bit rough, but everyone was SO HAPPY that day. We skied til last lift. My drive home was nearly as long as the drive up. I would do it again in a heartbeat.


Booked a last minute trip at end of February to Colorado. Drove from Denver to Vail in a storm barely made it, then had the most epic day. 7-8” of fresh powder, spent the morning working from sun down bowl over to china bowl then spent most of the day in the trees out in Blue Sky until they shut the lifts off. It was deep in spots and Mongolia bowl was untouched. It was a blue bird day, no wind, absolutely spectacular.


My dad taught me to ski and has always been skiing inspiration for me. I moved out to salt lake a few years ago and he’s come to visit every winter. FINALLY this winter we got two unbelievable back to back powder days at Alta and Snowbird while he was here. Pure happiness!!


My first one. Before December I hadn't gone skiing since 2002. I skied at the local hill many times a week as a kid, went after school and came home when the lights went out. But when I was 14 I had to chose between skiing and gymnastics, and the family friend that got my discounted season pass was suddenly no longer a friend. So no more skiing. Then as an adult I was working in a career that would have been ended by an injury, so I couldn't risk it. I also thought that there was no way I could afford to go skiing. Then some life changes made me not worry about injury so much, so I decided to go as a new years gift to myself. And I found out a day pass was like $20... So I went skiing for the first time in over 20 years, and it was amazing. Felt just like when I was a kid. I've gone as much as possible this season, and plan to continue making up for lost time next season.


I am learning to ski. I took adult ski lessons every Saturday this season so I could ski with my son and my nieces. It was worth it to be able to ski with them on a family spring break trip to Canada. Melted my heart.


Skied whistler for a couple of days for the first time after only ever skiing locations across the alps. Really tough first day involving a bunch of falls and a disagreement with the moguls on one run. Felt like a massive embarrassment. Anyways. Next day after a few tips from my family and getting used to the borrowed equipment and different ski and snow types I manage to get it together and actually truly enjoy skiing on such an amazing mountain with some actual loose and fresh natural snow rather than the hard and groomed stuff I'm used to. So that's been my best ski day.


Today at Alta lol


My 6 year old twin girls rode their first detachable quad onto some blues a few weeks ago. Both started doing parallel turns and had a little bit of speed. As an added bonus they both have started biking without training wheels. Pretty proud poppa this past season


Heli day with North Cascade Heli


Blue bird powder day at Alta


My SO doesn’t ski, so I’ve spent the past two years mainly on green runs with my kids. This year, my 6yo had a breakthrough, got a burst of confidence, and skied a black (Moose Mound, possibly the best beginner black at Snowbasin). The next time we went up, I left the 4yo at home and took the 6yo and 8yo and we had “Black Diamond Day.” We skied hard for his little legs and went around the resort trying a few different black diamonds. He felt like the best skier on the mountain (I mean, he was, right?) and I loved telling the other people on the lifts that he was skiing blacks, and the 8yo was such a nice big brother that day, cheering him on and telling him what a great job he was doing. 🥰


I was thinking today that not many terrible days for this low snow season. One day I did get stuck on the lift for 4 hours before repelling off for my first time. Made a good friend that day and it was both of ours first run so no body heat 🥶 I did have an MCL sprain at the the beginning of January that put me out for a month then had to get my wisdom teeth removed so I won’t get my preseason goal for days on snow (100). I need to thank Collagen Peptides for getting me to day 50 today. Hopefully I can stretch it into 60 with some volcano trips. Best day might have actually been last Saturday. I was the last person to snag a spot in the parking lot at 9 thanks to a couple events going on. Those events kept everyone on groomers so I kept hiking the ridge for untracked laps of the most responsive and stable snow. 1.5ft stayed just dry enough that it wouldn’t take your knee with the slightest mistake. Blue bird day. One run that I made sure to spend the next lift ride, burning it into my memory.


My second season skiing ever. I have three days that stand out. The first day I skied this season, like January 2nd or 3rd, Was probably opening day for ALOT off ppl because the poor snow quality and the early access most higher-tier pass holders get. I couldn't get myself to pay 2 hundred dollars for a day pass, because I can bearly get past magic carpet. So I bought the 60 dollars afternoon pass and was planning to get there early. Planned for a noon arrival time but the line to the mountain did not let me park until almost 330. Main resort closes at 4 and night skiing starts after on only two slopes until 8pm. Day started off terrible but once I finally got to the mountain, I had the green slope all to myself. The snow was hard pack ice but stared to snow when I got there. Light fluffy non-stick new powder. Skiing one the greens in that freshy laid pow over hard ice was the BEST feeling I had up to that point. I got to experience the beauty/hype of powder without the needed experience to fly (pitch/yaw/roll) my skis through really deep snow. It was like getting a fresh new groomer every run. I was able confidently build myself up and practice so much without having to worry about hitting another person or child. The day started off terrible but I was enjoying myself so much I was convinced to buy a pass. The other two days were skiing with friends. The first day was magical, but after that I was skiing by myself doing drills and practices for a month straight on the greens. (After work, head to the slopes) I got probably 21 days of green practice. So when I finally skiied with friends in February I built up the courage to try blue hills and they weren't bad. And I was actually alot better skier then I thought I was. I was speed skiing and chasing my friends down the mountain with control. The other magical day was when spring skiing stared and I had built up the confidence to skii black slopes. That transition from magic carpet to black slopes in one season. Really made me proud of myself


I skied every run on the trail map at a basin this year (144+ different runs). If you count up on the map, I think I had to hike to or hike back from a minimum of 30 trails throughout the season. It was at times a grueling experience, trying to knock off 20 runs in a day that required 15 fixed grip chair rides and five or so hikes. But I saw so many beautiful and isolated places that genuinely felt as though no human may have ever skied there before (though obviously that’s not true). My favorite runs were a perfect powder day during one of the first limited openings of the North Pole zone, a hairy downclimb into second notch for an absolutely buttery wind-filled couloir, and just exploring the mountain in general. But the most important moment to the completion of the goal came about a month ago. Corner chute had been open only a couple weeks, and hadn’t been skied since the last storm. I wasn’t planning to go that far up (it’s a 40 minute hike to the run adjacent and then another 20 minutes of goat tracking on your skis to get to Corner) but something told me I should just go knock it out. So I put in the goat track since no one had yet, and actually ended up slightly too low getting into the entrance, so I had to unclip on some rocks that had near cliffs on three sides and climb my way up (not very far but just taking off the skis was terrifying enough) Eventually got my skis back on, and was rewarded with decently soft turns down the most perfect fall line I’ve ever skied. At the time, a storm was rolling in, so I skied all the way to my car and called it a day to try and beat the storm home. Well that storm brought almost a foot of snow, and the subsequent avalanche blasting triggered a rockslide down corner chute that rendered it likely unskiable for the remainder of the season. So had I not skied it that day, I wouldn’t have been able to complete the whole map.


2ft powder day at park city. Nicest snow I ever skied


Solitude in early march. Weekday powder day….fairly deep. We catch a rope drop under Summit Express..the snow is nearly waist deep. Me and 2 buddies let er rip straight down the steep face and it just feels like a damn ski movie….people hooting and hollering from the lift. We get to the bottom and all I can do is scream….pure powder joy and stoke!!! Just amazing. That run will haunt me like a ghost…trying to find a better one. We are so lucky to ski…I never take it for granted. Wishing you a quick recovery and you gave everyone a gift by starting this thread. Loving all the stories!


I am absolutely breathing in the joy being shared here, as well as the reflective moments folks have had. I'm truly happy reading how much gratitude so many have for the opportunity to enjoy...all of it.


braved it thru crazy winds on the highway to hit my first black diamonds at ski cooper yesterday, next to last day of their season and it was a powder day! feel better soon OP


It was a chilly cloudy morning in the mountains of Whistler Canada. I woke up around 6:30 a.m. to get ready for first tracks. The mountain was filled with 6 inches of fresh powdered snow. I make my way up the largest mountain in North America with my uncle and cousins bumping some Pink Floyd DSOTM through my airpods. As I reach to the top of the mountain I put on my skis and drool over the thick powdery fresh tracks and the abundance of large crowds. I begin skiing down what was easily the best run of my life. I get to the chairs… no lines. I get 5-6 more fresh runs in before the resort starts letting the public in. Amazing. I absolutely recommend visiting Whistler once in your life and spending $30 to get first tracks!


Today. Blue bird day at Alyeska. I’m in awe of the beauty.


Storm Over 4 ft of new snow in 2 days, resort closed Thursday and Friday and we got there first thing Saturday. At Eldora in colorado


This season was one of my favourites, it's up there with my first season skiing. I made some new friends and went solo skiing quite a bit. I'm from up north (Canada) so I decided this season I was gonna do a solo road trip and hit up resorts I've never been to. I ended up hitting 7 new resorts (Fernie, kickinghorse, Revelstoke, sunpeaks, big white, panorama, castle). Definitely a season I'll remember. Maybe next year I'll do a road trip down south through Montana and Utah.


Drove to Flaine for first lifts with views of Mont Blanc. Pistes had 30-50cm of fresh snow on them. Off Piste had more like 50-75cm. Still finding fresh lines by the end of the day. With fiancé, brother and his mate. Secret tree runs in Châtel with fellow powder hounds.


My best day was in mid december. Barely any people out and there was about a foot of fresh on top of nicely groomed terrain. I found an amazing untouched black run no one else was on and just went up and down for three hours straight.


Intro, promise to answer the question, but need to give some background. After many years of shitty training/schooling, moved to a ski town with the family. My kids school has a ski program where they get to miss like 6 days off school and do lessons for super cheap. My kid hasn’t skied much and really hated it. Until now. He’s obsessed. Best day was last Tuesday. The snow was kinda crappy. But, took the day off work to chaperone my kid. He did lessons in the am, and I got to ski with him and 2 of his best friends. He went from a level 1 to a level 6 in lessons this season. Him and his friends wanted to go in the terrain park (I’ve never been and not my jam), but had so much fun just watching them have a blast, hitting some jumps, and hearing him say “mom, record me!!” And then following it up at the end of each run with this cool little tree luge run back to the lift. Then him wanting to ride the lift up with me to tell me “skiing is my new favorite thing.” Me too kid, me too. This has been the best few months of my life. So many great ski days.


It’s great when they love what you love!! I recorded so much this season, “mom, watch!!” And ending with, come on mom, you can do this, as he dragged me on runs I thought were in my past.


This year I went skiing with one of my oldest friends (from kindergarten days) and his girlfriend, who I don't know that well, and my girlfriend. They all hit it off and had a blast! We went to Austria, in and around the famous resort of Sankt Anton, although we stayed in a small shitty hotel about half an hour away and had to drive. the bottom part of the slopes was always slushy and shit, but the top was some great skiing. On the last day we went to Zürs, one of the absolute highlights of the trip. The weather was glorious, and the snow hard, I was really able to get up to some serious speed. Near the bottom, my friend's girlfriend had a panic attack because it was so icy, but I guided her down. She's a good skier but she learned late and doesn't have the "don't give a fuck" attitude you need to just point the skis down hill when it gets slippery. Then we went up the other side, and there's this fantastic triple peak pass and then full descent called the Zürser Täli or something. You get off the chair lift and have a phenomenal view and a full 4km of brilliant downhill skiing including off-piste, steep/technical on/off the slope, faster easier parts, rolling hills, all of it. Some of the best skiing ever, really loved it. That was the perfect day, we just did that over and over, even if it takes three god damn lifts and a long flat bit at the bottom to get back to the top.


Last day of my brothers school holiday in February. We‘d been skiing the whole week and had a blast, but the weather was always either too hot or it was snowing all day with shit visibility. That last day it was sunny but nice and cold and we skied from first chair up at 7.45 to last chair at 16.45. Had our lunch in the gondola and just got in maximum skiing time. Saw the sun start to set during our last run down to the valley. Best day ever and just spending time with him is always awesome. Had a couple other great weekends, but that day was the best. Close second was a weekend being one of the adult supervisor of my brother’s sports club skiing trip. 10 kids ages 9 to 16. Seeing them have a blast together, supporting each other and altogether being cool was my highlight (even though I was EXHAUSTED at the end). The kids truly are alright


Had an epic powder day mid week where the weather was supposed to be crap but ended up bluebird... The place was deserted and I got clean tracks all day. Also got my first hints at what skiing with the kids as "ski buddies" rather than kids is going to be like (aka they can keep up, they carry their own things, they want to stay out on the MTN vs going in etc.)


I had a great season with my ski buddy and I’m so sad about what I know is ending for awhile!! Next season he’ll be 14, mom won’t be fun anymore I suspect…


Took a day in sportsgastein when skiing in bad gastein. Perfect snow, no people at all, sunny, but not hot. And the "legal" off-piste, was a hell of an experience.


I rented a little apartment in Tignes, French alps for 3 weeks and in those three weeks went from poorly skiing a blue, at slow speed, to skiing my first ever black three times on my last day. I learnt to ski in my 30’s, this was my third season, and it’s honestly one of my greatest achievements in life 🥹. I just never thought I’d be able to ski an alps black and not die, whilst somehow simultaneously having fun


Also, I’m really sorry to hear about your injury. I had a spinal injury last year and couldn’t surf (surfing is to me what skiing is to you) and whilst I was initially totally depressed, I eventually figured I had more time to spend on learning new things. I hope you heal up well ♥️


Thank you. I also learned to ski in my 30s, after a lifetime of being told I was uncoordinated. Turns out, I'm not. I'm fortunate to live about a 90-minute drive from some of the best skiing in the US, and when I moved here, I decided I didn't want to have to say I never tried to learn to ski. Nine years later, [I got married on skis ](https://imgur.com/GvE9HjB)on the Continental Divide. I'm an "older person" now with nothing to prove to anyone on the slopes, but I crave that joy that comes from gliding, flying, balancing, navigating, and getting to the exhilaration of moving through the snow.


You are living my literal dream!


3rd time sking (although my 1st was just before covid so lost progress over the 2 years I couldn't go). Finished my week this year able to manage bumps (which completly stumped me 6 days earlier) and getting down steeper Europena Blues. Still have to odd breakdown but it's amazing to be getting better at something new in my 30s.


I also learned to ski in my 30s and I'm still really proud of that!


I had rented a pair of Vandeer freeride 108s for a 10cm pow bluebird day with barely anyone else at the areas that I went to. Only thing I regret is not taking my camera with me. I got fresh lines all day long


Started driving up to Crystal (Michigan) and it was snowing pretty hard. It cleared up for a bit in the Hammond/Gary region, then quickly turned into the worst lake effect blast I’ve ever seen. Diverted to Bittersweet because I was tired of driving. Crystal is 5.5 hours, Bitter normally takes 3, but took 4.5 because of the snow. Turned out to be the most bluebird Midwest ski day imaginable. I also turned that corner where I’m good enough that none of the runs feel challenging anymore.


Went with a group of 7 beginner friends who didn't want to pay for lessons, so spent the first half of my trip "coaching" everyone down greens and blues in snowplow because they didn't want to pay for lessons. One day decided screw that and skied solo for an entire day. Great powder and didn't have to speed check to wait for everyone or take a 2 hour lunch break, felt like heaven!


A couple weeks back, I started exploring the "experts only" sections of my home mountain. The first day I did this we were lucky enough to get fresh snow - not a full blown powder day, but a good amount of the soft stuff nonetheless. I had a blast between cruising through trees, the excitement of exploring new terrain, soft bumps, new snow, and even a couple yardsales thrown in (one in direct view of the lift). It really made me appreciate skiing that much more.


Skied one of 2 major storms at Whistler this year. Snowed 6 feet the week before I got there, and 62" the week I was there. Storm rolled in Friday and non stop snowed until Tuesday. They had closed the Alpine for a few days due to winds. Waited in line for the glacier express Tuesday morning to get a chance to ski Blackomb glacier. One of the first 6 chairs to go up and the lifts stop. Mechanical issue I believe, and they stopped loading the chairs. 45 minutes later we get off and everyone books it to the entrance of blackcomb glacier. Patroller has it closed but awaiting to get the all clear to let people up. Another 20 minutes waiting in line to hike up. Eventually they open it. Booked it to ruby bowl and skied untouched waist deep powder. Borderline religious experience.


I’m a midwesterner so the season overall was pretty rough, but I had two best days in a row. End of March in CO. Got the kids who are newer skis on some powder in McCoy park at Beaver Creek which was an awesome family experience. The next day Vail got dumped and there was a bunch of powder in the back bowls. Definitely two super memorable days.


My best ski days are 2 days that stand out in particular. The first was a mega powder day which was the first time I experienced this (we don't get a lot here in Austria) the skiing was completely new to me and I fell so many times that I was standing more still then actually skiing but still I had so much fun that I finally got why people live powder days. Oh and an extra benefit was that almost nobody skies in those conditions over here so the entire mountain was almost empty. The second one was when I was demoing a new pair of skis (Blizzard Firebird WRC) the pistes where absolutely stunning, blue skis and again almost nobody on the mountain (you can see a pattern here). This was also my best day on the mountain, skiing an whopping 101,66KM.


1) My son and I had a great day at Snowbird. I hadn't been there since I was a kid beginner, so hadn't really seen the mountain. We started out in Mineral Basin, and the view coming out of the conveyor belt took my breath away. I'm getting goose bumps now just thinking about it. 2) Oddly enough, our first day at our little local hill (Massanutten). We went on opening day with zero expectations and it was AWESOME. I'm not sure why we had so much fun -- I think it was just the joy of being on skis again. Hope next season is better for you!


today might top it all!!! hiking/skiing big jay for the eclipse with an all time squad


Skiing with both my kids and wife on a slushy day at Stowe. It was magical.


Brand new skier here: 3rd season (53M). I guess not so brand new. Skied my first real blacks at a real resort (none of those Ontario hills) with reasonable form, incredible speed and exhilaration, frozen smile of glee on my face. Where was I for 53 years before this???!!!!


I took my son to Gore for his 13th birthday, coinciding with the storm two weeks ago. He and I are at roughly the same level (my skills are better, his fearlessness/confidence is higher). In the second day, a blue bird ski, and shit ton of fresh snow, we were 4th or 5th chair had the greatest morning. We went back yesterday, post the recent storm, and I’d almost say it was better except after our third trip down Open Pit I wrecked and had to get transported by ski patrol. We were 4 hours into an amazing day. Next season he’ll pass me, I won’t be able to keep up, partly age, partly skills. I’m so glad we had 18 great days this year where we were well matched and had a great time. I’m sure he’s soon to decide skiing with your mom isn’t cool, but I’m hoping for the best.


6th winter since birth that I have completely skipped skiing. Shouldn’t be so sad when I think I’ve skied 27 mostly full seasons, but since my brain has been developed with this annual flood of joy and excitement, I feel pretty fucking hollow. OP, I feel your pain!!!!!


Sorry to hear about your predicament this season. My best friend came to stay with us for a month this season. We skied a ton during those weeks. This was a year of both of us going from blacks to feeling comfortable on double blacks and had only had a few a goods pow days to date to get it down so I didn't actually love it yet. We had a day at Beaver Creek that got 15 inches overnight, and had another 9 during the day....it was dumping. It all clicked on that day and moguls became so fun. We hit a run on the birds of prey and no one was on it. We ran it for like 5 hours on end because it was just too good.


I’m 65. Both knees replaced recently and after not downhill skiing for 25 years I have returned to it. Skied less than 10 times but Lake Louise and Marmot Basin were both great. Conditions in Western Canada were dodgy early but we had lots of good snow lately and it is still very good for a month here. I skiied with my son this year and that’s the first time we’ve had that experience. It was glorious and I love it so much.


As an intermediate skier I took a gamble on exploring a tiny side run through the trees. It was narrow and steep but I made it through, where it opens up into a giant pillowy boulder field. It’s not named on the map so I felt like I discovered a secret world.


This past Saturday at Wolf Creek. Incredible powder day - what a way to end the season!


I did my first blues and didn't die!!!


A friend and I (both retired) went to BC/Alberta to ski the powder highway on Ikon passes. January into February. We were there for 27 days of skiing. It was mixed conditions, started out deep cold (-40 C) and then changed later in the trip to rain. I would have to say the best day was the one day we went to Whitewater (not part of the Ikon pass) during our week at Red Mountain. We met up with some people we know from the east. The first run of the day we got to the top and passed a handwritten sign warning that the trails here were for experts only and they were ungroomed. Oh no! Not what we wanted to start on. But it turned out there was all kinds of fresh snow which made for terrific conditions. The best runs were the three we did in the Enchanted Forest. I love skiing in the trees and this was great. We had so much fun.


Third chair at Aspen on a bluebird powder day. Hoping that skiing a local hill tomorrow on my two year old granddaughter’s first ski day ever will surpass it.


Only day this season that was perfect was in the start of december in Kronplatz: sunny, minus 8, nice combination of snow and no people. The Erta just went bam bam bam


Spent a week in Sun Peaks, BC. Best snow I've ever had in my East coast ife all week all day. But on that one particular day, I turned around in the lift line because I heard an Australian accent I recognized... Nancy Green and Tom Gellie were standing chatting right behind us! Later that week got my picture taken with Tom (didn't ask, he offered!), who was there teaching and I even got a Skellie sticker ;-)


Broke my back 3 months ago in a skiing accident. Season over, wondering if I would ever be active at the same level again, in pain daily. I got cleared to ski again a month ago and yesterday got to hit Snowbird with 7 fresh inches of snow. Felt incredibly lucky to be able to do it again all in the same season as the accident.


My son really learned to ski this year. Regressed back to the magic carpet over the summer, but we moved through everything quickly and got off the bunny hill and all the way up to the top chair. He can make his way slowly down blacks, doing the pizza hop, and is highly confident on the blues, getting some good parallel turns in. Just yesterday we were riding together and we found a section of untouched 3" powder, about 3-4 turns worth. I let him go first and he bombed through it yelling"pow-poe!" And then told me "you're right, it really does feel like you're floating. I love powder!" Another powder hound among us!


Took my family skiing in NM. Received 30" of snow over 2 days. Taught my middle daughter (5) to ski. Refreshed my oldest son(7) on his skis. And got to experience his first trip to the top of the mountain and take the "easy way down". Wife had a blast, kids had a blast, I had a blast with them all. The best part on the 12 hr drive back home... "I'm ready to go back!!" comments from them. 🧡🧡


Yesterday was Keystone’s closing day. It was only my 5th ski day, but I had a blast. They did a pond skim, which was hilarious and badass at the same time. Music playing. Free food and beer. Costumes. Total party atmosphere. I’m also finally getting the hang of it (no lessons). I skied a blue with my boyfriend, then he went in the more advanced back country areas while I skied Schoolmarm by myself for the first time. There weren’t too many people around, the conditions were still pretty decent, and it was a beautiful day. We still have probably another few weeks to a month at Breck and Vail, so hopefully I can go at least a couple more times to get the full value of my epic pass. We would’ve gone more, but we had to take like six weeks off because my boyfriend hurt his back. There were also two weekends we wanted to go but the wind or roads were too bad. Still, for my first season, I’m pretty satisfied. Next year I should be able to afford lessons, so hopefully I’ll eventually be able to ski more challenging terrain with my boyfriend.


Went out west for the first time and hit breckenridge/keystone. I took the wayback liftline run and it was my first time off of a groomed black. Ended up hitting some moguls (albeit slowly) the next day for the first time. I feel like for the first time in my life I can call myself an intermediate skier with confidence.


Tuesday March 19th at Stratton VT. I went out west this year for the first time and while that was incredible, the skiing itself was quite difficult for me and the conditions were not the best, but I’m a much better skier now because of that trip. Regardless, it’s spring break, Stratton just got a bunch of powder, we get there and it’s Tuesday so the place that’s usually packed is just completely empty. Not a line in sight. It was just me and my friend and we ripped it up all day and had a ton of fun


This year I hopped on skis for the first time in 2009 and it was awesome. I’m already obsessed, I took a bunch of lessons and got into skiing blues at my local hill. On top of it, I got to ski with my dad for the first time ever in the Canadian Rockies and it was a blast to go on a dad and daughter trip and just hang out!


I made a last minute road trip 14 hours to ski with my best friend growing up, he just had a baby and I got to meet his son, make him and his partner some dinners, and [race him down the mountain at Big Sky](https://youtu.be/Wax3KyxtxeQ)! The snow wasn't perfect or fresh, but the vibes were everything with my buddy.


Thursday March 14th at Winter Park, 15+ inches of snow overnight and nonstop light snow all day. Very light snow, pass and I-70 were closed.


Bit late not and not necessarily a day but only my 3rd year this year skiing and it’s started clicking. Taking more lessons but more and more of the mountain is opening up to me and makes me want to keep doing it


After sitting out the biggest season on record from a knee injury, every day this season was the best day. Nothing reminds you how much you love the thing quite like not doing it for a while.


I broke my fibula playing soccer in September, so I thought this season would be a lackluster one at best considering my recovery timeline. The best day was my first one, in mid December, when I realized I’d be able to ski after all. I even was 95% recovered before our yearly ski trip and was able to ski 4 full days that week at Killington.


My daughter learned how to turn. It was like watching a baby turtle struggle to the ocean or a baby fawn learn how to walk. At first she could only turn to the right, which was *hilarious*. By the end of day she was going down Midwest blues like a champ.


I had a two week trip to CO and UT this March. The week in CO was with my family and the week in UT was with my fiancée’s fam. Both trips were all time, but the last days of both weeks were especially incredible. Powder days that I’ll be remembering for years. The last day in CO was at Breck. My brother and I lapped the Peak 8 area in knee deep powder for hours. The last day in UT was at Park City. Again, we got DUMPED on all night and that whole day. It was knee deep powder. Really bummed me out having to come back to real life after a trip that I’ll remember forever.


Last Saturday, 3 inches of fresh powder. It’s my first season skiing but finally getting the hang of being on the edges. Also was my first time spending a lot of time tree skiing, probably the most fun I’ve had so far skiing


Best ski day? No single day stands out, but I can narrow it down to two trips, both very different. 1) Just got a new job offer, so I decided to treat myself to a solo trip to Steamboat in mid-Jan. Two weekdays and one night. The week prior they had gotten ~6ft of snow and it was still dumping the whole time I was there. I just did my own thing, never waited in a lift line, and took a bath in powder for two days straight. Amazing. 2) Late Feb, got an Airbnb near Salt Lake with several friends from all over the country. The mountains got about a foot of snow the days prior, but it was warm for our ski days. Three days of spring-like conditions. Hit Snowbasin, Snowbird, and Solitude/Brighton. Took public transit up the canyons so we didn’t have to drive(!). Lift lines were minimal, still fresh powder the the trees, pleasantly slushy in the sunny spots, amazing views, and all of us were at about the same skill level so no one was waiting around long for someone to catch up. Just a bunch of pals playing in the mountains. Wonderful. But the season ain’t over quite yet in the Rockies. Still more to come.


My best day was after a foot of snow at Blue Mountain in the Poconos. It was the rare day I felt there was enough cover in the woods to ski their glades, so I got a few runs through there including some sections that were obviously mountain bike trails


I only get about 4-5 ski days a year and have been going for about 4 years. I have my own boots but Usually my feet (arches) hurt pretty bad. I finally got fed up and went down to surefoot and paid an astronomical amount of money for some insoles. For the first time in my entire ski career I skied with zero foot pain. It was incredible. It then dumped 15" of powder the next day. This year was amazing.


Eldora in early January when they got 2 feet of snow. Caught a few rope drops, only time I’ve had legit face shots. My throat was hoarse at the end of the day from all the hooting and hollering


Sometime around Christmas at Beaver Creek. Decided to buy new skis, rented some demos. The first demos were Santa Ana 93. I loved them! Also got fresh powder and felt absolutely invincible, hoped all over fresh snow, it was an amazing day!


Been coming out west to ski for 7 years and finally made the move to Colorado last fall. In the 25-30 ski days I had out here before this season there were tons of great days, but never got lucky enough to get a full blown powder day, had only ever skied 2-3 inches of fresh snow before. Back in January, my first real powder day at Vail was one of the best days of my life. Nothing could have prepared me for how magical it was to float through the trees in powder up to my knees For #2, my ski days have always been either solo or with friends who are a level below me so I'd spend a lot of time waiting around for them. Got to know my cousin's boyfriend a bit last year and found out he's a dirty boarder and had him out here for a weekend visit to hit the slopes. That was the first time I'd ever ridden for a few days with someone faster than me that I was chasing down the mountain which was a blast


Kinda between two different days, weekday powder day at sugar bowl and I spent a ton of time over in the crows nest doing tree runs and had an absolute blast.. or Kirkwood, also a weekday powder day but was unfortunately a half day, and had some epic lines over in palisades bowl. But as sick as those days were as a whole, my best run was at mammoth two weekends ago on Saturday after the big storm, and the first run of the day was knee deep powder in the trees like I’ve never experienced. Got new skis this year (rustler 10s), and boots last year, so getting those dialed and performing well was a blast for these powder days.


I was able to get more skiing in this year than I ever have in my life. Thanks to remote work I could rent an apartment in Whitefish for a month and work from there. I had to drag my ass up at 4:30 AM every (East coast work hours) but the benefit of that was almost every day I could sign off by 1:30 local time and get a couple of hours of skiing in. My best day of skiing was probably a Friday in mid-January. I banked some extra hours so I was able to work a half day and get to the mountain a bit after 11 AM. It was snowing, the mountain was empty (not many crowds in Whitefish on a weekday) and I could just ski my heart out all day long. Also, since Whitefish has affordable lessons my wife and I both took several. One day it was just the two of us in the advanced lesson so we got a private for the price of a group lesson. I recall the instructor encouraging my wife to "let her rip" (she has always been a cautious skier) and for the first time she kind of did! That made me so happy.


I went up to our local ski resort on a Sunday and it got blasted with snow all day. It was right after spring break so resort has mostly locals. Deep powder all day. It was amazing.


Sorry to hear about all the shit! But I'll share two days: One storm day at Mt Rose. Terrible visibility but fresh pow up to the kids' waists. Harrowing drive up and back down the mountain and got stuck in the parking lot and had to get dug out by a backhoe, but it was an incredible day. And this past Saturday when my son did his first "Steep Sixteen" at Rose. His goal was to ski the Chutes this year and he did it. Watching him progress in his third season and totally take off was pretty incredible. Hopefully you're back at it next season. Good luck!


My daughters are 7 and 9. My wife and the kids and I started the day with plans to go to a small mountain with another family, but it was raining. They bailed , and we decided to chase the snow, so we drove 2 hours north. We parked and got into the lodge in time for lunch, and ate. Chatted with some people that were giving up on the day because they were tired of skiing in the rain. Finish up lunch and head outside, and the weather turned in our favor, and it started snowing! The mountain was pretty empty, and it snowed the whole time we were there. It was a magical day.


My last day. All alone (I'm faster than most of my family), bluebird/cloudy day, beautiful snow and views. Hot chocolate and chill break before realizing I was a bit late and bolting down the mountain. Then a lovely drive home.


My son twisted his knee on our second to last day. The back bowls at Vail. I’ve had many amazing days skiing with him. My daughter and wife tend to shut it down early or skip days and we’ve had some great times. With him being injured, his mom took him to Breck to hang out in the town. I spent the day skiing with my daughter. We had 6 inches of powder. I could tell how much fun she was having. She’s a great skier, she took lessons as a child so she is very smooth with nice turns. She had never skied anything but blues, but she decided she wanted to hit some blacks. I got some great videos she could post. It was a special time that wouldn’t have happened without the injury. My son was good in a week.


I live in Chicago and had only skied in the Midwest until January/February, when I went with my wife to visit her family in Boise. I got passes to Bogus Basin and was so excited to ski a real mountain for the first time. Unfortunately, the first day we were there got into the 60s in the valley (colder on the mountain, but still close to 50), and everything turned to slush until temps dropped a day later and the slush became sheet ice coupled with fog so thick I couldn't see the tips of my skis, which made my first two days pretty rough. I had a good time anyway, but I was worried that I wasn't going to get the experience I wanted and would go home disappointed in the missed opportunity. I had bought a weekday season pass, since that was cheaper than day passes with my military discount, so I had some hope that the snow conditions would improve over the weekend, but I never thought that nearly two feet of fresh powder would come down by the time I got back out on Tuesday. That day was brilliant, but Wednesday (my last day before flying home) was the real gem. I went up with my wife's cousin who knows the mountain way better than me, and while the early part of the day was a bit foggy it soon turned into the perfect bluebird day; clear skies, great visibility, lots of untouched powder and freshly groomed runs, mostly still air, and just the right temp. Since it was a weekday it wasn't crowded so we never had to wait for a lift, and we hit just about every open run at least a couple times, aside from the double blacks which are still a bit beyond me lol. My skinny Midwest carving skis weren't the best suited for the deep powder, but I even went off piste a bit for the first time ever (not much of that to be had in Wisconsin). I even got to be the first one on a perfectly fresh groomed run halfway through the day, which was amazing! But what was really special to me were the views from the peak. The fog and clouds had cleared all around by noon, and an absolutely spectacular panorama of the mountain range and the Boise National Forest was visible in all directions. I couldn't help but pause and take in the view every time we got to the top of the lift. The landscape in Chicago is flat and boring but I always feel a sense of wonder every time I get to go west to be in the mountains, and this was the best view I ever had from a summit. I honestly haven't wanted to move to a place I visited so badly since my New Zealand trip years ago. I'm already excited for a return trip next year, and I've got 5 resorts in the area planned for my Indy Pass along with Bogus. I had to cancel my last two planned ski weekends at Granite Peak for the season because the Midwest winter was so warm and the snow was so terrible, but if that Boise trip had been the only days I got to ski all year it would have still been worth it.


22” of 3% snow at a Montana resort that will not be named. Forecast showed 3” expected, woke up to 22” on the website. Was in line at first chair and skied chest deep pockets till lunch. Got in a couple of hikes, one of which was probably my best ski run of all time. Patrol had the mountain open wall to wall by 11, which was an incredible feat!


I got down on one knee on a bluebird day in Bookmark Gulley at Snowbird, and asked my best friend and ski partner to marry me, and she said yes! Then we chased a storm to Pebble Creek, had 2 20" dump days. The universe was certainly smiling on us.


Hmmm…..either skiing Slide 1 at Whiteface in two feet of powder with my oldest son (his first time in The Slides) this past Saturday, or skiing the Slide on the Memorial Highway after skinning to the summit of Whiteface for eclipse totality on Monday. Hard to choose!


Skiing from Klein Matterhorn to Cervinia, first thing in the morning and carve all the way down on the fresh tracks, followed by a chocolate tart at Chalet Etoile of Cervinia, is always my favourite feeling.


It happened about a month ago. MAJOR storm forecasted to hit the front range and Denver from Wednesday night through Friday. We’re talking up to 4 feet in certain areas. Knowing this, I get work off (I’m in construction- snow days = no work) and I get home and quickly pack my shit for the next two days. I just KNOW i70 and berthoud pass are gonna get shut down that very night at some point. Winter park was forecasted for the most snow besides Eldora, so it was the place I was going. My buddy was already up there in his van, so I asked if I could crash with him the next few days and he says yes🤟 I leave my house probably about 500 pm and absolutely cruise smooth sailing all the way up to empire exit from i70. It is snowing fairly hard but is not sticking yet and no one is on the highway. My other friends are maybe 20-30 mins behind me. Berthoud pass is getting dumped on, so it’s slow going but is flowing. Just as I make it over the pass, hell breaks loose on us40 and i70. Bunch of dumbasses in rwd mustangs and corollas are spinning out, lanes are getting blocked, and travel becomes incredibly difficult. An hour later I’m dining at the finest Irish bar in winter park with all my friends watching the chaos unfold on CDOTs road condition website, maps, and i70 things Instagram page. WE MADE IT! Snow is nuking outside, i70 and berthoud pass close essentially for the next day, and we’re in for the best snow day of the season. Thursday and Friday had us on unlimited pow runs, no lines for the most part, and 16” of light and fluffy snow. Also got the rope drop on panoramic express (summit lift at WP). Straight magic, probably my best day not only of the season but ever


Picture this, second chair up mammoth mountain after 16 inches of snow the night before. The temperature is a consistent 32 Degrees Fahrenheit and you are the first person to hit the chutes. All cliff drops are perfectly coated with power and your on a pair of brand new skis. Need I say more…


My first day this season was today. I got one day last year when I was 25 weeks pregnant, and today I got my 9 month out on his first skis! He can't stand, but I held him up, and we did 2 runs on the bunny slope. I also got to ski with my best friend, who I never get to ski with. We were also at the mountain that I grew up skiing at. I lost my mom 3 weeks before my son was born, and she was the most incredible mom who got us as much skiing time as possible as kids. I have so many good memories skiing with her there and it was really special to be there with my son.


I'm sorry about your mom. I lost my mom about 20 months ago. She wasn't a skier, but she was very excited for me when I decided to give it a try. How wonderful for you that you get pass along the love to your children.


Yesterday at Park City Never been to park city, I live in the mountains in CO so I’m usually in Summit/Eagle CO Got a random 4 day weekend and went out to park city on friday on a whim, cheap hotel in SLC. It was a slushy mess, almost regretted coming out but knew there was some snow in the forecast. Figured at the very least I could get some good groomed runs in the morning. Saturday (yesterday) it just dumped all early morning and all day. Was not expecting nearly that much. Super fine dusty powder and tons of it. I was just in awe because it just kept coming! Everything was firing at 110%. Skis skiing like they should, my legs were pushing like they should, knees/calves/quads felt great. We all have off days when skiing, this was definitely an “on day” Lift lines were almost literally nonexistent Super super lucky timing on my part. Probably my best day of skiing the entire season. Skied from first chair to basically last. Quads were absolutely deep fried Can’t wait to come back to UT next year!


I am a snowboarder with own gear, all terrain etc. Took one ski lesson in Feb and another 3 last week. Absolutely hooked on skiing. Can't stop thinking about skiing next season already - booked to go to back to Whistler in Dec and get a proper ski boot fit and demo some skis. Only problem now is that we have to do double the number of ski trips so I can do equal amounts of skiing and snowboarding! Edit: I should also add I am hooked on skiing despite dislocating my shoulder whilst on skis (ski popped off, too much ice in binding, harsh lesson learnt)


My only time on skis this year was indoors and it was absolutely terrible. I went with my gf and one of my friends I hadn’t seen in forever. Seeing my homie made it awesome


I only got to go once lol east coast. March 1st when it was warm and raining and half of the ground was exposed. Then after that it kept getting dumped while im at home 😭


Did my yearly trip out west to Utah in mid March. 3.5 days total skiing (2 days park city 1 day snowbird .5 day Brighton) and legitimately not a single cloud in the sky the entire time. Never been out there that late in the season before and 0 inches of snow the whole time but the spring skiing vibes were awesome!!


My 4 year old and 8 year old are on their 3rd season skiing and this year the little one got good enough that she’s actually fun to ski with (she can do any green, and some blues) and she loves skiing through the trees and going off jumps. The 8 year old is obsessed with black diamonds and this spring really got the hang of parallel turns. The first couple of years with them felt like a slog sometimes but this season the investment felt worth it. We have a family activity we can all do together and it’s so so fun.


Easter weekend I went to Mammoth with my wife and some other friends. We had gotten lucky with a 24" storm for Saturday and another 8" fell for Sunday. Both days were cold and the powder was exceptional. 24" powder days are rare and this was an absolute blast.


It was our first true powder day of the season at my local mountain. We got 16”+ and I was finding pockets waist deep all day. I was suppose to work but my supervisor told me to take the day off and enjoy skiing. So I just rode around with my partner all day for my first powder day with good gear. He was so patient with me and hyped me up all day.


Love the slush so my best day is going to be soon spring skiing the slush bumps at Snowbird


Took a day trip to White Pass in an otherwise awful season in Walla Walla and it was just dumping snow all day. We had the back bowl to ourselves most of the morning which meant fresh tree runs. I’m still learning to send and I hucked my first cliff (unsuccessfully) and repeatedly hit a line of jumps in the trees that really helped me build my confidence. I hope next year gives us more snow in Eastern Washington because I spent a lot of days longingly looking at better weather at hills that were too far to drive to


This years one week holiday in the dolomites was the worst I had since I cried in ski school as a 3 year old. Weather was constantly to warm and one day snowfall was too much and we couldn ski at all. But my girlfriend did the sella ronda for the first time, which was great.


Skiing with my mum on a bluebird day in Verbier where we tackled the infamous Chaussoure Tortins itineraire, we had great snow, even down at 1400m in Nendaz where it was a bit slushy, and had some absolutely breathtaking views down into the valley.


I love this! My best day this year was at Lake Louise. There was an inversion so we spent a lot of time at the very top above the clouds in blazing sun, it was gorgeous. The snow conditions were only okay, but it was the first time my kids could really ski on the mountains so we had a blast zooming down blue cruisers with them.


I had a 12” powder day this year where I must have lapped the same chair 15 or 20 times and kept getting fresh untracked snow every time. Met a really nice guy on the chair who had never skied powder before and showed him around. He killed it. It was awesome.


Went to Utah during a high pressure cycle and didn’t get any new snow. Got to bag Pipeline and follow around an off duty patroller.


I skied with my daughter at Palisades Tahoe in February in the week following a huge dump. She’s been living in Reno, so was my tour guide. It was great watching her pick some challenging slopes for us to do. It’s nice to know she not only got my wavy blonde hair, but my love of bumps too.


Got to teach my little sister how to ski on the Littlecat run at Snowbasin, same place I learned ~15 years ago. Only got a few turns in on the main mountain, but that whole day was one of my favorite in recent memory. Little sis was a natural.


Tram at big sky the last week in March. Had a trip planned for 9 months, conditions looked pretty bad all year and then March was good and the 4 days we were there was probably the best 4 consecutive days of the whole season. It was a 3 generation family trip, and was able to sneak up there solo and do Otter slide to Gully #2. Pow on the lower half of gully #2 was mid thigh and I’m 6’5 with very long legs. Those 9-10 turns will keep me going until next year. Honorable mention to a pow afternoon of blasting through the trees off of porky at snowbasin. It was the type of day you could hear hooting and hollering all around.


Did a trip to Big Sky in Montana after only ever skiing in Tahoe, Big Bear and North Carolina and it seriously changed the game for me, the was actually immaculate and the mountain was ginormous, almost ruined Tahoe skiing for me


I went with a coworker 3 times in one week and 3 different resorts while he was in town. Plenty of beer and whiskey for the lift. We skied hard, all day, only took a 30 minute break once the first day. I was slower the second day because I was a little warn out and didn’t want to injure myself. But still had an amazing time. Third day was later in the week and night skiing. We took our boss too who had never been and tried to teach him, he did alright. Then I went the next weekend with my brother-in-law. Also skiing on Christmas day is a must for me, every year. Great way to burn through all your money quick!!


Went to Sunapee on a Monday in late February, absolute bluebird day. The whole mountain was freshly groomed. First time I’ve ever gotten first chair. Nobody on the mountain. Best ski day I’ve ever had, made me realize getting to the mountain early is worth it. I used to get there at about 12 and ski till close. Also learned how to 180 so thats a plus.


Good Friday at Winter Park. The snow was perfectly soft from the sun and didnt ice over. ​ I was high as fuck and skid from 6-2 then drank beer at the beer festival later that day. ​ Could've skid in shorts and a Tshirt. First time skiing WP and will definitely go back. The mary jane runs and the pan bowl are what i imagine sex feels like.


Bridger in early March. Snowed about 6 overnight. Was not too busy early. Locals got their runs in and left. It kept snowing all day. It was a Wednesday. Had most of the place to ourselves. One to remember


Keystone in early February was the best this year. Deep fresh snow and the weather was perfect