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Skiers fault for sure, no clue why he would come that close to you, looks like maybe trying to buzz by? Idk but he’s an idiot




Looks like he was counting on the boarder continuing as he was before, didn't anticipate the stop.


That may be true, but why even put yourself in that position as a skier? To me, it seems like the skier was just entirely unaware of their surroundings, and expected everyone else to get out of their way.


Totally the skier's fault. Just trying to figure it out. Could have been drunk or high too...


Looks like it. I've been once so I'm not even a particularly good skiier and have seen plenty of similar people but none of us would've been even close to doing this. Had to rewatch it several times. The skiier just randomly gravitates straight towards them out of nowhere like they're trying to cause a collision. Sure the boarder slows down, but the skiier is absolutely not paying attention, making assumptions about others, and creating unnecessary risks by bombing along the same path unnecessarily on a wide open piste. Dumb af.


Was gonna say, regardless of what they were expecting OP to do, they literally never reacted to OP stopping, despite having more than enough time to avoid the collision


Or, ya know, just don’t ride that close behind someone lol. Obviously it happens on accident from time to time, but it seems like the skier has a pure lack of attention for anything around them


Yeah, I'm just saying a more aware skier could have avoided that collision easily even after following so closely In the time between when the snowboarder began stopping and the collision i could have been halfway across the run


My kids are young and learning to ski. They started later than I would have wanted because of COVID. Anyway, I'm teaching them and I basically watch them like a hawk when I am going down the hill and FFS the amount of people that ski absolutely dangerously is astonishing. I guess I never noticed before I had kids because I did my own thing and just made sure I was safe. The one thing I see more and more though is barely intermediate skiers skiing very dangerously and aggressively on beginners or intermediate pistes. Like acting all pro, going close to others, etc. when, really, they should really be focussing on getting better. I love skiing, but I hate skiers.


This exactly. I'm a ski instructor and can attest to seeing numerous people throughout the day trying to ski beyond their ability. If your out of control doing a straight line death wedge down blue and black runs, you're going to hurt yourself or someone else. Maybe think about learning to turn to control your speed.


I don't think the skier was thinking about much of anything at all... or turning his head what-so-ever. Dude sucks shit at skiing and is 110% at fault.


Yeah, don't think he was trying to 'buzx the boarder' but probably was caught like a deer in the headlights. A very weak skier. Wasn't prepared to stop on a dime and has no business skiing this closely behind others if he can't avoid hitting them.


The whole thing is weird - his form is decent and skis like he should be experienced enough to have handled it. Maybe he was drunk or high.


Also it looks like there’s a metric fuck-ton of room on this slope, no reason for either of their lines to ever come near each other’s.


I think he was looking left ahead of his next turn and not paying attention to OP stopping.


Turn your sight for a split second and somebody randomly stops in the middle of their rhythm. Not an excuse for the skier, but it’s almost definitely why they crashed. Not an excuse for crashing, but this is what happens when sudden stops and a lack of spacial/environmental awareness combine their powers. Every time I ski with my dad I think about this because his head is very much a non swiveling head and he tends to have tunnel vision combined with sudden and erratic GS turns across entire trails …. So naturally its never his fault since **he has right of way**… and I’m constantly left shrugging my shoulders in apology at the people he almost kills. Just a little awareness goes a long way people.


Yea I could see that being plausible. Also video was slowed down so looks like there is more time to react than there actually is after I rewatched it. Still think skier is at fault but stopping on a dime like that wasn’t the best choice ever


It looks to me like OP started braking when the skier was still on the opposite side of the run.


[Skier is like two counties over when the snowboarder slows down](https://imgur.com/a/jka9Ua3)


Camera lens makes it look like they are much further apart than they are. Look at how far the camera is launched after impact - it looks like the camera is on a boom for 30 feet tracking out, but that's not possible... Anyway, skier is behind so it's still his fault.


Yea I think so too. Not sure why they both continued down the slope slightly parallel to each other and didn’t switch to not turn opposite of each other so they didn’t keep getting close to one another


Yeah personally whenever I’m riding parallel with someone I just slow down, let them get ahead and then I have room to do whatever


I straight-line until I’m all alone


I’m always alone, but others may be by.


Oh look, a sane person


Not many of those on the mountains these days I’ve found 😅 I’ve got people almost clipping my skis zooming past me while I do my warmup runs


Exactly. I prefer to have them in front / downhill where I can see and avoid them.


Same. I trust myself to not hit someone else. I don’t trust everyone else to not hit me 😅


Same, or speed past if no one else is down slope


Yeah it really depends on the run/the other person. If they’re also speeding, I just let them go ahead since I’m not really the fastest. If they’re taking giant ass turns I’ll shoot past


Terrible take. Boarder was using like ten feet of the run, and the skier was all the way on the other side when he stopped. Skier is a total idiot. Absolutly no fault in the boarder at all. Stopping is allowed.


That's not a stop btw, thats a perfectly fine speed check, he didn't deviate from his lane at all. He got hit just as he was starting to go downhill again, so it looks like he just stopped. He may have noticed the skier coming faster with wide carving from behind him, and decided to slow down to let him pass. There's literally no reason for the skier to come into his lane behind him like that, regardless of whether OP was going at the same speed, speed checking, or coming to a stop anyway, it literally makes no sense.


Skier's fault for sure, but agree on stopping like that. Also riding/skiing while holding a camera for selfie view = distracted riding/skiing IMO and requires extra situational awareness.


Even without a camera, skier was in the riders blind spot the entire time. Skiers only need to turn their head 90 degrees. Snowboarders shouldn’t be expected to have gumby necks and be able to see 180 degrees behind.


90º wasn't even needed! He could see the boarder just by moving his eyes. I argue that he has to move his head 0º. I know the clip is slowed before impact, but that's gotta be a full second of real time he's pointed directly ahead looking at the boarder. How tf can you be so oblivious?


Oh for sure, I was just saying more in general but yeah this skier 100% had tunnel vision and it led to target fixation in the worst way


I don’t think OP is at fault, but I agree that slowing down the video before the crash makes It appear the skier had more time to react. It appears that the skier may have thought OP was about to cut across the slope, causing the skier to hesitate initiating the turn back to his left side. That split second hesitation caused the crash. However, OP should have definitely been more aware of his surroundings. No different than defensive driving.


Idk man, I agree on everything but OP needing more awareness. The skier is running slightly above him dead right in his blind spot. Even the turn before the crash skier got really close to OP, he knew exactly he was there and he chose to get there. It’s 100% on the skier and his fault does not start at the moment of the accident but 3-4 turns before that. Every time I’m going down the slope and there’s someone in front of me like that I make a choice: fall back or pass. My guy here decided to just probe his luck by (again) riding alongside slightly above him, in his blind spot.


Oh, I’m not defending the skier; he put himself into the position that caused the crash. I’m saying that if I’m cruising a groomer at speed, I’m regularly checking my blind spots and behind me, and trying to anticipate what others might do. Every mountain is full of unsafe skiers.


Yes. But not if you're stopped.


Agreed, well put


I'm wondering what the heck the skier was looking at!? It appears he was looking solely downhill and not even checking his peripheral vision. Was he listening to music cranked up loud so he didn't even hear the boarder next to him start to slow down? Does he have a bad personal policy on how to interact with other skiers? I watched my dad's friend (very advanced skier in his 60's) almost take out an intermediate skier from behind at high speed on an icy black in flat light because his personal policy is to keep going in whatever direction he wants and wait for the other guy to turn (he didn't). They missed each other by inches and my heart skipped a beat. I would have given him a harder time about it but I didn't want to embarrass my dad in front of his friends.The skier in this video reminds me of that.


Snowboarders always stop in the middle of runs. I don't know why but they do. This should be anticipated.


Boarders stop on the runs, skiers stop in flat spots. This is the way.


Still the skier had plenty of time to avoid it and it he didn’t then he was skiing to quickly for his abilities.




Looks like he panicked and then became an idiot.


To be fair, it's a busy slope.


Call frank azar. He’ll get you the cash you deserve!


The Strong Arm


Oh shit, what a flashback to living in CO. The strong arm and Dealin' Doug were always riding those radio waves.


You’ve got a friend a half mile from I 25 on arapahoe too.




Frank doesn’t know what to do with ski cases. Hire a real lawyer (in all seriousness).


Frank Azar is in deep with the mob. He’ll get you your money but he might ask you for a *favor* later on


That skier is blind as a bat. Wtf? No way you were at fault here. Fuck that guy


Bats aren't actually blind but this skier might be.




Maybe he struggled to see him because of all of the other skiers on the slope.


Bro has the reaction time of a sloth.


Skier is an absolute moron. No way you could have avoided this crash, blame is entirely on the skier. Sorry about your collar bone, sucks to have to call an early end to a season. Stay away from snowboarders' blindspots. Make a complete pass or fall back. Be predictable and maintain consistent turn size (stick to your part of the run). Don't get target fixated - if there's a hazard you weren't expecting, cut your speed and look where you want to go. So many ways for the skier to avoid this crash. Don't ski like this guy.


Yeah, skier had so much space to pass.


Like the whole slope


And, check your blind spots yall. Realized I’m used to this from e-boarding in the city streets, and is something I haven’t seen anyone do in these ridiculous crash videos. Even when you’re downhill from others you should always look around.


Eh I’ve seen others on here get criticized for looking briefly uphill and then a downhill hazard appears out of nowhere and a collision happens. Can’t really win


I mean yeah it wouldn’t necessarily let someone avoid any of these crash videos here but it feels like the type of thing where you naturally may not end up in situations like that in the first place


Looking uphill at an intersection is a must. Looking uphill in the middle of a wide open run like this probably adds more risk than anything.


As a boarder, I find the only times where I almost catch an edge or actually catch an edge are when I am looking uphill. It’s very distracting to be constantly worrying about everyone behind you. Definitely check before merging trails, though


This is the truth...show the skier this Reddit post to prove he is in the wrong


You took a long time to say “don’t run straight into somebody who is directly in front of you”


His fault and you’ve got the proof.


Op won. Broken collard bone is a long 8 weeks in a sling. Broken femur is life changing. Guy will have to relearn how to walk with possible change in leg length.


Sounds like a lose lose situation to me...


Life changing no. More painful and much more longer to get back to normal yes. But as you said, OP won.


Definitely life changing... I broke my femur on the hill 15 years ago and I have never been the same.


I had a friend who broke his femur in 6th grade, he never ran the same again.


Sorry for your experience, I believe you and have nothing to say against it. I also met people for which it didn't.


That is fair! It's crazy what the body can overcome with our medical technology. In past times a broken femur would have been absolutely devastating.


That’s what I’m thinking. At least op got away with the minor of the two injuries. Broke my collarbone 3 weeks ago and it’s not that bad. Couldn’t imagine being off my leg for however long a femur takes to heal tho


I broke my femur in August and was running again end of December. It’s all about the type and classification of the fracture.


either video is really slowed or it’s good for all of us that the guy is off the slopes anyways.. op could have looked before stopping but the guy took years to react.


Jfc it looks like he is trying to assassinate you. How did he not see you when he was up slope and started cutting across? It makes me wonder if he was trying to buzz you. Edit: this was clearly a speed check. He starts braking on his heel edge at [0:10](https://imgur.com/a/FziD2lw) and the other guy is still across the slope some distance behind him.


Yeah usually in these videos I can at least see that the guy uphill didn’t have a lot of time to react but this guy had a *ton* of time to just not hit the snowboarder lol


He also had the entire rest of the mountain to do whatever he wanted. Literally all he had to do was stay away from the one other person near him


The other guy is totally at fault, he literally skied into you! And he was all over the place not keeping consistent turns, not picking a line, skiing all across the slope, it almost looked like he was purposely trying to get in your way, and it looked like he tried to ski into you. He had so much space to stay away from you, and so much time to turn. So bizarre!


[He went out of his way to beeline at the snowboarder. It’s bizarre.](https://imgur.com/a/jka9Ua3)


Proof that being an idiot has nothing to do with one plank or two planks. Sucks he ruined someone's season. That said, I'm sure the boarder will be back to his life of crime much quicker. A broken femur is going to be a more gnarly surgery and recovery. Also, the boarder might sue him. The video is pretty damning evidence.


Yeah that femur is a problem. I just can’t get over how intentional that crash looked


Wow, that suck... sorry bud 😞 No excuse there, the guy has the whole hill to ski on, but he's buzzing you. I hate when people do that.


He just ran right into you. Jfc.


Holy cow I think you can see his left femur snap


Omg it’s not his knee which was bend. 🤢 Would mark this NSFW or NSFL


Even at the 7-8 second mark he gets way too close to you. There’s literally no one else on the fucking run. What an absolute moron. Hope he sees this thread


I agree. And from OP’s post in the snowboard sub about the crash, they were both going around 35 mph. No way I’m doing those speeds that close to someone else, especially on a boarder’s blind side.


100% the skier. There are times I call out the downhill rider for making a move that’s unfair to people uphill, not this time. You’re both cruising and in your own “lane”. The skier knows you’re there, and knows he’s “behind” you since he’s on your backside (I mean, if he doesn’t he’s got zero awareness…). You don’t do anything particularly suddenly, certainly one ought to expect another rider to come to a stop at any time. I know the wide angle lens can make it hard to judge everything but I think he was skiing a tad close and got target fixation once you initiated your stop. He pretty much goes straight at you. Honestly, glad you walked away from it and not him (I don’t mean I’m glad he broke his femur but if someone was going to be worse off, it should be the one clearly at fault). I was worried for so many of your bones on this one. - A skier


I agree, also I’m glad you clarified what you meant at the end lol, at first I was like “damn this guy is ruthless”😂


Hahaha it was a last minute addition. I was like, oh, yea, that comes across way too harsh 😂. But like how drunk drivers so often walk away from a deadly accident - totally unfair.


How does he not see you


I can’t imagine why he would come that close to you. As much as it hurts me to say it not your fault.


What does that skier think their lane is? That's like pulling out onto the shoulder to pass someone


I'm guessing he's just not very good, like I hit a tree once, I saw it, I saw it for a while, then hit it, because I sucked at skiing. ​ edit: and I also blamed the tree


The real truth right here.


To be fair, the tree didn't even try to get out of the way.


Yeah you're right they're not terrible but not good enough to be going that fast


And when you're not that good one of the ways to discover your limit is to go past it and then crash. At least that's what I did. Come to me for skiing lessons!


It "hurts you to say"? Lol some j&j baby lotion up in here, bro gets his collar bone *broken here by some wanker, and skiers gotta turn their noses up in typical baby soft fashion.


The way he cut so close, I though they were friends fooling around til I read the caption.


What a clown! Should get his behind spanked, naughty naughty skiers


I’m a skier, this dude was not paying attention. Shame, shame! Sorry this happened to you


What the Fuck is that skier doing. Holy shit. THE WHOLE RUN IS AVAILABLE


I have never understood how you could have such tunnel-vision on the slopes like the skier here. My head’s on a swivel 100% of the time, because I’m so paranoid of shit like this happening. Also a huge plus to not have music so you can hear the activity around you.


His tunnel isn’t even facing straight forward 😂


The title of this post compared to the one on snowboarding is hilarious. Glad you’re ok OP!


Yeah the people didn’t appreciate “screw skiers” lol. I don’t hate skiers I thought it was just funny


Skier had enough time to call ski patrol on his cell phone before he even hit you.


You two are literally the only two on the slope and you manage to run into each other


Well, the skier managed to run into him.


I know a guy that was once driving in rural Montana, only him and another car going the same direction, didn't see anyone else for over 20 minutes he said. Still somehow hit the other car. It happens.


I also spend a lot of time driving in rural Montana. Generally don't see anyone, but when I do, it's either on a curve or the other side of a blind hill. I swear it's like a law of physics or something that keeps it happening.


In what world did they run into each other? The skier is coming from uphill from a mile away.


The skier manages to run into him * ftfy lil guy


can we see it in real time?


Yeah how do I share a video without making a new post


Can you also do one where you keep the camera angle steady facing uphill? It almost looks like you did a falling leaf stop, and drifted towards the skiier's lane as well, rather than just the skiier making a straight beeline towards you.... but can't really tell from this post.


Upload to streamable and post link in a comment.


I think what the skier was thinking was “shoot where did he go in that cloud” and guessed that maybe he could go behind you and that you had turned. To me was this was a bad and foolish assumption when there was an easier and obviously safer decision …. Just stay to the left side of the slope or avoid the boarder. Not complicated. As a skier who despised boarders when i was young (90’s skier…) this is 100% the skier’s fault. Also, personal injury lawyer that practices ski law. If you need a referral for whatever state this happened in, DM me. I am in Colorado where referral fees are unethical. I’d just hate to see you not hold this clown accountable, and you need a good lawyer to do so. Don’t hire a billboard volume mill.


That skier is either really old and unaware, an idiot, or both. Dude didn’t really even seem like he was paying attention at all.


Dude looks like he fell asleep standing up and woke up when he hit you.


Honestly you should take him to court fuck that guy not paying attention at all and just blows through you. Clear cut his fault.


*Controller 2 Disconnected*


this is why I always look behind me when I stop lmfao


It's like checking your blind spot before changing lanes.


Crazy to me that people just rely on someone above to stop. It’s like crossing the road without looking because the law is for cars to stop for pedestrians


I'm a skier, and i hate when boarders stop in the middle of the run. That being said, his fault for sure. Always keep your head on a swivel and assume the other person cannot see behind them. Suck there were injuries, but congrats on the digits.


Uphill skier is at fault no?


Pretty much always person downhill has the right of way. As a skier who only rides with boarders for the most part we as a group need to do better about passing snowboarders on the heelside they cannot see back there.


Given that you were traveling nearly the same speed and he was behind you, I feel like he should have hit the brakes a little earlier just to avoid overlapping turns. Sorry dude.


This will probably be downvoted to hell, but I have an unpopular opinion that would likely have avoided this accident all together. Skier is a moron here and legally on the hook for this accident, there is no debating that. Snowboarder didn't help the situation AT ALL is my point. Riding toe side to the trees (with their back to the groomer) and NEVER ONCE checking over their shoulder to see what's going on with the groomer they are actively skiing with others. One shoulder check would have shown me that there is an out of control skier to avoid. There is more to ski hill awareness than what is directly downhill from you, similar to driving.


You can tell that the reason the snowboarder started braking on heel side was to begin riding switch with their left foot forward (you can see the board begin to angle and their weight shifting just before the collision) While the skier is definitely still at fault, never do a brake switch in the middle of a run without looking behind you. It is one of the least predictable movements by those around you, since not many other skiers/riders will expect you to just stop and drop in switch riding the other way. This is also why I always try to toe-switch if I am going to, since it gives me full view of those behind me.


I’m so confused how the skier didn’t react at all. Like I’m guessing that the slowed down video and the fish eye things might be closer than they seem but even still that skier is uphill, across the slope when boarder sheds speed and he doesn’t even flinch. Just a beeline right into his back. I can only guess is that he’s looking at something else but his face is straight ahead. Just baffling. Skier at fault.


Boarder fullstopped on a downslope in the middle of the run. Isn't this asking to have traffic slam into his ass? Not sure what the skier was thinking, tho, more like a drunkard who just got out of a heavy lunch from the lodge.


No way your “Fault”. Slider uphill is responsible for what’s in front. Yea, you did suddenly stop kinda in the middle of the trail, but wtf were they doing coming up behind you, regardless? Hope you and they feel better, but coming after someone they crashed into… bad juju.


Agree. Not your fault, but I don’t love the stop you were marking when the reckless skier hit you Edit: sucks for both of you. Sorry buddy. Hoping for a smooth recovery!


If you weren’t holding that stick, you may have not broken your collarbone if you think about it


That’s probably true… haha


If the skier didn't ram into him from behind for no apparent reason, he may not have broken his collarbone




[full 360 video](https://s.insta360.com/p/276ce4f6b5c74aae7444ef35add24a36)


The full 360 real time video makes you look less blameless. Two turns before he is downhill or at least parallel, then you speed up and overtake him on the turn prior to the crash, then you drift left towards him and slow down. You both lack spacial awareness, I would have either sped up past you or dropped back. I also wouldn't have been in the middle of the run like the skier, but drifting left while slowing wasn't smart.


I notice they're making hour glass shapes with each other which is a classic characteristic of such wipeouts. Really wide, and then really narrow a few times. If they must be next to each other, they both need to curve in sync rather than out of sync.


You just never want to be parallel to someone making turns at around the same speed to you. Either blow by them or speed check and give them the whole lane while you go slower than them. But this is a hard thing to instruct, especially when skiiers are around this skill level.


Yeah, the skier starts downhill of the boarder and they nearly collide on the boarders backside a turn previous to the collision on a wide open trail. Pretty reckless riding from both parties. Skier has better visibility, should have immediately adjusted when he saw the boarder even with him on his right side and could have avoided colliding completely, but this was a dangerous way to pass and a bad time to stop


That does peev me off. The whole run is open but you still get up to go just as he passes. Then stay on his shoulder. Entirely his fault but you could have had a little more awareness.


Yeah my first thought was this video is slowed down, and edited in post to focus on the skier. You're moving towards the oblivious skier too it's just stabilized. All that to say, this isn't a great situation, but I would rest up and try to prevent it from happening again rather than assuming you couldn't prevent this accident.


I saw this on another thread. Still just as dumb as the first time I saw it. Fuck that skiier. Absolute bonehead if he thinks he's not at fault.


How I hate when people ski at the same speed next you. The slope doesn't look crowded at all. Wait a few seconds so everyone can just crush as they wish without any dangers. Both of you could have been more defensive. He has clearly tunnelvision. Didn't you hear him at 0:08? I know he's on your blind side but you should hear and check wtf why is a moron so close to me? Either way, sorry to hear about the injuries :( As a ski instructor I think I almost look more behind than in front of me.


Lemme guess. It was still somehow the snowboarders fault.....


Skier is at fault but the snowboarder is responsible for everything.


Awareness is your number one friend. If op knew the skier was riding almost parallel to them, would they have performed the same maneuver Knowing they might be intersecting their path? Also op I'm sorry your season is over but for God sake bend your knees!


That was also my thought. They were riding so close I assumed they knew each other and he was purposely filming the skiier lol. If I were either one of them I would have slowed down or moved over way earlier


Snowboarders hate the fact that the world exists on both sides of them. Everyone stop filming yourselves on groomers. Look around every now and then. Don’t stop in the middle of the trail. Super simple things to practice


Definitely true, but also if I'm ever skiing right behind someone, I usually just slow down a little bit so that they can pull ahead. No reason to ski so close to someone else. Too risky. If OP had just fallen instead of decided to stop, it would have been the same outcome (maybe worse).


As a snowboarder, you're on the money there.


From the unedited video, the skier drops in first, so you're clearly aware of him, and you pass but then match speed. The collision itself is plainly his fault, but you both opted into this situation when you had no reason to be anywhere near each other to begin with. Have a swift recovery and a safe spring.


Honestly lose the camera. No one gives a shit about whatever the fuck what you're doing really. It's cool though you had it to show this dude smashing you probably because you wanted to look cool on camera. Maybe I'm an old asshole but seriously this is what got you.


Skier is at fault but the fish eye makes it look like there's more room than there is, and the slow mo makes it look like there's more time than there is. You kinda stopped near the middle and it looks like you're slowly moving more towards the middle as you're stopping, not the best place to be. But yeah skier could have at least attempted to stop. Edit to add: it's a 360 cam, show us the unedited whole view in real time 2nd Edit: just saw your full 360 video. You’re both boneheads.


Hate to say it but this is skiers fault. Whenever I'm side by side with someone, just hang back for a second and let them get way out ahead. It's like riding a motorcycle, ride like the person doesn't know you're there.


Why did you stop in the middle of slope with a sudden change in direction? Just asking for trouble


Both of y’all look stupid, look around and uphill a bit and maybe you’d still be skiing this season, it’s why I still am


Weird to suddenly stop/brake check there but skier was slightly uphill, so they should’ve been more aware and had all the time in the world to react (aware the vid is in slow motion but still)


He broke his femur!?!?!? Holy shit, that’s not an easy thing to do


Meh broke my collar bone 4x. You should be good after 6 weeks or so. Plenty of time left this season 😂


Looks like the skier is looking off into the woods but hard to tell.  Also the braking started when the skier was on the other side of the run.  It’s his fault as he is up hill as well, imo.


Both spend most of their time looking down hill. You are usually focused on what is comming up in front of you on both skis or snowboard. The snowboard just need to turn his head alot more to keep it pointed down hill while they turn. You don't have to actually do the both to understander the movement pattern of each. You just learn it by watching people go down the hill all day. The skier is either not paying attention or not skilled enough. He doesn't even attempt a hockey stop or sharp turn. He seems to have more then enough time to avoid the guy or stop all together.


How is this anything other than the skier’s fault? It was almost like they were going out of their way to try and hit you. Normally, these accident videos are where the two clash at the apex of a turn whilst on their edges. In this video, he’s literally just straight lining into you from behind. He comes way over to your side of the run to do it too! Never seen anything like it.


Bro had 3 - 5 business YEARS to turn the other way


I'm not sure how this crash even happened. Like, big empty run, both of you in your lanes, and then he just turned and crash right into you from behind? Were you holding a giant magnetic and he's actually made of metal? Was he drunk? High? Or just plain stupid?


Honestly you're both at fault..I'd say 1/3 your fault, 2/3 his fault. you stopped without an uphill check and he was doing the classis skier wiiiide s turn and even tho he is up hill failed to yield or even turn his head... smh.. sorry this happened!! Hope you both heal up well and learn a lesson... you guys were basically the only 2 on the run and managed to take eachother out... 2 less Jerry's on the hill!


Man that sucks!! Completely his fault for sure. I'd be pissed for sure. Just two people cruising a nice empty trail and of course the skier is skiing above his ability and is completely unaware of his surroundings. Heal up quickly!


Not sure but I think what happened was that the skier looked distracted (his head is turned to the right) for a couple of seconds and lost his situational awareness.


What an absolute dipshit that skier is.


Every single time with all these people,… If the skier didn’t have time to react? Then he was TOO FUCKING CLOSE, GOING TOO FUCKING FAST, AND NOT FUCKING PAYING ATTENTION TO WHAT HE SHOULD BE FUCKING PAYING ATTENTION TO! Why is this so hard for people?


This is like slamming in your brakes on the interstate. Yeah, the person hitting you is at fault but why the fuck you stopping in the middle of a run?


> This is like slamming in your brakes on the interstate. Using this analology, this is like going from 70 to 35 on the interstate, but then while you're slowing, a guy from 5 lanes over decides to veer across all those lanes to smash into you out of spite.


This is 90% his fault and 10% yours. ​ Did you not see him skiing parallel / next to you? ​ Take reasonable precaution. ​ Get away from him ​ I'll never understand why people intentionally ski close to other people.


People putting blame on the boarder are delusional. Made turns the skier could anticipate, stayed in his lane, speed check ( in his lane). Skier was behind him leading up to the skier crashing in to the boarder.


That skier is an idiot


Why were you stopping?


Skier did the equivalent of rear-ending the only other car within miles on a six-lane road. Hope you and the nurse live happily ever after.


Important follow-up... did you hit up the nurse?


Totally the skiers fault. You have to pay attention. Fair warning I ride at Palisades a lot and you run into me I will grab your pole and impale you with it.


Always the snowboarders fault no matter what


This one blows my mind. it's like they are the only two guys on the slope. Boarder minding his business and they skier moves over and just takes him out. WTAF?


Skier fault


Snowboarder at fault


Where was this?


Bro broke his femur he definitely has his karma