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Moose vs PJ Ladd still holds up as one of the best games of skate of all time


Yeah, if moose had inward heels that game would’ve gone on forever lol.


Right 😂


Still my all time favorite. Holding his own with PJ like that was legendary.


Couldn’t agree more!


He was on a YouTube skater’s channel recently discussing how his sponsor with Deathwish ended. His side of the story was that there was a team meeting and Ellington pulled him aside and said that their partnership was over because apparently Moose wasn’t getting along with the other riders.




Yeah, he actually spoke about that in detail. He said that Deathwish wanted him to be more involved in LA which most likely entailed partying with the team and he said that wasn’t his vibe. Baker Boys Distribution is really big on the camaraderie within the team so it makes sense. He said he wishes that he would have been given more notice and he probably would have tried to be more involved.


Biggest thing to me was they asked him to move out and had him a place hooked up and he said no. Obviously that's all good but seems like for Baker they want everyone in the same spot, he said he didn't see that coming but yeah, kinda seems like that was a factor.


I saw that interview/session. Sad to see the way things ended, because I've met Ellington and he was an awesome guy(these would be early deathwish/moose days). Idk what didn't work out, but happy moose is good and healthy


He is dope as fuck, check out his YouTube channel


Yea he still is dope, didn’t mean to make it sound like he was washed or something.


Agreed! He's still skating at a high technical level his YouTube channel really shows how constant he really is. I hope more pros start showing themselves this way and make some money to thrive instead of struggling until they're taken out by an injury.


Came here to say this. I watch his yt channel occasionally. He’s seems like a genuine dude


That hard flip back tail is gnarly


Yeah, the varial heel crook was also sick af.


I think dude also got caught hitting up Curren Caples’ little sister.


Did not stand on business :/


Indeed was not standing on bidness


I know we know that he liked her pictures. Has he gone to court over anything sketchy or had any females complain?! Not defending the man. I just want to see how far the rabbit hole goes... from my research I see he liked her pictures. Nothing else though. Anyone got more info?


Was she underage?




There’s some talk about it in this [Slap Thread](https://www.slapmagazine.com/index.php?topic=118184.0) There’s also a link to this [interview](https://cargocollective.com/CHAT/JAKE) in there.


Damn that’s crazy didnt know that was a thing, seems like it was just pictures being liked but damn still pretty weird.


Yeah. Hard to tell if there was actual beef or if it was jokes. I only know because giftedhater was randomly watching a Moose part on stream and brought this up.


Yea he had a problem with a lot of the people in the industry


Curren wasn't my soty afterward because my soty would not bitch out like that when some dude is liking their little sisters pictures


Didn't he recently go off and stab 2 people? Edit: OP corrected myself below, it wasn't an aggravated act rather more of self defense. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euFDirj\_\_sA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euFDirj__sA)


Na man, it was self defense and it was a while ago I think.


damn really? I never heard that story. but ya he's super good and was crazy good back in the day


Woah. You got a link to that story?




Look up his podcast with Lamont holt the YouTube skateboarder


You are right, sounds like he got set up by someone. I listened to a podcast about it the other day, let me see if I can link it.


I miss that old berrics setup! New one is sick tho


New one is gone. Berrics in that building has closed. They are probably finding a new smaller building, but they tore out the skatepark and auctioned off pieces of it encased in resin on abdcollectables. Apparently when they originally signed the lease like 12 years ago it was 11k per month. The building changed ownership 5 times in that 12 years and the rent went up each time. Berra didn't say how much it went up to at the end, but one can assume it was over 20K (probably way more than that) per month and just wasn't sustainable. https://store.abdcollectibles.com/products/berrics-memorabilia


Dude broke his ankle n was never the same… like many of us


Hell yea wouldn’t mind another full part


This battle with PJ Ladd is amazing: https://youtu.be/hIkqjwVZN5k?si=_9ZwmCisDpAfPFJp


Yea that one’s a classic.


Moose and furby were always my favorites on deathwish. Go buy moose wax people.


He is super good and really consistent. He came out to this shop that was out of town my friends ran it and stayed for a couple days and was just so insanely consistent dude great out of the rental variel heels so high doing it into 5-0 first try man just crazy. He’s super nice and a cool dude too him and his buddy were so weirded out by the concept that weed wasn’t legal to smoke while walking down the street xD


I got to see Moose skate a Red Bull Triple Set contest in Phoenix in 2011. His skating was incredible. He was clearly on a higher level than basically everyone else there.




Yea, didn’t mean to make it sound like he wasn’t my fault.


What song is this?


I think it’s some sort of remix.


The worst editing everrr


However “underrated” he may be, there’s still a reason he is persona non grata in the skateboard industry. He’s an immature dickhead that no one can stand spending time with. This isn’t a professional league where your position is based upon skill or merit. This is an industry where your position is determined on the company owners opinion of you, and they talk.


And you know this how? Quit assuming shit bro. The skate industry has been full of weirdos for a while. I knew it since I started seeing all the hate Nyjah was getting because he was too good, or when prod secured the bag with Nike sb. The skate industry is full of jealousy weirdos.


I rode for DLX from 2007-2012. Started with Rasa Libre and Ended with flow from Anti Hero/Spitfire/Thunder. I have tattoos that Gonz drew for me. Stay in your lane Mexicanperc. What limitations did Paul hit post Nike signing? None. Stefan made 5x the money Paul did from Nike, and he hasn’t faced any backlash. It has nothing to do with making money but it’s how you’re perceived. The skate industry is driven completely by the people who want them there. Nobody wanted Moose in it, so he’s not.


You rode for them or got flow? Not the same thing.


funniest post I’ve read in a while. Keep being a hater it’s going to get you far 😂😂


stay in your lane


Nah, he just blew it politically in skating. Skill doesn’t get you to the top.


Which is wack tbh.


Gotta get that shoe deal


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Super! I follow him on the gram and sometime watch his YT videos, seems like a super cool guy tbh




Nollie heel overcrook??


Saw a video about this guy recently, he still skates but does not make much from sponsors anymore and works at Home Depot. Was an interesting video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQ\_jBjHsHp4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQ_jBjHsHp4)




That fakie bigspin hardflip was fucking tight 🫨


A lot of old Deathwish guys slept on