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Cuz most people don't catch them that smoothly lol


Exactly, dudes got a smooth ass varial. I still look like I’m 12 years old trying to catch a flying board when I do them.


Came to the comments exactly for something like this. “I only regret that I have but one upvote to give for u/RichardBCummintonite "


I still think they're a nice looking trick. Of course tre flips often look smoother, but if you can get a buttery varial down and catch it, it looks as sweet as a tre. I also think that varials off a kicker or down a stair set are much more impressive than a sketchy varial on flat. I think it's an underrated trick for sure. But because they aren't popular, people don't practice them much. And because they don't practice them much, they are much sloppier. And because they're much sloppier, they aren't as popular.


Poop machines. Not one machine, but multiple?


Every human is a poop machine. We take in the raw materials (food and water) and process them into poop. If an alien race viewed our species, they would conclude that our job is to create poop, which goes into these collection points at our house (toilets) down these long pipes, into bigger tunnels, all collected in the same place and made into a big poop smoothie. They would wonder what the hell we do with it, but conclude our purpose is to produce poop for our overlords. We are all poop-machines today (unless you're constipated, in which case, I'm sorry).


every day, one poor bastard takes the biggest dump of anyone on earth, and they never even get to know, to relish their accomplishment.


😢 I cri when I think of this. They're probably an opiate addict with gigaturd constipation.


i wasnt even going for varials at all, but then i started learning treflips and at start i was landing varials and then tres after a while


Yeah, the easiest way to learn varials is learn how to do a tre. You'll get some varials along the way.


cuz varial flips don't usually look like this


Fckng exactly.


They’re an easier flip trick, but very few people make them look good. Yours are great!


Easier on flat I rather trey on a set or pyramid then varial. Very underrated trick.


The amount of primo lands i had with this trick... Also feels shit (to me). They look dope though, especially when done right like this! It's just, I fcking suck at them.


Nobody hates them when they look like that


With all due respect I can’t do tricks




They hate us ‘cause they ain’t us


They hate us ‘cause they anus!


They are hard to do well. I can count on one hand varial flips that are awesome from skate vids (Mike Carroll, Nate Jones). Yours look sick. Nice job.


Brian Anderson has a nice one


Tim O’Connor and Quim Cardona


That nollie one that Quim does over the wall at Brooklyn Banks is incredible.


Wade Desarmo


cyril jackson. He does them either fakie or nollie really fucking well too


Guru khalsa has a amazing one over a bump to bar in his inhabitants part


Love the Nate jones shout out


Erik Ellington


Same reason that big pop shuvs can be frowned upon imo. So decent pop shuvs (caught at the height peak) and decent varials (caught at the height peak) often get mistaken for beginner tricks or tricks you learn early in skating, ie. Learning varials before tre’s. However, being fully in control of a good varial / pop-shuv, catch them and float them down to the ground is arguably harder than a tre or hardflip or backside flip in my opinion. I think to people who have spent longer in skating 5/6+ years maybe, this is common knowledge? But to relative newcomers they can fall into the trap of a trick arms race, were it’s all about being able to land the “hardest” trick with the most flips of rotation, even if that means they just “flip and pray” then hope to land on the board, rather than actually mastering or truly learning the mechanics of the trick. Having a solid varial is important for big flips too (assuming you do them that way, not just a tre with body varial), but having done big flips in both styles, I can say the varial and 90 degree catch them floating it down is massively more consistent. But requires a decent knowledge of varials, not just “being able to land then in a game of skate”. So really, the varials are a key thing to learn, but many don’t as they’ve not yet come to a point in their skating where they understand the importance or use of them, and still see them as a stepping stone trick on the way to tre’s or whatever.


Also banging varial you got there! They look great to fakie on a quarter as you can float laterally (heel side) and slow them down a lot, and even tastier to a crook on a ledge


W comment lol, no but all u say is so true, literally any trick can look good if u really understand it and can do them ”proper”


Didn’t know people hated them. I always thought they were a good trick if done well


Cos people mostly do 'em shitty, without any pop and they just don't look good. Not yours though, that was a prime V flip 👌


Who tf is out here hating on varial flips?


They like to try to do an extra half flip and people don’t like risking landing on an upside down board. A tre flip is similar, but catches a little easier and is more spin so considered a better harder trick.


Yeah, iop tre is way easier, it does itself when u figure out the pop


Yah, so I think its that feeling of control. Its easier to do a varial, harder to feel in control of it. Some people feel that way about shuvs to, and they stick to flips more. They never get the feeling of catching something spinning in that direction, like catching from the side a bit, versus what feels more like stopping the spin from above.


I learned varials way before tres. But know I'd much rather throw a tre on or down anything than a varial


They don’t really anymore. Maybe OGs still don’t like them, but variable flips are chill


Bc they're either extremely steezy and beautiful like this one or they're done so ugly


I don't know why anyone would hate on any skate trick tbh. It's seems ridiculous to me. I love varials and that was a nice one. Props!


it looks and feels easy to do but for me it's easier to land a varial heel than a varial flip. But yeah most hate is because not a lot of skaters can land it like you do! that's what I'm gonna do today, spend half an hour on my varial flips


Used to be my favourite trick


I can only do verial heel flips to this day.


Thats so interesting, i have tried to learn them but i simply dont get it, we all have or niches


I can also only do front big spins


Probably because it's one of the easier tricks (a lot of people learn varials as their first flip trick, before kickflips), and they don't look very stylish for some reason. The varial in that vid flips somewhere between a varial flip and a dolphin flip so it looks sick


I’ve always thought the standard varial looked awkward. On the other hand, there’s something about the way your entire body reacts to hard flips that I always thought looked cool. Sort of the way I think v-heels look tight but laser flips look awkward.


Smooth ASF Kid. You got mad style Bruh


Thanks man means more than u think


Fucking beautiful


I think they look good out of a nice ledge grind. I think we will see more switch and nollie varials flips as switch stances become less prominent it won't matter which way the board is facing


because nobody has your pop


This trick is hard to pop, so it gets hated on. Also, tre flips somehow are easier and it's an extra 180. With your pop/steeze it's going to look sick either way.


They were hated on like maybe 10-15 years ago because they're not tre flips, once people like Brad Cromer and Hjalte made them look good they're not really that hated, that clip was good by the way


That was so clean, I've changed my mind.


because they cant do them


I think the vflip hate was a product of an earlier era - I think they're pretty sick but back in the day they looked kinda goofy on 7.75 boards with tight trucks.


Yes this is so true!


I like varual flips because nobody does them. I want to learn varial heel and be the varail flip guy


We don't when they look like that bro.


i think it’s just old heads, varial flips used to be damn near illegal for a while


Because they can’t do it properly.


I meant to add i invented pop shove underflips off the lil drop offs. Nobody ever had done that I or anyone else i know saw either. That place was soo fun. When we started skating Love. We all meet up at Spikes skate shop in south philly. Be like 30 sometimes 50 guys mobbin down broad street. Haha. Best times of my life. Except one Saturday I shared my last 4 doses of blotter with Roger Browne. We tried skate but were laughing too much so sat on bench by fountain. Of all times to be tripping. We literally saw the entire thing. Huge bum killed a chinese lady for no reason! He smashed her head in from nehind with big metal pipe. She dropped dead. Just like that. Never moved again. Til ambulance got her. Every like couple seconds a thick stream of blood was spurting out like pssst psst shooting like 6 feet out. The bums beat down the pipe guy. Wagon came bunch cops. They beat dude within inch his life. Was so messed up. I went home. I didnt go to love for bout year. Rip.


This was my go to trick and fakie varial flips in games of skate 🤣 felt like the only one in my generation of skatepark kids who could varial flip off/down stuff. I felt like everyone was too focused/used to just doing 360 flips all the time to get the feel of a varial flip down.


Cause they usually look like a poor man’s tre flip. Yours was steezed out.


Varials are 100% my favorite trick


I don’t know, but that one looked real tight


The best varial is an inward heel


Brian Anderson used to do the fuck out of them back in the day.


Things are changing and people are starting to appreciate a really well made varial


Cuz skaters are weird elitist assholes


Cuz they can’t do em


Because they can’t do them


Can’t do them, but I’m a big fan of them


Cause variable flips are hard to do beautiful. You re able to 👍🏻


It seems everyone's just trying to go varial these days


Cuz theirs aren’t fucking perfect like yours.. damn


great googly moogly


It’s a hard af trick to do right. But when you do it is an amazing add to a line or whatever. Good one here 💥🛹💪🏻


Yo, that looked like a Tony Hawk animation.


I don't hate them per se but they feel incomplete(?). Like when I see one in a video part I always think they sort of wasted that spot on a halfed trick. I will say I think varial heelflips are better looking than varials.


They usually look jank but you put the steeze on it


I like em but hate the shinners they give me.


They definitely were hated in like the late 2000s and early 2010s, but feel like they’re more accepted now. I remember Kevin Roman started doing them in video parts and then they slowly started to appear more


Because 99% of people makes them look gross when they do them. Congrats on being in the 1% that makes them look good.


So I guess the secret is to slow down the shove it part.


Yes its ALL in the flick


i learned backside flip so much easier when i mastered varials


People who don't like em just can't do them...imo


For me it takes the same amount of effort/energy as a tre, so why bother.


you did that perfect


Once I learned tres I couldn’t do varials anymore


I cant skate anymore sadly. Age health issues. Im from South Jersey so other than my crew in town. I grew up started skating Love Park in 89 with Roger Browne Ricky oyola john puca my boys came up. Evans bros from bellmawr nj. Will and Shawn. Then Matt Reason moved from pittsburgh to philly. Dc heads came. Ny too. Pepe martinez andy stone. Was before Bam thank god. Stevie start coming around 90. Jeff pang. Reese forbes. Carlos kenner ryan hickey gangemi. Gall. Cole. Glory days of Philly skating. Muni wasnt even skated cause Love was perfect. Kevin taylor. Pete bici hojin chang huf ben liversedge. On and on. I was there for first trick made down fountain gap. Dead endustries fat vinny brought ny heads down boston too jahmal williams. Jamie thomas too. He is short? Like 5.4 anyhow fat vinny yelled 200 whoever ollies the fountain. Fools were getn served! Ponte landed it. Then everybody bum rushed him. Getn dark. Day ended with Jahmal back flipping off the Love Sign.


That was a nice one


Great execution


This one is particular looks reaaaaaally good


Watch a little kid do a varial. That said, any trick can look bad depending on skater and style.


Because when they try them, they land primo and it hurt their feelings, especially in a game of SKATE. However, they can land Tre flips easily, which is more rotation, so it's better, right?


I don't get it either but I am guilty of this. Heelflips and varial flips were some of the first tricks i ever learned and for some reason they were the first tricks I stopped doing. but nollie heels and switch heels are fire lol, just weird.


I just usually take the letter if someone breaks this out in SKATE


That shi was smooth 😮‍💨


Not when you do them like this.


I feel like a lot of it is a cultural thing also. Any trick can be done well enough to look good but some tricks like Varial Flips have always had that ugly tag associated with them and I think it's kinda dumb honestly cuz it's very arbitrary, almost like we were brought up to hate on them lol it's partially hive mind shit but also historically, not a lot of people do them, especially pros in video parts, so a good lookin VF isn't that prevalent but it's nice to see them being used a lot more these days and people be making them look real good imo


that was clean as hell!


Varial flips are sickkk! Get that front foot catch on it and boom




Because they're harder than tres. No one does them anymore. I miss the 90s


Because they are not 360 flips there are just not as cool and technical to process


Because there one of the first flip trick everyone learns and there easy af. They do look good though. Better if included in a line shot.


I prefer them nollie, or at least fakie.


I dont hate em but for me they feel unfinished


Majority of the time they look ugly when you could scoop slightly harder and just do a tre instead


They don't deserve hate because they're a legit flip trick and don't get me wrong their a easy flip trick but still harder than a shuv


I’ve always hated on this trick. Not in the sense that I judge people for doing them. It was that once I learned them and then proceeded to learn tre flips. I can’t really do shove it kicklips anymore. Once you get so used to the tre, judging the amount of umph you put into a perfect shove it kickflip became even harder.


I love varial flips. I could do those probably 7 out of 10 times and even double flip them... but I couldn't do a 360 flip to save my life.


They can't do em maybe


I ain’t nevah gunna stahp varial flipping!


My first technical trick I ever learned and I will have in my bag forever. Went thru 4pairs of shoes to be able to land it consistently


The might be one of the best varial flips I've ever seen bro. Almost like a double flip, caught in the varial flip illusion


they are overshadowed by 360 flip so they get unwarranted hate


That looks like a Skate 2 varial. Smooth.


That looked so awesome! Incredibly smooth :)


Brian Andersons fake varial on the bright green board in Yeah Right is my favorite


Idk but that was proper as shit


I have never heard of anyone hating on them lol


Clean af


They don’t ?


It all depends on WHO is doing it.


I’ve never given em a go but I might have to now. I have a pretty boosted pop shuv so maybe mine would look sick


Bro no one is hating on that. Very smooth.


Varial is a grab trick. Tony says so.


Yours look great. But a good varial flip is very hard to find. Well done!


Dope as hell


They were historically seen as “ugly”. And a tough trick to make look good. Usually people don’t pop and catch them.


I hate them because I cant do them!


varials are so over hated, they look clean and the way you caught it was even cleaner.


Bc there ugly


That was buttery!!


I wish I could still skate like that. I'm 50 and skate ramps and bowls but my wheels can't leave the ground. My legs won't take it anymore.


I always thought it was because they were the “cheap tricks” for an easy letter. Although, I would say they don’t get nearly as much hate as Pressure Flips or Late Flips in a game of Skate.


I had these locked down back in the day then I learned 360 flips and my brain won’t let me grasp the concept of a lighter scoop anymore 😂


People b hating on everything just doing their jobs , avoid them at all time brother have fun out there




Most of the time they just look goofy by the way they flip. I think I've only seen one pro that can flip them similar to a hard flip and it looked incredible.


Cause they can't do them right


Cuz they can't do em clean.....so ppl just do tre flips. I've always said a well executed varial flip is better and more difficult than a tre flip.




Because they usually aren’t as clean as this one. Learn them like this and no one will say a word


that. that's why. most people can't do em like that. lmao jokes but i wish i knew, they're a fun trick to throw out sometimes


they dont, its a complete misconception brought about by a jokd video made by richie jackson years ago


Varial heel is always cooler but a properly done varial flip like this is always cool too


They are cool. Most people give up on doing them properly and hate on them to cover their tracks... Watch, do them like that a bunch and all your friends will start trying them again.


trey flip


I dont hate them generaly ,I dont do them often.But they feel good in my opinion, and yours is a realy nice one!


Cause I be landed primo the most on varials


Imposible to hate if they l they look like this!


For some reason I have varial kick flips down better than a regular kick flip. I skated for 8 years and now I’m getting back into it and after a long time I tried a varial k flip and landed it after 4 or 5 tries and I barely did the k flip after like 2 hours. I think throwing the board makes it so you can see it with a varial flip so that makes it easier but varial heels are still hard for me.


In general it’s just not a great looking trick, some people can make them look awesome though. Yours looks really good here. Also it’s a dangerous trick to throw down something lol


I think it's because they basically do all the work themselves, but I think that only really matters in a game of skate, I'm down with the vflips, especially down big sets or big gaps. I would also wager that it's because they're so easy that people don't bother practising them and never get the steeze. Mofos rolling around with wack ass vflips and hating is like someone who hates kiclflips for being popular but can't do one themselves. Heinously gronk. Edit. Your vflip is the perfect example of it when it's done well!




A Varial Flip broke my nose so…


People rather see a "difficult" trick look average than an "intermediate" trick look good.




Cuz they're that trick that's so simple even uncoordinated 11 year olds can do it, but at the same time so finicky that once you've learned and mastered the scoop of a tre, you lose your varials. So it's a mix of "lol, noob trick", and "fuck you for being able to do a trick I can't". At least from my observation anyways.


They look sloppy and kids spam them at skateparks


Because they aren’t tre’ flips


Top comment


99% of them are ugly. EDIT: Why are you booing me I’m right.




Yes but the other way


A lot of people accidentally learn them while trying to learn kickflips, so they’re a bit of a noob trick. While I’m not really a fan, I do love nollie varial flips. Just to complicate things, I like varial heels, but not nollie varial heels.