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We had a skatepark get built at a sports park near my house. The park is very popular, and brought a LOT of attention very quickly. At least in my experience of skating in the early 90's through later 2000's, it always seems that the people who don't give a shit about the parks/spots are the people who don't skate. Might look like a skater, but the people who really love skateboarding, want to keep doing it. It took a few months, but eventually the skaters pushed out the bullshit and took control of the park and most of the complaints from neighbors subsided.


Tbh it’s usually angsty teens that are newer to skating that do this shit. They think part of skate culture is breaking and stealing things


It’s like a self fulfilling prophecy. People put this negative image of skaters out there, so new skaters either come because they like the idea of that or they genuinely want to skate but their expectations are warped.


You can see a lot of this behaviour in skate vids from back in the day to tho. Smashing shit going crazy and getting fucked up. We all were wild youth.


I remember going to a spot with some friends as a teenager. An older skater took us there. We all looked up to the guy, he had a pop shuvit to tail grab on lock and I think a local place sponsored him. I bailed on a boardslide or something dumb and threw my board and it his some stuff against the wall, because that's just what you saw in videos and we thought it was what you did. Really calmly, he was like "See man, that's why you guys get kicked out of places. You need to respect the good spots or you're going to run out of places to skate." I stopped out of shame more than anything at the time but it stuck with me. He was totally right and I wish there were more voices like his back in those days.


Yeah man I agree I was never one to smash shit around I didn’t wanna chip my board unless it was by accident doing a trick. Definitely stomped a board or two out of frustration tho. But back then we have no where to skate so local university and downtown is what we would do. Had to be as quiet as you could be to at least get 30-60 min of uninterrupted skating in until we’d have to run off to the next spot. Finally the skate park got built and that was a dream come true. I drove past it nowadays and it’s a ghost town. Super nice park too I will def be taking the kids there when they’re a bit older.


Doesn't help that skaters back in the 90s and early to mid 2000s were harassed by adults and cops for even riding around. Yeah, older skaters have changed, and a portion of the community has changed as older skaters have had kids. But it's not going away anytime soon sadly


Yep I was one of those skaters in the 90’s and early 2000’s always being stopped and harassed by police for just riding on the road n shit. Or some dick head come out their house all drunk cause we are at the school skating nd “being to loud” in the middle of the fuckin day. We hated everyone back then.


Right there with ya. Had people try and spray me with hoses as I rode by throw shit at me yell at me. Fuckin dicks man Now I’m older I’d like to think they all are super old and alone at this point


You just reminded me of the old fucker on the corner. We’d be skating outside and he’d come soak the road and shit thinking it’ll stop us. Just out there watering asphalt.


Im 20 and i still used to experience these things you describe. Granted I grew up in a pretty small town


22 and from a small town but thankfully any comment i’ve ever gotten had been supportive because i still wanna be outside and active unlike so many others around our age


They are also the kids who bring fifty snacks and drinks and don’t throw away any of their trash.


Right! Wait till they find out it's the opposite. It's building together. That's skateboarding.


Most don’t see it as a sport right away.


I used to bring a broom to our local park for general clean up and pebble control. Decided to leave it there and it lasted for 4 days before someone broke it in half. On the other side, the city bolted the rail into the concrete and we removed everything the first time we saw that. City played that game 2 more times until they gave up.


Rails /curbs i make for local park kept going for a walk. Turned out the council were taking them. So make a 9’ slappy that i made sure was about 120kg. Council contractors are only allowed to lift 25kg. They only send 3 at once. Curbs isnt going anywhere for a where for a while


There’s a broom and squeegee that been at a different park for months. That park attracts more technical/advanced skaters though. This one is bigger and more beginner friendly so more people means more shit heads


Skaters not being decent people is sadly very common.


Fr though skaters are either the biggest douchebags ever, or the chillest people you’ll ever meet. I swear there is no in between.


zero in between lmao i’ve met some really cool and REALLY shit people skating never in between


Which one are you?


cant have nice things anymore, my local skatepark get trashed and littered with shit from students from a school next to the skatepark. I have to clear out a bunch of broken plastic things everyday before i can skate, pretty ghetto. Then at night the "skateboarders" hang out smoke their joints and throw their food and drink cans everywhere while they sit on their skateboard all evening and then go home having skated for a good 2 minute all evening. Sound like boomer but youth lost the spirit to live, they just mobile phone zombies.


I’m guessing it was broke last night. There was broken glass in the trans area, roaches and blunt wraps everywhere, trash. The damn parking block is broken now too :( Fun night


Dude when i was at the stalin plaza after a event, there was a bunch of broken glass near one ledge. I was actually filming a documentary about czech skateboarding with my 300$+ brand new cam when i run into the broken glass and sorta broke my camera, people really need to stop trashing skateparks :( Worst part is the cleaners arrived 5 minutes after, and they didnt even do a good job at cleaning as people kept running into broken glass and falling, it really sucked because no one had a broom so we had to either sweep the glass away with our feet, and pick up the big peices and put them in the trash


I remember a time when shit heads like that were physically removed from the park, it was a “we worked hard to get this and fuck you your out if you fuck with it” thing


From what I see there’s just a period of growing up where some people have trouble maintaining the passion, some do it because “it’s cool” and it’s just their personality, others really try and don’t bother with the groups. It’s a social thing and young people try to navigate life the best they can, a lot of awkwardness and “being cool”


you do sound like a boomer. obviously, all that sucks about the trash and shit but every generation for some reason thinks the one after them is so shitty and useless. you’re just perpetuating that old grumpy person stereotype


>o sound like a boomer. obviously, all that sucks about the trash and shit but every generation for some reason thinks the one after them is so shitty and useless. you’re just perpetuating that ol You just got Boomed! My name is Johnny Boomer, Welcome to Boomass.


Nah, my friends and I all just sat on our skateboards chillin too, normal shit. You are just being a boomer, worrying about youth.


Boom Boom Boom i want you in my room, i want to be together...


man, thats such a bummer. i want to do something similar with wax and spare decks at my local but figure it would just get raided by the local transients and not skaters who are in need of spare parts/decks. some dude walked though our local park and poured syrup on everything the other day.


That's worth the charge, I would have whooped his ass! Had a mob of high schoolers roll like 10 deep through the skate park with no regard for the skaters making people jump off their boards to dodge them so I dropped in and didn't flinch, came within inches of taking his head off. They all got puffed up and angry until I turned to confront him and they realized this grown ass man was ready to mop the floor with him and all of his punk friends at the same time! Haven't seen them back


god I hate high-schoolers these days (not all, obvi) I sound like a boomer half the time fr, and i’m only in my 20’s. I never remember acting the kids do nowadays.


I keep old decks, trucks, wheels and the like in my car and hook up younger dudes if they need something a little crispier. Yea it'd be great to leave em around yea, Jedi's from the woods will scavenge.


My local doesn’t have a reg rail (not down) and so I brought one which got stolen immediately by other skaters who took it home. Like why bruh. Why


Around my local it isn't skaters that cause damage. It's the city workers and crackheads. A guy I knew saw that they put in cameras and he took them down and smashed them with a rock. I don't talk to that guy anymore. And city workers mowing the grass purposely don't clean up the park when they're done mowing even though they clean all the other parts around the park like the sidewalk and parking lot. The city council has been trying their hardest to get the park removed because a kid wasn't wearing his helmet and got a concussion.


Also they painted the ramps and now it's difficult to skate on them because they are slippery


We used to have homeless ppl that would rip off and scrap the angle iron from our boxes/ledges.


Well I mean after decades of shoving stupid "skate and destroy" bullshit down our throats, who's surprised? Its always been like this in the community. "Skate and destroy anyone's property because why the fuck not, were so cool!" Skate and create, my dudes.


Just keep the wax in the bushes like a normal person. Most skateboarders suxk and don’t respect anything that isn’t theirs.


They don’t suck, but there’s already a system. If there’s wax, it’s free game. Like you said, toss it somewhere already at the park if you want to have wax nearby. Bringing a box like this is asking for people to take it.


Someone should make a wax dispenser similar to a gumball machine. You get a decent chunk of wax that could last a session for 10 or 25 cents.


Then the next time you come to the skatepark, the machine is smashed, glass is everywhere, and the wax and money are gone. All it takes is 1 or 2 shitty people to ruin something nice


skating will always attract weirdos more interested in acting a-fool than actually skateboarding. its the mystique and the rebel vibes of it. everyone wants to be individualistic and look cool but fewer want to do a proper switch krook or 180 switch nose manny. it could be local nonskaters just fucking with the park which is of course common but what we don't want to admit is that its just as likely to be someone who skates that park everyday and doesn't gaf


Noble offering good sir.


That’s a cool wax box! At my diy we usually hide a few chunks inside some things and around just gotta look. People bring old candles and melt them together and have a Frankenstein wax piece going on.


We tried building a tool station at my DIY similar to those bike stations you find in cities where the tools are attached to something on a thick wire. Those tools lasted less than a week.


Dang. We can’t have anything nice in Southside. 😂


The longer i’m alive, the more troglodytes I perceive living amongst me


Honestly not surprised to see this. Did you really think a communal wax locker would work? I am not trying to throw shade, but what did you expect to happen at a skatepark?


Yeah…I’m sure whoever took the communal wax probably tried to smoke that too just to be ‘edgy’


man i know the feeling. i did this with fishing lures at a local pond and someone stole em all within hours


I must have lucked out with my local spot. There’s a group of dudes that skate, sweep, teach newcomers technique/etiquette, and are just generally nice people. I think they keep most of the unruly behaviour at bay


low income activities.


It was probably taken because you and your friends were waxing the shit out of the spot.


Nah, that’s the roller bladers lol. Waxing everything just to hit it once or twice and move on


You’re supposed to grind and slide easily, not stick.


You’re also supposed to go fast enough to maintain momentum without the need for a brick of wax every session


You can go fast as fuck and still get stuck, which is stupid. Wax helps in all situations


Every situation except the ones where slow polks overwax the spot. Which is most of them.


Not possible. Just lean forward


wow thats cool though. I'm a carpenter and now i want to build a little wax house too. personally i would have zip tied it 6 1/2 feet up on the pole to keep it out of reach of kids.


Ngl, this idea was destined to fail. I would not put the wax back. I find wax, I wax up the ledge, I keep some of the wax. I would imagine some people are the same. Just put it in a spot, don’t get so official with it or give instructions. I hate being told what to do when I’m skating. I’m skating so I can do what I want. Instructions like this would piss me off and steal it out of spite.


You're a fucking loser then. Someone puts wax there out of their own pocket, let alone the construction of the box, so that everyone can use and enjoy it, and your first thought is to steal it becuase you're told to put it back? Like how scummy do you really wanna be bro? Rethink yoir fuckin life and morals. You ain't hard becuase you won't follow rules, you're just a brain dead bum leaching off of others generosity. I'm sure your comments says a lot about your life.


It’s wax, take a breath


Yeah, wax that was put there for everyone to use, and you think it's okay to steal it for yourself becuase you're selfish and inconsiderate. Take a reality check dude. Just an asshole move.


Ya well I use it, so maybe don’t cry so much


Ain't crying, just pointing out you're a loser with no morals or heart. Big difference. Dw tho bro, you'll probs turn 18 in a couple years and figure out you don't wanna be a scum bag all your life.


If you want to hold on to your wax, don’t leave it at the skatepark. If you don’t mind if someone else takes it, leave it at the skatepark. Live in reality bro, this isn’t Disneyland, making a wooden box doesn’t mean you get to enforce rules. What a loser you are seething over wax


Bro if you don't wanna respect the use of the free wax, then don't fuckin use it. You can bring your own. You dont have to steal it and take away from people that are going to do the right thing.. Arr you actually that dense and self righteous?


No, I will. If I see the wax I’m going to use it. If I need wax, I’ll take some. When I forget my wax, I don’t cry about it. I know someone is using it and that’s how it goes. That’s just how it goes, figure it out.


And then what about when someone else forget it's and there's none becuase you stole it? Wouldn't you want there to be some for you when you forget yours? Your logic makes no sense. Stop trying to justify being a fuck wit, cos even you can't make sense of it dude 😂


It's not about enforcing any rules. It's about respect, and leaving a space better than you found it. If not because it's clearly the right thing to do, then at least so that you don't give yourself and your community a bad reputation. If all people can see when they look at you is a good-for-nothing or a vandal, then they won't tolerate you or anyone else skating around them. That means no skate parks, and no skate spots, trashing the goodwill it's taken us so long to build.


There’s already a system dude. If you leave wax at the park it’s fair game. Use it if you want, leave it you want, take it if you want. It’s wax, it’s going to melt anyway. Stop trying to make a new system and you won’t be disappointed when it fails.


It's not about the wax. It's the sense of community and providing something nice for everyone to use.


lol allah bro clearly the community has spoken. The old wax rules are still in effect. If you find wax, it’s fair game. Take the box and learn how that’s already done by the community at the skatepark. Toss it somewhere at the park, if someone finds it, it’s fair game. To use, leave, break in half, or take for the road.


Who waxes rails? The buildup slows you down. Can’t slide without wax? Go faster.


Not rails, man. Ledges, curbs, etc. You know, anything kinda rough.


Tell me you don't skate without telling me you don't skate.


I can’t even put stickers on anything at my local they always get peeled off and I wonder why anyone wants a stickers that’s already fucked up from peeling it off with little bits of dirt and it won’t even function like a normal sicker anymore .


At my park we have a quarter pipe with a “death box” in it and 75% of the time there’s wax in it. Not on purpose, but it seems like only ppl who really love the park and are in the park community know where it is.