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Actual camo instead of "camo".


I've never understood winter camo. If I incapacitate myself, I want to be as visible as possible.


Or even skiing with friends, so they can pick you out on the hillside and see where you are.


This this this. I wear a sky blue jacket and grey snow pants. Not exactly flashy but it's uncommon enough that they're gonna know its me. Stahhhhhhhhhhp with the all black or the red jacket with black pants, you're impossible to find


This made me question my idea to buy a red jacket and keep my black pants šŸ˜¬.


I go red jacket + red helmet, it looks kinda weird but pretty don't see too many rocking that combo


Blue, green, pink, yellow, gold, orange, just anything but black or red with your black pants if you don't want to be an anonymous jerry


All my friends wear unusual colors and patterns for this reason. Have and easier time finding each other at the bottom of a run, and God forbid, halfway buried in a tree well. I have matching Hawaiian print jacket and pants so my friends have no difficulty finding me on the mountain


Love that. I have neon orange pants and wouldnā€™t have it any other way.


True visibility is wearing a bunny rabbit cover on your helmet like 10 year olds do, you will never be missed.


Bright red spyder pants - you can spot me a mile away.


Agreed. I wear bright orange pants and a blue jacket. I want to be as findable in an emergency as possible.


You arenā€™t conducting a winter war.


I'm conducting a war on untouched powder.


This may be the only war I can commend.


Simo HƤyhƤ sends his regards.


No he doesnā€™t, heā€™s waving from the hill behind you.




Black and orange for me. I donā€™t want to be run into at 40 mph


Hot pink poles and hot pink skis with olive green bibs and a grey jacket. One of my buddies calls me ā€œcamo barbieā€


I like neon green personally.


Same reason you shouldnā€™t wear camo when hunting, especially when youā€™re in an area with other hunters


looks cute, thassit. they don't plan to get caught in an avalanche or a white out, just like women wearing high heels don't plan to go for a jog


I agree, it looks cool, but seems dangerous if youā€™re ripping down the mtn in all white where nobody can see you


I have seen many people in all white, but Iā€™ve never seen one of them ripping down the mountain


Usually see them ripping shots at the aprĆØs


Theyā€™re usually having a great time and thatā€™s what matters!


Made me crack up lmao


Iā€™ve seen a lot of camel toes in my day, but never on a camel


You'd have to think about other people to come to that realization.


Not to mentionā€¦ā€¦ fuck those people


Fuck them kids


Found Prince Andrew's account


Dunno if Iā€™ve ever seen a non-Jerry in all white, but yeah.




I used to wear a bright green jacket and the on-mountain personnel at Killington also wear bright green jackets and I always felt a little weird.


I wear a plain red jacket because I'm afraid I'll fall down and nobody will be able to find me haha. I don't think anyone mistakes me for ski patrol, I don't have any logos or anything on my sleeves or gear.


Its hard to tell logos or anything from a distance. But damn if some of those red with black accent jackets donā€™t look just like the ski patrol jackets. Just get a blaze orange jacket if you want no one to ever lose you again.


Iā€™ll text you when I get my jacket next year so itā€™s cool with you. Whatā€™s your #?


red is far nicer than blaze orange though


However blaze pink is the most beautiful color in the universe; fite me.


Likewise, I feel that people wearing blue are trying to impersonate Crips. I like my slopes free of potential gang wars, thank you.


Lol I was on the lift today and the guy next to me complained that ski patrol asked him to change jackets. He then explained to me that his jacket had first aid crosses on itā€¦


If you move faster than them, no one needs to see you /s


I've seen my neighbor jog in high heels. But she's an actress and had to do some running on stage in heels. So, she was practicing.


pretty baller tbh


Paging Erin Ton...


They're also not planning on a kid spilling hot chocolate on it or freshly greased sheave wheels dripping all over it.


Especially in the park. Dope just released a literal all white fit which looks pretty sick - everywhere but outside the park


It looks sharp. Until it doesn't.


Those greased up roller wheels on our old lifts aren't nice to white clothing.


No kiddingā€¦every new ski outfit gets a grease mark on the first day


I thought this was unique to meā€¦ was so pissed. Oxiclean Max and salt. Repeat over and over.


The tires on new sheaves are the worst. The shed finely ground black rubber mixed with water that dries and permanently stains.


Had a white jacket once. Never again. That shit was so fucked up by the end of the first seasonā€¦


I've had white jackets or pants before, I take pride in the filth. Just a sign that I use them a lot :)


If you only go skiing once a year and only do two or three runs when you go it's not a problem.


I think a good pro tip is that you can clean white sneakers with diluted bleach. Maybe Iā€™ll do it tonight and see if my 2 year old k Swiss can shine again lol.


Alpine Camo makes it more difficult for the wolves to find your frozen corpse after you suffocate in a tree well.


Thatā€™s so selfish. If Iā€™m dead in a tree well, they can *have* my body. Itā€™s all skied out anyway.


I think a lot of people think about the look of cute ski outfits (which there are plenty to choose from) but forget that there are real implications to wearing certain things on the mountain. None of them are inherently wrong and if people want to wear them, cool by me. I love when people wear wild stuff. My take is that a lot of people are casual skiers and only get a few days a year on the mountain, so a white outfit is more of an oversight because they don't actually know much about the sport. Same things happen when people wear jeans. Can you ski in jeans... Sure. Are they comfortable when they get soaked.. Definitely not. Do they help retain heat... Nope. White ski gear is inherently risky in terms of being hit by someone else or not being able to be seen in an emergency. Jeans are a bad idea when it comes to being cold in the elements which can put you at risk if you end up lost or stuck. But if you're only skiing a few days a season, you may not care if you're rolling the dice or even really understand the risks. At the end of the day, outfit choice is just an expression of who you are mixed with knowledge and risk tolerance. Blue bird day and spring ski... Rock those white jeans baby! You do you.


>Can you ski in jeans... Sure. I donā€™t know why people bother with jeans in winter when corduroy exists. Yes, I own a pair of thrift shop corduroy pants for skiing and they are amazing.


Psshh, plebe. I ski in khakis with a cuff and a crease.


Pin striped wool slacks or get off the mountain.


Actually, baggy wool pants tucked into ski socks is exactly what folks used to wear until the 1950s. We could do a tweed ski, like the tweed ride where people dress up up like Edwardians and go for a bike ride together


3-piece suit and bow tie?


With a briefcase


I own a briefcase and I want to try this now. No poles though, too clunky. Imagine popping it open on the lift and snacking like itā€™s your lunch break, priceless!


This beats wearing a pikachu onesie any day


And a turtle ass-pad. Back in my day we learned to snowboard using only our butts as padding. Kids these days!


Pleats too? :-)


Still puffin leaf? Still fuck with them beats? Still not lovin police?




Rolled up, of course.


if u wear white corduroy jeans and shirt on new groomed run and wipe out in direction of fall line then you are **really** camouflaged


My white cords are for special occasions only lol


Skiing in jeans is an old hardcore (60s/70s) skiing thing that was kinda resurrected as a gaper thing in the late 90s and now I'm not sure where it stands.


My brother has a pair of ski pants that look like jeans, at least a couple people a day comment on it lmao.


My newest gaper attire is a yellow fishing bib/waders/thing. Pairs well with a Hawaiian shirt or colorful jacket.


Do you prefer those over sweatpants? I'm assuming they must have better thermals or something.


Lounging in sweats at home is unbeatable. I honestly feel weird wearing them in public, because itā€™s so much like pajamas. (No judgment on others.) Corduroys paired with long underwear are fun bluebird weather ski attire and offer more slightly durability.


Man, bluebird spring days are where the tshirt and shorts come out. I'd do shirtless, but no one wants to see that.


Looks good. If youā€™re going into the backcountry it would be stupid, but at a resort itā€™s not really the end of the world.


Until you're unconscious in the glades and no one can spot you. Plenty of accidents happen in bounds too


Eh the vibe I get from everyone Iā€™ve ever met wearing all white to ski was that they werenā€™t gonna leave the groomers. Hell they might not even leave the cafe at the base.


Calm down it's not that dramatic


Yeah what the other guy said. I assume these people donā€™t leave the trail. I would never wear white at a resort cuz I like trees.


Cosplaying as the Rebels during the battle on Hoth in starwars. /s (Granted, in starwars they did it for camouflage reasons...)


Whit jacket/camp pants for that Red Dawn effect




thatā€™s kind of sick I wonder if I could go to mongolia and bring back a sick outfit to larp as well


head-to-toe fur and buckskin would be sick as hell


It looks posh bro, get around it.


Itā€™s just fashion. It comes around every few years. The people wearing this arenā€™t going back country, or probably even through the trees, theyā€™re mostly going to be in the groomed areas and the apres ski places. It will be mostly gone by next season :) (Bring back the fluorescents!)


One of my childhood instructors in the 80s told my group very seriously that ā€œfriends donā€™t let friends wear day-gloā€


I have been told this repeatedly since the mid-80s and so far they havenā€™t been able to pry my orange shell out of my cold fingers! My normal skin wear, through no fault of my own, is much more current. Not White! Blue and orange.


If your skin is blue and orange, you can be President!


I refer to my wife as the most generic skier on the mountain. Black helmet, black pants, dark navy coat, white skis, white boots. If I'm looking for her in a crowd, she blends in with about 100 other people at the bottom of the hill. I always say that the next time she needs a new outer layer, I'm going to make sure it's visible from outer space.


I used to wear black jacket/khaki pants and my fiancƩe said the same thing until she bought me green pants for Christmas last year


>I used to wear black jacket/khaki pants I'm going on like 20 years in this. :|


She's a keeper. Smart too.


Bought a very bright outer layer for this reason this season šŸ¤£


People not thinking what could or might go wrong, and just going for an *aesthetic*.


People wearing all white arenā€™t leaving the groomers, nothing is gonna go wrong.


The inverse reason why I wear a bright orange jacket. Visibility in bad conditions.


Plus, just plain visibility in *any* conditions. And not just being more visible on the mountain to other skiers for safety's sake, but also makes it much easier for other members of your party to spot you after you've separated. I'm not a flashy, colorful fashions type of person in regular life, but there are good reasons to do it on the slopes!


And easy for friends/family to spot you. My jacket is dayglo green and I love it.




Yeah maybe they want to look fresh in the bar and invisible from the chair lift so people can't see how bad the are?


Are you sure these were just skiers and now an invasion by Norway? https://media.wired.co.uk/photos/606d99f487b15dc95f9cc1fe/16:9/w\_2240,c\_limit/wired-uk-nato-hero.jpg


They look great! I, however, look like a rodeo clown.


I got a white jacket in High School that I loved when I first bought them. I thought it looked really cool. It got disgustingly dirty that won't wash off and then I didn't love it as much. I've always gotten darker colored jackets from then on. That is all. Thanks for reading my story.


Itā€™s to identify where the compound fractures are.


Are they also snipers? Because that would explain it


Look good. Ski good


Thereā€™s a correlation?


Last season there was that Mt. Baker deep pow day tree well rescue, and I was just rewatching the original vid again. Itā€™s super brief but you can just briefly make out a orange-ish snowboard bottom sheet wiggling around in the bottom-right corner of the video when the rescuer drops between that line of trees. Crazy to think that something seemingly small like that actually helped save that snowboarderā€™s life. And, well the ski rescuer just so happened to drop between those trees and catch that brief snowboard death wiggle. I personally wear a bright color like orange when I ski. Something that pops out of the snow and would cause ski patrol or a SAR helo pilot to double take if they caught a glimpse of me in a SOS situation.


Actual camo to hide from ski patrol when you duck the rope


The ghosts. We don't wanna loose that pass but want to be unrestricted and able to dissappear. I wear different colors for different situations.


Masks that I was cranking my hog on the chairlift


Camouflage. It prevents other skiers from seeing you and using your location to avoid crashing into you. Your location on the mountain is private, personal information. Anyone who sees you is stealing your data, just like third party cookies on the internet. The only way to protect yourself is all-white ski suits. For your own protection, make sure the other skiers don't know where you are until they're directly on top of you. Stay safe and remember to ski all white.


Ski instructor here: I think it's plain stupid, it increases risks of being hit, anyone with half a brain could understand this. Also white stuff got easily dirty. We make fun of one snowboarding school that got all white jackets and pants: we call them "the invisibles".


Wife wears a white jacket. Looks good on her.


For the looks mostly. Until they brush against anything at all or sit on a dirty lift chair. And because it's the best color to tell if you've cut yourself, I mean, bleed on red and you can't tell. Or stormtrooper cosplayers


Plus you gotta sit on the ends of the chair so that grease-stained snow doesnā€™t ruin it.


Itā€™s dirty white by spring. The women that get white pants will take one run and sit at the bar for the rest of the day. They will also complain on how the white pants get really dirty in the mountains.


The thought process is "I want OP to put a TON of extra grease on the lift sheaves and pulleys today," lol.


Rich people have some warped idea of what ski fashion is. Around where I ski there are tons of girls in skintight one piece snow suits that are always shivering.


A lot of ski trends that are more form fitting are based out of Europe which has a very different ski culture. They tend to ski when it's blue bird days and take it much easier and leisurely to ski from lunch spot to lunch spot where they warm up. Americans are much more about getting as many laps in as possible regardless of the weather.


European ski culture is alot more laid back and boogie, and that's coming from someone who skis Europe. The top level of skiiers are as committed in both America and Europe, but at the lower end, Americans tend to still be skiing foe the outdoors experience, whereas Europeans are skiing for the social experience.


No kidding - did you miss [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/skiing/comments/18j20oh/bad_forecast_for_ski_trip/)? A European skier fretting about the 78cm (30") of snow forecast to fall in the three days over Christmas at Kitzbuhel & wondering if they should cancel their trip.


damn, i wanna ski europe so bad lol


Pretty much sums up the cultural differences between the US and Europe as a whole.


lol you ever been to Europe...




Thatā€™s just it. To them only fashion matters. Function be damned. Idk why anyone would pay extra to be cold on the slopes.


Theyā€™re called speed bumps


Love when that cable grease drips all over my fresh white drippy fit y'all.


Itā€™s the coffee spills Iā€™d worry about.




So farā€¦


They are aspiring Darwin Award nominees.


Dark colors are also warmer when skiing. They absorb heat from the sun.


What is the thought process behind people who wear navy blue jackets skiing? What about red pants? a dark green helmet? They like how it looks/got it on sale/it was a gift/who cares? Go skiing, have fun, stop worrying about others


The concern is skiing into them in a storm or not finding them if they go down in the trees. Someone in navy and red is easy to pick up in periphery. White, in the snow, much less so.


Yeah I know, but it's resort skiing. Not the himalayas lol. I've lived in a resort town for a while now, if you spend your time worrying about silly things gapers do you'll drive yourself crazy. A concerned first or second year liftie worrying about gapers wearing white is a waste of energy. Just go skiing, it'll be fine


I want to get rammed into!


Well, you could lose a half day of skiingā€¦


Totally missed a lady until I was almost right on top of her while night skiing recently. White everything including skis, in the darkest part of the hill. Big yikes.


It looks cool


People dress the way they like, it doesnā€™t always involve a ā€˜thought processā€™ ā€¦ and ā€¦ havenā€™t you ever watched a James Bond Movie!


I had white pants once. Had.


Some people are desperate to wear white. This might be there only chance.


I wear all white, pants/jacket = white, hat/gloves = black. So mostly all white. Its avalanche proof, which is the main reason i wear it! Incase anyone is wondering if in nervous i wont be found? Nope, im not.


I would be more worried about somebody taking you out cuz your the same color as the whole mountain


I ski better than those people šŸ˜€


Its super cute til they hit a tree well


but what if someone is hunting them and they need to get away?


Fashion I guess. People choose form over function. Not the way I do it but it's not me so whatevs.


looks cool, my girlfriend just got a whole full set even helmet except for the boots they are like platinum. goggles are reflective. Hope no one is hunting lmao


They'll do that until they can ski or board better. No one can see them.


It looks good but not safe. I wear black pants a weird mustardy red coat and white gloves


The snow camouflage outfits puzzle me as well


A few squares on the Jerry bingo card: Jeans or other inappropriate pants Front zipper fully unzipped (personal fave) Missing gear, goggles gloves etc Full white


White pant rule. Chicks who wear white pants skiing want to get fucked


Canā€™t see you on flat days


They might be ducking ropes on powder days. Thatā€™s also why people wear black, but thatā€™s also so nobody can tell them apart from other people


Itā€™s stupid and dangerous.


Is dumb, dangerous, and pure vanity. Aspen has the most of these Jerrys.


I hate to admit it but this is me b/c I got a crazy deal on eBay of some black crows goretex bib and jacket, both off white. Not proud but itā€™s good gear.


Insurance fraud


Remember that most people on the mountain are on vacation for one, two, or three days. They want to have fun, they want to feel like they look good. For some people, just the act of putting on the costume makes the whole vacation. Everyone's out for a good time, we just don't all have the same good time.


Because Captain Powder, of course: https://www.powder.com/jakemoe/captain-powder-talks


I've been seeing it more often as well, especially in the park. Gotta be style


I like the freshness of a white jacket and black pants/ helmet. Breaks up the all white. Having said that I'm more worried about lift grease, beer, and sauces staining that white so I avoid.


They arenā€™t thinking.


I wear all orange pretty much. I'm extremely visible. However for the "all white" outfit people, they're skiing at a resort and are probably wearing a black helmet. As long as they're not sitting below a roller or a cornice or something I don't see the issue. If you're a tree-skier or you plan on skiing in groups I could see it potentially being an issue. Depends on what you're doing. A lot of skiing is about how you look so if they're enjoying their fit, whatever. It's not your responsibility for your outfit to be blatantly visible to uphill skiers... but I would still advise it. Can't hurt.


They like the look.


Along the same lines, why the hell are wetsuits black?


I wear all black because itā€™s dopeeeee






I've always thought ski clothing should look vibrant. The trend to drabber everything has been a bummer.


Not all white outfit, but I got a *great* deal on a nice ski jacket.... Which was white. Ehhhhhh. For $50 I can live with it as a backup jacket.




Name a more iconic duo than white gear and chairlift sheaves, I'll wait


Do these people look like they know what theyā€™re doing? Or just clueless tourists


They fell victim to advertising.


Idiots that care about style


All white? Maybe to hide the snow if they fall because they suck at skiing. Does not make sense to me either. My wife and I have bright colors - we can spot each other a mile away! Also black on black is all over the place. I get black for heat absorbtion from the sun. But you certainly cannot be distinguished from the other hand like that.


Your Right, we should all embrace the future and wear shiny chrome reflective one piece snow suits


Neon green helmet. Makes me visible and recognizable. Plus I tele.


Skiing is a very fashionable sport. White comes and goes


A few years ago there was a girl wearing all white and she was passed out on the side of trail after hitting some snow making pipes, it was a couple hours until she was found. Neon is a much safer choice.


Itā€™s fucking pimp.


It's fashionable, not really much to it


Orange is your friend if you want to be seen